The Unseen Angel in MHA


With the new school year starting we were told that kindergarten was just the easiest introduction to school and now we are entering what my parents called elementary school. Everyone told us that things will get harder from here on and my parents, even my Uncle told me to take school very seriously now so I can one day enter U.A. as my Uncle did. On the first day, Shota and I headed to the school with our moms accompanying us. After our moms signed the papers, so of the teachers told us to head to our future classroom, and luckily Shota and I are in the same class.

"Akihiko did your parents make a big deal about school now? Cause my mom and dad kept telling me that if I want to be a hero and go to U.A. I need to make sure I take all my studies seriously," Shota tells me as we walk to the classroom.

"Yeah so did my mom and dad, even my Uncle told me that I need to take this all seriously. Did we not do a good job last year?" I say with an exaggerated hand gesture to our parents lecturing us. Shota laughs and nods his head agreeing with me as we enter the classroom for our second year in school and apparently our first year in 'real school'.

"Akihiko, Shota! You guys are in my class too! YES!" we hear Hizashi shout after we enter the classroom and see him sitting in the back by the window. Seeing him we both smile and wave at him.

"Akihiko you sit next to him, if I have to listen to him all year, I'll go crazy," Shota tells me as he sits with an empty seat between the two of them. I laugh and take a seat next to Hizashi, between my two best friends.

"Did you meet the teacher yet?" I ask Hizashi as I don't see any adults in the room, only a handful of other kids who are either talking together in groups or alone.

"No, I got here a few minutes ago. I was gonna try to talk with some people, but then you guys came in," Hizashi says with a shrug, Shota nods his head listening to our conversation.

"Hey Hizashi, did your parents make a big deal out of this year too?" Shota asks him.

"Yeah, they said last year was an 'introduction to real school'. Whatever that means," Hizashi says with a shrug. Shota and I both nod our heads agreeing with him.

"Hey guys! Glad you are all here, at least I know some people now!" we hear Nemuri say as she comes into the room, with some other kids right behind her.

"Hey Nemuri," Hizashi and I say to her, as Shota just waves at her in greeting.

"How were your guys' last couple weeks of summer? I heard you visited your grandparents," Nemuri says to Shota and Hizashi as she knows I just stayed at home with my parents and visited my Uncle at the hero HQ.

"Yeah we went to Matsumoto, that's where my grandparents live," Shota says with a shrug.

"My grandparents live in Tokyo," Hizashi says after Shota with a smile.

"The city was so cool and it had so many people," Hizashi says quickly after telling us about the city. We live in Hamamatsu, the city next to Musutafu, where U.A. High is located. After Hizashi talked about his trip for a few minutes, more students came in, and finally an adult. Who I assume is the teacher, a young woman again with black hair and brown eyes.

"Hello everyone, I'm Sensei Shima. I'm going to be your teacher until you all go to Junior High school. I can see some of you already know each other, but let's go around the room and introduce ourselves," Sensei Shima says to us once she places a few papers down at her desk before turning to us.

We can see now she has two horns that stick out of her head, something to do with her quirk most likely. Like in kindergarten everyone when around the room introduces themselves, saying their dislikes and likes, and most kids want to be a hero when they grow up. After introductions, she explained what we will be learning over the next six years and what is expected of us to get into a junior high that will increase our chances of getting into U.A. High school. The rest of the day was spent going over what we learned in kindergarten, so she can see where we need to begin.

"I'm home!" I say to my mom, as I walked home with Shota and his mom since kindergarten they take turns taking us and picking us up.

"Welcome home honey! How was your first day?" mom asks me as I walk inside and go upstairs to my room to change.

"It was fine, we went over what we learned last year so Sensei Shima can make a plan for us she said," I say as I enter my room.

"Oh ok, well make sure you study whatever she teaches you and your homework too! I will be checking to make sure before bed from now on!" mom says as I grumble a bit to myself.

"Ok!" I respond after sighing a bit and pulling out the books Sensei Shima gave us for this year.

The next couple of hours I read them and for some reason once I read something I never forget it, so I just read the books. This makes homework much easier and other things too. Then I hear the door open and my dad gets home from work.

"Hey bud, how was school?" dad asks me as he walks past my room and sees me reading the one book on math.

"It was ok, though luckily Shota, Hizashi, and Nemuri are in my class again!" I say with a tired sigh at the end from reading the whole time.

"That's good," he chuckles seeing me reading.

"Boys! Dinner is gonna be ready soon, so get cleaned up and come downstairs!" mom shouts to us, dad and I share a look as we both are hungry.

