The Unseen Angel in MHA


The day went by very slowly as Rumi became much closer to me while being slightly more flirtatious with me. Which I enjoyed but could see Nemuri having a confused look over the sudden change. Eventually, lunch came and we all sat down at the table, I figured this is the best time to tell Nemuri about my asking Rumi out.

"Nemuri, you are one of my best friends and I'm not gonna lie to you. The other day I asked Rumi out on a date for this weekend and she said yes," I say to Nemuri while Rumi is sitting next to me and looks between us with a curious face waiting for Nemuri's response. While Shota and Hizashi give Nemuri a worried look since they know she can be more prone to violence now.

"Makes sense, you two always seemed to have chemistry. As long as you're happy then I'm happy for you Akihiko," Nemuri says to me giving me a smile, but I can see the pain in her eyes for not having chosen her.

"I appreciate that Nemuri and I'll always be there for you," I say to her giving her a smile back, she just nods her head before going back to eating in silence.

As the day ends I saw Rumi and Nemuri talking a few times alone, I'm not sure what they are talking about but I'd assume me. Though it seems whatever they are talking about is making Nemuri seemingly feel better. The rest of the week passes by in a blur with the only real difference being that Keigo seems very angry with me. My only assumption being he had a crush on Rumi and is mad at me for dating her. The day came for my date with Rumi, since I'd gotten to know her more before we started dating I believe my friends and I came up with a perfect first date.

Rumi's personality is a very upfront individual who speaks her mind without concern for other people's opinions of her. She is also a very energetic person who loves fighting, mostly loves to be the one fighting but seems to enjoy watching others fight too. I may live alone now, but since my parents died they left me a decent amount since both had good jobs and my Uncle gives me a weekly allowance on top of it until I graduate U.A. With that in mind, our date starts with getting some lunch at a local restaurant. Then we are going to see an action packed movie that just came out, to finish the date I planned another meal at a local restaurant for dinner and got tickets to a late night MMA fight.

'I just hope that I did a good job on a first date and that it is maybe not too much or too little,' I think to myself as I got onto a train to Rumi's house that is in another city, but I planned for the date in her city.

Arriving outside the address she texted me I see a standard urban home with a white painted exterior. There was also your average sedan parked in the driveway, which I noticed as I walked up to the door to knock. After I knocked on the door a middle aged man answered the door with tanned skin much like Rumi and white hair. After the man opened the door I heard Rumi arguing with a woman who I assume is her mother.

"You must be the famous Akihiko that we heard so much about, come in Rumi is almost done getting ready. Plus I just want to ask you a few questions if that is alright," the man says to me while gesturing to enter the house. I nod my head before entering the house and following him to their kitchen. While Rumi is still arguing with her mom it seems upstairs.

"Rumi has told us some things about you, but not much I just want to know more about the first boy who has caught my daughter's attention," Rumi's dad says to me while giving me a glass of water and sitting across from me at the kitchen table. He seems to be nice to me and is giving me a friendly smile, but I can see he is judging me in his eyes.

"Your classmates right? Well, I only assume you want to be a pro hero too correct?" Rumi's dad says to me still having the seemingly fake smile with judgmental eyes.

"Yes I want to be a pro hero," I say nodding my head earnestly. He just gives me a nod back.

"You are also at the top of your class in both studies and practicals, which is good I hear from Rumi," Rumi's dad states as a matter of fact to which I just nod my head confused.

"You seem to be a man of few words…. That is not bad, though I'm curious what made you want to ask my daughter out," Rumi's dad says after some awkward silence over takes the room from his last statement.

"Rumi is the first girl who hasn't looked at me with pure lust and sees me for who I really am, plus she is the first girl who has made me feel the way I do when I'm around her," I say truthfully while thinking about Rumi and the way she makes me feel. Though at the same time, it seems Rumi and her mother entered the room after hearing my statement.

"Oh! How cute! Rumi you caught a good one!" Rumi's mom says making Rumi turn to her with an annoyed face.

"Great you met Akihiko, now we can leave!" Rumi says grabbing my hand and quickly dragging me away. Her mother just waves at us as Rumi drags me out of the house, though I feel like I see a predatory look from her mother at me as we leave. Like her mother is going to kill me, it makes my back shutter.

"Sorry about them, you are just the first boy I brought over with intentions to date," Rumi says to me after we leave her house and are walking down the street. I notice now Rumi is wearing a sun dress with complements her form very much and has some makeup on, probably the help from her mother as Rumi isn't the 'girly' type.

"You look beautiful," I say smiling at her and grabbing her hand back, she blushes and gets slightly flustered a bit, which I enjoy seeing as Rumi rarely gets flustered.

