The Unseen Angel in MHA


“Dad, you’re back!... Who are they?” Eri says after running into the room where we all are with Rumi right behind her. Rumi gives Lucifer a hard look knowing who he is and gives me a confused look.

“Dad?... Wait! Brother you have a child? Oh, my two its seems! Yes, I can sense some angelic energy in this girl and another bud of energy in your… wife?” Lucifer says before I can speak to Eri or Rumi.

“He’s my Uncle? Dad, I thought you didn’t have any siblings,” Eri says while I let out a tired sigh.

“Your father has hundreds of millions of siblings,” Lucifer says referring to the angels while Eri seems to short-circuit confused about what he means and her jaw drops.

“...WHAT?!” Eri says very confusedly while Lucifer chuckles. Rumi and I just sigh, while Mazikeen looks like she doesn’t want to be here, and the two mortals are watching this just as confused.

“Eri, remember I’m not really human and an angel born to two humans? Well, this is Lucifer Morningstar, better known as the Devil. He is technically my brother as all Angels are related by our souls in a way, even the fallen ones,” I say to Eri who has a big ‘O’ on her face and nods her head.

“Speaking of which, why bring him here?” Rumi says with some anger in her voice since she knows about Lucifer from the stories and doesn’t like him naturally.

“She makes a good partner for you,” Lucifer says with a nod of his head as Rumi looks about to attack him.

“I brought him here, as he might know more about what is happening out there. Lucifer we can talk in my office,” I say leading Lucifer away to my home office while Rumi just grunts in annoyance, but turns to the other guests and offers them food and drinks.

We hear Eri now notice the other little girl and try to speak with her, but the mother and daughter don’t know Japanese and so they have no idea what is happening.

“At least Mazikeen is there to translate for them,” Lucifer says with a chuckle hearing them now too. I just sigh since I’m mentally drained and close the door behind him once he enters my office.

“Oh, what kind of whiskey is it you have here?... Wait that’s not whiskey it’s bourbon… ‘Hillrock Solera Aged Bourbon’, surprised you ordered an American bourbon,” Lucifer says after pouring himself a glass and handing me one, which I just take silently.

“So I assume you’re going to ask me about the demons invading this mortal world? Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have no idea how they got here or why they are here. It seems ‘Dad’ took some of my powers from me, I can barely sense other immortals let alone use any of my old powers,” Lucifer says to me before I can speak. I just stare at him surprised and look at his soul, it appears to be much weaker than it ever was, showing he speaks the truth.

“You’re not lying… What did you do?” I say to him and he glares at me hearing my statement.

“Oh, yes, I know me, the ‘biggest’ liar and betrayer is not lying! Well, surprise brother, but it was Father who made me this way! He never gave us the free will that mortals have right? Then that means I was made to fall and become what I am today,” Lucfier says with hatred in his voice while talking about God.

“Never mind your daddy issues, if you are this weak, then how did the demons not kill you yet to completely take you away,” I say to him while he just snorts at my comment.

“Why do you think I agreed to come with you? Mazikeen can only fight so many demons before falling, plus I figured you being an Angel and all, you would be obligated to help those in need. That is if you didn’t come to me first,” Lucifer says to me with a smile showing his gratitude.

“So you are completely useless in helping me figure out what is going on?” I say with a defeated sigh and lean back into my desk chair.

“No! I never said that! Just I can not help you fight or do much else. But! I can help you identify which Lord is behind this and the best way to defeat them. You may be as strong as I was in my Prime or stronger, but a demon lord is to not be underestimated,” Lucifer says to me with actual seriousness in his voice at the end.

“Then the next time I hear about villains in this city you are coming with me. All I can tell is some of these people are possessed, not the origin of the demons. The demons possessing them aren’t acting in a way for me to guess who is their master. My suspicion is that Beelzebub is the one behind this all,” I say to Lucifer who nods his head while thinking about what I said.

“Yeah, most angels can’t tell the small difference between the energies demons have… If I see the demon or sense its energy I can tell you which lord is it serving,” Lucifer says with a nod while sitting across from me. Then we both fall into silence as we calmly sip our bourbons.

“You know, being raised amongst mortals has made you very different than our siblings. You are neither like a ‘high and mighty’ angel nor one who has fallen… It is a nice change of pace having a sibling who can control himself in front of me, and even work with me to a degree of course,” Lucifer says to me breaking the silence that took over for a minute or two.

“Well, my parents taught me never to judge a book by its cover. So meeting you I felt the instinct to burn you and even your natural influence over my emotions. But I was able to control myself,” I say to him while looking at him as he nods his head listening to me.

