The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

Chen Fan’s talent recruitment caused a sensation throughout the country and even the world.

Outside the talent centers in the three provinces, it was overcrowded every day, and the number of applicants was too large, so Chen Fan could only raise the admission requirements, doubling the difficulty.

But even so, many people are recruited every day.

If you don’t recruit, you don’t know, and you are shocked when you recruit.

Most of these recruited talents are native to China.

They came from all over the country, and some even returned specially from overseas, among which the largest number of overseas Chinese returned from the Nanyang area.

Chen Fan couldn’t help but sigh when he saw the hot scene of the three talent centers.

No wonder there were strong men and holy tangs before Huaxia, and then there were great Song Wenya and Daming arrogance.

Huaxia is indeed a place where individuals and talents emerge.

If you want “860”, otherwise there will not be so many wonderful stories in the Chinese calendar, which makes people relish.

Chinese civilization will not prosper forever.

What made Chen Fan most pleased was that not only the Germans sent a large number of Jews.

Italy, Spain, Austria-Hungary also sent many Jews.

Their demand is simple, exchange people for weapons.

Moreover, these Jews were kept as if they were goods, for fear that if they were killed or crippled, they could not be exchanged for weapons.

After the test of the talent center, these Jews have many top scientists, covering various cutting-edge fields.

As for the ordinary Jews, they could just supplement the labor shortage of various national enterprises.

Despite the rise of national industry, traditional Chinese thinking still likes to farm, believing that farming is the best.

Therefore, many factories have the problem of insufficient labor.

Plus the harvest is good now. There is also a lot of money earned, and no one wants to go to the factory.

This results in many factories where half of the space is empty.

The Jews came to solve the labor shortage.

It is impossible for them to farm, but it is a very good choice to work in a factory.

Just when the talent center was recruiting a large number of talents, Chen Fan suddenly received news that a military talent came to join him.

Chen Fan was also shocked when he heard this, he recruited technical talents, but also talents in art and culture.

Soldiers, of course, are also talents, and Chen Fan was very curious about who came.

When he saw the name, he immediately smiled.

It was no one else who came, it was Zhou Weiguo

Chen Fan is no stranger to Zhou Weiguo, but he had seen snow leopards in his previous life and knew Zhou Weiguo’s talent in special operations.

In fact, he has long wanted to form a special unit, but there are no professional talents under him.

Natasha is a master sniper, Tanya is a lone killer, and Yuriko never cooperates with people, so it is for nothing to find them.

And Zhou Weiguo is different. He is an all-round master in special operations, and it is most appropriate for him to form special forces.

Chen Fan knew that in future wars, special forces would show their skills.

There are too many tasks they can perform, known as scalpels in the infantry, dedicated to delivering precise strikes to the enemy.

In addition to Zhou Wei, Chen Fan also saw some familiar names.

Wei Dayong, Duan Peng!

Chen Fan was also deeply impressed by these two people.

In the bright sword, they successively served as Li Yunlong’s personal guards.

It can be said that if it weren’t for them, Li Yunlong wouldn’t know how many times he died.

Especially the monk Wei, who died tragically at the hands of bandits in the end, Chen Fan has always felt sorry for him.

When Chen Fan came to this era, he had also tried to find them.

But his arrival has distorted the timeline, and many things are different from the past.

Therefore, these two people have never been found. But I didn’t expect that they actually took the initiative to come to the door.

Chen Fan continued to look at the list, and then he saw a lot of familiar names.

Dragon article, Meng is bored, lost dragon

These names Chen Fan are too familiar (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!). )

Long Wen is a war ghost, and the gang under him are not afraid of death.

Chen Fan immediately ordered that all these people wanted it.

Dragon article directly made him a regiment commander and equipped with the best weapons.

Chen Fan wanted to see if the regiment commander in this reality could fight the same as on TV, which could also be regarded as a collective test for them…….

Zhou Weiguo directly received the news that the Generalissimo’s Mansion was waiting for the later listening.

Chen Fan took the Wei monk to him, while Duan Peng gave it to Li Yunlong.

He originally wanted to leave Duan Peng behind, but Li Yunlong was a desperate master who fought wars, and Chen Fan was really afraid that he would die one day.

Therefore, giving Duan Peng to him can also be regarded as a special care for Li Yunlong, at least Duan Peng can desperately protect his safety.

In the next two days, several generals were successively appointed on the Jinling side.

One of them was Zhang Lingfu, who was also a famous general in the War of Resistance, who once led his troops to the death of the Japanese army and almost wiped out the entire army.

His ability is affirmed in the national army, the only drawback is some arrogance.

However, Chen Fan believed that Zhang Lingfu would come to his own subordinates, and he would clean up this kid properly.

In just a few days, Chen Fan received a total of more than a dozen generals from the national army.

These people are not generals, at most they are at the level of regiment commanders.

But they all performed brilliantly in the war of resistance.

However, it is not used in the national army, or it wants the opportunity to fight devils.

Chen Fan placed them all in various units.

These people have rich combat experience, and they will have good results in grassroots units.

With so many people at a time, it suddenly made Chen Fan think of a 3.1 person, that is, Zhao Gang.

Zhao Gang is not a military talent, but a management talent.

In the bright sword, he can use his personality charm and practical actions to touch the stone-like Li Yunlong.

Let this stinky stone who doesn’t listen to anyone’s words, only listen to him Zhao Gang alone.

Management talents like Zhao Gang, Chen Fan is also in urgent need.

He immediately called the boss and asked him directly for Zhao Gang.

Of course, it will not be in vain, Chen Fan gave them a division of equipment.

The boss’s excited mouth couldn’t close, and he immediately agreed to this matter, and said that Zhao Gang would leave tomorrow morning.

Chen Fan didn’t expect things to go so smoothly.

The task was almost completed, Chen Fan opened the system mall and began to exchange the few terrorist infantry weapons he wanted.

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