The Unseen Angel in MHA


Two months passed with nothing much different happening, the only real difference is Rumi has become a lot more territorial about me. Always being next to me and shooting other girls angry looks claiming me as hers, which I didn't care about. Then again it pissed me off the way some guys looked at her and I gave them dark looks as well, seems we both can be a bit territorial. Our relationship didn't really grow past making out and going out, though now I realized Rumi demands spars with me now regularly. So every day after school it has become a regular thing for us two to spar. Then a week before the school festival approaches us and with it the first 'normal' thing we could do in the school. The whole class was debating what to do for the festival.

Our class settled on doing a play about a popular fight from past heroes. I picked a small part as I really didn't feel like doing anything and Rumi picked a small part too. She said we'd do our part and then explore the rest of the festival. The rest of the week we rehearsed the play after school for an hour. When the weekend came, so to did a break from the play practices. The last two months my day off now consisted of me going over to Rumi's house or she'd come to mine, this weekend she'd come to mine.

"Honey I'm home!" Rumi says after entering my house I didn't lock it knowing she was coming. She likes to say this as a joke every time she comes over. I just sigh and roll my eyes as I'm sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Someone is grumpy today!" Rumi says jumping onto my lap while facing me and wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Sorry just mentally tired from the play practice all week," I say with an annoyed sigh since I hate the attention and practicing for something that will not help me in any way in the future.

"Maybe I can help take your mind off it," Rumi says to me while giving me a sultry look and biting her bottom lip.

Though before I could respond she kisses me passionately and pushes her tongue into my mouth. Rumi being a very dominant woman makes everything we do pretty much a competition, like making out. We fight over dominance with our tongues as her hands run along my abs or in my hair. My one hand is massaging her ass and the other one is working its way up to her breast. We've never gone past foreplay yet and our passionate sessions have gotten close to breaking the foreplay but something we haven't talked about yet is keeping us from taking the last step. At this point, my hand has found her breast and is about to go under her bar.

"Yo Akihiko! Shota and I decided to surprise you! We haven't hung out in a while ever since you started to date Rumi, so we figured we'd surprise you," Hizashi yells as they both enter my house. This made Rumi and I jump in surprise as we both were too focused on each other to notice them.

"Damn my bad man, if we'd known Rumi was here we'd let you guys do your thing," Hizashi says smirking after entering the living room with Shota who has wide eyes seeing us. Rumi was still sitting in my lap and from our faces, you could easily tell we were just enjoying each other.

"Hizashi! I'll break my foot off in your ass! So don't you dare say anything else!" Rumi says giving him an angry look while leaning forward and her breasts smash my face.

'Nice,' I think to myself as she berates Hizashi while I'm just enjoying being muffled.

"Damn you two are really made for each other, jumping right to violence!" Hizashi says with his hands up and now Rumi leaned back taking my favorite pillows from me. Though she does cross her arms under her chest pushing her boobs up and I also appreciate that view.

'Fuck when did I become so horny like Hizashi?!' I think as I snap my thoughts from Rumi's chest.

"Now that you two are here, we gonna hang out?" I say after breaking my stare from Rumi's very close breasts. Rumi is mumbling about being cock blocked, which makes me chuckle a bit under my breath.

The rest of the day we hung out with my two best friends, though they did leave earlier than Rumi giving us enough time to enjoy some alone time again. Once I walked Rumi to the train station I headed back home. Arriving at school the next day I see they set up the entire school for the festival beginning held. Many booths and other parts of the school have been set up.

Once I arrive in my classroom and sit next to Rumi she talks about what she saw walking in and what places we should visit after our play is over. Then after everyone arrives Gran Torino explains our play will take place at the end of the school festival as the final thing in front of the whole school. This surprise makes everyone mutter nervously.

"Why are you all nervous? If you want to be pro heroes, then working in front of an audience is part of it. Plus this will help you act properly even under the watch of others," Gran Torino says explaining why he switch our time and made us perform in front of everyone. He gives me a look to me, I'm sure trying to convince me in some way to not become an underground hero. I just give him the same neutral expression.

Once the class is dismissed Rumi grabs my hand dragging me around the school while we explore the festival and all the activities available. Shota and Nemuri seem to walk around together, while Hizashi is walking around with Ryuko. Hizashi has yet to ask her out, but I can see that maybe today he will.

