The Unseen Angel in MHA


It's been just over two months since my birthday and awakening new powers, I still haven't gotten any jobs or missions yet. They tell me that my certain abilities aren't needed for now, though my day trading has gotten slightly better. The realtor told me they had sold my house finally a few weeks back. Meanwhile, Rumi and my friends have been working as sidekicks while enjoying the work mostly, except for Rumi who wants to be a solo hero.

Once the money from my home came in, I helped Rumi start her own hero agency in the city. On paper, I was part of the hero agency too, but in reality, Rumi was the only one who worked out of it. She was able now to answer any calls and deal with them on her own and this actually made her climb the hero ranks quite quickly reaching the top one hundred already. When I was sitting at the computer watching my current stock fall into the toilet, I got a phone call.

"Akihiko! Rumi tells me you've been bored at home since your job doesn't have you doing much. Why don't you come over to visit us, your niece and nephew miss you," Rei says to me once I answer it. It's been a few weeks since my last visit to Endeavor and his wife. They've been busy having two kids over the last couple of years and apparently, another is on the way now.

"Ok sure, I'll come over," I say before hanging up and texting Rumi I was going over to see the Todoroki family.

I then take to train over to their city and walk to their house, which is now on the outskirts of the city, as Endeavor bought a better home once he became the number two hero. Since I've grown close with their family, with Rei actually treating me like her brother and their kids viewing me as their uncle. They gave me a spare key to their house so I can come over anytime. Once I open the door, I see Toya and Fuyumi running in the hall chasing one another. Then Rei who looks like she is about to pop walks out yelling at them to calm down.

"Maybe I should leave," I say opening the door and about to leave the craziness behind.

"Oh, Akihiko! No! You are here now, come and tell me what you've been up to," Rei says turning to see me just enter and about to sneak out. Then with a sigh, I close the door and walk inside, but then the two kids come running up to me and jump onto me.

"Uncle Akihiko! Toya won't let me play with his action figures!" Fuyumi says to while looking at me with a glass that looks like they are about to fall off her face.

"Not true! She tried to steal the figure while I was playing with it!" Toya says while giving Fuyumi an annoyed glare. I just let out another tired sigh and walk as both kids cling to my legs arguing with one another. Rei is just chuckling at the sight.

"How about Toya uses it for an hour and then Fuyumi can use it for the next hour," I say trying to placate them.

"But Toya already had it all morning!" Fuyumi says with an annoyed voice and pointing at Toya accusingly.

"Then you can use it now for an hour and he can use it again the next hour," I say with a slightly annoyed look, but then it looks like Toya is about to complain.

"Ok, both of you don't get it then! Uncle Akihiko is here to visit not solve your problems, so either play nicely or he will go home," Rei says to her kids scolding them and they just grumble but nod before running off.

"I can't believe you guys are having a third. I don't know if I'll ever want kids if this is what they are like," I say with a tired sigh once the kids run off, Rei just chuckles hearing me.

"You say that now, but what if Rumi wants kids? You gonna say no to her?" Rei says to me with a knowing smile, I just roll my eyes at her.

"I've invited Rumi over for dinner tonight, so that means you get to stay here all day. Aren't you excited?!" Rei says to me showing the texts between her and Rumi while laughing at my annoyed look.

"I should've ignored your phone call," I say while leaning back on the couch.

"Mom, can I show Uncle Akihiko my fire?!" Toya says after running back out to us after giving Fuyumi his action figures.

"I don't know honey, your fire seems to hurt you when you use it," Rei says looking at Toya with a worried look.

"Please Mom! How can I be a hero like dad and Uncle Akihiko if I don't get stronger? Toya says giving her an exaggerated look. Rei gives him a long and worried look, before sighing and nodding her head in approval.

"Akihiko just make sure he doesn't go overboard, please. I know Enji wants him to get as strong as possible, but I feel he is pushing him too hard," Rei says to me as I get up to follow after Toya who excitedly ran off to the training room Endeavor had built into the house.

"Ok, though I'm sure Enji just wants what's best for his kids," I say trying to defend Endeavor's training method, though I can tell Rei seems upset by it slightly. She just shakes her head motioning for me to go after Toya.

"Uncle Akihiko, check out how much stronger I've gotten!" Toya says to me once I enter the training room and blasts the fire toward me.

"Toya, be careful with your fire!" I say using my fire to block and consume his, so he doesn't burn my clothes off my body.

