The Unseen Angel in MHA


Right as I was carrying Rumi outside to the medic to get checked up on, especially our baby. Detective Tsukauchi runs over to us, as Endeavor, Shota, Hizashi, Rumi, and I are coming out from the basement. He looks distraught as he has terrible news, as runs over to us with an extremely worried and stressed look.

“Rapture and Endeavor! We need you right away!” Detective Tsukauchi says as he runs over in a hurry.

“What?” Endeavor says with a mentally tired face.

“We just got word that Tartarus was assaulted by Tomura Shigaraki, some of his followers, and a group of Nomus! Most if not all of the prisoners escaped and I assume most of the staff are dead,” Detective Tsukauchi says to us with a stressed voice and worried face.

“It would take me some time to get there and many would escape… Rapture should be able to get there faster,” Endeavor says to me as I’m holding Rumi who gives me a firm nod telling me to go.

“Very well, Shota please stay with Rumi,” I say to Shota as I hand Rumi over to the paramedics on sight. Shota nods his head with a serious face.

“Oh, before I go… tell the director that I’m not taking any prisoners,” I say to everyone who stares at me Detective Tsukauchi looks like he wants to speak. Though I turn to my angel form and fly there immediately before he can speak.

As I land at Tartarus I can see the aftermath of the fight. Most of the staff were killed off with a few alive hiding or being abused by the prisoners. I just washed my fire over this place killing all the sinners I could detect and leaving the innocent alive. The only thing left was the bodies of the dead that were here when I arrived and the living staff. The staff came out from their hiding spots and walked outside to see me standing there in my angelic form. Before any could speak to me, I flew back to Rumi since the ones not in this place are long gone. I don’t care about hunting them down right now.

The whole thing took me less than five minutes. When I arrived back at the raid we just conducted my friends all looked at me with neutral expressions. While Detective Tsukauchi gives me a confused and then surprised face as it seems he just got word that Tartarus was cleared just now.

“How is she and the baby?” I ask one of the paramedics who was running a few tests on Rumi with a doctor that we saved help to.

“I’m fine and they say the baby is too,” Rumi says giving me a relieved smile and I just hug and kiss her happily. Rumi then breaks down crying in my arms as it seems the stress from the whole situation finally came out of her.

“I heard you healed her and you healed her very well. Though from the injuries she described, she sustained should have… well killed your unborn child. I have no idea how it was left uninjured,” the doctor says to me with a nervous smile as I’m still in my angelic form and everyone is staring at me.

“Let’s go home and see Eri,” I say picking Rumi up and she clings to me still getting over the stress of the situation.

“Rapture! I have no idea how to get there so fast and saved all the remaining staff like that… but thanks. I’m sure the director will be calling you for more help soon,” Detective Tsukauchi says to me before I fly off with Rumi. I just nod my head at him before leaving to head home with Rumi.

Once we get home Eri sees how upset Rumi is so runs over and cuddles with her silently. Fuyumi sees the situation, so I bring her to another room and briefly explain what happened. I then tell her to go home to see her family and see how they are doing. A week goes by after the two Raids and assault on Tartarus with nothing big happening. The villains who escaped were very quiet almost too quiet. Especially since many heroes were killed or heavily injured in the raids.

Then one morning we see a live fight between Best Jeanist and some villain who wasn’t an escapee. Though this fight seemed to be the catalyst that started the huge war, one with a leader that I wasn’t expecting behind it. A day after the fight between the two, villains all across the country and even the world went crazy. With heroes in our country being overwhelmed, so much so, that the government closed all hero schools for the teachers to come out and help. They even authorized the remaining heroes the ability to kill their adversaries if needed. Rumi wasn’t fighting as her last injury and almost losing our unborn child made us both keep her from getting involved.

She remained home with Eri as I didn’t want Eri out of the house either at this time. Nor were most schools open as many civilians hid in their homes as cities were becoming battlefields. Even in other countries where it seemed their heroes weren’t as affected as ours were becoming overwhelmed by villains. I didn’t understand why the world was getting turned upside down until I just killed the most recent villains running rampant in my city.

In the country, my city was one of the few ‘safe’ havens from the villains as they knew I was here protecting it. Plus it became known that I no longer take prisoners so any villain I find gets killed on the spot. The only other ‘safe’ cities were Endeavors, Best Jeanists, Hawks, Edgeshots, Kamui Woods, and Ryuko/ Hizashi’s cities. As we, the top heroes were constantly finding and removing the villains from our cities, while the rest of the remaining heroes fought to gain control back in the other cities.

