The Wandering Last Boss

Chapter 3: When The Noble Is Saved By A Hero….Wait What!? What Do You Mean She’s A Evil Boss!?

Elsaline noticed that there was a village nearby but decided to walk past it. Why?

....To be honest, she doesn't even know herself. So just don't ask.

She's been walking for twelve hours straight and now it is nighttime. Did that deter her? Nope! If you remember her stats, her stamina says Error. Doing something as trivial such as walking without eating and drinking won't bother her. Of course, she did take a short break to bask in the sun. She normally does it during the afternoon back at her shrine and outside was no different. She enjoyed the feeling of the sun soaking its heat into her and warming her up. It felt great on her bones as well...if you can call what she has bones. You should have already figured out by now that Elsaline's body is not anywhere near normal. 

Another fact for good or for worse is that Elsaline is much scarier in the dark. Her mouth now glowed blue and the outlines of her teeth made her smile terrifying. Her eyes glowed eerily and the cracks on her arms also glowed as well. Well, she now had a new addition. In the dark, the tip of her claws glowed red. If anyone took a glance at her, they would most definitely know that she is a predator, not prey. Also, she smelled strongly of blood.

It was peaceful out here and there were more insects making noise than Elsaline was used to. Most of the noise in her forest belonged to the cicadas or crickets. She even heard the sound of an owl and frog nearby. Of course, it was probably a toad since Elsaline knew there was no water nearby. Oh, and of course she never saw any of the animals. Every single one booked it as soon as they sensed her. Even the insects. The only exception to this is a couple of swarms of harmless gnats who, even with their tiny brain, know not to mess with her at all.

As she was walking next to a cliff, Elsaline noticed that there were a group of people up ahead...or really down below. She didn't pay it any mind and kept on walking. It wasn't until she could hear and see what was going on did she pause. It looked like humans were attacking other humans who were protecting some kind of wooden half-egg? shaped box with wheels being dragged by horses with strings? 

'Seriously, what is that?'

Elsaline stared at the strange contraption for a while. Down below almost a mile out, one of the people protecting the carriage was a mage. They were running to get help and when they looked back, they shuddered. He was a high elf and he focused on training his body as well as his magic. In the dark, he could make out the glowing eyes in the distance. They were full of life but were clearly monstrous. Nothing should have eyes like that. Still, the eyes held curiosity and not malice. He knew he couldn't get help in time but maybe, just maybe they will help.

With all the magic he could muster, he sent a telepathic message to the predator. He just hoped it would listen, or at least understand what he is say-


The elf spun around. The predator was standing right behind him on all fours. Now that he can see the predator, he was quite surprised. They looked to be half-human and half-golem. The energy contained within her was new to him. He has never felt or seen anything like it. But the most noticeable feature about her was the large orange health bar above her head, indicating that she was a boss. From what some friends of his told him, an orange health bar means a danger level of at least A+ to S. He also noticed her name and level. Elsaline Level seventy-eight. He is level one-hundred and twenty-eight yet he didn't feel like he even stood a chance against her.

"So, you need me to kill the ones attacking or the ones defending?" Elsaline asked, cocking her head. Her voice was one of complete innocence and didn't have any malice in it at all. 

"T-the o-ones attacking."

Elsaline gave him a thumbs up.

"Got it! I'll be off now."

And with that, Elsaline appeared right in front of the carriage. The horses, upon seeing her, tried to run away but they were too weak. They were shot with arrows after all. Why do you think the carriage hasn't run away yet? Elsaline didn't pay them any mind and jumped right up on the roof of the carriage. Everyone stopped fighting and looked up at her. Elsaline eyed each and every one of them until she blinked. In a flash, she pounced onto the biggest bandit and crushed him into a pulp. The others were killed by silver vines erupting from the ground and impaling and crushing them. All of the bandits lay dead.

Elsaline was about to stretch when she heard the familiar sound of gaining exp. She froze and licked her lips.

"More exp? Why? These guys are pretty weak."

The guards that have heard her felt a shiver run down their spine. They were one of the best warriors in the Kingdom yet they were no match against these bandits. Yet she just called them weak?

Before this situation could get awkward, Elsaline turned around to face the carriage door just as it started to open.




Rose Marcy had a lot of problems as of lately. First, her father hasn't been back from the capital yet and her older brother fell into depression, leaving the management to her. Then the new adventurers, or 'players', have been acting up in her city, and now she was attacked by bandits. Now, now she has a new problem. 

She received a message from Drakin, her personal mage, saying that he got some help but to be wary of them. By the time she looked outside to see the situation, she saw all the bandits dead and some strange blue lights. She got out to meet her savior and to her surprise, the lights belonged to her savior. It was a strange golem-girl hybrid who looked friendly but at the same time, scary. Her mouth seemed to have a blue glow in it but strangely didn't light up her sharp teeth. The result was a terrifying smile. Her eyes also glowed and were...not human. They were something else. The lights she saw before came from her arms which Rose concluded she was some kind of golem or part golem from. Of course, she has never heard of something being part golem. 

Rose has a special gift. She can see the intentions of other people with her left eye, which was a golden yellow color while her right eye was the normal family blue color. Rose also has an ability. She can appraise people with her special eye. So when she saw the strange girl, she instantly used her eye's power to make sure she has good intentions. This is what she saw.

Name: Elsaline Turnick, 

Faction: Evil, Abyrissal

Standing: Friendly

Class: World Raid Boss, Abyrissal Elemental

Level 78

Status: Fine, Disconnected

'She's evil. But wait. She doesn't have any bad intentions towards me. Also, what are these stats!? Abyrissal? World Raid Boss!?'

Elsaline let out a giggle, interrupting Rose from her thoughts.

"Checking me out now, are you."

Elsaline sat down like a dog and winked at Rose, who was wondering how Elsaline knew what she could do.

"Your friend sent me a message to help you so I did," Elsaline told Rose, pointing at a shape running closer in the distance.

"So, I should be going now. Bye."

With that, Elsaline spun around and started walking calmly away from Rose on all fours without a care in the world.

"W-Wait! I can't just have you save me. Please Elsaline, let me at least take you to my city."

Elsaline stopped and turned around.

"Ehh? You'll do that? That's a first."

'That's probably because you're a boss.' Rose almost said but decided to keep it to herself.

"Come on. Get in the carriage." Rose offered, showing her the open carriage door.

"Oh! So that's what that weird box is called."

'Wait. She's never seen a carriage before?'

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