The Unseen Angel in MHA


As we walk into the classroom we see a handful of students. Some of the more notable ones are a student sitting in the back with red wings. Another student sitting next to him though it was a girl with tanned skin and white bunny ears. Another with glasses, green hair, and yellow streaks looked at everyone seriously. A very flirtatious looking girl with blonde hair and purple eyes. A boy with blue hair that looked like a cloud and sky-blue eyes. With some others in the room, it appears we were the last to show up for class, as everyone turned to us when we entered the room.

I ignore the stares and sit in the back next to the rabbit-eared girl, Nemuri took the seat on the other side of me, with Shota and Hizashi sitting in front of me. After sitting down, I could feel the stares that I'm used to receiving from the other girls. Though the rabbit eared girl was staring at me but not with a lustful look, but one that suggests she wants to fight. Turning to her I raise my eyebrow curious about her look.

"You're Akihiko Yagi, right?" she says to me when I turn to her, I just nod my head. Now everyone hearing her looks over at us.

"You were the number one student this year in the exams, and one of the others who defeated the giant robot! You must be strong! I want to fight!" she says to me with an excited look which makes me confused because I did not think this is what the conversion would lead to.

"Ignore her, she is a crazed idiot who only thinks about fighting," the red winged boy says to me before I or my friends can respond while giving me a bored look. She just shoots him a glare, which he ignores.

"Maybe I can assist her then in that regard," Nemuri says giving her an evil and sadistic smile, that sends shivers down Hizashi's spine. The rabbit girl just gives her a smirk.

"What's your name I don't remember because it must not be in the top five, those are my only concern as they are the strong ones. I'm number three by the way," the rabbit girl says making Nemuri glare harder at her. I remember the list that came with the acceptance letter showing everyone's scores. Number three was Rumi Usagiyama.

"Ok everyone settle down we have some things to get through before we can get into the real part of this course," a voice I've come to be very familiar with Gran Torino, I look over and see him in front of the class. He just gives me a knowing smile to my surprise, I knew he taught here but I didn't think he'd be my teacher.

"I'm Sensei Torino and I'm going to be your homeroom teacher these next three years. It will be my responsibility to ensure that you all learn what it means to be a hero and what types of heroes you can be. Not only that but it will be my discretion too that you may continue in this course as if I find anyone unfitting I can have you removed from the course," Gran Torino says to us with a serious face, and everyone just looks back with a serious face too, ready to face whatever challenges they may throw at us.

"Now everyone change into your gym uniforms and then meet me outside near the entrance of the school," Gran Torino says before leaving the room and not answering any questions that get thrown at him.

I stand up and head out to change with everyone quickly following behind me. Then once I get into the locker room, I change into my gym uniform given to us. Some of the guys look over at me seeing my scar that is there but don't say anything since Hizashi and Shota give them all hard looks. I just ignore the stares while heading outside with Hizashi and Shota to meet Gran Torino. Once everyone is outside, Gran Torino motions for us to follow him to a track field with some other equipment set up in the center of it.

"Today I'm testing everyone on their quirks and seeing what you are capable of. From there I will determine the best course for you and my suggestions on which path to take," Gran Torino says surprising everyone.

"So you're saying if we don't meet your requirements you will remove us from the hero course?!" the blonde haired and purple eye girl says with disbelief in her voice.

"Yes, not everyone can become a pro hero and only those few who graduate from our school and other known hero schools have that possibility. Those that do graduate are not many due to either dropping out or being removed from the program. Even if you graduate do not expect to become a top hero immediately, not all heroes become as well known," Gran Torino says to her and looks at us all with a serious face, his look lingers on me for a few seconds more than others too. Everyone goes silent as we listen to what he said, contemplating our current situation.

"Now today we are only covering the basics, speed, strength, and agility. I'm aware that not all quirks require those to be useful, but heroes are expected to be athletic due to the physical aspects of the job. So it will be expected that you all keep a good physique if you want to graduate," Gran Torino says to everyone after a few seconds of silence from his previous statement.

"Akihiko Yagi, come here. Since you were the number one candidate that got accepted this year you can demonstrate the first test," Gran Torino says to me with a neutral look, but I can see the hidden amusement in his eyes. I also feel the stares from everyone, looks from lust, jealousy, and curiosity.

"The first test is one of strength, here is a grip test then a machine to record punching power," Gran Torino says handing me a grip machine, that I look at him confused.

