The Unseen Angel in MHA


"So Akihiko show me what you can do," Gran Torino says to me once we go to the basement of this gym with a key I now noticed he had. The basement had much different equipment made for what seems like heroes. I nod my head after looking around.

I bring my wings out and I feel my fire burning around me as my anger is now a lingering emotion. Gran Torino looks at me with awe for a split second which quickly disappears before walking around me inspecting me. I see the room has many mirrors and I see myself looking the same but with a golden fire halo above my head. It makes me look like a real angel and I can feel more power flooding my veins when I released my wings like my true self was released.

"I assume you can fly and use some sort of fire, your Uncle told me that All For One actually screamed in pain when your fire touched him," Gran Torino says to me after inspecting me and snapping me from my thoughts on my change.

"Yes I can fly pretty fast and high, the fire is something I can instinctively control as well. Though it appears to act very aggressively when I'm around those who broke the law or a villains. When I showed my powers to my club and Sensei Haga saw them my fire gave me the warning to consume her, I should've listened to my instincts then and maybe my parents would still be alive," I say while looking down at the golden fire that is seemly giving me a hug trying to ease my regret.

"Hmmm.... Your powers would make a great hero. Though we can not change the past, we can only use it as a means to learn and not make the same mistake in the present or future," Gran Torino says to me and patting my back trying to comfort me.

"I will never make that mistake again," I say with extreme conviction and determination in my eyes. He just gives me a saddened look but nods his head.

"Well let me see your speed, I'm quite fast myself," Gran Torino says to me and gestures for me to show my powers.

Not saying anything else I flap my wings and move at a speed that makes his jaw drop and even surprise me. As my speed immediately broke the speed of sound and sent him flying back with some equipment. I stopped at the end of the room without crashing into it, as now my instincts seem to guide me on my current abilities.

"...You're way faster than any I've ever seen," Gran Torino says after catching himself as his reflexes are very good, he was once an active pro hero.

"It seems that after All For One almost killed me, my powers skyrocketed. I was never this fast before, it's like he jump started my true powers into coming out earlier," I say trying to explain the differences I felt now.

"Though I still feel my powers growing now….. It seems I'm not even at my max yet," I say as walk back over to him and I feel my instincts telling me I'm not even done growing yet.

"That…..that is interesting. If you are going to be even more powerful than this….. Then you will definitely surpass your Uncle," Gran Torino says to me. I just nod my head looking at him.

"Now let's see what else you can do," Gran Torino says to me motioning for me to follow him to some equipment.

After several hours of trying all sorts of pieces of equipment, we discovered my current capabilities that will only increase with time if my instincts are accurate. It seems in my angelic form I can break the speed of sound, use my golden fire which is my strongest power I believe, and lift the max weight in this room which is 50 tons (45 metric tons). While in my normal form, I can move as fast as Gran Torino, lift around 10 tons (9 metric tons) and I'm unable to use my golden fire.

Over the next several weeks my friends tried to come over and hang out with me, as my Uncle did too. Though I told them I'd rather be left alone for now, even Cathy and my grandparents tried to reach out after hearing the news, I also gave them the cold shoulder. My only focus was training with Gran Torino and if he was busy then I'd go to the gym but only use the common equipment, not the special one. I knew he was talking with my Uncle about my quirk and progress as my Uncle was concerned about my mental health. Though Gran Torino took it upon himself to be my mentor and ensured everyone I was doing fine.

Summer then eventually ended, I did not sign up with the club again as I didn't care about other people's quirks. I needed to focus fully on mine and become as strong as I possibly can. The students noticed my change in attitude, as I became colder to everyone and quiet only talking if absolutely necessary. I could hear them gossip about me and what happened to me. Though my friends would quickly shut down any rumors or talks as they each became much more protective of me.

Months passed by with me becoming more secluded from everyone, only my Uncle, Gran Torino, and my close friends ever talked with me. My emotions became even more closed off, with my face becoming neutral at all times and only anger would show at certain times. During this time we graduated from junior high school and each of the people I had left close to me threw me a birthday party. My Uncle and Gran Torino left after giving presents and cake. My friends stayed the night though so I was not alone for my first birthday after losing my parents.

"So are you guys nervous about the U.A. exams?" Hizashi asks us as we all are sitting in my living room watching a movie and hanging out.

"I've studied enough for the written exam, I'm more worried about the practical," Nemuri says and Shota nods his head agreeing with her.

