The Violence Witch’s Yuri Harem

Chapter 14 – Collapsing Limits

5 Minutes


I’m starting to feel tired. This training really is no joke. I can handle this much, though. This is how much I’ve been running with Katja for the past few days, and this is around the time we’d usually stop. I’ve always convinced her to stop before I reached my limit, so I can definitely keep going. I decided I needed to show her what I can do, so now’s not the time to hold back.


Me and Katja ran through the forest behind the House of Imaginary Boundaries. The sound of Katja’s steady breath contrasted with the sound of my labored breathing. There was a nice breeze in the air, and the sound of our footsteps made for a surprisingly relaxing atmosphere. In a strange way, it’s filling me with energy. When I focus on these pleasant sensations, I can forget about how tired I’m feeling. It’s only a momentary relief, but a very welcome one.


10 Minutes


We’ve come a long way. I’m surprised I’ve been able to run for this long. I don’t think I’ve ever run so much before. I’m really tired now. I can still keep going, but I’m afraid it won’t be for much longer. Katja hasn’t told me to stop yet. She’s glanced back a few times, but that’s it. Oh well, I’m not gonna stop until she says it’s enough, I’ll show her, I’m gonna run for so long, you’re the one who’s gonna be begging me to stop. Probably not, but I’ve decided to give it my best today, so that’s what you’re gonna get!


15 Minutes


My legs are starting to hurt… Is this the end? I think I’m getting close to my limit. I can still keep going if I try to ignore the pain, but this is really hard. I think we’ve slowed down at some point, Katja’s just matching my rhythm without saying anything, so I’m not even sure. It doesn’t even matter, though. Whether we’re going fast or not, this is still too much for me. Where even are we at this point? We’ve been running in a straight line for such a long time that we must be really far away by now. I hope Katja still knows the way back.


20 Minutes


The human body is seriously impressive. How am I still able to run even though I’ve passed my limit a long time ago? I guess that it wasn’t really my limit after all. Katja could call things by now. I’m exhausted, and since we’ve been running for a really long time, this should be good enough.


30 Minutes


No… I can’t do this anymore… This is impossible. Isn’t this good enough? I really can’t keep going any longer. This was a crazy idea after all. What the hell was I thinking? There’s no way I could actually live up to Katja’s expectations! There really was never a path for me. I have to give up. I can’t keep going. This was a mistake after all…


Katja glanced back at me, and her cheeks were barely even red yet. “Is that all you can do? Is this the best you were speaking of? What happened to that energy from earlier?”


Dammit! Dammit!


40 Minutes


My chest hurts. Every time I breathe, it feels like I’m breathing fire. My legs also hurt, at least I think they do, I’ve stopped feeling my legs a long time ago. I’m running on two scorching rods of iron. When did my bones get replaced? I didn’t even know my body could feel that hot. This sucks… This sucks! This hurts! Why does this hurt so damn much?


50 Minutes


This is bad… Hahaha… My eyes are not focusing. What’s going on? When did it get so dark? These shadows look unnatural. I guess this is the end. Hahaha… This is what it looks like, huh? So this is it… Hahaha…


?? Minutes


Hahaha… *Thud*






“Iroha… Can you hear me? Iroha.”


“Katja…?” My consciousness slowly returned, and I saw Katja right in front of me.


“Good, you’re okay. You had me worried for a second. Here, take this, it will make you feel better.” Katja handed me a reusable bottle, and I immediately started gulping it down. I’m so thirsty! This is just what I needed! It’s so sweet, too! I love it! This must be some kind of sprots drink.


“Thanks, I really needed that.” I handed Katja the bottle back. Katja took the bottle back, and only now did I notice her other arm wrapped around my back holding me up.


What happened? I ended up collapsing, didn’t I? “Sorry, I wasn’t able to keep going.” Even though I was so determined, it doesn’t amount to anything if my body can’t keep up.


“What are you talking about? You did great.” For the first time, a subtle, genuine smile formed on Katja’s face for me. I can’t believe what I’m seeing! Did I actually do it?


