The Violence Witch’s Yuri Harem

Chapter 74 – Dawn of a New Adventure

What an incredible night… I can’t remember the last time I’ve slept this well. I thought I’d have trouble sleeping somewhere other than my own bed, but the complete opposite happened. It’s very fortunate, though. Today I’m going to need all the energy I can get.


I spent the night at the dorm, and now I’m leaving for the other world. I woke up earlier than everyone else and went downstairs, trying not to make a single sound. I don’t wanna trouble them too much, so I want to leave before any of them wake up. I should leave them a letter saying I’m gonna be away for a while. Hopefully, they’ll understand.


“Now… Where can I find a piece of paper around here? I think I saw some near the dining table.” I circled around the table and yep, just like I thought. “Let me grab that real fast…”


“Huh…? Iroha? Is that you?” Suddenly, a sharp yet sleepy voice called out to me. Why? It’s so early! Why is Carol up already?!


“Hi, Carol… Uhmm…” This is awkward… There goes my plan of sneaking out stealthily.


“What are you doing? Why are you up so early?” Carol rubbed her eyes from a distance before coming closer. The sun’s barely out, and it’s still dim here in the lounge. It’s that time of morning when staying in a warm bed feels the best. By all means, neither of us should be here.


“I… uhmm… I was just going out for a walk.”


“With those clothes? Likely story…” Carol saw me wearing the repaired battle dress and immediately pointed it out.


“Ahahaha…” Hmm… Well, Carol found me, but that’s not the end of the world. If it’s her, I think I can tell her where I’m going. “Sorry, I’m actually going to the other world today. Why are you here, though? Why did you get up so early?”


“Me? I wanted to speak with you, and I was scared you’d go home without saying a word. Turns out my hunch was not that far off.” Carol crossed her arms with a slightly annoyed look.


“For what’s worth, I was gonna leave a letter… Anyway, what do you need?”


“I was thinking we could go train in the other world soon, just like we talked about. But since you’re going today, I guess I’ll tag along.” Carol lay back against the table, speaking with her head turned in my direction.


“Oh… You want to train together? Uhmm… Sorry, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m not going over there to train.” The idea of having Carol accompany me on my journey and fighting alongside her is interesting. She did well when we fought together against the mermaid. She was severely outmatched, but she always found a way of landing nice attacks on her. She might have taken a few too many risks, though. But it’s a bad idea. I can’t drag her along with me for that long.


“Why are you going there then? Am I gonna get in the way?” Carol lowered her head as she asked.


“No, no! I actually think you’d be a great help… It’s just that it’s the kind of thing where it’s probably better if I was alone…” Carol seemed a bit confused, she thought I was just being nice. Guess I don’t need to be so vague…


I took a deep breath and continued. “Well, I guess I can explain it since it’s you. Do you remember Ririna? She was the girl who stayed in the back when we rescued you.” Carol was dazed after the pumpkin monster captured her, so she might not have noticed her.


“Yeah…? I think I know who you’re talking about. She’s a friend of yours, right?”


“That’s right. I haven’t known her for that long, but she’s a very important friend to me. I’m worried about her. She had something left to say last time we met, but I haven’t been able to reach her ever since. I need to see her again, so I’m gonna travel to a different city in the other world. I should be able to find her there.” I take a breath. Feels nice to take this off my chest. There’s no doubt now. I need to do this! Something must have happened to her. Maybe she got in trouble with someone in the capital for the accident with the horde. Either way, I need to see her again.


“I don’t know how long the trip’s gonna take, but it’s probably gonna take multiple days. The others would worry about you if you were gone for that long, so it’s a bad idea for you to come with me.” I lifted the bag I had prepared with supplies and headed for the door. Carol had a thoughtful look on her face as she leaned against the table.


“I see… You’re going on a journey then…” Carol stepped away from the table and walked behind me. “You’re probably right. It’s probably not a good idea for me to accompany you then. I’ll walk you to the portal.” Oh… That wasn’t that hard. I guess I’ll have some company a little while longer.


