The Unseen Angel in MHA


AN: Wasn't much else to cover in his very early years, as it's just them being kids. Plus it was meant to establish their relationships. Though now that they are entering the time where it could determine if they get into U.A. High things will slow down now a lot more now. With maybe a few weeks or months of a time skip here and there at most, but nothing this big of a time skip after this, you will read more below. 


As a kid time went by so slowly, but eventually time went by. With it, our graduation from elementary school, to finally reach junior high, which will determine if we can make it to U.A. High after this. Over the years, my popularity with the other kids reached all new heights, and Shota became quieter as we got older. Shota only preferred to talk with our close friend group as other people 'tired him out' or so he would say. Hizashi was not as popular as me but would go out of his way to talk with people, though he would need to focus a lot more on his studies. Nemuri has gotten more popular amongst the boys as we all turned twelve entering junior high, and things like crushes became more frequent.

Though Nemuri doesn't seem to have any interest in any of the boys in our class, however, I can tell Hizashi has an interest in her. Shota seems indifferent to it all, though Nemuri does talk with us still, she now spends more time with her girl friends group. The summer after we left elementary school and started Junior High, Shota and I were walking alone to school as we are older now. My mom has been working at the hospital again for several years now and my Uncle has officially become the most popular Hero in Japan of all time. Though a younger hero that has caught the eye of everyone, named Endeavor made his debut this past year.

"Akihiko, you think school is gonna get that much harder now?" Shota asks me as we are walking to our new school.

"I would guess it would, though we are going to do our best right? So we can all get into the hero program at U.A.," I say with a shrug and smile at him.

"I guess, though I forgot it'll be easier for you with your quirk and crazy memory," Shota says with a tired sigh. I just snort at his statement.

"Hey guys!" Hizashi says as we almost arrive at school and we usually meet him along the way.

"What's up Hizashi," I say waving at him as Shota just nods his head in greeting.

"Still tired as always I see Shota. Though Akihiko you seem excited for school, it's school why so excited?" Hizashi says to us while patting Shota's shoulder much to Shota's annoyance.

"Maybe it's cause I deal with people like you on a daily basis!" Shota says annoyed at Hizashi's carefree attitude. Though we just ignore Shota's outburst like usual, making him more annoyed with us.

"I'm excited because we are going to finally have new people we can meet, and actually do things that will increase our chances of getting into U.A.," I say with excitement and determination in my voice.

"Sure if you say so," Hizashi says with an eye roll and Shota nods his head agreeing with him. Though we have arrived at our new school.

After arriving at school we are walking through the halls to orientation a lot of people are looking at us and whispering. Many girls are blushing as we walk by and giggling about something while looking at us. Hizashi seems to have noticed this attention as he is winking at the girls, while Shota seems to try to disappear from attention. Though I'm used to the looks and just smile while walking past them, making some blush more.

"Guys look at all the girls! I thought Nemuri has gotten pretty, but check them all out!" Hizashi says with excitement make our way to the school orientation that everyone must attend.

"Can you shut up Hizashi! I don't want all this attention on me!" Shota says with an annoyed grumble.

"Oh relax Shota, you should be happy all the girls are taking an interest in us. Gonna make finding a girlfriend easier," Hizashi says while trying to act cool as we walk into the gym for orientation.

"They aren't looking at you Hizashi, but lady killer Akihiko here," Shota says with an eye roll, though Hizashi takes that as a personal attack. Then looks at the girls and me, seeing them all blush as I smile at them.

"Akihiko bastard has everything given to him, life is so unfair! Looks, a cool quirk, brains, and hell even his Uncle–" Hizashi says with an annoyed voice but stops when I glare at him about to say who my Uncle is.

"Hey guys! How've you been?" we hear Nemuri say as we stand in the gym waiting for orientation to start. Though standing next to me, I can see the girls glaring at her which makes her smirk at them.

"Eh, summer was ok. I didn't really do much other than study and prep for this school as my parents forced me!" Hizashi says with an annoyed sigh.

"Well maybe if you took school more seriously and focused you be better off. Plus if it wasn't for Akihiko or me you'd not even get into this school with us!" Shota says glaring at Hizashi for almost failing and having to go to a different school or repeating the same year.

"And I appreciate that, what else are brothers for?" Hizashi says pulling us into a hug and giving Shota a cheeky smile. Shota pushes him away while grumbling.

"So Akihiko how was your summer," Nemuri asks me after Shota and Hizashi bickered.

"Same as the past several summers, nothing much happened. What about you?" I ask with a shrug.

