The Witch’s Ichor

Scream Into The Void [31]

I have been doing my best to upload chapters daily, but honestly it's really tough to keep up with.
I've got a lot of ideas for where to take things at this point in the story, but its not easy to write it all out and balance like... my life
I'm going to be reducing chapter releases to twice a week for now, and if I can manage it I might increase that.
I apologize for the inconvenience!!! :C
This chapter may contain smooches!
This chapter was released a measly single day early on my patreon :c

The usual stampede of students fleeing campus pushes Zoe along. She wonders if this is how a leaf floating down a river feels. Someone grabs Zoe's wrist and pulls her out of the deluge of teenagers. Derek smirks casually at her.

"You looked like you were getting swept away, haha." Derek comments.

Zoe smiles up at Derek. The strength behind Derek's grasp doesn't go unnoticed. Her eyes flicker across Derek's toned arms for a brief moment. Zoe refocuses on his face.

"It's just because I'm in my small body." Zoe replies pointedly.

Zoe feels a hand gently sit on her head. She turns to see Tracy petting her like a dog. Zoe pouts, pushing Tracy's hand from atop her head.

"What? I was just petting the bunny." Tracy defends.

"I am not a bunny!" Zoe huffs.

"You're small enough to be one. You said it yourself." Derek argues.

The hallway they're standing is deserted, so Zoe proves her friends wrong with magic.


Zoe's body rearranges itself into her taller self. She smiles smugly at her friends. Tracy rolls her eyes whilst Derek smirks down at Zoe. He gently pats her on the head, making his height advantage apparent even when Zoe is in her taller form. Zoe pouts.

"We should get going." Zoe changes the subject.

"Sure, Bunny." Derek replies.

Derek follows an embarrassed Zoe toward the doors. Tracy trails behind them until they make their way outside.

"I'm gonna head home for today." Tracy says.

Zoe looks at Tracy with puppy dog eyes, but it doesn't sway the athletic girl.

"Can't you just come with us to hang out?" Zoe whines.

Zoe doesn't notice Tracy exchange eye contact with Derek. Derek tilts his head as if to say something, and Tracy moves her gaze back to Zoe.

"Sorry, I have homework to do. I'll hang out next time, ok Bunny?" Tracy promises.

"Fine. I'll hold you to it!" Zoe replies.

Derek nods to Tracy as the three teenagers part ways. Zoe follows behind Derek, oblivious to the deal made between her two friends.

Their shoes scrape softly on the sidewalk as they make their way toward the edge of town. Suburban homes serve as the backdrop for their long walk. Derek turns slightly toward Zoe, and reaches out. Zoe's eyes widen a little in surprise as Derek takes her hand in his.

"Derek?" Zoe asks softly.

Derek doesn't reply. His larger calloused hand holds hers firmly. He keeps walking with Zoe in tow, but now they're holding hands. The lack of words being exchanged does little to dampen the mood. Zoe's soft fingers gently intertwine with Derek's.

Is this what I think it is?

They walk like this for several minutes. Zoe doesn't try to pull her hand away, and Derek doesn't try to do anything else. He looks content with this. Derek tries not to make his joy obvious, but he's smiling from ear to ear.

I guess he likes me.
At this rate I'll wind up with a harem, haha!

Finally the pair arrive at the edge of the woods. The majority of the trees have lost their leaves now. The forest floor is covered with the tree's shedding. The autumn wind is chilly, but Zoe's sweater keeps her relatively warm. Derek guides her into the forest.

Zoe carefully follows Derek's lead as he helps her step over a few tangled roots. The crunch of brush underfoot is interspersed with the call of an animal someplace unseen. Both teens are exerting themselves enough to barely notice the chill of the wind.

The hill ahead is adorned with a huge chunk of rock at its peak. The squarish boulder looks like a prime hangout spot. Derek gently pulls Zoe up the hill. They have to separate their hands to grasp at trees for support. It's quite the climb.

