The Wandering Last Boss

Chapter 5: Rose’s Guest

The servants of Duke's Marcy's house were used to having surprising events ever since the eldest son became depressed. When Rose took over, she also made some rather surprising requests or did ridiculous things. Still, when they received orders to get a room ready, they did not question it and got the quest room ready. They dusted it and even placed some more jewel decorations into the room. They were now all gathered outside waiting for Rose to arrive. When her carriage pulled up, the servants were glad that they did their best to prep the guest room. Inside the carriage was a boss, and a pretty powerful one too. They could see the orange health bar above the carriage. If their knowledge is correct, this boss is even more powerful than Captain Samuel of the Knights and even the Duke. 

The servants bowed, quelling their urge to look up and see the boss when Rose came out.

"You may stand." 

With that, the servants stopped bowing and laid their eyes on the boss. They were... surprised, to say the least. Out from the carriage on all fours was a weird girl. Her eyes were creepy yet full of life and her arms were longer than normal, with her hands looking like the hands of a golem except with glowing blue energy peeking out from the cracks. She looked to be some kind of golem girl, but they've never heard of a golem that is clearly part of flesh and blood. This girl wasn't a golem made to look like a girl but really a girl with golem parts. At least, that is what they assumed she was. They knew they don't know the full story but they decided to leave what she is there for now.

"This girl, Elsaline, is my savior. As such, please treat her with respect." Rose addressed the servants, pointing at Elsaline. Elsaline was studying the flowers lining up the side of the walls. She looked around and, after thinking no one was watching her even though everyone was, she touched a red flower. It instantly burned into ash. Elsaline quickly darted back and then, whistling, walked to stand by Rose's side, still on all fours. Rose was giving Elsaline a confused look which grew when Elsaline stood up on her two feet.

'Wait!? She did shrink! She wasn't this tall in the carriage!'

Rose was indeed right. Currently, Elsaline was at her normal height, which was around five point eight. She currently was taller than Rose by a good margin. She decided to go back to her normal size because she was greeting new people and wasn't going into someplace that was cramped for her massive hands. 

Rose couldn't help but feel a little irked at that. She didn't quite know why though. 

Elsaline studied each and every servant and gave them all a wink. She was already smiling. She smiles a lot. The servants returned the smile, or at least some of them. Elsaline made a mental note that she liked these servants more. Meanwhile, Rose paused when she heard a certain cry.

"Since when do we have cicadas in here?" Rose muttered to herself. 




Rose showed Elsaline to the guest room she had prepared for her. When she entered, Elsaline instantly jumped on the bed. Faster than Rose could blink her confusion, Elsaline had wrapped herself in a cocoon of blankets. She had cocoon herself in a way that she looks like a rattlesnake. She even gave a playful little hiss and Rose swore she saw a bunch of glowing blue pebbles imitate a rattlesnake's tail to make its iconic rattle sound before disappearing.

"Thank you, Rose. It's been years since I've last seen a bed such as this. A couple of centuries I think."

With a satisfied Ahh, Elsaline sunk deeper into her cocoon. She decided she liked it here. Elsaline also liked the fact that she didn't have to fight these people like the annoying people before. Though she hopes that she can get to fight them soon. It's been a couple of months since she fought them, and a couple of years since they challenged her consistently, with the last big group, or raid, being one of her favorites. She killed so many of the skilled ones. She loved it. Shame they just managed to get her to her fourth phase. By the time her third phase was done, almost all but seven lay dead.

Elsaline sighed at the memory and licked her claws, trying to remember the feeling of licking their blood off her claws. For some reason, those annoying people, the outsiders, blood tasted better than any other blood she had...except for her Master. She sensed a large group of them but knew that they weren't skilled or large enough to pose much of a challenge. Still, she almost got up to fight them. At the last moment, she decided against it. She didn't want to make a mess of the dark red carriage she was in. Of course, foolish her thought that the blood would stain it, even if the blood wouldn't stand out on the carriage. The only thing Elsaline thinks blood doesn't really show on is black. That is just how Elsaline is.

"Well, I've got someplace to be. If you need anything, please ask the servants for help. I'll be back soon."

With one last look at Elsaline, Rose left the guest room. Elsaline heard her walk away for a bit before her eyes focused on the windows in her room. She liked the view here. It reminded her of Master's castle, but different. Despite looking fine, Elsaline wasn't fine. She has been keeping in her panic and distress. She needs to hear her Master's voice. She needs her connection back. 

Elsaline went still and her eyes flashed as her metal hairpins lit up. After a bit, Elsaline let out a sigh and her hairpins stopped glowing. She still couldn't connect to her Master nor could she find anything that seems to be interfering with her signals. Whatever is stopping her from connecting to her Master isn't around here.  She would have to move on if she wanted to fix her connection. Still, Master has taught her not to be impolite. She will stay for a bit before moving on. 

After reaching her conclusion, Elsaline got out of her cocoon of blankets and walked over to the windows. She looked outside before opening the window despite them being locked and climbed outside. Once outside Elsaline opened a portal in front of her and went in. When she reemerged, she was outside the city in a nearby forest. She saw some animals around her briefly like squirrels and grasshoppers before they booked it. Elsaline wanted to follow them but held down the urge, instead opening her mouth. While this may seem like a weird thing to do, animals in the wild open their mouths to help them catch scents as well. This is exactly what Elsaline is doing. Hunting. Though she technically doesn't need food, Elsaline has other urges...more deadly urges. 

