The Wandering Last Boss

Chapter 6: Dinner Disaster

Elsaline found that life in Rose's house is actually rather pleasant. The bed, while foreign to her, was nice...though she wished it was a little more hard and open and...

....basically, Elsaline may prefer the ground over the bed. If she does, she's not admitting it. Also, the servants never question when she leaves. As it turns out, Rose had some business elsewhere in another city, so she won't be back until later. So Elsaline has been spending the past five days here. Now don't get Elsaline wrong, she has been working on fixing her connection. She has been to multiple places miles away from the city, full out sprinting instead of walking so she can actually get there and back without wasting too much time. She's also been finding places with lots of stupid animals that attack her first. There she can quell her bloodlust and have some good old fun as well. There ain't nothing wrong with that.

Though, Elsaline did notice that after the third day, the servants stopped cleaning up her sheets. She didn't complain. The smell of soap made her somewhat nauseated anyway. Also, ever since the time where she brought back a werewolf's severed bloody arm, on the second day if Elsaline remembered, was also the time the servants stopped trying to assign her a personal maid. Elsaline didn't mind, she was more stumped asking herself why she hasn't leveled up yet. Even now, after fours days of fun, she hasn't gotten another level. She wishes she had an indicator that tells her how much exp she needs until she levels up again. But alas, she does not. For now, it is simply the waiting game.

'Master said she is aware if I level up. So does she know that I leveled up recently? Actually, she used to congratulate me every time I leveled up. Does that mean Master can't connect to me either!?'

Elsaline felt both relieved and worried about this. Worried because it means that whatever is doing this is also affecting Master as well and relieved since Master isn't to be messed with. She'll be working on this problem on her side while Elsaline works on the problem over at her side. 

There was another thing Elsaline learned. She wasn't in her own world. Sure her forest and shrine followed her but when she tried sensing Flashrine's place, nothing popped up. Knowing where her place was located, Elsaline then went over to her castle despite not sensing it. Unfortunately, it was just like she feared. Her castle was nowhere to be found. That was the clear sign that Elsaline was in another world. After all, the Gods needed help to kill her so they couldn't have destroyed her, her castle, and her army completely. 

Still, the 'another world' problem didn't explain why her connection to her Master was cut off. She's been to other worlds before and even with her Master in another world as well, the connection has always been there. Something else was happening and Elsaline would get to the bottom of it. 

Another concept Elsaline learned is something called dinner. Well, she knows what it is but never on such a...grand scale? The table was large and fancy. Even the chairs were fancy. But why did it have so few chairs? She learned later on that was where the family of the house sat down to eat. Servants weren't allowed to sit there. Since that only happened to prisoners back in Master's and Flashrine's place. Of course, when Elsaline asked the servants if they were prisoners they responded with a no. They then explained that was just how things were here and in other noble houses. Of course, Elsalene couldn't make sense of it. To her, while rankings exist, things were still not heavily divided. 

Some may call it barbaric but in her society, it was pretty normal. In fact, not doing it was considered weird and may even make others view you as egotistical...or that you want some alone time. Their world was pretty stressful at times and a well-needed break was always good for you. At least, that is what a lot of people tell Elsalene. She never gets tired of fighting and she has the most stamina of the Abyriss, except for her Master of course. Though, she must admit that she did find some sort of comfort in her current job. She couldn't really explain it.

Elsaline was now fiddling with a new stick figure she made out of twigs in the nearby outskirts of the city. While she was walking around the outskirts, she was aware of the ones who like to attack her were following her, though these weren't the ones that normally do so. These were different, much weaker, much fewer attackers. She half felt like she should turn around and challenge them just so she can watch their despaired faces when she rips them to pieces, but something told her she wasn't really allowed to, or more of shouldn't do that here. So she decided to ignore them. They weren't worth the effort and she already killed three wyverns that were hunting in a pack. Oh, she also killed that tribe of goblins she detected a while ago. She didn't really know what they were but she was aware that something was there. As she found out, goblins aren't very tasty. She prefers orcs instead. Ooh! Maybe she can find those pig variations of orcs! She ate them back at Master's castle and in Flashrine's and she loved them. She liked injecting them with poison while fighting them and watching them season and die at the same time before eating them even better. But, she hasn't found them yet.

Elsaline perked up when she heard the sound of someone approaching the guest room. They knocked and Elsaline considered not answering them to see what they would do but decided against it.


With that, the door opened and Elsaline was surprised when she saw the person was Rose. She instantly jumped out of bed and was in front of her in seconds, though she did shrink herself like she did when she first met Rose. She doesn't know why she did it but she did. That was simply part of the many quirks Elsaline has.

Rose flinched when Elsaline appeared right in front of her because, from her perspective, Elsaline was looking at her from the bed she was on and the next she was right in front of her. To top it off, she was also small again. Also, why did she have a tail?

