The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

Just one day after the talent plan was issued, the response from all over the world was extremely strong.

Chen Fan pointed out in this recruitment plan that no matter what industry or industry, as long as you are one of the best, you can come to the talent center outside Beiping City to register.

Verify that the professional ability is qualified, immediately recruit into the talent center, and enjoy all the treatment that talents deserve.

For a time, intellectuals from all walks of life across the country poured together towards Beiping ~ this metropolis.

Even some people in remote border towns also carried their bags and traveled thousands of miles to Beiping.

The reason why he is so positive is that not everyone values the money that Chen Fan promised.

Really capable people do not do research for fame and fortune, and if they are really for money, they will not remain unknown all their lives.

The reason why everyone flocked so much was because Chen Fan also indicated in the recruitment plan that there were top laboratories and research places in the talent center.

As long as it is qualified personnel, they can use a separate venue.

If there is a major research breakthrough, the state will also give unlimited funding.

That’s where talent really attracts people

The hardest thing for poor academics is that they don’t have the instruments and money to do research.

Many experiments stay on paper, and in the end you have to turn to foreigners to help.

Of course, most of the things that were eventually researched were owned by foreigners.

In the end, all of the wisdom of Huaxia became the first developed by foreigners.

But now it’s different, scholars see hope, just go to the talent center, they have the opportunity to turn their ideals into reality.

The day after the recruitment was released, more than 500 people from the area around Beiping flocked to the talent center.

These people come from all walks of life, including science and engineering, architecture, and ordinary people, but they each have their own unique skills.

The talent center verifies each person according to the requirements issued by Chen Fan.

As long as you pass the exam, you will immediately enter the talent center.

On the first day, fifty-six people were enrolled, most of whom were talents in science and engineering, the remaining half were literati, and half were talents in geography and astronomy.

One of them was a folk juggler, and he was the only literary figure who remained.

The reason why he was kept was because many of the skills he mastered were national treasure-level lost arts.

It is clearly written in the talent recruitment that those artists who can roar two voices are not accepted, only master-level artists, so he is also retained and enjoys all junior talent subsidies.

Chen Fan did not expect the speed of recruiting talents to be so fast, and he enrolled a quarter of the number on just the first day.

And this is only for talents from the area around Beiping to sign up, if people from all over the country come, they will have it.

“It seems that it doesn’t take half a month, at most three or four days to complete it.” Chen Fan thought excitedly.

Sure enough, early the next morning, more than 2,000 people from all walks of life arrived from all over Hebei Province, blocking the door of the talent center.

More than a dozen employees in the recruitment center were busy, and in the end, there was no way, but to temporarily pull over the talents recruited yesterday. Help test these newcomers.

By the end of the second day, a total of 170 talents from all walks of life had been enrolled, and the tasks assigned by the system were successfully completed.

But as soon as this talent recruitment work starts, it can’t be stopped immediately.

On the third and fourth days, more than 5,000 people lined up outside the talent center every day to register.

Moreover, the talents are getting stronger and stronger, and more and more industries are involved.

Chen Fan personally visited the scene and was shocked to find that there were many talents in the private sector who had returned from studying abroad but had been depressed.

These people are involved in too many fields, from ordinary people’s livelihood, to military industry, to aerospace, and even many are talents in physics and chemistry.

After five days of recruitment, the talent center covering nearly 1,000 acres was actually full, and nearly 5,000 people lived in it at once.

But people from all over the country are still pouring in.

Chen Fan panicked, he knew that there were many talents in Huaxia, but he didn’t expect that there were so many.

Just the top talents in physics, this time more than two hundred were recruited.

These people are all treasures, they can enter many fields, and they are a powerful force for social and military progress.

On the sixth day, more than 10,000 people signed up outside the talent center.

Chen Fan went to take a look, and there were many foreigners among them.

He sent someone to inquire about it, and among these foreigners were Jews, waves, and so on.

They came to China because the country perished, and they did not want to be slaves of the country, so they fled overseas.

It happened to hear that Huaxia was recruiting talents, and the treatment given was more than ten times that of their country, and immediately flocked with hope.

Half of these foreigners are genuinely talented, including world-famous pianists and violinists.

Dozens of engineers came out of Czech weapons factories, from tanks to machine guns.

There is also a chief engineer and several ordinary engineers in the aircraft manufacturing industry of the country of the country.

Chen Fan only inquired a little. Hundreds of talents were discovered.

His mouth was almost closed.

The West fought a war, forcing these people to become homeless. Now just for my use, they will

Advanced technology and concepts are brought to Huaxia.

In order to allow these people to have a place to relocate, Chen Fan asked the system to build two more talent centers.

After all, the talent from overseas has only just arrived, and the army of Judahs has not yet arrived.

The construction of two talent centers is also a conservative estimate.

However, the system said that it could no longer be given to Chen Fan for free construction, which was given away before, but after that, it could only be exchanged for military merit value.

Chen Fan looked at the price of the talent center, the smallest one, which he was using now, and needed at least 10,000 military merit points.

He only completed this task with a total of 100,000, and he couldn’t bear to spend 10,000 at once.

The system gives a compromise that can be purchased with military merit points in a single pass. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The largest talent center can accommodate 20,000 people, and a one-time purchase requires 40,000 military merit points.

In order to attract talents, Chen Fan gritted his teeth and bought two at once, one each in Lu Province and one in Shanxi.

And he spent five thousand military merit points to double the existing talent center.

Just after all this, the German messenger personally came to him.

“Generalissimo, we sent you two ships of people. Look, can you bring me some arms back?” The German messenger smiled happily.

But he didn’t notice that Chen Fan was happier than he was smiling.

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