The Witch’s Ichor

Friendly Fire [16]

This chapter contains physical violence, descriptions of blood, and more boy problems.
You have been warned! Enjoy.

The sound of cars driving by mixes with the constant chatter of people talking. Bright neon signs and flashing lights help downtown vaguely resemble a Vegas strip. Jamison glances down at the girl walking in front of him.

Zoe is marching along the sidewalk like she owns the place. Her dark locks sway behind her as she walks. Jamison can hear her humming to herself. Derek and Theo are walking on either side of Jamison, but Derek's eyes aren't leaving Zoe. Zoe insisted on leading them someplace without telling them.

"Are we headed to the arcade?" Theo asks.

"Shush! It's supposed to be my idea!" Zoe hisses.

Zoe keeps walking with her friends in tow, and of course they wind up standing outside the arcade. Theo lets Zoe have her way by not commenting on it being an unoriginal idea. Jamison can tell he totally wants to, though. They step inside.

Crunchy sound effects and the chattering of patrons fills the arcade. Scents of sweat and snacks linger like a haze. Zoe walks up to the first open cabinet, but quickly realizes she's too short to effectively play.

"You gotta be kidding me..." Zoe grumbles.

"Here." Derek offers.

Jamison gives Derek a look of mild jealousy as he places a stool down for Zoe to sit on. She quickly scrambles onto it and pushes a quarter into the machine. Theo and Derek take both sides to watch her play. Jamison doesn't really have much of a vantage point, so he wanders off to grab some snacks for the crew.

Wish he'd stop acting like her boyfriend.


Zoe's eyes follow the little motorbike as it zips across the screen. She holds down the turbo button. The odd buzzing noise the game produces is like music to her ears. She passes one of her opponents. She passes another. Then her bike overheats!

"No!" Zoe exclaims.

The warbling sound effect of her bike rolling over drowns out her complaints. Zoe watches helplessly as several little pixelated bikes drive past her as she recovers. The rest of the race is without issue, and she finishes last.

"Wow that uh... sucked." Theo comments.

Derek kicks Theo's foot where Zoe can't see. Zoe looks downright crestfallen. Derek softly puts his hand on Zoe's back, rubbing gently.

"Hey, it was the last race! That one's harder than the rest." Derek comforts.

Zoe's attention splits between the feeling of Derek's hand on her back and his apologetic smile. She doesn't know how she never saw it before.

Why is this stupid jock so cute?

The allure of Derek's touch almost pulls Zoe in, but she resists. Zoe pushes Derek's arm off before trotting toward a different game cabinet.

"Damn. Cold shoulder." Theo jabs.

"Shut up, Theodore." Derek scoffs.

Derek and Theo follow Zoe. She was going for Donkey Kong, but the bright glow of a claw machine catches her interest. She steps over to the claw machine with an awestruck look on her face. Her eyes are locked onto a stuffed bunny. The squishy looking thing is buried under several less than ideal prizes.

Theo wiggles his eyebrows at Derek. Derek rolls his eyes in response.

"Do you want that rabbit?" Derek asks.

Zoe glances at Derek, and nods. Derek goes to put a quarter in, but Zoe beats him to the punch. Her small hands grab the joystick and buttons without hesitation. She pushes the claw forward, and then releases the switch when it's hovering over the bunny. The claw lowers down. It clenches shut over the bunny. The bunny falls.

"What?! I totally had it!" Zoe complains.

Theo chuckles at Zoe's misfortune, and when she looks angrily at him he points to the machine.

"It's a claw machine, Zoe. Of course it's rigged." Theo states flatly.

Derek watches Theo like a tiger watches a gazelle. He smirks, and gently taps Zoe on the shoulder to get her attention. Zoe turns and looks up at the athlete with a pout.

"What?" Zoe asks.

"Well, I was wondering if you would let me give it a try? I'm pretty damn good at these things." Derek offers.

Pretty privilege!

Zoe smiles to herself as she steps aside to let Derek take over.

"Please do!" Zoe agrees.

Derek's larger hands take up the joystick and buttons. He shoves a quarter in and watches the claw move. Theo is watching doubtfully. Zoe cheers Derek on.

"You can do it!" Zoe encourages.

Derek tunes her out to focus. His eyes follow the claw as it sways and jostles around. The angle needs to be just right for this trick, and at just the right time.

That's it!

Derek slaps the button right as the claw starts to sway sideways above the bunny.

"What? That's too early!" Zoe gawks.

"No, wait." Theo mumbles.

The claw lowers down and pushes against a stuffed bear sitting beside the rabbit. The way it slides puts the claw beneath the rabbit, and it scoops it up. Derek holds his breath as the claw pulls the white toy rabbit out of the pile. It's a success!

"You did it! Holy moly!" Zoe exclaims.


The scent of popcorn and pizza is a little overwhelming here. Jamison looks over the menu while trying to get his mind off Zoe. There's a wide variety of snacks for sale here... but most of it seems subpar.

"I'll take four sodas, two small popcorns, and two cotton candies." Jamison explains to the cashier.

"What kind of soda..?" The cashier questions.

"Let's do sprite for all four." Jamison clarifies.

It only takes a minute for the employee to make the exchange. Jamison has to struggle with all the items in his hands. He manages. The walk back to where he last saw his friends is brief, but they're nowhere to be found.

Jamison glances around for any sign of them, and finally spots Theo standing by the claw machine. Jamison starts walking over, but as he rounds the corner he stops. Zoe is hugging Derek with a stuffed bunny clutched in her hand.