", hello again."

"Yep! Hello again Rose."

Rose was taken back by how much energy was in her voice. She felt tired after having to deal with some stupid tax problem next in the capital. She was all for helping out the Treasure Keeper, a strange name for someone who collects taxes and imposes them, but can't he figure the problem out on his own?

Yet to be met with someone so energetic, Rose didn't quite know how to feel. It was almost refreshing in a way. 

"So, I have come here to ask if you wanted to eat dinner with me?"

Elsalene cocked her head slightly and her smile grew wider. It was kinda unnerving but Rose knew Elsalene did not mean anything bad in it. This was simply Elsaline being Elsaline. 

"Sure! It's been so long since I have had dinner that actually does more than just whine and beg for their life...companions I mean. I mean, they attacked me first and yet they make such strange noises when I offer them their companion's torn-off leg. I was letting them live, I mean." Elsaline added the last part to herself but Rose still heard it.

'She's definitely evil, just not in the way anyone would expect her to be.'

"Well, although I'm sure you know where the dinner table is, please follow me," Rose said with as much dignity she can muster after hearing Elsaline's comment.

"Alright! I will follow," Elsaline replied in a bubbly voice. It is hard to imaging that this voice belongs to some who recently earned the title of Genocider. From the reports Rose has been getting, she expected that title. Elsaline is more than a one-man army, she's a walking calamity that nothing can stand against alone. Plus, she seems to have some connection to the players that mysteriously arrived. From the sound of it, she fought and killed them many times. If the players ever decide to revolt and try to take over her city, if Elsaline decides to stay she'll have the perfect weapon to use against them. That is if she is willing. Though, something told Rose that she will be more than willing. 

Rose and Elsaline arrived at the dining room. She had her servants prepare some of the finest foods they have here in the house. By the look and smell of it, they did not disappoint. Rose also made them prepare more...less noble food. Stuff like chicken legs. Rose had heard what Elsaline asked when she saw the dining room for the first time and had a feeling she knew where she comes from or what her homeland is like. 

Elsaline's eyes went wide when she saw the amount of meat on the table. Ribs, chicken legs, beef on a stick, duck, lamb, and etc. Some drool came from her mouth, the drool being a blue and yellow color. The moment it touched the ground it started sizzling. Realizing this, Elsaline quickly wiped the drool from her mouth and stepped on the saliva, which strangely disappeared when she moved her foot again.

'She has acid salvia. I hate to be her lover.' Rose thought while raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry for that. My saliva gets like that when I am very hungry," Elsaline quickly explained to Rose, her eyes darting back and forth between her and the food. She is very easy to read right now.

'Like a child.' Rose thought sadly. 'Though she is definitely older than a child.'

"Alright, let's dig in." 

The moment Rose said that and sat down, Elsaline was in her seat faster than she could see, two big drumsticks in her oversized hands. She opened her mouth wide, revealing her sharp teeth and four glowing blue fangs on the inside of her mouth, hidden from view unless her mouth is wide open. Another interesting detail is that the back of her throat slightly glows a light blue color. That explains why in the dark, or really at night, her mouth lights up. 

With that one big bite, almost half of the drumstick in her left hand is eaten. Elsaline chewed for a bit before swallowing. Normally, Rose would think she was starving or didn't like the food from Elsaline's behavior but the reason why Elsaline barely chewed is because of her teeth. They weren't made for chewing. They were made for ripping and tearing, made for cutting, made for killing. Rose was smart and realized this pretty quickly. Still, to make up for it, the inside of Elsaline's throat had taste buds. Of course Rose couldn't realize that fact as she doesn't know Elsaline's biology.

Halfway through their meal, Elsaline suddenly perked up, her tail going into the air before staying still, coiled almost like a lazy snake. Her eyes trained on one of the big doors, this one being behind Rose, and she sniffed the air. Rose turned around just in time to see her older brother enter the room in his white bathrobe, rubbing his eyes. Elsaline looked him over for two seconds before returning to her meal, grabbing half a rack of ribs and biting into them, her teeth going straight through the bone and the ribs were outlined blue. The energy was keeping the ribs from falling apart in her large hands and powerful bites. Meanwhile, Rose stared at her brother who was staring at Elsaline before looking at Rose. Their eyes met and he pointed at Elsaline. Rose's brother, despite the slight bags under his eyes, was fairly attractive. Actually, that was an understatement. He was attractive enough to make men gay. Of course, to Elsaline, he wasn't attractive at all. She recognized that other humanoids find him attractive but to her, she doesn't see his charm.

"This will go great with some mead," Elsaline said out loud without a care in the world. Her tongue, bluish-purple and long, wrapped around the rest of the ribs and pulled them into her mouth. The bones made a crunch before Elsaline swallowed, her hand reaching for another rack of ribs while her tail's blade end opened up into a beak-like mouth full of sharp teeth. The tail then started reaching for another drumstick.