Me and Carol made some light conversation on the way to the portal. She was curious about my plans and how I thought my trip was gonna go. I really had no idea apart from the fact that I may fight some monsters along the way. I’m getting a bit nervous now too…


We arrived at the portal, and Carol ran ahead of me. “…” She stopped right beside the portal and looked in my direction with a conflicted face. “I’ll see you on the other side.”


“What!?” She stepped into the portal before my words could even reach her. Why did she do that?


I ran into the portal and quickly followed her. “Carol? What was that for?” As I crossed the portal, I saw her standing next to a tree.


“What’s the problem? I’m not going with you, but that doesn’t mean I can’t come to this side. I can handle everything that shows up in our forest. If monsters there come from here, I don’t have anything to be scared of.” Carol shrugged, then crossed her arms.


“Sure… I guess that makes sense… I haven’t seen any monster nearby that you wouldn’t be easily able to defeat.”


“Right? I was thinking of coming here to train while you’re away. Since I can’t go with you, I might as well take this opportunity to get stronger and catch up to you. Then I’ll be able to go with you next time.”


“Uhmm…” That’s actually very flattering. “Good luck, Carol… I’ll be waiting.”


“You better be waiting. Your jaw’s gonna drop when you return. I’m gonna pass you again in no time!” Carol pointed with a somewhat cocky grin. “Oh, but… Knowing you, you’re probably gonna have another bullshit growth spurt while you’re away…”


“Ahahaha… I won’t deny it…” The VISS Driver makes that kinda easy… “But I’m technically only going to see a friend. I may not even end up fighting any-”


*Rustle rustle.*


“?!” Before I could finish, I heard something rustle behind me. Carol’s head snapped in the direction of the sound, and she ran past me in a flash.


“There!” By the time I turned around, all I saw was an oversized bug split in two by Carol’s sword.


“Wow… That was a fast reaction.” Faster than the time it took me to turn around. “If you can kill those that easily, you’re gonna be fine here on your own. Just try not to get lost again, alright?” I pitched up my voice sarcastically. If she somehow ends up in the Forest of Illusion again, I’m gonna lose my mind!


“Hmm…” But Carol didn’t react. She looked at the dead bug pensively before turning back to me. “I’ve decided. I’m going with you after all!”


“What?! You can’t!”


“I have no other choice. If a weak little monster like that can get the drop on you, there’s no way you’re going to finish your journey safely. You need my help!” Carol declared with an enthusiastic voice.


“What do you mean, ‘get the drop on me’? You may have reacted faster, but that’s just because I had to turn around!” Yeah, she was a little faster, but that didn’t make any difference! The monster was dead meat regardless!


“Shut up! I’m going with you whether you like it or not! Why do you want me to stay so badly? Didn’t you say it’d be helpful if I came along? Were you lying? Were you just trying to make me feel better? I hate it when people do that!” Carol glared, but it seems like a bit of an act.


“N- no! I wasn’t lying!”


“What are you complaining about then? I’ll stay with you and help you on the journey or whatever. If anything, you should be thanking me for the help.” Carol put her hand on her hips and puffed up her chest.


“What about the others? They’ll be worried about you.” Carol went silent for a moment.


“That’s true…” But she quickly perked up again. “Wait, didn’t you say you sent a message to Katja after you took me to the inn? That means phones get signal in this world, right?”


Phones, huh? That’s her solution… “I wouldn’t count on that too much… But yes… They work… At least here and in the town nearby.”


“Then I’ll just give Hecate a call later and everything will be fine. She’s not gonna be happy, but she’ll understand if I say that it’s something important.” Carol waved her phone triumphantly. I guess she’s made up her mind.


“If you’re sure about that, then I guess you can come.” At this rate, she’s gonna follow me if I say no, so it’s safer to bring her with me. “Just don’t accidentally reveal too much to her, and don’t walk around with your phone out in the open.”


“Do you think I’m stupid?” Carol pocketed her phone while shaking her head. “Let’s get going.” Carol was the first one to move and went in the direction of Rocky Ridges. Nice sense of direction. She’s growing.


Ahahaha… The journey hasn’t even started, and my plans are already falling apart. I guess Carol’s coming along with me to the capital. That’s gonna make things more interesting…

Next Chapter: Chapter 75 – Which Way?

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