The Violence Witch’s Yuri Harem

Chapter 15 – The Stuff of Dreams

“I’m back!” I announced my arrival at the dorm with uncharacteristically high energy.


“Geh, you still haven’t quit yet? You’re a persistent one.” To my surprise, I was immediately faced with Carol, who immediately recoiled when she saw me.


“C- Carol… I- It’s you…”


“That’s right, it’s me. You got a problem with that?” Carol’s desaturated beige twintails swung as she turned towards me with her hands on her hips.


“N- no… I’m happy to see you…” And scared, but that’s beside the point. “Do you know where Katja is?”


“Are you blind or something?” Carol turned her blue eyes towards the dining area. “She’s right there.” There weren’t any walls between us, so I could see Katja from the entrance after following Carol’s gaze. Maybe I really am blind.


“Katja!” I started moving towards Katja while Carol brushed me off and sat down on the couch away from us.


“Hi, Iroha. Were you looking for me?” The atmosphere around Katja was surprisingly relaxing. The table in front of Katja was filled with all kinds of tools that she was using to maintain her sword, but she herself remained serene. She stopped swiping her sword as I got closer and looked up at me.


“Mhmmm… Yeah.” Oh no… Remembering what happened yesterday is making my heart race! I can still feel the warmth from her arms as she carried me. This is bad! Even just looking at her face is too much after seeing it from so up close yesterday. I can’t stop blushing!


“You seem pretty energetic considering how much you pushed yourself. So why were you looking for me? Do you need something?” This is sooo good! I knew she was cool, but she’s also really cute now that I can see her smile! I really want to make her mine now! Maybe she would let me play with her hair. No no no no, it’s too early for that. How can I get carried away so easily? I really am an idiot.


“We have an agreement, don’t we?” Do I need to be the one reminding you, Katja? It’s time for our daily training, isn’t it? “By the way, will you carry me if I end up collapsing again?” Cause I’m collapsing again! I promise you that! Oh, I can’t wait! I’m gonna run so hard, you won’t even be able to recognize me anymore!


“If it comes down to that, of course I’ll carry you again, but I really don’t want you pushing yourself so hard that you end up fainting anymore.” Katja looked at me with a stern but caring look. “I also need to apologize for bursting your bubble, but we’re not going to be running all that much anymore.”


“Ehhh? What? Why?” That is so cruel! You can’t give me a taste of heaven and then strip it away from me immediately! I wanna get carried again!


“I’m satisfied with the results of your training thus far, and I think we should move onto sword training.”


Oh! That’s incredible news, actually. I was so horny to be carried again that I ended up losing sight of my real goals again. The real reason why I decided to try joining the House was to get cool skills, and since combat skills are the coolest, it just seemed like the right choice. Relationships were also important, and I ended up getting tunnel vision just because I got a little lucky.


“What?” Carol overheard our conversation and raised her voice. “Are you seriously gonna start teaching her how to fight already? Isn’t that too soon?”


I don’t get what Carol’s problem with me is. Why does she sound so displeased? I shouldn’t be so quick to judge. Maybe her worries are similar to Katja’s, and she’s just scared of going into battle with a complete newbie. Of course, I wouldn’t be a newbie by the time I actually accompanied them to fight, but I don’t blame her for not being able to trust me that easily.


“There’s never really a good time for when someone’s ready to move on and start learning something new. I’m happy with Iroha’s progression, so I think we can start training her with a sword for now. Are you worried about it?”


“Hpmf! I don’t care what you two get up to. Have fun with your swords or whatever.” Carol got up and disappeared into the hallway. What was that all about?


“Sorry about Carol, Iroha. She’s a good girl, even if it doesn’t look like it. I think she doesn’t want to lose to you, and that makes her see you as an enemy of sorts.” Hmm…? How is she gonna lose to me? Aren’t we on the same side? I don’t really get it, but I’m sure Katja knows what she’s talking about. “Don’t worry, she’ll warm up to you in no time, you’ll see.”


“I – it’s alright… It doesn’t really bother me.” Carol’s generally cute, so it’s hard for me to hate her. She’s also cute when she gets angry, so I’m actually happy to see her annoyed face. She didn’t drop any plushies on the way out today. Otherwise, I might have been able to see her cutem embarrassed face too. “Uhmmm… So when are we starting the new training? Right now?”


“Whatever happened to the lazy Iroha who’d give up after running for five minutes?” Katja giggled because of my question. “We’re not training today. And maybe not for a while. You should be resting after how hard you pushed yourself yesterday. Honestly, you shouldn’t even have come here today. You should have just stayed at home, resting. I can’t understand how you’ve recovered so quickly.” Recovered is a strong word. My body is sore and hurts all over, if it weren’t for the injection of happiness that being carried by Katja gave me, I wouldn’t even be able to move.


Well, whatever. Things have been going well lately. I’m closer than ever to learning some cool combat skills, and I’ve grown closer to Katja too. She’s a lot more friendly and approachable now. So I guess she is right, and I should take a break for a couple days. I also have that date planned with Miyuki, so this is the perfect opportunity to prepare myself for that! Oh, I can’t wait! Everything’s going so well now!


“Uhmm… I think I’ll go home then.”


“Already? You don’t have to leave just because we’re not training. You’re more than welcome to stay if you just feel like it.” I was happy that Katja wanted me to stay, but I told her I had other things to do, and we parted ways.


