The Witch’s Ichor

Lust & Bloodlust [32]

Warning this chapter may include very adult activities! And also violence!
This chapter was released a few days early on patreon !

Wind whistles through the sleepy suburban neighborhood. Crickets chirp in an unintentional chorus. The moon overhead fights with the streetlights for dominance in illumination. Two teenagers walk, sharing their warmth.

"I haven't been to your house in years." Zoe remarks.

Zoe and Derek are holding hands. Derek flinches at her comment.

"Yeah... my old man hasn't really fixed the place up, y'know?" Derek deflects.

Having been to Derek's place before, Zoe understands. She doesn't say anything for the rest of their walk. It takes a while to get across the suburbs, but they make it before Zoe's curfew comes into effect.

"Wow, you weren't kidding." Zoe murmurs.

Derek lives with his father out on the edge of town. Here not many people pass by, so they can get away with the state of their yard. Loose lumber is piled up in heaps against the house. Several old cars sit amongst the assorted garbage. They haven't moved in decades.

"Yeah... Let's just head around back." Derek says bitterly.

Zoe follows Derek's lead as he starts to step over discarded pipes. The variety of junk is impressive. Zoe finds herself staring at a strange old sculpture when Derek gently pulls her by the hand. She resumes following him as they make their way through an old gate around the side of the house.

If the front yard was a junkyard, the back is a junk city. There are countless overgrown patches of grass topped with piles of scrap. Rotting carboard boxes filled with destroyed books sit beside the house itself. Derek leads Zoe over to the only clear space: a few stumps fashioned into makeshift seats, and a firepit.

"Is it this bad... inside?" Zoe asks tentatively.

Derek doesn't respond at first. He carefully pours some charcoal into the bottom of the firepit, and sets a few logs beside the firepit.

"It's much worse inside. My room is barely a bed and a dresser, and the old man has put so much of his junk in there I can hardly move." Derek gripes.

Zoe nods in understanding. Derek's father has always been like this, but it's gotten worse over time. Derek previously tried to clean up after his father. He didn't like that, so Derek had to stop.

Derek gets the fire going. He sets a few dry branches atop the flame, and Zoe takes a seat on the cleanest stump she can find. Derek joins her after ensuring the fire will last.

"You know it's not your fault, right?" Zoe asks quietly.

"I do know. I just wish I could help him somehow." Derek replies bitterly.

Their conversation goes quiet for a long while after that. Eventually the cold gets to them, and they wind up cuddling again. Zoe's soft warm rear rests in Derek's lap like before. This time no kisses are exchanged as they stare at the fire.

"You know, I think you're definitely the biggest one." Zoe comments.

Derek furrows his brow as he replies.

"Nah, Jamison is hella tall. He might be as muscular, but he isn't skinny either." Derek argues.

"That's not what I meant." Zoe replies.

Tender silence covers the two of them as Derek processes what Zoe is implying. His face turns a bright tomato red. Zoe smiles to herself, and begins to wiggle her hips slowly. The sensation of Zoe's butt grinding into his lap drives Derek wild.

"You've been corrupted o-or something, Zoe." Derek comments quietly.

Zoe replies by promptly grinding her ass into his covered bulge. The sensation of it causes Derek to grunt. He reaches forward and grabs ahold of Zoe's decently wide hips. Zoe blushes at the sensation, and looks up at Derek. She's giving him undeniable bedroom eyes.

Derek's reasoning is weakened by his arousal, and the cute girl sitting on his lap. He picks her up unceremoniously, turning her to face him. She looks at him like a startled cat. He lowers her toward the ground.

"Tuck your legs in." Derek orders.

Zoe obediently folds her legs under herself, so that she'll be sitting on her shins. Derek places her on the ground in front of him. He looks down at her from above with a smile. Zoe's cheeks flush as she realizes what kind of position they're in.

"Take it off." Derek points to his jeans.

Derek watches Zoe obediently nod her head. The power dynamic between them is arousing for both teens. Zoe is relishing the situation as she carefully unbuckles Derek's belt. The leather strap slides through the beltloops cleanly, and she sets it aside.

Zoe's hands shake ever so slightly with excitement as she grips the hem of his shorts. She pulls them down slowly, making eye contact with Derek as she does so.

The impressive bulge in Derek's boxers outclasses anything Zoe has been exposed to. Her eyes widen a little as she carefully slides her hand around the shape of Derek's covered erection. The heat radiating off it is intense, and the musky smell of it is downright intoxicating. Zoe let's her urges take over, pressing her cheek against Derek's crotch with a greedy glint in her brown eyes.

"Woah..." Derek comments.

Derek watches Zoe nuzzle her face against his bulge, his surprise evident on his face. Zoe isn't paying him any mind as she squishes her pale cheek against his covered shaft. She can feel it pulse through the sheer fabric of his boxers.

Zoe doesn't miss a beat as she deftly pulls Derek's boxers down his muscular thighs. The thick angry length slaps Zoe on the forehead as she frees it. Derek blushes at the lewd face Zoe is making.

Derek's shaft tastes like it smells. A musky thing that Zoe struggles to fit her plush lips around. Once she's got Derek between her lips, she eagerly starts to lick and suck. She is inexperienced, so it's not as stimulating as Derek wants.

"...Relax your face for a sec, Bunny." Derek interrupt her.

Zoe complies, and Derek carefully gathers her lengthy dark hair in his hands. Once her mane is in his grip, he pulls her head forward slightly, and begings thrusting. The sensation is immensely better.

Derek is relishing the warmth and pressure of Zoe's mouth. Meanwhile, Zoe is doing her best not to choke as he uses her face for his own pleasure. Tears gather at the corners of her brown eyes as she looks up helplessly at Derek.