"Yeah my summer wasn't all that special either, but I did go overseas to the USA to visit some family that recently moved there," Nemuri says with a smile. Though before we could talk more, a middle aged man spoke on the platform at the front of the gym.

"Hello everyone! I'm your new Principal, Mr.Oba. If you could take your seats so we can begin the orientation," Principal Oba said while waiting for everyone to sit.

"Welcome all you young people to Shizuoka Junior High. This is the best school for those who want to become heroes and join the most prestigious school in our country for that job, U.A. High," Principal Oba says after everyone takes a seat and quiets down.

"We have many clubs and other programs that you all can join that will help you enter the field you wish to do after these next three years. You can find out more in the pamphlet under each of your seats and if you have any more questions, please reach out to your Sensei or an advisor," Principal Oba says stepping away from the mic, handing it over to a young woman, slightly older than us.

"Hello everyone, I'm Akari Nakano. The current student council president and third year student of the school," Akari Nakano says and proceeds to tell us about the school, all the rules and clubs we may be interested in. Afterward, we all headed to the classrooms that we were told we'd be in before the school year started. Like all the past years all my friends and I are in the same classroom, so we were excited about that.

Arriving in our classroom, all the girls were blushing at me and Nemuri was glaring at them. The boys in our classroom seemed to not care, though some seemed annoyed with the attention I was getting. Taking our seats with me between Hizashi and Shota, them being on my left and right, and Nemuri sitting behind me.

"Ok everyone, I know we just had orientation, but please quiet down," a woman who looks to be around my parents' age says as he walks in. She was a woman who looked like your average Japanese adult, but something felt different about her, I just couldn't tell what.

"I'm going to be your homeroom and main teacher for the next three years, Sensi Haga. Let's get introductions out of the way, then we are jumping right into learning," Sensi Haga says as Hizashi and some other students groan at her statement, though she ignores them.

Going around just in all the past years the kids tell us their names and how they want to be a hero. Once the first half of the day is over, lunch period happens and students can stay in the classroom or roam the school for the hour of lunch. Nemuri went to go and sit with her girl friends.

"Ah guys, there are so many pretty girls in our classroom, let alone our school. Did you see them all? I'm gonna get a girlfriend by the end of this year I swear!" Hizashi says as we are eating lunch outside. With some girls looking over at us giggling.

"Hizashi the world will end before you find a girl that would date you," Shota says making me laugh out loud as Hizashi gives him a deadly glare.

"OH YEAH! I could say the same about you!" Hizashi says to him at first yelling but quiets down due to Shota canceling his quirk, as Shota has become used to doing it now.

"Who cares? Right now I'm more focused on getting into U.A. so I can be a hero, which means I have no time for distractions! Which brings me to my next question. Are you guys interested in any clubs that could help us get into U.A. easier? I was thinking of joining the quirk research club, so I can try to learn more about quirks," Shota says glaring at Hizashi and then looks at the pamphlet we got at orientation.

"Yeah, I was considering some clubs too. The quirk research one sounds interesting, but so does the hero club or the laws and regulations club. All three seem like good ones for entering U.A., but I don't think we have time for all three," I say looking at the pamphlet too and Hizashi seems to have deflated now. Though Shota is nodding his head at me, looking at the clubs.

"Guys, come on. We are in Junior High now, can't we enjoy it a bit more? Why do you guys want to jump right into the annoying part?" Hizashi says as Shota looks at him with an angry face, but I speak before Shota can berate him.

"True I get it Hizashi, we worked our butts off to get into this Junior High, but that doesn't mean we can relax now. We still have to work hard, if not harder to get into U.A., that's our dream, right? You don't want to not get in, being left behind as both Shota and I move on right?" I say to Hizashi and Shota closes his mouth but nods his head agreeing with me.

"That's easy for you guys to say! Akihiko you have the brains and a great quirk, plus you have you know who, who can probably help you get in. Shota has the brains and a good quirk too!" Hizashi says throwing his hands up in the air. Though what he says pisses me off, as my eyebrow twitches, this time Shota speaks before I do.

"Sure, we both have the brains and the quirks to help us get in, but that's because we both put in the effort! If we didn't force you to study, you'd probably be held back last year!" Shota says standing up and grabbing his lunch and walking away angrily.

"He's right Hizashi. If you don't start taking things more seriously, we are going to keep moving forward and leave you behind. You are our friend, but we can only help you so much," I say standing up and following after Shota, leaving Hizashi behind to think about what we said.

"You think he's gonna actually listen to us?" Shota asks me after we threw away our trash and walked back to our classroom.

"I hope so," I say with a sigh and shrug. Shota just nods his head agreeing with me.

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