The Witch’s Ichor

Boys Being Boys [15]

WARNING this chapter may contain cringe boys doing cringe boy things!
You have been warned.

Zoe's nose twitches softly. The sweet aroma of pancakes is wafting up from the kitchen. Zoe's eyes slowly open, and her tummy lets out a hungry gurgle. Zoe's cheeks flush slightly as she sits up in bed.

I smell pancakes!

The blanket slips messily to the floor as Zoe hops out of bed. She takes the time to pick it up and make her bed. Zoe pushes open her closet with a determined look on her small face. There's a distinct lack of options for girl outfits. She sighs.

I guess I have to be a boy at school.
Can't exactly tell the school magic turned me into a girl, can I?

Zoe pouts angrily at the clean boy clothes in her closet. With a roll of her eyes she grabs an outfit fit for a boy, and some of her undergarments. Zoe pulls on her panties without fanfare, and slips on a rather baggy pair of her boy jeans. She stuffs a bra into her bag, and tosses on a shirt fit for her boy body.

The clothes look a bit silly on her small frame. Zoe sticks her tongue out in the mirror, and giggles. She takes the time to pack her new sneakers, and slips into her old ones reluctantly.

I feel a bit silly, but this is necessary.
I've waited years to be a girl, so what's a little while longer?

Zoe rationalizes the sacrifice she's making as she hurries downstairs. The smell of pancakes makes her mouth water. Zoe eagerly slips into a seat at the table. Zoe's mother smirks at her daughter, and dishes up a plateful of pancakes topped with some whipped cream.

"That's quite the fashion statement." Zoe's mom comments.

Zoe starts cutting apart her pancakes with a bitter smile.

"Well I have to swap between boy and girl mode so the teachers recognize me!" Zoe explains.

"Hm. You can do that? I was just going to let you stay home till we got things sorted with the school." Zoe's mother replies.

While staying home for a while is a tempting offer, Zoe doesn't want to miss her classwork. Spending some time with her friends is worth it, too. Zoe's mother grabs her car keys with a flourish. She quickly gives Zoe a kiss on the forehead as usual, and moves to the door.

"Oh! I almost forgot." Zoe's mother remarks.

Zoe watches her mother move to the kitchen. She grabs something from a drawer and walks back over. Zoe is stuffing her face with pancake when her mother places a little can of pepper spray on the table.

"Mf hmf fh?" Zoe says with her mouth full.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, honey." Zoe's mother scolds.

Zoe swallows her mouthful of delicious pancake.

"What's that for?" Zoe repeats.

"You're a girl, honey. You'll need a way to defend yourself in an emergency." Her mother explains.

Zoe's nose wrinkles at the thought of having to spray someone. She understands why it's necessary, but she hates confrontation. Zoe's mother moves to the door, her heels clicking as she walks.

"Anyways, I'll see you later. Love you, honey." Zoe's mother says.

"Lffh hf mhh!" Zoe replies, once again with her mouth stuffed.

The door shuts with a click, and Zoe swallows her pancakes happily. Pancakes are her favorite kind of breakfast food. Potatoes come as a close second.

Zoe finishes up her breakfast and carries her plate to the sink. She hums to herself as she washes off her dirty dishes. Something about doing these kind of chores relaxes Zoe. It's strange that she never felt this way when she was a boy.

With the dishes handled Zoe makes her way to the door. She hefts her backpack over her shoulder and goes to open the door. The way her little hand clasps the handle reminds her of what she'd rather not do.

Ugh, I need to swap.
This is the worst!

Zoe takes a step back from the door, and parts her lips to sing. The magical hum of her words reverberates throughout the house as she speaks.

"Make me a boy."

The pop and tugging of the magic leaves Zoe feeling a little dizzy. She sighs in defeat as she looks at her masculine hands. She can't help but feel put off by her original body. Zoe shakes her head.

Maybe I can change my boy body, too?


Derek's muscles ache as he pushes himself up off the grass for the thirtieth time. His posture is perfect, and he's hurting for it. Jamison stands to the side of him with his phone in his hand. Theo is watching them with a bored look on his punchable face.

"That's time." Jamison announces.

"Ugh. Damn." Derek grumbles.

Derek gets up off the ground. He dusts himself off with an unsatisfied frown. Theo glances at his phone while Jamison notes down Derek's attempt on his phone's notes.

Their gym class is outside for today. Gym is usually pretty stuffy, so the fresh air is a great change of pace for the teens. Strangely enough the cutest one in the group isn't here. Derek pouts a little to himself as he looks around.

"Did Ryker say what he was up to..?" Derek asks.

Theo glances at his phone before speaking up.

"He just texted us. He wants to meet us by the dumpsters?" Theo replies.

Derek pulls out his phone and opens his messaging app. He reads the group chat eagerly.

Cutie: Hey guys I have something I need to show/tell u

Cutie: Can you meet me by the dumpsters? Coach won't even notice

Theo: Are you sure he won't notice

Jamison: He doesn't pay any attention when we go out, it's fine Theo

Jamison glances over at Coach Bertram. The coach isn't looking their way. Jamison gestures for Theo and Derek to follow him. The three of them leave their bags behind, and start walking toward the dumpsters.

I gotta figure out how to apologize.
Would be a lot easier if Ryker wasn't back to his old self...

The trio turns the corner to see Ryker leaning up against the brick wall with a smile on his face. He's wearing one of his baggy outfits again. Derek frowns upon seeing Ryker is dressed in the usual stuff he wears to school.

"So what're you gonna tell us?" Jamison asks.

"Well... I guess I should just say it." Ryker laughs.

Derek is about to ask what Ryker means by that when he parts his lips. The strange silence that descends over the group is profoundly supernatural. Half a moment later Ryker's words flow out like they're being spoken by a witch.