“Really? You mean it?”


“Yeah, I was really surprised by how long you kept running. I was already happy with your performance when you slowed down, but you just kept going and going. I wanted to stop you, but you looked so determined that I didn’t want to ruin your momentum. I should have stopped you before you fainted, I’m sorry.”


“It was good? Really? Was that really alright?”


“Yes, you did great.” Katja was momentarily stunned by how I ignored her apology, then she showed me her smile again. “Let’s sit down so you can catch your breath.” Katja sat me down on a clean patch of grass with my back against a tree. “Stay still.” I closed my eyes, and Katja wiped my face with a towel before sitting next to me.


This is so nice! She’s actually caring for me! Is this really Katja? I don’t know if I buy it. This ended up being really worth it. I can’t believe I was on the verge of giving up. What a fool I would have been! Now I get to sit right next to her. Our shoulders are even touching! This is great!


[Level up! All your stats have been increased, and you have received additional skill points.]


What the hell? VISS Driver? Look who decided to show up! I wasn’t expecting that. Is this for real, though? Did I actually level up just from running?


[Iroha Shinohara: Lv.3]

[HP: 223/279]

[MP: 140/140]

[Strength: 17; Defense: 14]

[Magic: 5; Agility: 47]

[Skill Points: 10]


I actually did. Color me surprised. Well, it was about time after all the running for the past couple days. I swear, the experience gain from things other than combat is terrible. How does it take so long to get to level 3? Wouldn’t a single battle have sent me straight to level 6 or 7? Whatever, at least I got another level.


I’m glad the VISS Driver’s interface is invisible to everyone else. Katja would be freaked out if she saw this. Also, why is some of my HP missing? Is that from the running? Does that mean I became unhealthy from running? Kinda of a wild message you’re putting out there, VD-chan. Well, I know the problem was actually that I pushed myself too hard, but seeing the effect put into a number like that is pretty eye-opening.


[New skill available.]

[Momentum – Nimble (Cost: 10 Skill Points)]


Nimble? Nimble is available? That Nimble? It’s not particularly impressive, but I’m glad I finally got one of those skills. You really can’t do anything without them. Let me just verify if it’s the same as I remember.


[Nimble – Increases the effects of Agility.]


Oh! It is the same. I really gotta get this one then. Nimble is one of four special skills that are directly related to each of the four main stats. They’re not bad skills by themselves, but the reason they’re pretty much mandatory is that there are a lot of other skills locked behind them. They’re also not tied to a specific skill tree and appear in all trees where there are skills locked behind them. Right now, Nimble in the Momentum Tree, and if I get it now, it will appear and unlock skills in other trees. Mind is the only other tree I’ve got locked in so far, and it’s possible that it might also unlock some skills there at some point, though I don't really see how.


Well, it’s an important skill that I’m going to have to get at some point, so I might as well get it now. It’s a cheap skill. 10 Skill Points is the minimum a skill can cost, so it’s not that big of an investment.


[Skill – Nimble acquired.]

[Skill Points: 0]


And done! Now I’m broke yet again. You’re no Agility Burst, but I’m expecting you to carry your own weight, Nimble. I’m not too worried, I know you will.


[New skills available.]




[Momentum – Running (Cost: 10 Skill Points)]

[Momentum – Forest Explorer (Cost: 10 Skill Points)]

[Momentum – Parkour (Cost: 20 Skill Points)]

[Momentum – Wall Artist (Cost: 20 Skill Points)]

[Momentum – Stamina Boost (Cost: 10 Skill Points)]


Woah! That’s too much! Nimble, was that you?! I know I said I was expecting a return on investment, but that was too quick! Yeah, can confirm, they’re all dependent on Nimble… Wow… That’s a lot of skills all of a sudden. This is great! Really great! It just sucks that now I don’t have the skill points to get them! I guess I asked for this. It’s better to have so many options that I can’t afford them all than to have no options at all.