"What is that?" Darren Marcy asked, pointing at the strange boss in front of her. Rose quickly made a panicked face and tried her best to signal to him to not anger her. Darren already knew that. His eyes went back to Elsaline. Despite being a rate A+ to S level boss, he had a gut feeling she was much stronger. Besides, he was a single level one hundred and eleven. His rate is A- and so he is outraged. He also can't see her rank.

(Rate: G- - S+, Level: 1 - 400, Rank: 1 - 50 - 100)

"This is my savior, Elsaline. Elsaline, this is my older brother and current family heir, Darren."

Elsaline looked up from her meal and met Darren's eyes, who flinched when his met hers. Elsaline suddenly stayed still and her eyes started intensely at something.

"...Hey, Rose. Do you want your brother dead?" Elsaline asked casually, causing everyone present to flinch in shock.

"W-w-what!? N-No!" Rose stuttered over her own words, trying to figure out why Elsaline asked that. Before she could speak, Elsaline met her eyes and Rose found herself paralyzed, her eyes locked onto Elsaline. Elsaline searched her eyes for a moment before turning back to look at her brother.


Elsaline was gone from her seat and appeared right next to Darren. Darren and Rose let out a surprised yell until they noticed that Elsaline had grabbed something. That something was an assassin who was invisible on the wall, He was wearing dark clothes and a face mask despite wearing a hood. He was a player.

He struggled in Elsaline's grasp. Elsaline seemed to enjoy that as her smile grew wider. Her fist then rammed itself into his gut and she wretched it upwards, splitting him almost in half. Elsaline then proceeded to take two big bites out o the right side of his split head. She swallowed and, after studying her work a bit longer, threw the left side of the assassin away, his body finally tearing completely in half. She licked her lips and lazily lifted the right half of the body higher before the body burned instantly into nothing in a short flash of blue flames. Elsaline pointed her hand at the other half and that half and the blood below her and on the wall in front of her disappeared in a flash of blue flames. 

Elsaline turned around, wiped the blood off her face, and walked over to her seat on the other side of the table. completely unaware, or ignoring, the shocked faces of Rose, Darren, and the servants present. More than one servant started thinking, 'You could have cleaned up after your own mess the entire time!?'

Once there, instead of sitting down, Elsaline stayed standing. The reason why appeared soon enough.

A blue portal opened on the ground in front of her and out came, stabbed in the gut by a sandy tentacle, came another assassin. This time, the assassin was a female and she wasn't wearing any mask. Her white hood had fallen off of her. She has short but neat and slightly dark blond yellow hair. It looked to be closer to orange. Her face was contorted with pain. Before she could do anything, five more tentacles appeared and tied her limbs and spread her apart. Then, another portal opened up in front of her and a tentacle stabbed her left eye. She screamed and screamed even louder when the tentacles wrapping around her limbs dug into her flesh. The one in her chest didn't sit idly either and started to squirm around. The player didn't understand why the pain was so intense. She has fought before and always checked to make sure the pain sensitivity is at fifty percent. This did not feel like fifty percent. In fact, this feels worse than the time she was poisoned and tortured to death by orcs. 

She finally managed to open her good eye. She saw her tormentor, smiling while showing sharp teeth. Another tentacle appeared right in front of her face and aimed it at her right eye. Elsaline raised her hand and slowly started to close it. Every centimeter her fingers moved felt like minutes to the player. She knew it was over, but she couldn't help but shiver in fear, even if shivering hurts her more. Just as Elsaline's hand was about to close, her other hand came up and slowly but menacingly waved at her.

"Nighty night."

"Elsaline, wait!"

Elsaline stopped a moment away from closing her fist and turned to look at Rose. She cocked her head and relaxed her left hand, making the tentacle move just a little farther away from the player's right eye.

"Yes?" Elsaline asked, confused as to why Rose stopped her or the look of horror in Rose, but mainly Darren's, eyes.

"W-we n-need her alive so we can get information out of her. Besides, she's already beat."

Elsaline slowly blinked. Then, she just stared. Finally, recognition flashed in her life-full eyes.

"Ahh! Okay."

She whirled around and the tentacle went closer until it was a hair's length away from the player's remaining eye.

"Answer honestly or I'll make this the most painful experience of your life, got it?" Elsaline asked, her cheerful smile not matching the menace in her words. The player could only nod barely as they still had a tentacle in their eye. Seemingly satisfied with the answer, Elsaline stepped back and all the tentacles disappeared, dropping the barely conscious player to the ground.

"Glad we reached an understanding," Elsalene told the player, her hands behind her back. That was the last thing the player heard before she blacked out.

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