"I'm a girl."

Ryker's words rattle the group's skulls a little, and they stumble slightly. Ryker's body hovers a little above the ground as his limbs start to bend as if breaking off. The process is a little terrifying, but Ryker doesn't get ripped apart like they expect. Ryker transforms into a very familiar girl. She smiles brightly at them.

"Holy shit." Derek mumbles.

The same girl who sat at their table the yesterday is standing before them. Ryker's little 'secret' was clearly related to this magic nonsense. Derek winces upon realizing Ryker heard their entire discussion they had about him.

"You cheeky bitch..." Theo says just barely loud enough to hear.

Ryker gawks at Theo's response. His face turns a little red as he looks at his other friends as if saying 'are you hearing this?' with his eyes.

"W-What did you just call me?" Ryker asks.

"Uh. Shoot. I said that out loud?" Theo replies awkwardly.

Everyone nods at Theo. He blushes beet red as he turns to look back at Ryker.

"S-Sorry. I was just really curious how you heard us yesterday, and felt a little betrayed that you cheated with magic." Theo explains.

Contrary to expectation, Ryker starts to laugh. It starts off as soft laughter, but quickly devolves into a fit of amused giggles. Derek has to admit Ryker's voice is even cuter today than it was back on Sunday.

He's way too cute!

Ryker calms himself down, and schools his expression. The serious look on Ryker's pretty face gives the three boys pause. They wait for him to speak.

"I'd like it if you all called me Zoe from now on, and if you used... well, she and her when referring to me." Zoe explains sternly.

Zoe's serious expression is adorable as far as Derek is concerned, but he takes her very seriously. Coming out to your friends can't be easy for her. Derek makes a fist and smacks it onto his chest as if saluting a commanding officer.

"Roger that, ma'am." Derek says with mock professionalism.

The bright smile he gets in return nearly melts Derek's heart on the spot.

"You have my full support, Zoe." Jamison adds with a smile.

"Mine too, obviously." Theo adds quickly.

The three boys watch the girl of the group start to bounce. She hops up and down like a kid on Christmas. Her smile is infectious, and they can't stop themselves from smirking.

"Thank goodness! You guys are awesome!" Zoe exclaims.

Jamison blushes a little and gently grabs Zoe by the shoulders. This puts her excited jumping to a stop. Derek clicks his tongue to show his disapproval as Jamison steps away from Zoe.

No wait, that's what got me in trouble last time...
Pure thoughts! Wholesome thoughts.

"Guess this explains your new curfew." Theo comments.

"Yup. I even got pepper spray, haha." Zoe replies awkwardly.

Derek blinks in mild surprise. That makes sense, but the thought of Zoe needing to use that to defend herself is a bit nauseating. Zoe looks like she wants to say something, and the boys all notice. Jamison sighs.

"Just say it, Zoe. We're not gonna be upset with you." Jamison reminds her.

"Okay, well. My dad said I shouldn't let my guard down around you guys, but I don't get why?" Zoe explains.

Theo looks at Derek as if accusing him. Derek puts his palms up as if to say he didn't do anything, and looks at Jamison. Jamison is blushing and shakes his head back at Derek. The ringing of the school bell saves the three boys from an awkward conversation.

Jamison and Theo starts speedwalking their way back toward where they left their bags, but Derek hangs back. He locks eyes with a curious looking Zoe. It's now or never.

"I-I'm sorry. For saying those things about you. I didn't think about it, a-and objectified you." Derek stammers an apology.

Zoe's eyebrows go up as she listens to Derek's apology. Her lips curl up in a sweet smile as she approaches Derek. He stiffens up as she pulls him into a hug. Derek isn't sure what to do, so he just awkwardly stands there.

"Hug me back!" Zoe barks.

Derek blinks in surprise before putting his muscular arms around Zoe. Their hug only lasts a minute or so, but it feels like an hour for Derek. His heart is beating a mile a minute as they separate. Zoe glances at her phone, and panics.

"Shoot! We gotta hurry!" She exclaims.

Zoe runs off to her next class with Derek trailing behind. Derek can't stop smiling.


School food is really hit or miss. Sometimes the pizza can be pretty good, but other days its like a cold piece of cardboard with some nonsense slapped on top. Zoe sighs as she puts down her half eaten pizza slice.

"What's wrong?" Jamison asks.

"Just sick of nasty school lunches." Zoe complains.

The three boys all nod in agreement. Eating this crap everyday gets really old really fast. Theo glances at Zoe, and then his lunch.

"Hey Zoe..." Theo says.

Zoe glances at him with a bored expression. Her pizza has sapped the euphoria from her.

"How do you feel about cooking?" Theo continues carefully.

Jamison gives Theo this wide eyed look of realization. He shakes his head slowly at Theo as if to say no. Derek covers his mouth to hide his smile. Zoe tilts her head in thought. She doesn't seem to realize what Theo is trying to do.

"I mean I haven't really tried it? My mom is usually the one who cooks at home." Zoe replies.

"Why not start making your own lunches?" Theo suggests.

Jamison holds his head in his hands as Zoe starts to perk up at the idea. Derek is looking at Theo with newfound respect. Zoe taps away at her phone, and smiles.

"That's honestly an awesome idea! I could cook stuff for you guys too. Any suggestions?" Zoe rambles enthusiastically.

Theo smiles in satisfaction. He slides over a printed bullet point list of food items Zoe could make, and the other two boys facepalm. Jamison offers his own favorite food, and Derek does the same. Zoe notes all the ideas down on her phone. Jamison can't help but look at Theo in a new light.

I thought Derek was the bad one, but maybe Theo is worse..?

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