"Race you to the table, whoever is last does the dishes?" dad says to me, I nod my head.

Quickly getting ready we head downstairs racing, he is ahead of me, but I jump off the stairs with my wings out flying me down to the table first. Sitting down I turn to see my dad stare at me shocked, then give me an agitated look, but I stick my tongue out to him.

"I won!" I say with a laugh.

"You cheated, you used your quirk!" dad says taking a seat at the table too.

"Never said we couldn't, plus just cause I can fly doesn't make me a cheater," I say with a shrug and he grumbles. Then mom comes out with the food she made, once we are done eating and I bring the dishes over to the sink, dad sighs and cleans them giving me a glare.

"Honey I've been thinking, now that Akihiko is going to school full time, I might work at the hospital again," mom says as dad and I are having a staring contest which I won since he broke eye contact to turn to mom surprised hearing her.

"Oh! Really, I don't mind. I figured you were just gonna be a stay at home mom from now on. I just thought you got….uh," dad starts to say but sees a narrowed-eyed look from my mom making him stutter at the end.

"You thought I got what?" mom says with this weird smile at dad, as he looks around nervously.

"Nothing, it's great you are deciding to work again! I love you! Now I should focus on the dishes!" dad says turning back to the dishes and doing them with more vigor now for some reason.

"Mom you used to work at the hospital?" I ask as no one told me that before. She still staring at dad, turns to me with a different smile now, one that shows her normal love. Shrugging off the weird atmosphere I wait for her to talk.

"Yes, mommy used to be a doctor at the hospital. Though when I got pregnant with you, we decided to take a leave from work. Once you were born, I wanted to be home with you, but now that you're going to school all day like a big boy. I want to go back to work, staying home alone all day is boring," mom says hugging me and pinching my cheeks as she smothers me in a deadly hug, that I try to break.

"Please mom…..let me go," I say pushing off her, which she finally relents. Though I can see my dad smirking at my situation from behind her. Narrowing my eyes at him, I then smirk at him, as he looks at me confused.

"Mommy then why doesn't daddy want you to work?" I say with a slightly confused look, that makes my mom turn to dad with that deadly smile from earlier. Now smirking at him again, his face turns to one of shock and gives me a look of betrayal.

"I'm not sure either honey, maybe daddy needs to have a talking to," mom says looking at him.

"WAIT! I never said that! I was just surprised that you wanted to work. I thought you got comfortable staying at home all day, doing nothing," dad says, and then his face becomes white after saying the last part.

"Nothing? I do nothing?" mom says with this more evil smile and a creepy laugh I have never heard from her before.

"Uh, I'm gonna go play in my room," I say quickly leaving with my dad looking like a deer in headlights.

"Sure thing honey, mommy and daddy need to talk," mom says not even turning to me as I run upstairs to my room. Shortly after I hear dad falling to the ground begging mom for forgiveness.

Looking at the book I almost finished reading I shake my head, as any more boring reading will drive me insane. Instead, I call out my wings and begin to mess around with them in my room. Over my time with them, I've learned that they are softer than anything I've felt before and each set of wings is slightly different. They look similar, but I have this natural feeling that each set is different somehow. I'm not sure what exactly is the difference, nor do I know how to test their differences. I will just have to wait till U.A. High where they actually let you use your quirks. Heading to school the next day, my mom is taking Shota and me there. Getting to the classroom, we see Hizashi and Nemuri already there.

"Hey guys," Nemuri says waving at us as Shota and I walk over to them, to sit in our seats.

"Did either of you guys read any of the books we got yesterday?" Hizashi asks us once we sit down.

"Yeah I did, though some of it is so confusing," Shota says as Hizashi and Nemuri nod their heads agreeing with him.

"Yeah it was confusing, but after reading for a while I kinda understood it more," I say remembering exactly what I read.

"Not everyone has a freaky memory like you Akihiko," Shota says with an eye roll, but Hizashi and Nemuri look at me confused.

"What do you mean?" Nemuri asks Shota and me, with Hizashi nodding his head alongside her.

"Akihiko, can read something once and remember exactly what it says forever. It's annoying because every time I bring up comics we read he quotes them exactly," Shota says with a sigh. Though I just laugh and nod my head.

"What! I wish I had that! It would make studying so much easier!" Hizashi says placing his head on the desk defeated. Nemuri is nodding her head with Hizashi, as she gives me a jealous look. I just shrug them off, as Sensei Shima walks in to start class.

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