After killing the latest group of villains, I learned that the leader of the group was possessed by a demon. Then as I killed more villains I learned that many of the higher-up villains were possessed by a demon. This made me feel that maybe All For One’s quirk is really demonic in origin or he recently made a deal with a demon lord. Though the only demon lord I could imagine doing this would be Beelzebub the demon lord of violence and chaos.

Government leaders around the world called an emergency meeting about this apparently worldwide issue of rampant villains. The whole world was at the edge since each government was at its wit's end and seemed to be about to fall apart. Just like went quirks first started showing up a huge war took place until someone took control and set things straight.

“Dad! Mom! The Prime Minister and other people are coming out to talk!” Eri says as she was watching TV, then an emergency broadcast came on. Rumi and I rushed out to see what the leaders had to say. The once middle-aged Prime Minister and other officials all looked like they aged two decades in the last two months from all the stress from these villain outbreaks.

“Hello, my fellow citizens of Japan. We have just came back from a meeting with the world council leaders. It seems these villains across the globe have somehow united under one flag, so to speak. That their goal or goals are still unknown, but it appears they are just trying to cause chaos. I just want to let you know, that we are stronger than them! That we the Japanese people will overcome this issue! That–” the Prime Minister says in his speech until a gunshot is heard and he is shot in the head on live TV killing him. Rumi jumps up and grabs Eri to cover her eye instinctually, while the people on stage all panic as more gunshots are heard and several more officials drop dead.

The broadcast is cut right after it appears that all or most of the government leaders for our country were killed on live TV. Then on worldwide news an emergency alert goes out to everyone telling us all that many of the worldwide leaders were just assassinated on live TV. With only a handful making it out alive, the whole world now seemed to be in chaos. Rumi and I share a look of complete worry and concern as even we have no idea what will happen next.

“I’m going to grab someone who may have more answers,” I say and stand up turning to my angelic form before flying off after Lucifer. As I fly over my country and the US, I can see the utter chaos that is happening across both places. People looting, fighting, killing, and general vibes like the world is coming to an end are happening everywhere.

I arrive outside Lucifer’s window to the penthouse seeing him, Mazikeen, and a woman with brown hair alongside a child that appears to be her daughter. I just break the window and walk inside with Mazikeen immediately arming herself to fight me. Lucifer surprisingly jumps up to defend the woman and child. Though seeing me Lucifer relaxes while Mazikeen still is in a fighting stance. The woman and child become confused and scared at my appearance. Though the girl seeing me in my angelic form looks at me in awe and happiness as my natural presence puts innocent mortals at ease, with sinners scared or nervous.

“Lucifer you are coming with me… and the others too if they need to,” I say seeing how he is about to argue with me, then nods his head hearing me.

“Can you carry us all?” Lucifer says to me trying to imagine me comfortably flying them all.

“You carry the woman, the woman carries the child, and I’ll carry Mazikeen and you both,” I say to him and he nods his head thoughtfully. Though the woman and child don’t understand us since Lucifer and I naturally speak in celestial speech.

“Umm, what is happening?” the woman asks Mazikeen who has finally relaxed but is still glaring at me.

“Lucifer’s brother is here to take us all with him. To where I have no idea,” Mazikeen says to the woman who seems to want to argue about that.

“I apologize, but I must take my brother. He wants you to come with him, though if you do not wish to come that is fine. I’m only here for him anyway,” I say to the woman as Lucifer turns to her with a flash of a genuinely worried look. Seeing him show this much feeling for someone is extremely surprising, to say the least.

“I…Where are we going?” the woman says hesitantly.

“To my home, which is in Japan. I promise you it is safe and you will remain safe as long as you stay inside my home,” I say and we have enough room to accommodate them.

“...Fine. I just wanted a safe place for my daughter and since Lucifer is… well Lucifer I figured he was the safest out of everywhere,” the woman says most likely referring to his demonic side and I just nod my head.

Then as I said Lucifer held onto the woman with the woman holding her young daughter around Eri’s age. I then grabbed Lucifer and Mazikeen in one hand each before flying back to my home. The trip back was much slower due to me having mortals with us, though I was able to get home within an hour which is still much faster than any flight. Though there are no flights available for civilians anymore anyway currently.

“I’m back and…well we have company,” I say as I come back home turning to my human form with the two demons and two mortals following me inside.

“So this is your home brother? It’s very… normal,” Lucifer says looking around my house as we enter the living room.

“What the hell were you thinking it looked like?” I asked while Rumi and Eri come out to meet us.

“Filled with crosses and other Jesus statues like any fanatical son of God would probably have,” Mazikeen says to me with a shrug seeing it was normal too.


AN: We are reaching the climax of the story. Once this fanfiction is over, I was thinking about writing one based on the Game Of Thrones world. I already have some ideas for it, tell me what you think about that.

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