Locating them, Elsaline let out a feral smile before she took off. It took four seconds of running until she burst through a thick wooden wall and into the orc city. She remembered the blood and scent of the orcs she had killed earlier and exactly where they came from. Now, she was going to have some fun.

Letting out an insane sounding giggle, Elsaline slammed her hand down on the ground and let out a roar, causing the orcs to shudder. Before they could fully comprehend what was going on, the ground lit up with a white light occasionally mixed with rainbow patches. Black fleshy spikes erupted around the city. A barrier was formed, trapping every orc in. When her loud roar ended, Elsaline started laughing as her name shimmered until her rank appeared right next to her name.

Rank 468

All the orcs felt their hope die when they heard a message in their minds say,

"Legendary World Raid Boss Elsaline Has Started A Fight. There Is No Escape. Good Luck! Also, Remember To Scream And Fight. It Makes This So Much Better."




Elsaline returned back to the room Rose gave her by teleporting right next to the open window and climbing through and sat down on the bed, staining it will the orc blood that was covering her. She didn't notice the maid that was in the room watching her with a shocked expression at first. When she did, her eyes met the maid's and she waved at her before laying down on the bed like a dog would, a tail wrapped around her. Her tail looked to be made of rocks outlined glowing blue. The energy was probably what kept her tail together. Her tail ended in a sharp sword-like end.

The maid quickly went out of the room to tell the other servants to stop the search...and to tell them to be prepared to treat their new guest. Of course, Elsaline wasn't hurt but the maid doesn't know that. All she saw was a girl drenched in thick blood looking a little out of breath.  

Back to Elsaline, she was checking her stats, confused.

Name: Elsaline Turnick, Golem Girl Of Abryiss

Level: 79

Class: Legendary World Raid Boss, Brawler, Weapon Slinger, Abryissal Elemental, Genocider, Reality Manipulator

Faction: Abryiss, Evil

Health: Current(First) Phase: 150,048   Def: Current(First) Phase: 2,300,560   Att: Current(First) Phase: 534,556   

Sp: Current(First) Phase: 1,960   Stam: Current(First) Phase: Error(Unknown) 

Status: Slightly Tired, Disconnected, Satisfied

Skills: Error(Unknown)


'....I....leveled up...?'

Elsaline studied her new stats. Her title of World Raid Boss changed to Legendary World Raid Boss for some reason. She also got the title Genocider and Reality Manipulator, which the latter she only gets during her third phase. But, her stats for her first phase went up as well. That hasn't happened since after she reached level sixty. What is going on? 

Elsaline felt her worry deepen. She needs to get connected to her Master. She must know what is going on. She must hear her voice. Elsaline would not stop now. Even if it meant killing a God or two....or more. She will get back to her Master.

'No Matter What.'




The church in Eurson was made out of white marble. Whoever made this marble somehow made it so the church here looked pretty even if it was made mostly of white marble. Rose asked who built the church but was only told that he and his family died years ago. Still, Rose couldn't help but admire the church every time she went in.

"So, give it to me straight. What are you hiding about Elsaline, Rose?"

There were only two people in the church currently. Rose and Elma. They had cast a shield around the church to prevent anyone from listening to their conversation.

"....Elsaline is a legendary world raid boss, and she is in the Evil Faction," Rose admitted to Elma with a sigh.

"So why did you risk yourself to protect her?" Elma asked. She knew her friend well and she knew she would only do something that stupid if she had a reason.

"Elsaline...saved my life. Not only that but she's not in the Evil Faction because she desires the death of the Gods or of humanity or anything like that. From what she told me, she's in it because the Gods want the energy she contains within her."

Elma raised an eyebrow.

"You sure she wasn't lying?"

Rose pointed to her left eye.

"She wasn't, but I do feel like she isn't telling me the whole story. But she wasn't trying to trick me and she was friendly towards me. Plus, she's been in a forest for six-hundred thousand years."

Elma blinked at that.


"Yeah," Rose confirmed, "She was gawking at every little animal or plant she saw. I don't think she's a bad person...actually, let me take that back. I think she is a battle maniac, but not a bad person."

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, when she went in the carriage, I noticed her dress was covered in bloodstains. I'm sure she has fought and killed a lot more than the bandits attacking me."

The two friends went silent for a minute before Elma sighed.

"The higher-ups won't take any action against her. They are aware that the Gods we pray to have long abandoned us. If it is as Elsaline says it is, then we can't let the Gods get their hands on the energy inside of her."

Elma walked over to a bookshelf and pulled out a big dusty black book. She flipped through it before letting out a long sigh. Elma then proceeds to give Rose the black book.

"Here. Take this. Even though I couldn't find anything about Elsaline here, this book may help you. I'll do some more research on my side."

Elma gave Rose a hug and, after a second of surprise, Rose returned it.

"But do me a favor, Rose. If this gets too dangerous, please let her go. I don't want you to die."

Rose didn't know how to answer that. Her honor depended on making sure her savior was alright that really more important than her best friend's wish?

Rose debated for a bit before coming to an answer.

"Alright, Elma. I'll try to do what you ask."

Both Rose and Elma knew the answer wasn't good enough but, for now, it would have to do.

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