"Remember to use your quirks in this exercise, as this shows me how much knowledge about them and their possible uses," Gran Torino says and then motions for me to do the tests. I shrug and grip the machine which maxes out before breaking in my grip, making some people look at me surprised, Gran Torino just looks at me, but I can see a smile twitch on his lips.

"Didn't even use your quirk," I hear Gran Torino mumble in a sigh after I broke the machine.

I just shrug and walk over to the punch machine, using my full strength in my normal form. Which dents the machine and sends it back a few feet even though it was bolted into the ground. Everyone looks at me with more shock, as Gran Torino just sighs rubbing his forehead in annoyance for breaking the machines. He did tell me to use my quirk which in a way I did, from not holding back on them even if I didn't go full out. From all the looks I can see the look on Rumi's face showing an even more excited look at me. Nemuri is shooting her a glare from the look though.

"Ok now everyone else," Gran Torino says luckily there are two punching machines, but now one. Once he had everyone do what I did he recorded the results on a clipboard he had.

"Next is a 400 meter sprint, you will do it in groups of four," Gran Torino says and we all gather at the start of the track.

My group in the race is the red winged student I learned is named Keigo Takami, Remi the rabbit girl, and the serious guy Mirai Sasaki. We all line up at the starting line, waiting for Grant Torino to signal the start. After a few seconds he signals us, I use all my speed without my quirk which is more than enough to get first place at four seconds. Right behind me was Keigo at five seconds, Rumi at ten seconds, and Mirai at forty five seconds. Which was considered very fast for a normal person without a physically enhancing quirk.

"The last test is side to side jumps, with running through cones set up on the field," Gran Torino says to us. Once again Keigo and Rumi get the highest scores right behind me, as these two appear to be the strongest physically in our class.

"Ok, now that I have everyone's rough physical capabilities the hero studies teacher can make a better regiment for you all. Now everyone change and head back to homeroom, we have a few more things to get through on our first day," Gran Torino says to us and beings walking away from us without waiting for any questions. Once again I walk back to the locker room with everyone quickly following behind me.

"So what's your quirk, it is obviously something for physical enhancements. It shows that I was right about you being strong! I know a few places we can go to, to spar," Rumi says to me as we all head inside, while looking at me with her same fighting obsessed look. Nemuri seems like she wants to beat her up, while Hizashi seems jealous about the attention she is giving me, and Shota doesn't seem to care.

"He didn't show his quirk because he didn't have to go all out! Plus why would he ever want to spar with you?! What could you possibly teach him?!" Nemuri says with anger in her eyes at Rumi, who just looks at her with a dull look, then turns back to me for an answer.

"No, I'm too busy," I say coldly, before walking away quickly to the boy's locker room.

"Told you!" Nemuri says to Rumi, who just snorts in response.

"I'm not trying to take your boyfriend from you so calm down! I just want someone other than Keigo who can keep up with me," I hear Rumi say to Nemuri, making Nemuri stutter while blushing heavily. The other girls in class seemed to have heard this giving Nemuri jealous glares, while some of the guys in our class give me jealous glares too. Seems Nemuri is just as popular amongst the boys here too.

"I hate you Akihiko, always getting all the attention! Leave some for the rest of us too!" Hizashi says once we enter the locker room giving me a jealous look with a sigh. Though I know he is just annoyed since he is obsessed with finding a girlfriend.

"Maybe if you weren't such a pervert and desperate they would pay attention to you too," Shota says while we change and rolls his eyes at Hizashi.

"So you're saying become a 'bad boy', ok…..I'll try it! Thanks, Shota!" Hizashi says patting Shota on the shoulder who looks at me with a deadpan expression.

Once we arrive back in the classroom, the rest of the day is spent going over what we'd be covering in our first year. Then introductions to our teachers for the rest of our 'normal' subjects. Afterwards we were told tomorrow would be our first day doing quirk training with our Hero Studies teacher. Before we went home we all needed to vote on who would be class president.

"Any volunteers?" Gran Torino says to the class and several hands go up, he looks at me seeing me not interested.

"Since there are several volunteers we will need to vote, the one to receive the most votes becomes the class president and the second becomes the vice president," Gran Torino says handing out slips of paper. Once all the votes are tallied, some people voted for me though luckily Mirai got voted to be the president with Nemuri as the vice president.

"Now that voting is over, you can all head home. I will see you all tomorrow and don't forget from here on out everything you do will be under deep supervision," Gran Torino says to us as we all prepare to leave. My friends and I all head together on our way home, talking about our first day and what we think is going to happen in the future.

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