The speed of Derek's hips increases gradually. Zoe can feel her jaw ache slightly as Derek stuffs her throat full. He's using her like a sex toy, yet Zoe can't bring herself to be upset about it.

"Fuck- this feels amazing!" Derek gasps.

Derek is getting less consistent with his motions. The face he is making reflects ecstacy, and he releases.

Zoe's eyes widen as she feels hot fluid paint the back of her throat. Some of it inevitably pools onto her tongue as Derek spasms. The taste isn't bad, but it's not delicious either. Zoe's face is beet red as she swallows Derek's seed.

Derek launches several ropes of the stuff into Zoe's mouth before finally slowing down. His face is just as flushed as Zoe's. He pulls himself out of Zoe's mouth, reluctantly.

The two teenagers sit there in the firelight panting for several long moments. The quiet crackling of the flame and their heavy breathing form an intimate atmosphere. Derek sits down on his seat, Zoe sits on him.

"That was... incredible." Derek mutters.

Zoe blushes further at his words. She nods her agreement as her phone starts to buzz suddenly. She pulls it out, seeing a call from her mother.

"Oh no. I gotta take this!" Zoe exclaims.

Derek watches her answer the call. She puts her phone to her ear.

"Zoe, are you okay? It's almost an hour past your curfew." Zoe's mother asks.

"Y-Yes Mom! I was just hanging out with Derek and lost track of time..." Zoe replies.

There's a brief silence.

"...Derek, bring my daughter home." Zoe's mother suddenly says.

Derek blinks in surprise, but doesn't question how she knew he would hear. He leans slightly forward to answer her.

"...Will do, Mrs. Kim." Derek replies.

Zoe is blushing bright red as she listens for her mother's words.

"Good. We're going to have a little talk about... boys. When you get home, I mean." Zoe's mother says threateningly.

"Y-Yes Mom..." Zoe squeaks.

"I'll see you soon, love you." Zoe's mother says, her tone softer.

"Love you too Mom!" Zoe replies in kind.

The call ends. Derek picks Zoe up and sets her down beside him as he adjusts his clothing. He offers Zoe his hand, and she takes it.


The quiet chirping of crickets accompanies a boy as he stalks down the sidewalk. His black hood is pulled up to hide his face. The quiet thump of his boots on the sidewalk announces his approach. The boy holds a knife in one hand.

He flicks the blade out, and then slips it back into itself. The moonlight glimmers off the knife each time he moves it. The boy's dark hollow eyes stare at the knife, full of adoration.

"I think my mom is gonna kill me..." Someone complains.

The hooded boy stops walking. He stands perfectly still, bathed in shadows. Two unfamiliar teens roughly his age pass by ahead of him, not noticing him. One is a rather bulky looking meathead, and the other...

Beautiful. The short dark haired girl walking alongside the jock is simply beautiful. The way her hair falls down her back. The way her curves fit into her clothes. The adorable little smile adorning her pale features.

"I'm sure she'll forgive you, Bunny." The jock laughs.

The beautiful girl playfully shoves the jock. He hardly moves from her efforts, and the two of them continue walking. They're holding hands.

Infuriating. The boy's hands begin to tremble. He feels the knife in his hand, heavier than lead. Something about seeing her with that meathead rubs him the wrong way. He wants to put a stop to it. He needs to put a stop to it.

One step. Two steps. He's walking toward the couple with careful steps. His books make no sound as he creeps closer and closer to the pair. His dark empty eyes glare at the muscular boy as he nears him. The hand holding the knife is shaking erratically now.


"Did you hear something..?" Zoe asks.

Derek turns, looking around the empty street. He frowns at the abnormal quiet. Something about it feels off, but he can't figure out what. Derek turns back to Zoe and gently pushes her along. He keeps her ahead of him as goosebumps erupt all over his neck.

"There's nothing. Let's hurry and get you home." Derek urges her.

It only takes a few more minutes to reach Zoe's home. Derek keeps his ears piqued for anything strange, but he only hears the thump of their footsteps.

"I had a great time..." Zoe says softly.

Derek smiles at her bashful look. He gently kisses her on the forehead.

"I did too. Goodnight, Zoe." Derek replies.

Zoe slips into her home with a little wave. Derek turns around and starts walking home before Zoe's parents can give him an earful. The sound of the crickets relaxes Derek as he walks home alone. The yellow streetlights clash with the bright white moon overhead.

Dunno why I was so nervous earlier.

Derek sighs to himself as he walks. The sound of his sneakers scraping on the concrete is interspersed with the thump of boots on the sidewalk. Derek looks up at the stars, thinking about Zoe. He stops walking.

Wait. What is that thumping sound?

The cold tingle of goosebumps on the back of Derek's neck is all the warning he gets before someone attacks him. He ducks just in time to dodge a knife aimed for his jugular. Derek's heart is pounding as he steps away from his attacker.

"What the fuck?! Back off, psycho!" Derek shouts angrily.

Strangely enough the hooded boy doesn't respond. His hands are shaking as he lunges for Derek for a second time. The glimmering knife in the boy's hands is quivering as it aims for Derek's chest. Derek attempts to dodge.

The sting of the knife cutting into his bicep elicits a shout of pain from Derek. He raises his other arm to return the favor. The hooded boy's head snaps to the side as Derek's fist impacts him in the ear. The boy grunts quietly, and stumbles back away from Derek.

"I'll fucking kill you! Back off!" Derek shouts, trying to intimidate his attacker.

Derek holds back a sigh of relief as the hooded knife wielder turns tail and runs into the night. The blood loss is making Derek dizzy, so he stumbles his way toward Zoe's house.

Fuck. Why did he attack me?

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