The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 193

Chapter 193

The B52 long-range strategic bomber is the latest strategic bomber of the Mi Army to replace the B29 Super Flying Fortress and the B36 Peacemaker after World War II.

It uses eight engines and is a jet, which far surpasses the first two aircraft in terms of range, speed and the total amount of ammunition it carries, becoming the main strategic bomber of the United States.

This star aircraft has also participated in many wars and contributed to the country.

Chen Fan did not expect that rare technology was so powerful this time, and actually gave this bomber.

With it, it is possible to bomb island targets from a long distance, giving the Chinese Air Force a long-range aerial saber.

The next rare piece of technology is also shining, a new military truck developed by Polar Bear after World War II.

Although it is only a truck technology, who uses who knows, this thing is the most real.

Now Chen Fan’s army needs a large number of wheeled vehicles, not only the logistics troops need to use a large number of vehicles, but also the troops need to be assembled in large quantities to achieve full mechanization.

Then the local 180 construction also uses trucks.

The military truck now equipped is a truck from Germany in World War II.

Although the performance is not bad, compared with this technological truck that Chen Fan got, it is simply one by one.

This new truck greatly improves off-road ability and can be used on a variety of complex road surfaces.

In this way, the speed of the march was greatly increased, and the cargo load was also larger, which greatly improved the efficiency overall.

“Host, are the two rare technologies still satisfied?”

Chen Fan nodded: “It’s not bad, but if only there were two more.” ”

The system smiled and said: “As long as the future tasks are completed, the technology is not very large.” ”

Chen Fan was amused by the ghost words of the system, and even his sleepiness disappeared a lot.

Back at the Generalissimo’s Residence, Han Xue had been waiting for him here for a long time.

“How, did you know I came back and came to serve me in a hurry?” Chen Fan smiled and lifted her chin, and Han Xue’s white neck immediately turned red.

Han Xue hurriedly took a step back and said positively, “I have something serious to say.” ”

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: “Isn’t what I said serious?”

Seeing that he was coming to grab himself, Han Xue screamed and took a few steps back until he reached the edge of the wall.

Chen Fan pressed the cold snow against the wall with a knock, and said with a smile: “You are running!” It just so happens that a devil has not yet been killed. You send it yourself. ”

Han Xue blushed and said with a heartbeat, “I really have something serious, Yoshiko Kawashima has news.”

The base camp of the island nation ordered that the military department must counterattack within half a month. Therefore, Kawahide Ruozi reminds you that it is best to prepare in advance and not let your guard down because of victory. ”

Chen Fan nodded: “You really care about me, but don’t worry, I will let the little devil stay in the island country honestly.” Now, let’s get down to business. ”


Early the next morning, before dawn, Chen Fan got up early.

Yoshiko Kawashima reminded him that this big war, the navy is indeed victorious.

But if the devil takes revenge at all costs, the crisis in the Navy is still great.

And Chen Fan still had a lot of things to do next, so he had to delay a little time so that the little devil honestly stayed in the local area and did not dare to move.

The best way is to deter a blow.

So he manifested a hundred B52 bombers at once.

Originally, he also wanted to show more, but he could only produce up to a hundred B52 bombers per month.

But a hundred is enough, because a B52 can hold up to two or three Befh Flying Fortress bombers.

All the planes were placed at the airport in Qingdao.

“Yin Zheng, I have given you a new bomber. Immediately summon the pilots for me to bomb the island country at nine o’clock this morning. ”

Yin Zheng was stunned when he heard Chen Fan’s order: “Generalissimo, bomb the island country? The distance back and forth is too long, and I am afraid that the bomber will not fly back. ”

Chen Fan smiled: “Do you think it’s B29?” The plane I gave you, even if you fly back and forth, you can fly to the island country again. ”

“Go, go ahead.” Chen Fan said: “Remember, it’s bombing Tokyo, up hard!” ”

Jun Zheng stopped being verbose and immediately went to carry out Chen Fan’s order.

The pilots are ready-made, just transfer the pilot of the B29 to use it.

Chen Fan’s B52 bombers were all filled with ammunition, and the bombs loaded were even more powerful.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Yin Zheng gave an order.

One jet bomber after another took to the skies.

On the first plane, the two pilots shouted in surprise: “My good friend, this plane is too fast, I almost couldn’t adapt to it just now.” ”

Another pilot touched the internal elements of the bomber like a baby, “It’s much stronger than our Super Flying Fortress, it’s twice as fast as it is.” I just don’t know, how powerful it is. ”

One bomber after another quickly took to the air and disappeared into the sky a moment later.

The B52 bomber has radar and navigation, and the location of Tokyo has been entered into the navigation system, and the pilots just need to follow along.

The high-speed flight of the B52 shocked all pilots.

Originally, the B29 took an hour to fly the distance, and the B52 did not even use half an hour.

Four hours later, the B52 bomber fleet had arrived over Tokyo.

“This is the capital of the little devil.” The pilots overlook Tokyo.

The leader of the bomber formation roared lowly: “Don’t look at it, prepare to drop bombs.” ”

The B52 could drop bombs at high altitudes, so the plane did not dive, entered Tokyo without being detected, and even the air defense siren did not sound.

Moments later, high-explosive shells fell from the ammunition compartment of the B52.

The once peaceful Tokyo was suddenly full of explosions, bursting into flames, and countless buildings were destroyed in an instant.

The bomber pilots watched Tokyo burning in the explosion with pleasure, and everyone’s hearts were extremely happy.

Huaxia was covered with pain from the little devil’s bombardment.

Now, it’s time for the little devil to feel the taste of the destruction of the family.

“Blast me hard, blow them up!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The captain of the flight team roared.

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