The Unseen Angel in MHA


Once I enter the apartment Rumi and I just got together a few days ago, I finish unpacking the last of my things. Once I finish, I text my friends to see how they are doing. Shota is still living at home since he's waiting to start his job before getting a place of his own. Hizashi and Ryuko are not yet moving in together, but are considering it once they both settle into the hero agencies they are working for currently as sidekicks. Nemuri is also still living at home and like Shota is waiting to save up some money before moving out to her own place.

After relaxing for an hour and just reading a new book series that I found, Rumi entered our apartment. Without saying anything to me she just walked inside and collapsed onto the couch, before letting out a very annoyed sigh. I just chuckled at her attitude, though figured I might as well ask.

"So, what happened?" I ask Rumi who grumbles again into the couch.

"That's the problem! Nothing happened! Only a few idiots who did minor crimes! And the only big call we got, I wasn't even allowed to act! I had to keep the civilians back while Thunderclap fought the villain!" Rumi says extremely pissed off that the hero she is working under didn't let her do much.

"I mean it is only your second day working," I say shrugging, though apparently, that was the wrong answer as Rumi glared at me before getting up.

"I'm gonna shower! I was gonna invite you, but now I'm not!" Rumi says to me once she stands up and goes to our bathroom. I just let out a tired sigh after she left very annoyed at me.

Though after cooking for Rumi and me, later that night Rumi seemed to have forgiven me as she jumped my bones once we finished dinner. As Rumi was sleeping on my chest after a few very active hours, I lay there staring up at the ceiling contemplating my eighteenth birthday which is coming in another week. Whatever voice that was in my head a long time ago said it would talk to or meet me once I turn eighteen. Shrugging it off I fell asleep.

The week went by very slowly now that I don't go to school every day and the agency doesn't need me to do anything I just sit at home. So I decided to find hobbies or things to do, so I decided to try day trading and I'm currently horrible at it. Then my birthday came, Rumi invited all our friends over to celebrate it and Rumi decided to cook for me that day. She is not the greatest cook, but it is somewhat edible that's why I'm usually the cook. After spending the day hanging out with my friends and everyone celebrating my birthday night came. Rumi gave me some extra presents that night and once again she fell asleep while cuddled up next to me. I stayed awake waiting for whoever spoke to me, but it seemed they wouldn't be coming so I fell asleep.

'Akihiko, wake up!' I hear a voice speak in my head shortly after falling asleep. I jump up slightly but relax once Rumi grumbles in her sleep. I gently slide out from under her to walk into our living room, to see if anyone is there.

'I'm on the rooftop, come fly up here brother,' the voice says to me after I see no one inside our apartment aside from us.

With a grumble, I open the window in the living room, before jumping out it and bringing my wings out before flying up. Though I immediately notice after bringing my wings out I feel very different, much stronger than ever before like even my Uncle in his prime at full power would be an ant compared to me in this form. Looking down I noticed my sweatpants disappeared and were replaced with this golden feathered armor and pristine white robes. Mt hair also grew to become long enough to reach my mid back and became a very light blonde almost white. A warm glow came from atop the back of my head, reaching up I don't feel anything but from what I can guess it might be a halo.

After discovering these differences and the feeling of this power flooding my system, I fly up to the roof. My speed as drastically improved too in this form as I passed the roof and reached the edge of the atmosphere in a second. It's almost like I can teleport but my speed just seems to be that much faster now.

"Brother, it will take you a bit to adjust to your true power. Though I'm here to tell you about yourself and answer any questions you might have," the same voice I heard in my head says behind me.

I turn and see a man around my height with the same golden armor and white robes. They also have three sets of wings and a golden halo behind their head. The only real difference between us is they have very dark skin, like an African, and black hair. Though we both share the same iridescent eyes.

"I'm known as Raphael. Amongst our brothers and sisters, I'm known for my healing abilities. Yes, you are an angel, but unlike any other angels, you have been born to mortals. You were sent here to be the catalyst for change in this world, though what you went through, I'm sorry we could not interfere. Each angel is made with a purpose in mind, you are an angel of the highest rank called 'Seraphim' and your role is the angel of wrath and justice," Raphael says to me while I just stare at him processing this information and change I when through.