Derek is the first to reach the top. He climbs easily up onto the boulder, but Zoe isn't confident she can do the same. Derek reaches down to help her up. Zoe grabs onto Derek's offered hands. He helps her up without issue. They sit there atop the boulder, panting.

"This is my uh... my place." Derek breathes out.

Zoe glances around the boulder. It's a sturdy spot to sit, and it has a good view of the surrounding forest. The rooves of houses are visible further off beyond the trees.

"It's a good spot." Zoe comments.

Derek nods in reply. He carefully stands up, moving to the highest point of the large rock. Zoe watches him curiously as he cups his hands around his mouth.

"Fuck you, Jamison!" Derek hollers.

Zoe winces slightly at the sheer volume of the sound. Derek turns to her with an apologetic grin.

"Sorry... I usually come here alone." Derek apologizes.

"What was that about..?" Zoe asks.

Derek turns away from her to look out across the forest. The wind ruffles his shirt as he stands there. He clenches his fists, frowning. He calms back down and turns to Zoe.

"I like to come here to get certain thoughts out. To just yell them at the world, you know?" Derek explains.

Zoe nods slowly in understanding. She doesn't normally scream her frustrations at the forest, but she can see how that would help. Derek offers her a hand, and she takes it. He helps her stand atop the boulder's peak. It's windy, but Derek keeps her steady.

"Wanna try it?" Derek offers.

Zoe nods resolutely. She takes a deep breath, her anguish rising to the forefront of her mind. She cups her hands around her mouth.

"Fuck you, Jamie!" Zoe screams.

Derek laughs, but stops when Zoe continues.

"Fuck you too, Theodore! And fuck you, Tracy! Fuck Derek, too! Fuck all of you!" Zoe yells hoarsely.

Zoe is panting heavily after having gotten that out of her system. Derek's eyebrows are up as he watches the girl look out bitterly at the horizon. She eventually calms herself down, and turns to sheepishly smile at Derek.

"S-Sorry." Zoe apologizes.

Derek laughs at Zoe's change in attitude. He gently wraps his arms around her, hugging her. The wind is forgotten as they embrace one another. They separate.

"It's fine, Zoe." Derek says.

Zoe sighs, taking a seat on the boulder. Derek follows suit, looking at her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Derek asks softly.

Zoe nods. She closes her eyes, taking deep breaths. She opens her eyes once more.

"I have a lot I want to talk about. About everything. About everyone." Zoe replies bitterly.

Derek nods slowly, urging her to go on.

"The most annoying one is Jamie. I mean, he can't just act like we aren't worth his time. Especially not after what we did!" Zoe complains.

"What you did..?" Derek questions.

Zoe's cheeks flush slightly.

"I-I gave him a... a handjob. I think that's what it's called, anyway?" Zoe replies shyly.

Derek scowls a little, cursing Jamison for his good fortune. He turns to Zoe with a bitter smile.

"And then he turned around and said fuck you, childhood friends?" Derek says.

"Yeah, exactly! You'd think he'd be grateful. Stupid Jamie... Ugh." Zoe gripes.

Zoe feels Derek gently wrap his arm around her. She leans into him as he holds her. More of her frustration spills forth as he comforts her.

"Theodore is such a butt head, too. He thinks he's so much better than everyone!" Zoe whines.

"Oh yeah, don't get me started on that guy." Derek laughs.

"The worst part is that he thinks he's so smart. I know what he's planning half the time, but I let him think he's some kind of genius..." Zoe sighs.

Derek tilts his head at that.

"You do? Why let him?" Derek questions.

Zoe looks up at Derek with those brown eyes of hers. She blushes slightly.

"I-I think its cute how smug he gets." Zoe admits.

Derek isn't sure what to say to that. He can't help but wonder how long Zoe has been thinking of Theo's antics as cute. She must have been suppressing herself for years.

"Anyway, Tracy is also annoying sometimes. She just won't relax! I just wish she'd stop being so judgmental with all of you guys." Zoe grumbles.

