The Unseen Angel in MHA


Arriving at school the next day we enter the classroom and everyone is talking with one another. Though I take my seat in the back with my friends, however Rumi sees me and sits down next to me wanting to talk it seems.

"Fight me!" Rumi says with a determined expression, Nemuri is about to yell at her.

"No," I say before Nemuri can respond, Rumi just stares at me with a defiant look.

"I will keep bothering you until we fight," Rumi says to me while staring at me with a determined look.

"It's true she doesn't take no for an answer. She is the most stubborn person I've ever met," Keigo says to me as he overhears the conversation between us. I just stare back at Rumi defiantly and her look seems to become more excited at my stubbornness.

"Ok kids settle down!" Gran Torino says entering the room as Rumi and I are staring at one another. He smirks at me seeing this.

"Now after lunch, we are going to meet your hero studies teacher and she will be doing whatever it is she has planned," Gran Torino says to us and everyone becomes excited. The rest of the day we went through our normal schedule and after lunch like Gran Torino said a woman walked into the room wearing her hero uniform.

The woman looked to be middle aged, wearing a uniform hero uniform that fit her body well while also showing off her physique. She has black hair dark brown eyes and pale skin. While having a black skin tight outfit that looked to be made from leather, with some small packs around her waist. She also had what looked like a nightstick that was used by police years ago.

"Hello kids, my hero name is Nightshade. Though you can call me Sensei Shade or Night. I will be teaching you about the difficulties of becoming a hero and testing you all to see if I find you fit to become one, one day. Today we will be doing a small exercise I have planned, from there I will decide how to help you improve your quirks," Sensei Night says to us while some of the guys in the room, like Hizashi, are looking at her with perverted gazes. Though her eyes linger on me for what feels like a few more seconds than others.

"Ok now everyone go change into your gym uniforms! And then come back here to follow me to the testing area," Sensei Night says to us and we all immediately head to our locker rooms to change.

After coming back to the classroom Sensei Night lead us to the area she was going to test us. Arriving we see a building that looks like a bank.

"Today we will do a test of 'villains' vs 'heroes', one team will be the villains and one team will be the heroes. You will be in pairs that I assign and be versing who I decide. The villains' job is to secure the computer inside the bank that will transfer the money to them, while the heroes' job is to stop the villains or secure the computer. The villains also have a time limit to win, the timer is ten minutes," Sensei Night explains to us. Then she tells us our teams and who is going to be versing who.

My teammate is Yu Takeyama, the blonde haired and purple eyed flirtatious girl. Shota is teamed up with Nemuri. Hizashi is with Mirai. Rumi is with Oboro. Keigo is with Kobe, another classmate of ours. My team is versing Keigo and Kobe, Shota's team is versing Hizashi's team, and Rumi's team is versing another group in our class.

After a few other teams in our class go, Shota's team vs Hizashi's team is up. Shota's team is the villains, while Hizashi's team is the heroes. Shota and Nemuri will probably win in my opinion as they know each other very well and can plan accordingly. While Hizashi is more reckless and isn't as familiar with Mirai. Though it appears both teams made their plans as they are speaking with their partners before Sensei Night starts the test.

Nemuri is standing at the front of the bank ready to face anyone that enters with Shota standing in the back by the computer. He seems ready to assist Nemuri by canceling anyone's quirk. Meanwhile, Mirai looks to be ready to enter the main entrance while Hizashi goes to find a side entrance. After a few seconds of waiting Mirai rushes to the main entrance and seeing Nemuri in the front goes to rush her. We can see Hizashi sneaking in from the side trying to surprise Shota.

Nemuri immediately releases her quirk's sleeping gas into the room, just enough to affect Mirai. He seems to have been prepared for that by rushing her without being affected. It would seem he is holding his breath while using his superior martial arts to try to subdue Nemuri. Shota not seeing Mirai using a quirk doesn't seem to have activated his quirk. Nemuri is being pushed back by Mirai who is slowly overwhelming her with his marital arts. Hizashi finally broke into the room from the side and let loose a loud yell directed to Shota, who was caught off guard, by trying to assist Nemuri from a distance.

Shota immediately grabs his ears in pain, before looking over to Hizashi canceling his quirk. Though Hizashi was able to grab the computer before rushing away from the room, with Shota quickly running after him. Mirai seeing this pulls away from Nemuri who is now slightly bruised up from the hits. After getting away for a bit he takes deep breaths before rushing after Shota to stop him from reaching Hizashi. Nemuri comes to her senses and rushes after them all.