I spent the next few days resting, and I went back to my old, perfect, happy lifestyle until the day to meet up with Miyuki arrived. I’ve been talking with Miyuki pretty much every day at school, but I was still looking forward to this very much. I didn’t want her to think poorly of me, so I ended up leaving the house earlier so she wouldn’t have to wait for me.


We were meeting up halfway between our school and that one ice cream store. There’s an intersection on the way to the arcade that Miyuki said works well for her. I sat down on a sidewalk bench bathed by the mild spring sun while waiting for her, and since I had left so early, I had to wait a bit until Miyuki showed up.


“Iroha, hi! Did I make you wait?” Miyuki’s words really made this feel like a date, and my heart started pounding before I even looked at her.


“Miyuki!” I turned around and saw her approaching me calmly while gently waving her hand. There are never many people walking around, so it was easy for her to spot me.


I should have seen it coming, but Miyuki was wearing yet another outfit I hadn’t seen yet, and it looked absolutely amazing on her. She was wearing a stylish, mostly white dress that left her shoulders exposed. She was also wearing sunglasses and carrying a bag with her. She really looks like a model today. Is that what she was going for? She looks really good. I haven’t been getting as nervous around her lately, but with her looking so nice, it’s hard for me to stay calm. She looks good with anything. I swear.


“You look great!” I couldn’t contain my admiration, and I blurted out my honest feelings while my face got warmer.


“You think so?” Miyuki energetically took off her sunglasses and placed them in her bag. “I haven’t used these clothes since I got them a couple months ago. I’m glad you liked them, Iroha.” Ahhh… Is that another impulse purchase I spot? Miyuki, Miyuki, what am I gonna do with you? You look absolutely adorable, so I have no choice but to let it slide this time.


“I knew it, Iroha. You got an eye for fashion. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have complimented my outfits. We really need to go shopping for clothes together. I swear we’ll find something great for you!” Miyuki sat down next to me and excitedly closed the gap between us.


“I- I can’t… I- it’s too early for me!” It’s also too early for you to be bringing your face so close to me! Let me retain my sanity for a little longer.


“Ahahahaha! Fine, fine… I’m not giving up, though. One of these days, for sure.” Miyuki got up, and I did too, since we were going to move soon. “Say, Iroha. Are we on a date? This kinda feels like a date.”


“Gah!” Don’t say it! You’re gonna make me freeze up! “D- date?”


“Come on, Iroha, I was just making a joke. You’re gonna make me feel embarrassed with a reaction like that.” Miyuki’s face got slightly red, and she retreated into a bashful pose. So adorable!


“Y- you shouldn’t joke about things like that!” I crossed my arms with anger in an attempt to hide my embarrassment. Reminds me of a certain someone.


“I got it, I got it. Shall we get going then?” I nodded in response to Miyuki’s question, and we headed towards the arcade. A little after five minutes, we were there.


We entered the arcade, and it was a dim place filled with bright lights. A very normal arcade, from what I know. The place wasn’t filled to the brim, but there were plenty of people around, and since the people in this city ended up being younger, everyone here was around the same age as us. Not like I care, Miyuki’s the only one I have eyes for.


“Where do we start?” This isn’t exactly the kind of place I frequent, so I asked Miyuki for her opinion.


“I’m not sure either. Let’s take a look around until we find something good.” Miyuki and I walked side by side as we checked what the arcade had to offer. I don’t know how often she goes to arcades in general, but she said it was her first time here.


We saw some interesting stuff, but we weren’t really sure where to start. “There are lots of games here.” I had a different image of an arcade. There are more than just arcade games here. There’s air hockey, crane games, and other things like that. I’ve seen them in anime before, but I didn’t think it would actually look like that.


“Silly Iroha, of course there are lots of games here, we’re in an arcade. Were you expecting to see weights and treadmills?” Did someone say training? I want to faint into Katja’s arms now! Come on, Miyuki. Why are you bringing up other girls when I’m with you?


“I have an idea!” Miyuki stopped. “Wanna make a bet?” Miyuki looked at me with a grin.


“A bet?” That really came out of nowhere.


“We’re at an arcade, so I think we can make things more fun if there’s something on the line when we play.”


“Do you play these kinds of games often?” I’m a little scared of what a bet with Miyuki might entail, considering how wild she can be sometimes.


“Not really, but I know my way around games, so I’m confident I can pick them up quickly. How about you, Iroha?”


“I think it’s the same for me.” Considering how many I play games, I’m pretty confident in my skills to pick up and play new games. “What are you thinking for the bet?”


“That’s a good question. What would make for a good bet? If I win, I want to take some pictures of you wearing all kinds of different cosplays!” What?! That’s even worse than trying out her outfits! Though cosplaying sounds a little fun… But no, it’s not for me! It would look terrible on me!


“I’m not sure I like that… What would I get if I won?”


“Let’s see… I’m not really sure what would be good. Let’s just say that if you win, I’ll do any one thing you ask. How does that sound?” PFFT! Are you serious?! Is this girl crazy? Anything? She’ll do anything?! Aren’t you worried I’ll ask you for a kiss? I mean, a kiss is nothing! I’m gonna ask for more! There’s no way I can pass up the opportunity! The fact she was willing to make such a bet tells me that she’s confident, but…


“A- alright…” It’s time to put my gamer pride on the line and channel my sick gamer skills. This is the opportunity of a lifetime, and I’m not gonna let it slip! I have to give it my all! “You’re on!”

Next Chapter: Chapter 16 – Real Fight

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