"Sorry," Toya says to me with a puppy eyed face. I just sigh seeing his cute face.

"It's fine, but if I wasn't strong enough to block that you could've hurt me. You don't want to accidentally hurt your mom or sister right?" I say to him and crouching down to his level. He just nods his head in understanding.

"Good, now show me on the training dummy how strong you've gotten," I say patting his head and pointing to the metal training dummy in the room.

"OK!" Toya says excitedly and runs over closer to the dummy, before taking a few deep breaths and dowsing the dummy in his fire.

Once the fire disappears which only lasts maybe for a few seconds, the dummy is unscathed since it's meant to withstand even Endeavor's flames, but tells the temperature of Toya's flames in its robotic voice. This is still nowhere near Endeavor's level, but for a kid, he seems powerful.

"You've gotten stronger Toya, if you keep up the hard work I'm sure you'll become a strong hero just like your dad," I say patting his shoulder after he seems slightly in pain after using his fire, his hands seem likely burned. So I use my fire to heal his hands and he smiles at me.

"No, I'm gonna become stronger than my dad! He told me that I will pass even All Might's strength and become the next number one hero!" Toya says with a determined look and I just nod my head smiling at him. After a few hours of catching up with Rei and her kids, Endeavor comes home.

"Akihiko? Why are you here?" Endeavor says to me once he comes home and says hello to his family.

"Rei told me to come over since my job doesn't keep me busy enough. She also invited Rumi over for dinner tonight, so she should be here soon too," I say to Endeavor who just looks at Rei for confirmation, before nodding his head at me.

"I see, well since you are here can we talk in my office?" Endeavor says to me motioning to follow him and I nod following after him. We take seats in his office, as he sits at the desk and I sit across from him in one of the two chairs in front of the desk.

"I'm surprised the agency doesn't have you working more, especially since you are as strong as you are," Endeavor says to me which sounds more like a question.

"Your guess is as good as mine, they just tell me there is nothing worth my time yet," I say to him with a shrug.

"Makes sense, strong heroes like you are rare and even rarer for joining the underground heroes. I guess they want to wait to use you for the important things," Endeavor says with a shrug too after thinking about it.

"Anyway, there is something I found during one of my patrols in the city. Something that you may want to take over since I think they should be killed, but I can't for obvious reasons. They are human traffickers, but I have a feeling there is more behind it," Endeavor says to me handing me a file on everything he has so far.

"I think your agency is aware of this issue, but since I haven't requested help to deal with it they are waiting. Though I figure since you're bored, you may want this job," Endeavor says to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'll send this over to my boss and take it off your hands," I say with a nod. He just nods his head hearing my answer.

"Aunt Rumi!" we hear the kids shout as apparently, Rumi entered the house, plus from her loud hello we know she is there.

"Seems your Uncle's entrances have rubbed off on your fiancee," Endeavor says to me with a chuckle.

"What? She isn't my fiancee," I say confused at his statement.

"I know, but are you telling me you haven't thought about it? You've been together for a few years now, sure you're both young. But the way you two look and feel towards one another suggests that you will marry in the future," Endeavor says to me with a knowing look before leaving the room and not giving me time to answer.

'Fuck he is not wrong, though I want to wait atleast a year after we graduated before popping the question,' I think to myself as I wanted to give us both time to adjust to what would be the new normal before planning a wedding.

Walking after Endeavor, I see Rumi playing with the kids and they seem happier to see her than they did me. This makes me slightly jealous, but I don't show it, at least I thought but it seems Rei and Endeavor give me knowing looks. I just glare at them both. Once we eat and hang out for another hour with the whole Todoroki family, Rumi and I leave to head home.

"Do you want kids?" Rumi asks me as we sit on the train heading back home while leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Sorry, I know that came out of nowhere! Just seeing those kids got me thinking and I mean I don't want them right away or–" Rumi says seeing my surprised face after looking up at me. Though I quiet her with a kiss, thankfully we are alone in the compartment since it is late at night.

"Maybe one day, though you're the only person I would have kids with," I say to her after breaking the kiss and she blushes slightly but smiles at me.

"Yeah obviously not right away, but one day," Rumi says to me after waving off her blushed face, though I pull her back in for a kiss which quickly turns into a heated makeout session.

Once the train stops I grab her and quickly make our way home, locking the door behind us as he is already stripping us both for what will be another very active night. Once I wake up in the morning I leave Rumi a note saying, I have a mission today and will be home later.

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