"Yeah, I get that. She's been better about it lately, though." Derek replies.

"True." Zoe agrees begrudgingly.

There's an awkward silence as Zoe is brought to her last complaint. She's sitting with the subject of her ire, and he's gently holding her like she's a delicate flower. Zoe's face reddens as she opens her mouth to speak.

"I-I do like you, Derek." Zoe says timidly.

Derek scoffs at her words. She pouts at him.

"I'm not gonna bite your head off. Just go ahead and talk about how you feel." Derek encourages her.

"F-Fine. I just don't like it when you're too rough with the other boys. You were... never really that rough with me, but I wish you'd go easier on Jamie and Theo." Zoe explains softly.

Derek smiles a little. He gently leans his head atop hers, and squeezes her just a bit closer.

"I'll do my best to fix that stuff, Zoe." Derek promises softly.

"Th-Thanks." Zoe replies shyly.

Zoe and Derek sit atop that boulder cuddling for several more minutes. Eventually the sun is sitting on the horizon, and the wind is getting colder. The couple huddle closer for warmth. Derek gently picks Zoe up, holding her in his lap. Zoe worries she's too heavy for Derek in this taller form. She decides to remedy that.


Derek's eyes widen as Zoe morphs into her small form atop his lap. He can't help but blush as Zoe's doughy rear settles on him. His arms slip around her midsection, and she wiggles against him to get herself comfortable. Derek's heart is beating a mile a minute as he feels her stimulating him in ways he wasn't expecting.

Zoe is oblivious to Derek's plight. He takes deep breaths. After a few moments he feels significantly calmer. He swallows the lump in his throat, and speaks.

"Zoe, I think I'm in love with you." Derek confesses.

There's a very brief pause wherein Zoe lets out an unsurprised sigh.

"I know, Derek. It's pretty obvious..." Zoe replies quietly.

Derek is blushing now as Zoe reveals the extent of her knowledge. She gently turns in his lap to face him partially. Her adorable brown eyes reflect the sunset as she looks up at Derek.

"Was it really?" Derek asks.

Zoe nods, giving Derek one of her heart stopping smiles.

"Yes. Honestly it's crazy how long it took me to notice!" Zoe replies with a giggle.

Derek's hand gently slides up to touch her face. Zoe lets him without hesitation, and his calloused hand gently slides across her soft cheek. His fingers trace the line of her jaw. He softly lifts her chin with his finger.

"Not going to ask for permission?" Zoe whispers.

Zoe's brown eyes are taking up most of Derek's attention as he looks at her face. He smiles at her softly spoken question, and gently brings his lips to hers. Zoe doesn't try to pull away as her plush lips connect with his. Derek gently holds her head with his hand as he kisses her.

Several tender kisses later, Zoe pulls her head away. Derek blinks at her in surprise.

"Why didn't you ask, dummy?" Zoe presses.

Derek softly touches his own lip with a finger. He looks downright mesmerized by what just happened. He clears his throat.

"I-I could tell you weren't against it..." Derek stutters.

"You should still ask for permission." Zoe chides him.

Derek nods dumbly at her words. He's having trouble listening with the amount of blood leaving his brain in a hurry to fuel his desire.

Zoe shakes her head at his obvious arousal. She gently scoots closer to him and brings her lips to his in a passionate kiss. The way her soft lips practically assault Derek's mouth excite him. Derek gently nibbles on Zoe's puffy bottom lip. Zoe whimpers, but doesn't resist it.

The two of them exchange these intense kisses for several long minutes. Partway through Zoe wraps her arms around Derek's neck, holding him close. Derek's tongue even makes its way into Zoe's mouth near the end. She reciprocates.

They stop when the moon is visible in the sky. The two teenagers are out of breath. Both look around them at the darkness in mild confusion.

"I guess we lost track of time." Derek remarks.

"Y-Yeah, no shit." Zoe replies.

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