The Wandering Last Boss

Chapter 1: Something Isn’t Right

In a lush yet strangely eerie and lifeless forest, a shrine was located. It was located smack dab in the middle of the forest and wasn't really a shrine per se, but more like the remains of something. Ruins is the better word. Pale whitish bricks were in patches on the ground, mainly around the center of the shrine. There in the center was a brick wall that didn't look finished, or it was destroyed. Either way, whatever took place didn't break the glowing blue sigal on the wall. There was also two other features the shrine has. One being the smell of and occasional blood splatter. The next is the short white-haired girl crouching down on the ground playing with twisted metal stick figures. 

The girl was fairly pale and did look a tad bit unhealthy but besides that, there was not a single fault in her skin. The girl had large canines and most of her teeth were sharp. Her eyes were large and sparkling with life. Her eyes were an inhuman blue color with the center of her eyes, her pupils, being a golden yellow color. Her skin seemed to become tanner below her elbows but most of her arms below her elbows were coated or made of the stone that the Shrine is made out of, only glowing blue between the cracks. Her hands and wrists were big out of portion of her body and were also made or coated by the glowing blue stone her arms were. It was like she was wearing big thick gloves. She was wearing a black dress that wasn't in tatters or damaged slightly. The dress was more of a tank top. To top it off, she wore heavy grey and black boots and had blue metal bands on the right side of her hair. The last detail that made her stand out were the silver vine-like tattoos snaking up from her feet and snaking up her legs, getting less and less vine as the tattoo went up.

This girl clearly wasn't human. Her name was Elsaline Turnick, as her name was stated around her legs. There was also a massive orange and black bar above her head and the level, seventy-eight, next to it and her name. To put it simply, this girl is one of the final bosses of the game of Skashrim. Raid Boss Elsaline. She was only defeated twice so she was mainly considered as the unbeatable raid boss. Her category already put her well past being a suicide boss. Many state that the reason why she was so successful is because her actual rank is hidden. That and normally, an orange health bar means that a boss isn't that strong. Of course, if one were to actually look at her health bar for a while they would see occasional black vines swirl through it before disappearing. They would be right in some regard as cocky or new players would foolishly challenge her and be killed almost instantly. Unfortunately, the real reason why people state that is because even the most experienced or skilled player normally got wiped within the first two minutes of the fight without getting her down half her health on her first phase. In other words, she was a terror that little know about. Why do so many people know little about her? Well, she cripples your character if she kills you and as such, the less people talk about her and interact with her, the better.

So what is her backstory? Well, that is a closely guarded secret. Barely any actual players know it. It is said that she was part of an experiment, or two of them if you believe some over others, and was saved by her master, which she doesn't say who her master is. Whatever the deal is, she went through a lot of pain and mental trauma, making her have an addiction to fighting and killing. But she does love nature. Unfortunately, her mere presence causes animals and monsters alike to flee from her. Still, the question of why she hasn't seen much if any animals crosses her mind every now and then.

'....Something's off.'

Elsaline stood up, alert. She started sniffing the air before looking around. After a bit, she closed her eyes and stayed perfectly still, though crouched down sitting on all fours like a dog. After waiting for a solid twenty minutes without moving, Elsaline opened her eyes and tapped the ground with one of her oversized rock fingers gently. When she did so, the ground and most of the entire forest briefly lit up with a light silver-blue light. Then, as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared as well. With a sniff, Elsaline seemed to relax and her hair started moving from the breeze again. Yes, Elsaline was staying perfectly still. Not breathing or even a hair on her body moving. 

"There is no one what's off?"

After waiting a bit more, Elsaline let out a sigh and went back to playing with her crudely made stick figures. Everything seemed fine so what was the problem? It was probably, Nah, most likely her imagination.

'Master would say that I'm feeling the energy again. Well, that and it's nothing to get worked up about.'

'...Speaking of Master, I should probably call her. I know she'll tell me not to worry about the energies but just hearing her voice calms me.'

Elsaline's blue hair bands started glowing blue and her eyes pulsed for a moment before she went still again. After a couple of seconds of silence, Elsaline frowned. After ten minutes, Elsaline started to panic. She went back to being normal and stood up, sniffing the air and looking around rapidly. 



Legends say that if Elsaline gets angry, she will cause volcanoes to erupt. Whatever if that is true or not, today a volcano erupted.




After calming down, Elsaline began thinking of what she would do. She can't contact Master, so she must find a way to change that no matter the cost. 

'Maybe it's the work of those annoying people again.'

'Hmmm. If that's the case then I probably need to go outside of my shrine and forest in order to fix that.'

"Welp, guess I'm going on an adventure!"

With that bubbly line, the terror known as Elsaline has been unleashed onto the world. 

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