The Unseen Angel in MHA


"As you know the sports festival is next week, which means that you all will be doing courses and activities, that show off your quirks. This is the time for you to try your best to impress the public so that any hero agencies see your performance will ask to take you in," Gran Torino says to us once we are all about to leave for the last day before the sports festival.

"Afterwards you all have an opportunity to get picked by an agency to train at for a month, giving you the experience of what it is like as a sidekick and starting hero. In the future, in your second year, if you make it that long, you will get a provisional hero license. This would let you use your quirks in public as long as you are with a hero helping them. The agencies that spot you in your first year would be the ones who would want to grab you in your second year for your provisional license," Gran Torino continues seeing everyone paying close attention to him.

"So that means give it your all in the sports festival, plus I almost forgot to mention. Those that score much less than the other students in your year will have the possibility of losing their position in class 1-A to the better students. Even if those students aren't in the hero course, good luck everyone and see you next week," Gran Torino says to us making everyone start to mutter nervously as he leaves the room without answering any questions like usual.

After everyone leaves my friends and I make our way home, but now the usual has become Rumi joining us on the way home as she goes the same way for a bit. Much to Nemuri's annoyance, though Rumi only has joined our group to pester me to fight her, which I deny every time. Hizashi tries his best to flirt with Rumi who just bluntly ignores him or tells him to shut up. Shota just ignores everything as he usually does.

"You know Akihiko, you probably will have to fight me at the sports festival. If any of the past sports festivals are accurate. Usually, the last competition is a one on one fight with the remaining contestants," Rumi says to me giving me a smirk, that looks like she won a bet.

"Then it seems you will get your fight and then you can finally leave me alone," I say with a tired sigh, making Nemuri nod her head in agreement.

"Let's make a bet then! If I beat you in the fight or win the sports festival then you have to fight me whenever I want!" Rumi says to me as we all walk home.

"What do I get when I win?" I ask her not even considering losing the sports festival. I've been watching everyone in our class and other classes, and no one comes close to my level of power.

"When?! You certainly are cocky, but I guess the strong can be... What do you want?" Rumi says to me giving me an excited grin at my attitude, then a curious look about what I want. All my friends are curious too, even Shota seems to have listened in now to the question.

"To be left alone and for you to stop asking to fight me ever again," I say to her giving her a serious look, which she seems to contemplate the bet.

"Deal!" Rumi says holding her hand out for a shake, which I shake her hand confirming our bet. Then Rumi runs off in the direction of her home, leaving us behind.

"She's so fucking annoying!" Nemuri says with an annoyed sigh, Nemuri has become a lot more vulgar after our time in U.A. though she pretends to be this nice girl in front of her parents which makes us always laugh when they are around.

"I think she's hot," Hizashi says staring after Rumi with his usual perverted gaze making Nemuri smack the back of his head in annoyance. While Shota and I just ignore them, walking the rest of the way home in silence.

The next day was our day off, but I spent it at the gym training myself and was slightly looking forward to the sports festival. The next day came rather quickly and with it the sports festival, arriving at school all the students were talking with one another nervously. Many people were being let in too, for the stadium that would host the main events of the sports festival. After arriving in class we were told to change into our gym uniforms and walk to the stadium, to our preassigned rooms. After an hour of waiting we all went outside into the arena, since I'm considered the number one first year I was supposed to give a speech before the start of the festival. I walk onto the stage that was placed with a microphone there for the speech, I could see that the entire event was shown live on TV. There were also maybe around a thousand people in the stands.

"We were told that getting into U.A. is the biggest step into becoming a future hero, but I believe the biggest step is graduating from the hero course. We have only made a small step into becoming heroes and today will show how good of a hero we will become. Good luck everyone, because some of you may never enter the hero course," I say in my speech, getting some annoyed grumbles at the end, but I don't care. I walk back to my seat and Sensei Night seems to be in charge of the proceedings for the festival.

"The first test is an obstacle course around the school, much like the past sports festivals. Though this year we have other plans added to it, everyone head to the starting line. When the horn blows you may begin and remember anything goes in these activities today, so use everything you can to your advantage!" Sensei Night says motioning for us all to head over to the starting line.

