The Witch’s Ichor

Psycho With A Knife [33]

This chappie contains blood!!!
Also this was released early for patreons :3

Zoe's mother has her arms crossed as she looks pointedly at her daughter. Zoe is looking up at her sheepishly. Her eyes reflect shame.

"So, are you going to explain yourself, young lady?" Zoe's mother asks sharply.

"I-I was just hanging out with Derek-" Zoe mumbles.

"At this hour?" Zoe's mother cuts her off.

Zoe's mother shoots her a probing glare. Zoe blushes slightly at her mother's implications. Zoe shrinks back in her seat as her mother shakes her head in exasperation. She gets up from her chair and walks over to Zoe. Zoe blinks as her mother gently hugs her.

"M-Mom?" Zoe questions.

"I'm not ready for you to grow up, honey." Zoe's mother sighs.

Zoe reciprocates her mother's embrace. The two women hug for several long moments. Zoe can feel the concern and worry wafting off her mother as they separate. The bittersweet smile she gives Zoe is much too sad.

"I'm still going to be your daughter, Mom." Zoe assures her.

"I know, honey." Zoe's mother replies.

There's a quiet moment where the two of them look at one another. Then Zoe's mother clears her throat, advising her daughter.

"Just make sure he uses a condom." She suggests.

Zoe's face turns red as she shrinks into her chair. Her hands cover her face in embarrassment.

Zoe's mother laughs at her reaction. She's about to say something when a sound interrupts their conversation.

Knock knock knock.

The two of them look at the door. Zoe's mother walks over to the door, checking through the peephole. She wears a complicated expression as she steps back from the peephole. Zoe turns to look as her mother unlocks the door.

"Zoe, could you head upstairs?" Zoe's mother asks.

Zoe nods hesitantly. She scampers away to her room whilst her mother opens the door.


Derek is standing on the porch with blood pouring from his arm. The athletic boy's face is pale, and he's gritting his teeth. Miranda quickly ushers him inside. She walks into the kitchen to grab some medical supplies. Derek slumps into a chair at the dining table.

"What happened?" Miranda asks.

Miranda brings over the first aid kit, setting it on the table. She starts by cleaning his wound with some wipes. Derek winces at the sting of alcohol on his wound.

"Some psycho attacked me on my way home... with a knife." Derek explains through gritted teeth.

Derek keeps his arm still as Miranda bandages his wound. The boy won't be using this arm for a little while. Miranda turns to look at his pale complexion. She quickly moves back to the kitchen to get him some water.

"Did you get a look at his face?" Miranda questions.

She sets the glass of water in front of Derek. He uses his good arm to pick up the water and take a few drinks. He shakes his head.

"I didn't. He attacked on a dark stretch of road." Derek replies bitterly.

Miranda rubs her head with her hand. The thought of some crazy person stabbing one of Zoe's friends is deeply unsettling. She turns her gaze to look at Derek. He's not doing great, but he is stable for now. She pulls out her cellphone.

"Is your dad home? I can take you to the hospital if he isn't." She asks.

Derek's expression sours at the mention of his father. He shakes his head after hesitating for a few moments. Miranda dials her husband's number, waiting for him to pick up.

It only takes a few rings.

"Hello, something wrong?" Mason greets.

"Yes, actually. Derek's been stabbed, and I need to bring him to the hospital." Miranda explains quickly.

Mason processes her words for a moment, and then speaks.

"Okay. I'll be home soon, just make sure you lock everything up and tell Zoe to be extra careful." Mason replies.

"Alright... Love you." Miranda says softly.

"Love you too." Mason replies.

Miranda ends the call, pocketing her phone. Derek is looking a little better now, but he's still got a pretty bad laceration beneath those bandages.

"Zoe! Come downstairs!" Miranda shouts.

The pitter patter of her daughter's feet grabs Derek's attention. He straightens up his posture and does his best to look okay. Zoe glides down the stairs with a curious expression. She blushes upon seeing Derek.

"W-Why is Derek here?" Zoe asks.

Zoe then notices the bandages and the state of Derek after a second look. She rushes over to him with concern darkening her features.

"He was attacked." Miranda says seriously.

"Attacked..?" Zoe questions aloud.

"It was some psycho with a knife... I got him good, but he still stabbed me." Derek explains.

Derek looks up at her with a guilty expression. His eyes widen as Zoe's complexion turns pale, and he quickly uses his good arm to support her as she nearly faints. Miranda rushes over to check on her daughter.

"I-I'm okay. Just... That's a lot." Zoe mumbles weakly.

Miranda curses inwardly as she leaves Derek to comfort Zoe. She quickly double checks all the doors and windows are locked up tight. When she finishes that, Zoe is looking better.

"Zoe I have to take him to a hospital. Can you handle staying here and watching the house?" Miranda asks carefully.

There's some fear in Zoe's brown eyes. She takes a deep breath, and looks up at her mother.

"Yes. I can do it." Zoe affirms.

Miranda pulls her daughter into the second hug of the evening. This embrace is much tighter. The two women separate, and Zoe helps Derek stand up. Miranda starts walking to the door. She notices Zoe and Derek quickly hugging out of the corner of her eye. It brings a smile to her face.

"You ready to go, Derek?" Miranda asks.

"Yes, Mrs. Kim." Derek replies stiffly.

Derek walks over to her with Zoe in tow. Miranda opens the door and steps outside cautiously. There's no sign of anyone on the well lit front porch. Derek steps out behind her. Zoe peeks outside from the doorway.

"Keep it all locked tight. Don't open the door for anyone. Your father is on his way, so just sit tight. Ok?" Miranda reminds her daughter.