There's a moment where Jamison considers just eating all the snacks himself, but he isn't that kind of guy. Jamison takes a deep breath. Zoe removes herself from Derek, and starts gushing about the bunny rabbit toy. Theo makes eye contact with Jamison. They share a bitter look.

"Hey. I got us snacks." Jamison announces.

Zoe perks up at the word 'snacks' and pounces on an offered cotton candy. Her joy softens Jamison's mood, but the way Derek stands so close to her irritates him. He hands Theo his popcorn, and finally offers Derek his.

"Someone eat your birthday cake, bud?" Derek taunts.

Jamison's hand clenches the popcorn bag slightly. He tells himself he isn't that kind of guy, but his emotions get the better of him. He shoves the bag into Derek's chest. Derek glares at him whilst grabbing the offered bag. Zoe and Theo stare at the exchange in shock. Derek gets in Jamison's face.

"The fuck was that?" Derek snaps.

"We need to talk." Jamison says icily.

Derek frowns at his taller friend. Jamison turns and hands Theo the drinks and his cotton candy. Theo takes them with a complicated expression. Zoe is giving her friends concerned glances. Jamison turns back to Derek and pulls him toward a side door by the shoulder.

"Hands off, beanstalk." Derek refuses.

Jamison removes his hand begrudgingly, and the pair of boys make their way out the side door. It leads into a quiet alley neighboring the arcade. The sound of cars moving and people walking is muffled here.

"So what is this about?" Derek asks.

Derek's attitude shows he doesn't really get what Jamison has a problem with. Jamison takes a deep breath, and looks Derek in the eyes.

"You need to stay away from Zoe." Jamison warns.

Jamison's cold glare is reflected by Derek as he realizes what his friend is saying. Derek laughs humorlessly, and grabs Jamison by the shoulder.

"Buddy! Look... it isn't my fault you're too slow." Derek says with mock friendliness.

Jamison pulls away his shoulder, and shoves Derek backwards. Derek laughs in shock at his friend. He raises his arms as if wanting to fight, and clenches his fists.

"You really wanna do this?" Derek asks darkly.

"She's not yours, Derek." Jamison replies just as seriously.

"Never said she was, ya creep." Derek scoffs.

That last word sets Jamison off. He lunges for Derek faster than he expects, and Derek is wide eyed as Jamison slams him against the brick wall. Derek feels his head and back ache. The veins in his arms pop as he swings a right hook for Jamison's face. The impact sends Jamison stumbling back a few steps.

"Both of you fucking stop!" Theo suddenly snaps.

Jamison wipes blood from his nose and turns to look at Theo. Derek is groaning as his back aches from getting slammed, but he looks to Theo as well. Theo is standing there with a taser in his pale hand. The thing crackles with electricity.

"What the fuck?" Derek remarks.

Theo adjusts his glasses, and keeps the taser between him and his friends.

"Both of you imbeciles need to cool the fuck off." Theo says coldly.

Derek slowly stops clenching his fists. Jamison relaxes his shoulders after Theo's words sink in. The two boys' hearts are still pounding, but they're 'calm' enough to hear Theo out.

"I know how both of you feel, but this isn't the way to go about things." Theo explains.

Theo's words bring a snarky smile to Derek's face. he leans on his arm while trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his back.

"You feel the same way, huh? I doubt she'd be into you, Theodore." Derek retorts.

"Shut up and let him talk." Jamison scolds.

Derek shuts up, but he's glaring daggers at both of his friends.

"We've been friends for basically our whole lives, so one girl shouldn't rip our friend group apart like this!" Theo rambles.

Jamison's slams his palm against the dumpster he's standing next to. The way he's staring at Theo makes it clear he doesn't appreciate their fourth member being referred to as 'one girl'. Theo puts up his hand as a placating gesture.

"I'm not saying she isn't one of us, but what I am saying is we'll tear each other apart at this rate." Theo continues.

"I don't see an issue there. I'll get the girl and you two losers can fuck off." Derek argues.

Theo gives Derek a sad look. Derek is nursing his wounds from a fight with Jamison, yet he's still acting high and mighty. Jamison doesn't say anything in response to Derek's comment.

"I know you don't mean that Derek, so I'll just pretend you didn't say it." Theo says quietly.

Derek goes to argue, but Theo cuts him off.

"I propose we make a truce." Theo states seriously.

There's an awkward silence as the boys process Theo's idea. Derek looks a little confused. Jamison looks thoughtful. The boy's don't get anymore time to think as the door behind Theo is opening.

"Shit, it's Zoe." Theo mutters darkly.

Theo stuffs his taser into his pants frantically, Jamison wipes his bloody nose with his shirt, and Derek attempts to stand up straight. Zoe steps out and looks between the three boys. She tilts her head softly, and gives them each worried looks.

"What in the world were you guys doing back here?" She questions.

Theo's complexion is terribly pale, but he manages to step forward as their spokesperson.

"We were just... talking about boy things." Theo says unconvincingly.

"Boy things?" Zoe repeats doubtfully.

Jamison prays that his nose doesn't bleed while Zoe is watching, and steps out from behind Theo. He does his best to ignore the pain flaring up in his face.

"We were just hanging out and talking about girls, haha. Why don't we head back inside?" Jamison deflects.

Jamison leads Zoe inside by the wrist, and Theo quickly turns to Derek. Theo pulls a first aid kit out from behind his back. Derek gives him an irritated glare, but allows Theo to approach with first aid supplies in hand. Theo starts cleaning the wounds on Derek's back.

"Where the hell do you hide all that stuff..?" Derek grumbles.

Theo doesn't answer his question.

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