Once everyone gets to the large starting area, many people are looking around nervously. Though some people are calmer than others, almost everyone from my class is calm as we are considered the best in the first year. At least many people think that, though Rumi, Keigo, and myself are the calmest. We believe we are the fastest in the school and rightfully so, so this race is going to be us trying to best one another. Though I'm not worried in the slightest as I haven't needed to use my quirk once since entering the school and my base form is more than enough to handle anything they threw at us.

Once the horn sounds, I shoot off passing everyone quickly. Though Keigo is a few feet behind me, seems he has improved his quirk's speed. So too has Rumi who is slowly closing the distance to Keigo. I just ignore them after turning back to the course, which I can see now has some other teachers there whose jobs seem to be using their quirks to stop or slow us down. I easily dodge through them, as I make it to the next part of the course, which is a giant lake we have to cross. Refusing to use my wings from my pride that makes me feel superior even without them, I tense my legs as I jump across. Just as I fly through the air Keigo flies past me bypassing the lake easily. Rumi like me jumps across.

The last part has turrets that shoot nets or bolas at us, this slows down Keigo enough for me to close the distance that came between us. I was about to use my quirk too, but luckily the turrets slowed him down enough for me to pass him and get first place. Then Rumi came right behind me in second place, with Keigo in third much to his annoyance it seems. Rumi gave me a small glare, but I can see the happiness in her eyes for achieving second place. We three managed to complete the course in less than five minutes. We headed back to the arena while the others completed the race. Would take the last of them maybe another thirty minutes to finish.

"Seems I beat you in a race for once Keigo!" Rumi says gloating to him as we three walk back to the arena.

"You just got luck due to the turrets! Same with you Akihiko!" Keigo says to us with an annoyed look for not getting first. I just shrug not caring what he thinks, making him more annoyed with me while Rumi just smirks in response.

"I'll beat you both in the next two competitions!" Keigo says with an annoyed glare, before walking away from us quickly.

"He seems more annoyed than usual…..Though I'm going to get you to show me your quirk eventually!" Rumi says seeing him leave us very annoyed.

"I am using my quirk," I say trying to get her to leave me alone, though I would assume people know that I haven't shown my quirk yet for whatever reason.

"We all know you have a quirk that you haven't used yet for some reason. I bet it's cause it embarrasses you, but that doesn't fit your personality...It's probably cause then it's too flashy or strong and no one has forced you to use it yet," Rumi says to me with a deeply thoughtful expression on her face for once. I find myself laughing at her expression, making her turn to me confused but then smile at me.

"First time I heard you laugh, you have a beautiful laugh and smile. You should smile more makes you more handsome," Rumi says giving me a smile and thumbs up, though her response catches me off guard. As most girls get to fluster around me or just stare at me with a lust filled look. I have yet to see that expression from Rumi.

"Sorry…..just can't. It's like my emotions are gone or deeply repressed. To be honest, that was the first time I felt happy or laughed in over a year," I say to her being surprisingly open with her for some reason, that I can't pinpoint.

"Well happy to help! Though maybe we can spar and that can let your emotions out?!" Rumi says immediately making give her a deadpan expression and making my fluctuating emotions disappear once again.

"You will get your fight today," I say with my cold voice again and she just nods her head excited about the possible fight.

The three of us stand in the arena waiting for the rest of the people to finish the race. Though Keigo is standing away from us, while Rumi is standing next to me just talking about anything and everything that has to do with fighting. I just sigh and nod my head not really listening to her, just waiting until the next event starts. After about ten minutes Hizashi, Shota and several other arrive in the arena. Seeing me they walk over and explain to me that they luckily were able to get into the top fifteen. Then another five minutes pass and we see Nemuri has finally passed the race, making it in the top thirty. All of our class passed the race to make it in the top forty at least, which are the only people that pass onto the next part of the festival.

"Why are you always annoying Akihiko?" Nemuri says to Rumi before Sensei Night announces the next event.

"Why do you care, he's not your boyfriend. If I really annoyed him he'd have told me off already. He's not the type to just let people do what they want," Rumi says annoying Nemuri further, but Rumi is right. Deep down I don't mind Rumi's pestering, it is actually a nice change of pace, the attention from a girl that just doesn't want to make out with me. Then we hear Sensei Night announce the end of the first event, showing on a giant TV screen those who passed and their times.

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