Hizashi was able to successfully escape the bank with the computer as Mirai tackled Shota to the ground and subdued him. Nemuri came out just in time to see this, but before she can use her quirk, Sensei Night signaled that the test was over. Shota and Nemuri had saddened looks on their faces as they came back, with Hizashi rubbing in his victory over them. Though Mirai seemed indifferent, but I could see the small smirk on his face.

"So anyone can tell me what Shota and Nemuri did wrong? Also, who would be considered the MVP this round?" Sensei Night asks us as they come back into the room that we could all see the testing area due to the cameras everywhere.

"Shota and Nemuri were too confident with their plan since Mirai was able to successfully distract them from Hizashi, who was able to steal the computer from them. Mirai would be the MVP, as it seems he came up with the plan and was able to successfully distract them, while also subduing Shota in the end," I say after hearing her question.

"Good, seems you're just as smart as your quirk is powerful," Sensei Night says to me giving me an approving nod, which some people just grumble. Though hearing what she said makes Rumi only give me a more excited stare about fighting me.

"Ok next," Sensei Night says to us gesturing for the next group to start. Which is Rumi's team versus another pair from our class. Rumi's team is the heroes, while the other students are the villains. Not surprisingly Rumi's team won the match with Rumi doing most of the work, as she rushed the villains and subdued them with her extremely high physical capabilities.

"Now last group and should be the most interesting from the scores," Sensei Night says motioning to our groups. Yu and I are the villains while Keigo and Kebo are the heroes. We were given a two minute grace period to discuss a plan before the match started.

"So what's your quirk?" I ask Yu as we stand in the bank.

"Uhm, well I don't think I can use it too well or at all in this environment. Not to say I'm useless, 'cause I know some boxing!" Yu says to me with a red face and nervous voice. I just stare at her with a neutral face waiting for her to tell me her quirk.

"My quirk is called 'Gigantification' I can make my body grow really huge. Though since we are in a building it is not going to be that useful, unless we plan on destroying the building," Yu says to me with more nervousness since I just stared at her waiting for an answer.

"I see….. Well since you know boxing stay by the computer and yell if they try to sneak it away. I will come to help. I also know some martial arts, but my quirk helps me become much stronger it's called 'Archangel'. For now, I will go stand in the main room, but call me if they try to take it from you," I say to Yu before the two minute prep phase is over. Yu nods walking back to the computer, while I go to the main entrance.

After waiting a minute, I hear the sounds of something that seems like a monkey or ape approaching the entrance. Then quickly bursting through the doors is a giant gorilla of around ten feet tall, who I assume is Kebo as Keigo has red wings. The gorilla seeing me charges me and swings his fist out to strike me. At the same time, I hear Yu yell that Keigo is in the back. Not wasting time, I hold back enough to not severely damage Kebo, I grab his fist surprising him before I punch him in the gut making him double over in pain.

I rush into the room with Yu being held against the wall by red feathers, as Keigo just speeds away. I rush after him and manage to grab his one wing stopping him, but he quickly responds by releasing the feathers I grabbed and the red feathers rushing at me. I dodge them all and rush him again, grabbing him from behind then I suplex him onto the ground. With a grunt, he passes out from the strike as I grab the computer and Kebo rushes back over to me since he fought through the pain. With a sigh, I toss the computer back to Yu who just came into the room with Kebo on the other side of the room too.

Kebo rushes Yu seeing me toss the computer to her, but I intercept him and spartan kick him in the chest hard enough to knock him back into the wall. He crashes into the wall and falls down unconscious. Then the signal goes off declaring the end of the test, I help carry Keigo and Kebo back to the room, luckily Kebo reverts back to his normal form after passing out. Once we arrive back Sensei Night has some of the other students take Keigo and Kebo to 'Recovery Girl', the school nurse.

"Just remember that some people like Akihiko, have overwhelming strength and can brute force their way through problems. Though sometimes that is not the answer, however, keep that in mind that maybe a villain out there can brute force his way through us, so it is our duty to think of a way to subdue them," Sensi Night says to us, before dismissing us as the day is over now. We all head back to the locker rooms to change before heading home.

"I will get my fight with you one way or another! You are the strongest person I've ever seen, maybe except for All Might, but I doubt he'd ever fight me," Rumi says to me as we are walking back to the locker rooms. Nemuri once again seems annoyed with her, while I just ignore them all. Rumi just smirks at me for ignoring her.

Like that the day ended and the start of our normal school schedule began. With our normal topics in the first half of the day and our hero studies in the second half. Then weeks passed and talks about the Sports Festival approaching. It was said this is where we first show the world our abilities and how good of heroes we will become in the future.

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