The Unseen Angel in MHA


Eventually, the time was up for the written test and I could see that Hizashi used the full time available, but still felt nervous about the test. I just pat his shoulder to reassure him and he just gave me a nervous but thankful smile. We followed the teacher to a new area that had large gates in front with another platform for a speaker.

"Now that everyone is here we can do the practical exam! Behind me is a fake city, inside the city you will find robots that are worth one point, some two, and another three. It all depends on the difficulty of the robot, while another robot is worth zero but we do not recommend you face that one. Another way to earn points is to rescue the civilians trapped inside or your fellow testers should they find themselves needing help," the man at the podium says to everyone.

Many people started to murmur about what they heard. After he finished speaking the gates opened up slowly, I immediately took that as a sign to begin. I used my fastest speed in my normal form to pass everyone and head inside the fake city. I could hear the instructor telling everyone to stop waiting and go. Then everyone rushed behind me, as I already saved several civilians and took down a dozen or so robots. After about an hour of rushing around saving civilians and destroying robots, the whole city shook as several large smaller building sized robots appeared.

Throwing the current robot away I destroyed by smashing my fist into its chest, I turned to the giant robot I assumed to be one of the zero pointers. I was debating whether or not to fight it but went for it as the other testers ran on sight and some civilians looked to be trapped. With a sigh, I jumped up from the ground and appeared right in front of it and brought down my hammer fist with my full strength behind it in my normal form. Turns out that was too much strength as the head of the robot got smashed into the body and the body crashed into the ground with so much force the buildings around me started to crumble down. I quickly moved to save the trapped civilians as the buildings fell and the robot became almost fully flattened from my hit.

After helping everyone and dealing with regular robots I saw another giant robot in the distance being beaten by a young woman. With a shrug, I focused back on helping everyone in my district. Then we all heard a siren signifying the end of the practical test. As I headed out of the testing area, I ran into my friends who looked to be slightly exhausted and beaten a bit, except for Nemuri who appeared just as she did before entering the test.

"Thank you all for testing to join U.A.! Your scores will be evaluated and if you are excepted or not into the hero course, you will receive a letter telling you in about two weeks or three at most. Everyone have a safe trip home!" the instructor said as we all gathered in front of the testing area before the teachers lead us all back to the entrance of the school.

"So how do you think you did?" I ask my friends as we all go home together on the train ride back.

"I believe I should get into the hero course," Nemuri said with a confident smile.

"I hope I am able to get in, I was not able to defeat many robots but helped a lot of civilians and other testers," Shota says with a slightly nervous smile.

"Same, though I was able to defeat more robots than help people," Hizashi says with the same nervous smile as Shota. Then all my friends look to me for my opinion.

"Oh I should definitely get in, I was able to defeat a lot of robots and save a decent amount of people. Plus not that it may count but I was one of the people who defeated a giant robot," I say with a shrug and my friends just shake their heads smiling at my confidence.

"In my district, I was able to see a tester defeat a giant too. She looked to be a physical fighter and seemed more focused on fighting than saving people," Shota says thinking back on the test and we all just nod our heads.

Once we arrive back in our city, Hizashi and Nemuri go their separate ways as they lived away from Shota and me. On the way back home, Shota asked if I wanted to spend the night at his house, which I denied as I just wanted to be alone. Once I arrived at my home, I cooked my own dinner as I have learned to be more self sufficient now, though my cooking will never be as good as my mom's was. The next two weeks passed fairly quickly with me doing the same every day which was practicing my quirk. Then when I was taking a shower after coming back from my daily training I heard a knock at my front door. I quickly threw on some clothes and headed downstairs.

"Young Akihiko how have you been? I was planning on visiting sooner, but my old mentor Gran Torino said he wanted us to both see you today," my Uncle says to me after I answer the door and let him inside.

"About what?" I ask but before my Uncle can answer another knock on my door happens. Answering it I see Gran Torino who just enters my house after nodding his head at me in greeting.

"What is this about?" I ask once I bring them some water as a good host would.

"This," Gran Torino says to me holding up a letter addressed to me, which he then tosses to me.

"I told them I'd deliver it to you myself," Gran Torino says to me as I open the letter from U.A. and now my Uncle is looking expectantly at it too. Opening it I see your standard letter of introduction and then at the end, it says I was excepted into the hero course in class 1-A.

