The Wandering Last Boss

Chapter 2: The Outside World

'I should probably check my stats to see if I am cursed.'

After a bit of staring, Elsaline let out a nervous giggle.

"I forgot how to. Do I just say status?"

And just like that, a orange and gold colored floating box appeared in front of her, the box having a royal design to it. 

Name: Elsaline Turnick, Golem Girl Of Abryiss

Level: 78

Class: World Raid Boss, Brawler, Weaponized Slinger, Abryissal Elemental

Faction: Abryiss, Evil

Hp: Current(First) Phase: 148,000    Def: Current(First) Phase: 2,300,480    Att: Current(First) Phase: 456,900   

Sp: Current(First) Phase: 1,486    Stam: Current(First) Phase: Error(Unknown)    Status: Fine, Disconnected

Skills: Error(Unknown)

"Ah! I'm disconnected. Well, besides that obvious fact I'm fine."

With a sigh, Elsaline started walking. She has long left her forest. She was currently in a less dense and magical forest that has a lot of 'plainy' trails. That was what Elsaline was currently on. She has yet to see any other animals besides the cicadas from her forest. Apparently, they decided to follow her out for whatever reason. Of course, the actual reason is the invisible energy leaking off of Elsaline that they feed on. Elsaline just didn't pay it any mind so she never questioned why they were always around her. Luckily, for better or for worse, the cicadas were smart and hid themselves so well that they won't even appear on a radar.

Now one might wonder how Elsaline walks with her giant hands. Well, her feet were slightly mutated to allow for her to perfectly walk on all fours. So, as of currently, she is walking on all fours with little wisps of blowing blue energy breaking from her hands and trailing behind her. That and each time she accidentally stepped on a rock or stick, it was either crushed or burned to ashes. So the smell of something burning was following her as well. To say she doesn't seem intimidating, especially when you don't see her but sense her, is an understatement. The local goblin tribe here in this area are known to be even stupider than normal goblins. Yet they just got close enough to detect her and, without even seeing a glimpse of her, they bolted. 

Of course, some people's luck was bound to run out sooner or later. Ahead of her, three large Berserk Orcs stepped out in front of her. When they detected her presence, they were afraid. However, they were the top of the top warriors in their clan. If they could kill whatever this is then they would be able to become strong enough to even take on their chieftain. So they went. Now that they are seeing the source, they couldn't help but be confused and feel irritated. How could they, the top warriors of their clan, be afraid of a strange looking girl!? It was simply madness!

If only they knew beforehand what they got themselves into.

Elsaline was already well aware of them so when they walked into view she simply sat down, her eyes wide and no expression on her face. She simply watched the orcs approach. The orcs couldn't help but begin to doubt themselves when they saw her expression. Before they could say anything, Elsaline suddenly relaxed a bit and let out a sheepy smile.

"Oh wait, you're not the outsiders who challenge me all the time. You're just normal orcs."

The orcs felt outraged at that. Calling them normal orcs! Can't she see the black markings on them!? They'll teach her!

The orcs rushed at her, raising their black war axes. Then the orcs on the left and right were blown back and hit a couple of trees. They got up, confused, and their eyes settled on the third orc. They pissed their tunics.

Elsaline was ripping out large chunks of the orc in the middle who was already half-eaten. She noticed their gaze and turned to meet them, swallowing another chunk of flesh with a bone sticking out of it. They just now noticed her razor sharp teeth and old bloodstains on her dress. They just now realized the strength admitting off of her. They just now realized her rock hands were now sharp and shaped like claws. They just now noticed that they weren't the predator, but the prey.

Elsaline half-heartedly punched the orc body she had eaten and caused it to explode into tiny bits of flesh...and cause a crater in the ground below. She should be falling down the crater she made but instead, she stayed where she was, her feet dug into the ground to prevent her from falling. She turned as the orc to her right ran to the other one and helped him up, both their faces full of fear.

Elsaline stood up on her two legs and cocked her head to the left, striking a thinker's pose.

"Hmm. How should I kill you? Energy ball or claws?"

Elsaline opened her right hand and faced it at the orcs. Formed there was a sparkling dangerous-looking blue sphere of light. It seemed to faze in and out of existence. The orcs shrank back until the one on the right, the one the other orc helped up, was cut into five pieces. The other orc was hit by the ball and burned instantly to ashes by the blue flames that followed. In front of them, mere inches away, was Elsaline, her left hand back to being claws.

"Both I guess."

With that, Elsaline turned and started walking on all fours again like nothing even happened in the first place. She briefly paused when she heard a familiar dinging sound that indicates she gained exp. She hasn't heard that in a very long time. Those orcs couldn't have been powerful enough to give her exp. So why, why did she get exp?

She quickly took a look at her level and sighed with relief when it still said level seventy-eight. Still, why did she-

"You know what, I'm just going to move on. Best not to linger on it."

And with that, the carefree and lazy Elsaline continued walking on, her thoughts back to why she can't see any animals.




The guards at Nextin Village didn't expect to see anything weird today. Sure they were ready for an orc or goblin raid but not something weird. In front of them was a strange girl walking on all fours playing with a bright blue and purple butterfly that can drop a wyvern dead. She didn't look human with her arms and feet. Her eyes were also weird. Yet she didn't look anything like a demon. In fact, there was a large orange health bar visible above her, meaning she is quite strong. Well, that and her black "dress" was coated in blood. By the looks of it, it was orc blood and probably that of a berserk orc. 

The girl didn't seem to notice them or the hidden town they were protecting. After playing with the butterfly, the girl let out a sigh. It flew out of her reach. Now she just laid down in the clearing she was in like a cat would, the brick-like stuff on her arms turning scale-shaped as what the guards assumed was her basking in the sun. After waiting for a good while, they realized that the girl was sleeping. 

With a silent agreement, the guards turned and went into their town to tell the count the news. The news spread and eventually, even the towns nearby heard of the strange golem-looking girl who could touch the deadly April Butterfly without being poisoned by it. Of course, as stuff like this goes, the information got more and more skewed as it went until it came down to this.

"An orange bar golem was spotted that could touch the April Butterfly and not be affected by it."

Now, this would definitely cause Elsaline to get visited by the players and adventurers. Unfortunate for them.

Huh? Why is it unfortunate to the players and adventurers and not Elsaline? Because Elsaline is a total battle junky....and she's only been beaten twice before. Do you really think that her streak will end just because she is in a different world? Sorry, but it is way too soon for that. Let's just hope this massacre doesn't involve the poor town of Nixtin.

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