The Wandering Last Boss

Chapter 4: When A Boss Enters A City

Rose watched Elsaline as she peeked out the window and talked about every little thing. If she saw an animal such as a tiny bird, she will call it out. Even an insect. They've been traveling for a while now and they still had some time left until they arrived. In all that time, Rose has yet to talk to Elsaline. In fact, Elsaline hasn't talked to anyone. Rose decided to change that. She must know more about her "evil" savior.

"So, Elsaline. Are you some kind of golem?" Rose asked, hoping her question wasn't rude. Elsaline perked up a little and turned to take a proper seat, her eyes meeting Rose. In the lit carriage, the lights on her have dimmed down. She looks...more normal now? Rose had no idea.

"I'm a golem girl," Elsaline answered while swinging her feet like a little kid. Despite looking menacing, Elsaline was rather short. Or maybe she just shrunk? Nah. It's probably the disappointment that she was saved by a kid sinking in. She knew Elsaline was powerful by her health bar and title of a world raid boss, whatever that is, but no matter how Rose looks at her, she's nothing but a child! Sure, Rose herself is fourteen but Elsaline looks to be nine right now.

"I've never heard of that species before. Are there more like you?"

Elsaline looked at her hand for a bit before responding, her voice sounding a little off.

"Were. Not anymore."


After that, an awkward silence set in.

'Stupid Rose! I asked something that is clearly a touchy subject.'

"...Anyway, why are you listed as being evil, may I ask?"

Elsaline let out a giggle and gave Rose a sly cat-like expression.

"Because my job is to protect something the Gods want. And me and the others' existence goes against their wishes and laws."

Elsaline pointed at her left hand which morphed into a blade. 

"The energy that I contain, they want it. Yet they can't ever have it. So, I'm Evil!" Elsaline finished cheerfully, her blade hand changing back to its original state. 

Rose didn't know what to think about that. She knew most of the Gods were just beings who forced their wills on others without actually bothering to see if it had any consequences. But still, for them to all agree to name something like her 'Evil', is something she actually found herself believing. But she couldn't get the sinking feeling that Elsaline isn't telling the whole story either. Still, at the moment it is best not to push the subject any further.

"So, what is the 'disconnected' status you have?"

"....I'm somehow disconnected from my master. That is why I left my forest. I have to figure out how to get my connection back. Still, this world is so new to me. It's been about six-hundred thousand something years since I've left my forest."

Rose couldn't help but sympathize with Elsaline. Her father has been in the capital for a while now and she hasn't heard from him for a couple of weeks now. Though it is interesting to note that Elsaline has a person she considers her master.



"....Wait! Did you say six-hundred thousand years!?"




In the city of Eurson, the players there were seeing a strange sight. The carriage of the duke was rolling in as usual but floating above it was a big orange health bar with the words, World Raid Boss Elsaline, Level 78, above it. They just stared at it for a while, a small crowd slowly gathering. The NPCs were walking around like everything was normal except for a few who looked at the boss bar in awe before going back to what they were doing. Even the guards weren't doing anything. 

"What's going on? Is this some kind of story event?"

"No. It's gotta be something else."

"Should we stop them?"

"Are you crazy? That's a world raid boss!"

"But the health bar is orange so it can't be that strong. Besides, look at the level. It's seventy-eight."

"Guys, the raid boss is in the duke's carriage. We can't interfere."

Barely any of them listened to that voice. Soon, they came to a conclusion or at least a few did, and they stepped in front of the carriage, causing the driver to stop the carriage.

"Halt! What do you think you are doing? Get out of the way immediately!" The driver yelled. The players ignored him and continued standing in front of the carriage. Eventually, the guards started coming forward with their weapons drawn. The players felt a little nervous but still didn't stop. They were strong and they felt like they could handle a couple of guards.

Before things could get out of hand, the carriage door opened, and out stepped Rose Marcy, the resident ruler of the city. She was pretty and tall for her age with lush golden blond hair that didn't go far past her shoulders. She was wearing her fine dark red dress which made her features stand out. There was something about her face that made her feel sharp. Even the players knew messing with her was a bad idea.

"What is the meaning of this, may I ask?" Rose asked the players, speaking in a calm yet sharp tone. The players stayed silent, some questioning why they were indeed stopping the ruler of this city's carriage when the second highest level player, a big bald brute-looking guy, took a step forward and pointed at the health bar above the carriage.