With my change in attitude, Shota has been like a brother to me always by my side whenever possible while also becoming more shut in like me, only talking with our friends. Hizashi was like a brother too, but couldn't be around all the time like Shota who only lived a few minutes walking distance from me, luckily he didn't change too much. Nemuri became more aggressive toward the girls who would try to approach me and she would always threaten them by saying she'd whip them into submission.

"That's easy for you guys! I've been studying this whole time and still feel like I'm gonna fail this written exam! Though I'm excited about the practical one, I heard we can use our quirks! I know I'm gonna do well there," Hizashi says to us annoyed in the beginning, that changes to excitement at the end.

"If you're worried about the written exam, maybe I can help you study. With my help you'd definitely pass," Nemuri says with this slightly sadistic look at Hizashi who gets a look of a deer in headlights. He just shakes his head quickly denying any help, Nemuri clicks her tongue in annoyance at him.

"How do you feel about the exams Akihiko?" Shota asks me while Hizashi is trying to come up with a reason to deny Nemuri's help. Though they both stop arguing after hearing Shota's question.

"The written exam will be a cakewalk, I've already memorized all the textbooks from school and those I believe the exam will cover. The practical should be easy too since I've been training with Gran Torino," I say with an indifferent shrug, Shota nods his head in understanding. Nemuri just gives me a smile, while Hizashi has a defeated look on his face.

"You gonna actually use your quirk in front of everyone?" Hizashi asks after suckling a bit. I've never shown my quirk again to anyone outside my friend group, family, and Gran Torino.

"Probably not, I doubt the practical exam will require me to use my real powers," I say knowing that my current strength is slightly less than my Uncle's power. Using my Angelic form would be overkill, plus I don't want all that attention on me. I also noticed my Uncle's power has diminished slightly after his fight with All For One, seems the injury he suffered from him is worse than he claims.

"Damn I was hoping to see you show off," Nemuri says with a sad look, I just roll my eyes at her.

The next couple of weeks pass and the exams for U.A. arrived. Shota and I went together to get to U.A., we would meet Hizashi and Nemuri there. After taking the train to Musutafu, the city in which U.A. is located. After getting off the train we walk to the school and see around a hundred maybe slightly more kids taking the exams. We eventually spot Nemuri and Hizashi, they quickly come over to us once we see them.

"I knew this was the most popular hero school but I didn't think this many people would be trying out. I thought it would be less considering the amount that gets in," Hizashi says while looking around nervously at the crowd. Shota seems annoyed by the number of people, while Nemuri seems excited and I'm indifferent.

"That's what makes U.A. so special is the number of people who want to get in vs the amount that actually does get in," Nemuri says rolling her eyes at Hizashi's nervousness.

"Ok! Everyone please listen up! Teachers will be going around and escort you on the number you were given before coming here, to the written test area! Once you are done with the written test you all will be escorted to the practical test! So please quiet down and listen to the instructions of the examiners!" a man says on a podium that was set up by the entrance of the school and speaks into the mic.

Seems the numbers are based on the alphabetic order of our last names and the only person in my group I recognized for the written exam was Hizashi. As we both have last names starting with 'Y'. We walked together while following the teacher with the other kids that had last names starting with 'Y'. Hizashi was fidgeting from nervousness so I gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder which he gave me a thumbs up for, but I can still see he is nervous.

The teacher brought us into a classroom that had just enough desks and chairs for the number of kids in our group and they were spaced far enough from one another that any cheating would be caught by the teacher immediately. After taking our seats the teacher then silently handed out the papers for the written exam and then stood in front of the classroom.

"You have two hours to finish the written exam, if you finish early then come bring it to me and sit back down in your seat until all other students finish the exams. Remember any cheating will not be tolerated and if caught you will be failed immediately with no ability to reapply. You may begin," the teacher said to us all with a very serious face and then motioned for us to start after the speech was over.

Looking down at the thick packet of papers that covered all areas of studies it seems I picked up my pencil and filled out the test. It was extremely easy for me as I memorized everything already and have done enough practice questions that I finished all the topics except for the final one in under ten minutes. The last topic seemed to be morality questions and even though I felt certain ways now, I answered the questions like I thought a 'normal' hero would.

Standing up I gave my test to the teacher in under the twenty minute mark, I could feel some stares at my back in surprise at how quickly I finished. The teacher took my test with a nod and I returned to my seat, before lying my head down on the table to nap until the time was up.


AN: Just remember he lost his parent not even a year ago, so he is still dealing with their loss and how to accept what happened in his own way. He is still a young teenager with hormones and now the loss of his parents threw him through a loop. So he is going to be very moody or 'emo' at times during his teenage years. Though time will tell how he deals with this emotional issue and what path he chooses to go down.

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