"Oh look! The third years are hosting a race!" Rumi says while we are walking around then grabs my hand dragging me over to the field that the third years are using for their race.

"Hey, how do we join?!" Rumi asks while looking excitedly at the current race. The person she asked turned around and I recognized her as Sara the old vice president from the quirk research club from my first year in junior high.

"Akihiko? Holy shit it really is you!" Sara says surprising me with her outwardness since she always seemed on the more quiet side. Rumi then becomes confused and glares at Sara slightly as she calls my name.

"Yeah, been a while. Though I'm glad you got into U.A., how've you been?" I say to her while placing my arm around Rumi reassuring her, which makes her relax a bit. Though Sara just smiles at me and gives us a knowing look.

"I've been good, though it seems I was the only one who graduated from our club that managed to make it to my third year in the hero program. It will only get tougher as the time goes by trust me, though with your power you should be fine," Sara says with a slightly saddened smile as she thinks of her friends who are no longer with her in the hero program.

"Any way you and your girlfriend want to enter the race?" Sara says changing the topic and perking back up.

"Nah I'm fine, though Rumi will want to race," I say while smiling down at Rumi who gives an excited and determined nod.

"Hell yeah! I bet I'll win, especially if Akihiko isn't racing!" Rumi says with a determined expression, Sara just laughs at her excited attitude.

Rumi goes to the girl's locker room to quickly change into gym clothes before joining the next race. Meanwhile, Sara and I catch up as she tells me the others made it into U.A. with her, but they only got into the second class. Then in their second year, only she and Yui managed to stay in the program. This year she was the only one who managed to stay in the hero program. Then Shota and Nemuri showed up and caught up with Sara after recognizing her. We then cheered on Rumi as she raced and won first place in the next three races winning a golden ribbon.

"Just a golden ribbon?" Rumi says while looking at it slightly depressed at the prize.

"You thought they'd give you a real gold metal?" I say with a chuckle.

"NO! I...Shut up!" Rumi says to me giving me an annoyed look before throwing the ribbon at me and running back to change into her normal clothes. I just chuckle as she runs off.

The rest of the time we just wander around exploring everything that all the different classes set up. Then the day finally came to an end with our class having to perform the play in front of the whole school. After everything was set up Gran Torino was just smiling at our class's nervousness.

Then the play started and everything was awkward in the beginning until everyone got more comfortable eventually. The rest of the play went by smoothly with a few mistakes here and there. Rumi and I played our small part too perfectly, even though we both only had two lines really. Once the play ended we all changed, but Gran Torino asked to speak with me before I left home for the day. I said goodbye to my friends as I told them to not wait for me, and they just gave me curious looks but nodded agreeing.

"Akihiko, I want you to meet a friend of mine. They are a current underground hero. He will explain more about them to you," Gran Torino says to me as we walk to the faculty room. Walking inside I see a middle aged man around the same age as Gran Torino, he is just wearing an everyday suit it seems while drinking tea.

"Ah Sorahiko you're back and this must be Akihiko," the man says seeing us enter. Gran Torino just nods his head before sitting down at his desk and I sit across from the man on the couch.

"So Akihiko I hear you want to become an underground hero," the man says while looking me over with a judgemental look. I just nod my head waiting for him to continue.

"Good, we need more capable people to join our ranks. All I can really tell you is there are two paths to underground heroes. The first is the one I'm in and the easier one to join. It's the 'standard' one. We just deal with your regular villains that need to be taken down discreetly and sometimes assist 'normal' heroes with villains. This is why some underground heroes are known about," The man says to me before taking another sip, as I just wait for him to continue.

"Then the second path is much harder and I only know the rumors. They are considered true underground heroes as no one knows who is a real one. The government is very secure about their information as it is considered top secret. They are the ones the government sends out to assassinate threats that normal heroes can't handle. All For One was one of those threats, but was checked off once All Might got him. To join them you have to be the best of the best," the man says to me before looking at Gran Torino.

"All I can say is just be a hundred percent sure you want to go down this path, as to leave it is almost impossible," the man says before standing up and saying goodbye to us.

"Can I leave?" I ask as all the man said to me, made me want to join even sooner. Gran Torino gives me a look over, before letting out a tired sigh and nodding his head.

"Akihiko, I just want what's best for you," Gran Torino says as I stand and leave. I just nod my head before leaving to go home for the day.

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