“And I appreciate that, wouldn’t have been good to turn L.A. into a battleground. Too many people would want therapists after that and I’d hate to lose the one I have. Though I suppose many will need them after this war, are there therapists for therapists?” Lucifer says to me with a chuckle at the end. I just sigh at him while shaking my head.

“Wait! Do you have a therapist? Why exactly is it you are talking to a therapist?” I say to him surprised hearing his statement and realizing what he just said.

“Of course brother, you should know I have issues, I mean you did just say I have ‘daddy’ issues,” Lucifer says with a smirk at me.

“Yeah, you definitely have issues, though I don’t think there is a shrink on Earth who could help you,” I say to him as he lets out a bark of laughter.

“You’d be surprised, this shrink has helped me a lot during my time here… It gave me a lot to think about and a new perspective to view… everything,” Lucifer says to me with a smile that slowly fades as he thinks about his time with the therapist.

“If you say so… Though what about that woman and her child? I never imagined you looking at someone with actual love, especially not a mortal,” I say to him and his attention snaps back to me with a serious face that has a mix of emotions I never thought he’d have flashed across his face.

“That… That is Detective Chloe Decker and her daughter Trixie. They… Miss Decker was someone who first helped me in finding the person responsible for a friend's murder. Then afterward, I felt drawn to her like I was never drawn to someone before. I hate to admit it, but I truly do love that woman. So much has changed for me since I’ve been back here on the mortal plane,” Lucifer says to me with a deep thoughtful look on his face, while I stare at him in surprise.

“I see… Does she know how you feel about her?” I say to him unsure what to say or do in this situation. Even if he gets with this woman and has a child with her, the so-called ‘Anti-Christ’ would not be a concern as that was never a concern in heaven. It was just something mortals came up with.

“You aren’t going to try to stop me?” Lucifer says to me with a look of a surprise seeing how I don’t really care if they get together or not.

“Not really, if the woman gets together with you willing and out of love. Then all I can say is… good for you Lucifer and try not to mess it up,” I say to him as he stares at me with disbelief, though I just shrug off his look.

“I never thought anyone would be ok with my relationship with a mortal, especially since I once had one with Eve or Lilith I should say. Even more so that you are an angel,” Lucifer says to me with a small laugh.

“Let me put it to you like this. We are immortals and children of God, like it or not you are still His son. Meaning He has a plan for us all and like you said you do not have free will. So maybe this was His plan all along, maybe He wanted you to find a mortal to actually love, and that way you can understand them better. That way you can maybe see the error in your ways and the false reason you declared war against Him,” I say to Lucifer who stares at me and then becomes very upset at the possibility of what I said is true.

“Fuck! No!...Shit!... What if you are right?! What if what I’m feeling is because I was destined to feel this way?!” Lucifer says to me with anger and looks like he is about to run away.

“So?” I say to him as he snaps his attention back to me with anger.

“So?! What do you mean so?!” Lucifer says to me with extremely mixed emotions flashing across his face as he thinks about everything he’s done here on Earth.

“Why does it matter so much that God has a plan for us? Why does it matter that humans get to make mistakes? Why does it matter that we follow something that only wants what is best for all His creations?” I say to Lucifer who stares at me with mixed emotions, but annoyance very prevalent on his face.

“Why?! Because we were His first children! We should have been given just the same amount of freedom as the last of His creations! You say He wants what is best, then why cast me out, sending me and many other of His ‘children’ to suffer of all eternity?!” Lucifer says with extreme anger in his voice.

“Lucifer believe it or not, but we angels do have free will. Look at all those who betrayed God, including you. If He really controlled everything we did, then you wouldn’t have betrayed Him and I wouldn’t have stayed on Earth all these years. You wouldn’t have been able to escape hell or have all these issues if He really controlled as much as you think He does,” I say to him and he opens his mouth to continue to argue but stops thinking about what I said.

“I…I never thought about it like that… You may be right, I have no idea anymore… I just know I want to be with Chole,” Lucifer says to me but mumbles the last part, but I still hear it.

“Then be with her and stop running away from it like a coward,” I say standing up to leave the room and head back to the others.

Lucifer stays behind for a few seconds before sighing and downing his glass of bourbon. We both enter the living room to see Rumi talking in very broken English with Chole and the two girls watching a movie with subtitles. While Mazikeen has this look like she wants to die as she sits there in complete boredom.


AN: The fanfic I want to write about GOT is basically about this dragon with powers from the DND (5th edition) world. Who gets transported there at the earliest time in the GOT world and influences the history of the world. The way history is changed can both be good and bad. I have a general idea of what I want to do, but it will require more research and planning on my part to finalize my idea. I don’t want to say too much as I want you all to read it and see how the story progresses for yourselves.

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