"Does this mean I will leave this place behind now?" I ask worried about my friends here and Rumi who I have fallen in love with.

"No, you will live the rest of your mortal life here, once your mortal body dies you will ascend to your true and official place in heaven. As for your loved ones, they too will most likely ascend to heaven but not as angels. For the one you will marry, upon God's will she may ascend to become an angel," Raphael says to me and eases my worries, as I nod in understanding.

"What you suffered has hurt you and it will take some time to heal it, but I can heal your slightly damaged emotions and psyche. Though for what angel you are has influenced what emotions remain prevalent," Raphael says to me with a genuine look of worry for me and ever since meeting him I do feel a natural connection to him like he is family.

"No, I need to fix myself on my own terms... Are we really family? What happened to my parents? If I ever have kids will they be angels too? Will I ever see you or any other angels again? Why can my fire heal, does all holy fire heal?" I say to him then bombard him with questions once all this new information I learned shorty finishes making me confused.

"Angels each have a very different biological build that is unique to themselves, so technically we aren't related biologically. However, we consider each other family due to the close bonds we form and naturally feel for each other, as I'm sure you feel once we met," Raphael says to me with a warm smile. I just nod my head.

"Your parents are currently in heaven and have been getting tabs on your growth. They said they love you and are proud of the man you've become. You will see them again one day," Raphael says to me and I feel my suppressed emotions flood forth before some tears silently leave my eyes. He approaches me and pats my shoulder reassuringly as we both remain far above any humans on the cusp of space.

"As for any children you sire…..I don't believe they will be born angels, but could possibly become one once they ascend to heaven. Like I said you are the first angel to be born to mortals and would be the first to sire children with one," Raphael says to me with a shrug after giving me a minute to collect myself.

"Your holy fire is unique to you, as not many angels can use holy fire and the ones that can only a handful like myself can heal others with it. Though I would assume that has to do with your justice side, since true justice doesn't discriminate and would heal or hurt the person involved," Raphael says to me while thinking about my holy fire.

"As for seeing me again or any of our brothers and sisters, I doubt you will see any of us until you come home. My coming here was only to tell you about what you really are, as Father doesn't want us to mess with the mortal worlds too much. Your position is unique in that regard too, as not many angels get a task involving mortals," Raphael says to me with a slightly saddened look.

"I see...If I have any more questions in the future who or how would I ask them?" I say as I just nod my head having asked the questions I have for now.

"You can pray to Father and he may let one of us visit again or answer them himself," Raphael says to me.

"Well, brother my time here is coming to an end. It was nice meeting you and I look forward to the day we meet again in the halls of our father," Raphael says to me before giving me a brotherly hug and then disappearing like he was never there, to begin with.

I just stay in the sky contemplating the information I learned for a few more minutes. My curiosity then gets the better of me as I look up toward the moon and stars. Thinking fuck it, I fly past the earth's atmosphere barrier between it and space. Then in a blink of an eye, I'm on the surface of the moon, it seems even in the vacuum of space the extreme temperate means nothing to me. I also don't seem to need to breathe as I just realized I'm not breathing ever since entering my true form.

As I sit on the moon and just look back down on earth I just enjoy the sight. I turn to the sun and my curiosity once again gets the better of me, I fly towards the sun and it takes me maybe half a minute to reach it. I stand directly in front of the burning sun still feeling no difference in temperature. I reach out and touch the sun and watch as the burning gases pass over it. I let out a chuckle as I just enjoy seeing these incredible sights. I then realize that I should head back home, as I lay on the surface of the sun taking sunbathing to an extreme level.

I practically teleport back home from the speed I was going and it seems that even moving at this speed doesn't affect the objects in the area or make the sound of me breaking the sound barrier. Once I head back inside I lay back down in bed once turning back to my normal form, thankfully Rumi is a heavy sleeper and didn't wake up at all. Though as soon as I climbed back in bed she rolled back over cuddling right up next to me. I just smiled looking at her sleeping face, before I pulled her closer to me and quickly fell asleep while holding her.

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