"Congratulations Akihiko! This is a cause to celebrate!" my Uncle says patting my shoulder and then seemingly ordering food to be delivered.

"Yes, congratulations Akihiko. Plus if you notice you beat even your Uncle's score at U.A. making you the best candidate to have tried out for the school," Gran Torino says to me with a smile. My Uncle looks over hearing that and gives me a thumbs up with his signature smile.

The rest of the night was spent celebrating with my Uncle and Gran Torino for my acceptance into U.A. The next day I called my friends and told them I got my acceptance letter. They each got acceptance letters also and we decided to meet up to celebrate with each other at my house. After I ordered the food and got everything ready for the celebration with Shota's help since he came early. The other two arrived and we all celebrated in the living room eating while watching a famous movie about heroes.

"I can't believe we all got accepted and are going to be in class 1-A! I heard that is the best class in the school for the hero program! We really are going to be pro heroes soon!" Hizashi says to us with extreme excitement in his voice.

"Another three years stuck in the same classroom as you.... I don't know if I can survive that," Shota says with a tired sigh making Hizashi grunt in annoyance at him.

"Three more years to accomplish my goal... no problem," I hear Nemuri mutter next to me while looking at me with a look like she wants to eat me.

"What'd you say Nemuri?" Hizashi says tyring to ignore Shota.

"Uh….nothing!" Nemuri says now realizing we might have heard her, her face became red with embarrassment.

That night we passed the time playing some video games, watching movies, and just talking. They each spent the night at my house and went home the next morning after eating breakfast. The rest of summer went by fairly quickly, but during the last week of our summer break, my Uncle wanted to meet me at the local hero HQ. Arriving at the HQ I walk inside and was about to go talk with the secretary to ask them to tell my Uncle I'm there, but he saw me after coming from the back.

"Young Akihiko! Come I want to see how far you've come since you started learning to use your quirk. Then we will test you each year to see how far you've come," my Uncle says to me motioning for me to follow him into the training area that I've been to before a long time ago. After walking inside my Uncle gestures for me to stand across from him inside a small fighting area.

"Now don't hold back! Or this fight will be over fairly quickly!" my Uncle says to me with a smile. Sighing I nod my head, but I want to see how strong I am compared to him in my normal form first.

Then once he motions for me to come at him, I launch myself forward at my fastest speed and go to punch him in the chest. It seems he wants to take it as he didn't move, though as soon as my punch connects he gets sent flying back several feet before catching himself and he gives me a look of surprise.

"You are much stronger than I thought! Now let's see just how strong," my Uncle says to me before moving to punch me. His speed is still more than mine and I can tell he is holding back.

Seeing that I will lose if I don't go into my angelic form, I bring my wings out and spartan kick him in the chest. This time the kick sends him flying into the wall with a crash, as he pushes himself up and spits blood from his mouth. His look is of much more surprise at how drastically my strength increased. Then he launches himself forward and is no longer holding back at me, from what I can tell. His one punch lands on my chest and it knocks the wind out of me before he follows up with a kick sending me flying back but my wings stop me from going too far. From those hits, I felt my bones bruise from that, but I push through the pain and reattack him. After an hour of us beating each other, we stop when I land on the ground from his last punch.

"Well fought Akihiko! You have made drastic improvements since you first started to practice your quirk! I can only imagine how strong you will become when you fully learn your quirk," my Uncle says to me helping me stand back up. He is slightly bruised from the fight, but I look much more messed up with bruises all over me now.

"I still need to get much stronger," I say with a sigh as I'm still not close to getting my revenge.

"It will come in time, young Akihiko. Though you should try and learn as much as you can these next three years. They will determine what kind of hero you become," my Uncle says to me patting my back as we head out of the training area. I just nod my head listening to him.

Then summer finally ends with the first day of U.A. having arrived. My friends and I all meet together on the train that takes us to the city U.A. is in. Once we arrive in the city and make our way to U.A. we follow the map of the school given to us, to our classroom 1-A. The class that would change my future drastically, making me become the man I am today.


AN: We have reached the U.A. High School arc! From here on out this will determine and shape Akihiko into the person he is at the current time. Make your guesses and see if you are right by the end of the U.A. arc.

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