The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

The Yanhuang fleet set off from Yokohama and bombarded indiscriminately along the coastline of the island country, and all the submersibles and county towns along the way were devastated.

The whole country of the island country was shocked, and this was the first time since the Americans landed on the island country that foreign warships bombed the entire island country.

The military headquarters meeting is also not open, and both the army and the navy are urgently mobilizing their forces to prepare for the total annihilation of the future Yanhuang fleet.

But they had just organized a counterattack, and the Yanhuang fleet had already dropped all ammunition on the island country, and then swaggered back.

Hundreds of kilometers along the coast were devastated, and six county towns were reduced to rubble.

In this battle, the Yanhuang fleet won a big victory and left without a single loss.

On that day, the military country of the island country was shocked, and the entire island country was full of panic.

Originally, the cabinet’s propaganda to the people was that the island country was absolutely safe, and no country would be able to hit their homeland.

But now it’s a slap in the face, the whole of Yokohama has been bombed, hundreds of thousands of people have died, and the population has begun to angrily rebuke the government.

Huge demonstrations were held across the island nation denouncing the incompetence of the cabinet, which directly led to attacks on the mainland and hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Hideki Tojo and his cabinet panicked, and so did the military department.

Because many bigwigs in the military department were attacked on the way back, a general was even assassinated by his radical soldiers, and even killed his entire family.

The entire island nation was plunged into the biggest chaos since the beginning of the war.

Hideki Tojo eventually had no choice but to resign amid protests, and Army boss Kuniaki Koiso replaced him as the new prime minister.

Koiso Kuniaki came to power and immediately arrested many of Hideki Tojo’s men and executed them in public, which calmed the anger of the people.

Although the people are at peace, the crisis at the top of the military department has not yet been resolved.

Koiso Kuniaki quickly convened a meeting of the military department and the cabinet.

This time, he learned a little smarter and did not let himself preside, so as not to become a scapegoat in the future.

Instead, let the emperor personally preside, anyway, if something happens in the future, he can bear the blame.

The Emperor looked at all the military bosses in annoyance.

“Can anyone tell me if the Empire has been defeated by the Chi Na people?” The Emperor asked angrily.

No one answered, at this time, the gun shot the first bird, and the military bigwigs present were not stupid.

“The emperor slapped the table with a slap, the Americans bombed our island country and enslaved us, this we can endure, after all, they are strong.

But Huaxia is something, they even dared to bomb our island country, and the face of the empire was completely lost. As important members of the military department, don’t you come up with a solution?”

Former Prime Minister Mitsumasa Minouchi spoke: “Your Excellency the Emperor, the Chinese Navy is developing too fast, according to our people’s reports, their fleet has eight aircraft carriers. The combined fleet has been destroyed, and now our navy really does not have the strength to fight them in a decisive battle. ”

The Emperor glared at him deadly: “What do you mean by this?” Isn’t your Navy very ruthless when asking for money? Now let you go to war, and you will be instigated? Isn’t it the responsibility of your navy to defeat the Chinese navy?”

“Your Excellency the Emperor.” Minai Mitsumasa raised his voice: “Our senior general Yamamoto Gojiroku has just shattered, isn’t he a sacrifice made by our navy?”

The Emperor snorted coldly, “That’s Yamamoto is useless, and the entire combined fleet that was also harmed is buried together.” Even if he doesn’t die, I’m going to unload him. ”

Minouchi Mitsumasa shook his head: “Yamamoto has done his best, the enemy has eight aircraft carriers, which are already stronger than our combined fleet, and defeat is inevitable.” Now our Navy is no longer capable of a big war with them, and the only way is to massively create aircraft carriers in preparation for the next big war. ”

The emperor squinted: “Then the matter of our mainland being bombed, that’s all?”

Minai Mitsumasa shook his head, and the other bigwigs of the navy also shook their heads: “We can’t help this matter for the time being.” ”

The people of the army also quickly shook their heads: “We just failed in Huaxia, and we are not able to fight for the time being.” ”

“Hachiga” Emperor slapped the table with a slap: “I don’t care, give you half a month, you must think of a way for me.” If you can’t figure it out, I’ll fix you.”

When the Yanhuang fleet returned to Qingdao, the whole Qingdao was boiling.

This great victory at sea and also bombed the island country, which not only shocked the island country, but also shocked the entire China and even the whole world.

The collapse of the Combined Fleet means that the island nation’s maritime supremacy in Asia has disappeared.

But the naval strength of the island country is still there, and from then on, it will be the era of confrontation between China and the island country.

But anyone with a little common sense can see that this naval battle, the elite of the island country was lost, even the famous general Yamamoto Fifty-Six died, and a large number of skilled pilots and sailors all died.

The island country is already very short of manpower, especially technical personnel and excellent generals, it can be said that one less death is one less, and it is difficult to fill it.

Even if they still have a dozen aircraft carriers, the general trend of the Navy has passed.

In the future in the waters of Asia, only China can have the final say.

As soon as Chen Fan landed, people from all walks of life who came to the military port to celebrate immediately burst into enthusiastic shouts.

“.~ Long live the Generalissimo.”

“Long live the Chinese Navy”

“Generalissimo is wise and martial, the proud son of heaven”

Chen Fan listened to everyone’s heartfelt praise and accepted their reverent eyes, and his heart was extremely happy. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Is this the treatment that a king should enjoy!

Chen Fan did not participate in the next welcome event, and Liu Dong and Gao Cheng replaced him.

He was really a little tired, he was seasick, and he lasted these few days in order to win the battle.

Now that the fight is over, he just wants to fall into bed and get a good night’s sleep.

As soon as he returned to his villa in Qingdao, a voice sounded in the sea of his brain: “Congratulations master, successfully destroyed the Japanese combined fleet.” It was a great victory that…”

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense, just say the reward.” Chen Fan impatiently interrupted the system to pat the horse.

The system smiled hehe: “The host really understands me, you destroyed the island navy this time, in fact, you jumped to complete a main mission, so reward you with 200,000 military merit points, two other rare technologies, and four normal technologies.”

Taking into account your special requirements, all six technologies belong to the category of military weapons. ”

Chen Fan cheered up and asked, “Show me rare technology first, hurry up, Laozi is very tired!” ”


After the system’s words, the mall will automatically open.

The first technology immediately jumped in front of Chen Fan: the B52 long-range strategic bomber.

Chen Fan’s eyes suddenly lit up: “I’m really surprised by it.”

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