Zoe nods softly in acknowledgement. Miranda waits as Zoe shuts and locks the front door.

Derek and Miranda move to the car. The shadows outside look a little darker to Miranda. She unlocks her car. Derek hops into the passenger seat, and they set off for the hospital.


Tracy's doom scrolling is interrupted by a notification. She looks at the pop up from her messaging app, and reluctantly taps on it. It's a message from Derek.

Derek: I just got stabbed lmao

Tracy: what?

Derek: I seriously got attacked by some creep omw home. look
> View Attachment

The picture Derek sent with his message shows the bandaged wound and an unfamiliar car's interior. Derek looks a little pale, and there's blood staining the bandages. Tracy sits up, quickly replying to Derek's message.

Tracy: Did he try to rob you??? wtf that's crazy

Derek: Nah he tried to kill me. Aimed for my neck the first time, but I dodged it

Tracy: That's insane. have you told Zoe?

Derek: Sort of. I was by her place so I got patched up by her mom. She's taking me to the hospital.

Tracy: Damn.

Derek: I gotta go, we're pulling into the parking lot

Tracy sighs, putting her phone on her nightstand. Stabbings and assaults are the type of thing that happens in big cities. You don't hear about them in semi-rural places like Witchburrow. Then again, Witchburrow is big for a rural town.

I hope Zoe stays safe.

The thought of Zoe brings a bittersweet smile to Tracy's face. She rolls over to face her window. Her eyes rest on the crescent moon outside. Tracy wonders if Zoe is looking at that same moon right now.


Zoe wakes from a nightmare with a start. She takes deep breathes in an effort to calm down. She can't remember what her dream was about. Zoe reminds herself it wasn't real.

It's just a nightmare.
I'm okay.

Having calmed down, Zoe looks at herself. She's covered in a thin sheen of sweat, her body has developed rapidly once again. She blushes at the sight of her glistening body.

Damn I'm hot...

The shape of Zoe's original body has certainly improved with the effects of the estrogen. The round shape of her hips. The heavy mounds adorning her chest. The squishy softness of her rear. It all feels so satisfyingly feminine!

Zoe gets out of her bed. The nude girl walks over and stands in front of her closet mirror. Her eyes trace her new figure. Zoe turns, grabbing her phone off her nightstand. The urge to take pictures of herself overcomes her.

A menagerie of lewd selfies are taken. Each one brings a proud smirk to Zoe's face as she reviews them. She almost wants to try taking videos of her body, but she's interrupted.

"Zoe, Breakfast!" Zoe's mother shouts from downstairs.

Zoe blushes self consciously at the sound of her mother's voice. She quickly gets herself dressed in some gender neutral clothing. The outfit doesn't say 'boy' or 'girl' exactly. It's somewhere in the middle of those two.

The door swings open at Zoe's behest. The scent of eggs and bacon urges her down the stairs. She sees her mother carefully sipping her coffee as she makes for the door.

"Make sure you walk with a friend coming home, honey!" Zoe's mother reminds her.

"I know, Mom! I won't forget." Zoe replies.

Zoe's mother nods and shuts the door behind her. She has an early shift today, so the rush is understandable. Zoe plates herself some food and takes a seat at the dining table. The eggs are nice and fluffy; The bacon is perfectly crispy.

The buzz of a notification draw's Zoe's attention to her phone. She pulls it out and checks her messages. There's a few in the mini group chat, containing Derek, Tracy, and Zoe.

Derek: I'm all better!

Tracy: That was fast?

Derek: OK well I can't use my arm much, but I'm good otherwise

Tracy: lol

Zoe: You'd better not use it! Gotta heal!!

Derek: Yeah yeah, I know

Zoe: I'm serious >:(

The messages peter out. Zoe's thoughts return to the pictures she took upstairs. A dangerous train of thought ensues.

What's stopping her form sharing those lewd pictures? Why shouldn't she? She's an adult.

Zoe taps the attach picture option. She selects one of the pictures she took earlier, and tastefully censors parts of it before sending it into the mini group chat.

Zoe: Thoughts?
> View Attachment

There's a pause after she sends it. Zoe's anxiety gradually builds up. Then someone finally replies. Relief washes away that anxiety.

Derek: Holy fuck you're hot

Tracy: For once I agree with him :o

Zoe's face lights up at the praise. She glances at the time. She stands up, grabbing her backpack. She double checks she has her house key before making her way to the door.

The sound of birdsong greets her when she steps outside. The sunlight and other teenagers walking along the sidewalk put her mind at ease. Nothing bad happens in broad daylight, right?


There that girl is again!

It's strange how much taller she looks in the daylight, but it's definitely her. The boy watches her leave her house. The smile she has on her face is positively glowing. He starts walking toward her. He can hardly contain his excitement as he gets closer to her.

I can't wait to talk to her.

The boy's eyes flicker from her to other passerby. He keeps walking. Faster. Closer.

She'll love me!

The girl is facing away from him as he approaches. He can practically taste her lips on his already. The scent of her shampoo. The smell of her sheets. His mind is wandering as he gets within a few paces of his sweetheart.

I love you.


Zoe turns to look over her shoulder. She has goosebumps on her neck. It feels like someone is watching her. She scans her surroundings for the source of this feeling.

There is nobody suspicious. Just a couple of other students a good distance from her.


She turns to look back at the school, and keeps walking. The sound of a car passing catches her attention. She looks at it bitterly. Zoe recognizes it as the one that dropped off Jamison. Zoe scoffs, ignoring both the lingering sensation of being watched and Jamison's vehicle.

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