Parkour sounds like a really fun skill. It’s the kind of skill I was thinking of when I decided to see what possibilities the VISS Driver held for me. Some of them sound a little more boring, like Running or Stamina Boost, but I might want to get them at some point. Stamina is all that matters in a lot of situations.


Ahahahaha! I finally got some new skills I can buy, so now I just need to get more levels. This is going better than expected! I wasn’t expecting to get so many skills out of nowhere. I thought it was going to be something more gradual.


“How are you feeling? Your breathing is not labored anymore. Are you feeling better?” Katja got up and turned towards me.


“I- I’m feeling better now. I’m still incredibly tired, though.” Sitting down and the sports drink really helped me regain my strength.


“I really should have stopped you earlier, I’m sorry. Can you stand? It’s starting to get dark, we need to head back to the dorm soon.” I tried to stand up, and Katja supported me, but I was so tired that I couldn’t support myself.


“My legs hurt… I don’t think I can walk.” This is bad! We must be so far away after running for so long. Katja can still move, but there’s no way I can make it back to the dorm. “What do we do?” Can she call for help? Am I going to die here? After everything I’ve gone-


“Hold still.” Katja noticed my worry, and her face turned serious.


“Huh? Wha-“


Katja crouched down beside me and wrapped her arm around my legs before lifting me up like a princess. Kyaaaa! Is this really happening?! I’m gonna pass out again!


“Katja! I… Uhmm…” This position… Why is she holding me like this? Am I dreaming? Is this heaven? My face is burning. Her face is so close! She’s way too cool! You can’t expect my heart to be able to take this after what it’s been through today!


“I’ll carry you back. Just relax, Iroha.” Katja was smiling, completely composed, while I looked like a complete mess.


“Don’t… This is…” Too embarrassing! This is like a dream come true, but it’s really embarrassing! She can clearly see my face getting red, and I’m all sweaty and gross! I don’t want her to carry me like this! I don’t want her to see me like this!


“It’s alright, Iroha. I don’t mind. You’re so light that this is nothing for me.” Sounds rude, but it’s not you I’m worried about! It’s me! I was not ready to be carried like this! I’ve fantasized about situations like this more than a few times, but usually I’d be the one on the other side! For my first experience to be something like this… I can’t say I dislike it, but I’m about to burst with joy!


“What about my apartment?” Right! Even if you carry me back to the dorm, then what? I’m still gonna have trouble getting home! Come on, you have to find a better way to handle this that doesn’t involve this embarrassing position!


“Right… I forgot you weren’t living with us. Well, I can just carry you home. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna leave you behind. Just rest for now.” Once again, that is not what I’m worried about! Katja shifted my position a little so that I could rest my head up against her.


I can’t win! My brain stopped working a while ago. The fact that this train of thought even exists is a miracle, I tell you! I didn’t want her to see my embarrassing expressions, so I buried my face on her chest. This is only gonna make it even harder for me to control myself, but hiding my face is a more pressing issue for me. She’s the one who started carrying me out of a sudden, so she can’t blame me if I take the opportunity to enjoy myself as well!


I could have sworn we ran on a straight line, but we must have turned around at some point, seeing as it didn’t take that long before we made it back to the buildings of the House of Imaginary Boundaries. The path we arrived on was different from the one we’ve been using to enter the forest.


Luckily, the streets of Three Records City weren’t busy anymore, and no one saw us on the way to my apartment. Actually, it’s not that the streets weren’t busy. I’m sure the streets are super busy in the more populated areas near the schools and stuff. It’s just that the House is built on the outskirts, so it’s just small residential areas between them and my home.


Katja almost entered my apartment, but I managed to fend her off. My legs got a sudden burst of strength, and I was able to move around again as long as I held onto something, so she was able to go back without needing to stay to take care of me. What an embarrassing day. I really hung in there, didn’t I? I’m gonna have sweet dreams today.

Next Chapter: Chapter 15 – The Stuff of Dreams

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