"We're here for that." 

Rose looked up at the health bar then back at the players.

"....I'm confused. You're here for what?"

The brute player took a step forward, threateningly.

"Don't Play Dumb! The boss you got in your carriage! Give it to us!"

Rose crossed her arms and gave the players a cold look. There was a large crowd now, most of them NPCs.

"And do say what are you going to do to the boss if I give it to you?"

The brute player snorted.

"Obviously kill it."

The crowd started whispering to each other, the shock and anger at the players visible.

"So you're saying that you will kill the person who saved me from bandits?" Rose asked, her tone getting more and more dangerous and louder. Some of the players that were in front of the carriage were looking scared at the crowd surrounding them. The other players were just sitting back and watching the show, realizing that getting involved with this mess is dangerous.

The brute player looked confused.

"No...We're just gonna kill it because it's a boss."

The crowd erupted with angry shouts now. Rose had to use magic to make sure her voice was heard.

"Like Captain Samuel, the boss located here in this very city!? Or Duke Ellcen Marcy, the Duke of this city!?"

The highest leveled player decided to step in. His name was Dareck. His avatar was sharply dressed with slick black hair and sharp black glasses. He looked sharp and like one of those either villain or male capture targets in books and such back on Earth. And just like his looks, he was particularly smart. That was how he managed to get this far without doing much in the way of fighting. He knew that if he didn't do something, he and the others would lose popularity fast.

"Dear Miss Rose, my companion seems to be misunderstood. We simply wanted to take care of the raid boss you have in your carriage. After all, everyone knows that raid bosses are evil."

Dareck let out a winning and charming smile that was full of hidden smugness. He knew he had won this fight. After all, anything evil would need to be dealt with. If Rose refused, she would be outed by the church. 

Rose glared at Dereck for a while before looking back at the health bar and said,

"What raid boss? She's just a normal boss to me."

Rose then turned to the others in the crowd.

"Hey, what does her name say?"

After hesitating for a bit, a couple of people in the crowd started speaking.

"Just says Boss Elsaline to me. Her level is seventy-eight."

"Just says boss, not raid boss."

"What is that jerk talking about? It just says Boss Elsaline, Level Seventy-Eight."

"Yeah, it just says boss!"

Dereck frowned. He didn't understand what was going on. Were these people, covering for Rose!? How dare they!

"I'll have you know that covering for Rose will not save her. She's got a raid boss in her carriage and-"

Dereck broke off when a hand touched his shoulder. He turned to look and was surprised when he saw the resident priestess, Elma. She was a cute girl with short blond hair and green eyes. She was in her white robes which meant she was in business mode. 

"Are you using the church's name as a threat?" Elma asked, her voice low and dangerous.

"W-What!? No! B-But can't you see that Rose is har-"

Elma cut him off with a wave of her hand before she took a good long look at the health bar.

"That says, Boss Elsaline, Level Seventy-Eight. It does not say Raid Boss anywhere."

Dereck was at a loss. He knew he was right. So why was everyone covering for Rose? The actual answer is rather simple. You see, the people here and players see things differently. To them, bosses are a rare but normal sight. It just means that the person is powerful. They don't see their titles unless they appraise them or have a gift similar to what Rose has. To everyone here besides the players, they just see Boss Elsaline, Level Seventy-Eight. 

"Get lost, all of you, unless you want to make an enemy of the church."

With those crushing words, Elma watched as the players scattered. Rose let out a sigh before walking towards Elma.

"Thank you, oh wise priestess," Rose said, bowing.

Elma let out a giggle and gently booped Rose on her head.

"I'm not wise, Rosey. You should know that."

Yes, Rose and Elma were long time childhood friends. 

"Yeah, I know." 

Elma searched her friend's face a little bit before sighing and leaned forward so she could whisper in her ear.

"But we need to talk. Meet me at the church."

Rose nodded and watched as Elma walked off, back to whatever she was doing beforehand. 

'What a mess. I do wonder what those people were talking about? They can't have seen that Elsaline was evil or a world raid boss just by looking at her health bar. That's impossible even for them.'

And what of said boss? She was asleep in the carriage, dreaming about fish, completely unaware of what her mere health bar has just caused.

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