"You look good too," Rumi says back having recovered her flustered state slightly. I just smile and start to walk, guiding us toward our first stop for lunch.

The lunch goes over well, I can see Rumi was nervous at the beginning of our date, much like I was. Though after getting over the first initial nervousness we became much more comfortable around each other. Then we headed to the movie showing in the afternoon and while watching the movie she seemed very engrossed in it. I liked the movie too, but I enjoyed watching Rumi's excited expression while watching the action parts of the movie. She also made somewhat quiet comments on the fights in the movie and how they could have done better. Then we went to dinner an hour later after walking around the street just enjoying each other's company. Much like the lunch the dinner went by nicely with us just making small talk about the movie and school.

"Not a bad first date," Rumi says to me with a smile while holding my hand after we left the restaurant.

"I have one more thing for us to do, I think you'll enjoy this part the most though," I say with a knowing smile, she just gives me a curious look while I bring her to the MMA fight.

"NO WAY! You got us tickets to the main event tonight!" Rumi says as we enter the arena and make our way to the seats that are just a few feet from the octagon. MMA is fun because quirk usage is not allowed during the fight and is strictly for martial arts. Though some people who have natural physical enhancing quirks join and make the top fighters.

"How'd you get the tickets?!" Rumi asks me once we sit down and wait for the fight to begin, we grabbed sodas before we sat down too.

"My Uncle knows a few people who can get the tickets fairly easily," I say with an indifferent shrug and a look of realization dawns on her face.

"Damn you are so lucky he is your uncle!" Rumi says with a chuckle after thinking about All Might.

The fight started about twenty minutes after we showed up and Rumi explained everything she knew about the fighters and who she thought would win. Seems I picked the perfect way to end the night as Rumi is completely engrossed in this even more than the movie. During the fight, Rumi practically jumped down into the rink to yell at the fighters for making mistakes or yelling about what they did wrong. She wasn't the only one too, some other fans were yelling at the fighters too.

"Akihiko pick me up! I want to see the fight from a higher angle!" Rumi says to me with an excited face as we watch a somewhat even match as we are in the fifth round now.

Shrugging I pick Rumi up and place her on my shoulders only to remember after she is on my shoulders, that she is wearing a sundress and now her bare legs are wrapped around my neck. The situation doesn't seem to dawn on Rumi as she is far too focused on the fight, though now I'm trying for the first time in my life to not pitch a tent in public. I just close my eyes and try to think of anything else, but it becomes almost impossible with Rumi constantly moving around on my shoulder shouting at the fighters.

After what feels like hours of me fighting the hardest fight of my life and desperately trying not to pitch a tent in public, the fight finally ends in the seventh round by knockout. I quickly place Rumi back on the ground and take a few breaths calming my racing heart rate, though Rumi doesn't seem to notice as she was mumbling about how the fight ended too quickly and not in her favor. I just thanked whatever god was out there for helping me not ruin this date by having a hard on in public.

"Akihiko, why is your face so red?" Rumi asks me now noticing my red face still.

"Uh….." I just freeze up not sure what to say, then it seems the situation of her on my shoulders with only a sundress dawned on her.

"It's…. it's getting late we should head back," Rumi says with an embarrassed, red face, and very flustered.

'Shit did I ruin the night?!' I think to myself as I just nod my head and we walk back to her home together.

Once we arrive outside her house it is very late into the night and luckily her parents didn't say she'd have to be home at a certain time. Though I have a feeling they'd be pissed at us both if she never came home as it would heavily imply certain things. We stood outside her house and I remember like in the movies this is a moment to kiss the girl. I gather all my courage and gently grab her face toward me and it seems she wants to kiss me too. We both lean forward and share our first kiss, which may not be great for some people but for my first time, it felt amazing. After kissing for maybe a minute with Rumi pulling me closer to her and the kiss getting more passionate, we hear someone clear their throat.

"DAD!" Rumi says after we break the kiss and she became flustered but annoyed at the same time. While for the first time in my life, I feel like a deer in headlights, not sure what or how to respond. Rumi's mom was behind him and seemed to take a picture, but I could also see a deadly glint in her eyes directed toward me again.

"Seems you two had a good night. Though I'm glad you finally came home it is getting late. Have a safe trip home Akihiko," Rumi's dad says to me not letting anyone speak. I just nod my head turn around and leave.

"Akihiko! I had a good night, I talk to you tomorrow!" Rumi says to me as I awkwardly left and then I turn smiling at her.

"Same with me Rumi, was the best night I've had in a long time!" I say and genuinely mean it as ever since my parents died and every day felt more empty than the last. Though tonight made me feel like I used to before my parents died.

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