The Witch’s Ichor

The Incident [34]

This chapter contains violence and unintentional misgendering!
This chapter was released 3 days early on patreon

Zoe blinks dully as Mrs. Johnson goes over the most recent chapter. They're getting close to the end of the book. Zoe read ahead and already finished the whole thing. Frankly, she regrets doing it. Mrs. Johnson notices Zoe's bored expression.

"Kim, why don't you tell us what chapter thirty three means for the story as a whole?" Mrs. Johnson asks.

The question doesn't phase Zoe. She sits up a little straighter to appear as if she was paying attention the whole time.

"Chapter thirty three introduces a proper antagonist to the story and ups the stakes. For the story as a whole, this means it's approaching the climax." Zoe explains.

Mrs. Johnson smiles at Zoe's answer.

"Exactly. Great job, Kim." Mrs. Johnson praises.

Zoe nods in acknowledgment.

The rest of the chapter review goes by without issue, and Mrs. Johnson finally allows them a brief reprieve from schoolwork.

"You doing okay?" Tracy asks.

Tracy has a look of concern clouding her expression. Her normally easygoing demeanor in class is nowhere to be seen. Zoe smiles to show she's fine, nodding.

"Of course! It was Derek who had to go to a hospital, not me." Zoe replies.

"I know, but he's tough." Tracy says.

"True. I think in a horror movie he'd just kick the killer's ass, hehe." Zoe giggles.

Zoe's adorable giggle draws a few perplexed looks from her classmates. Tracy smirks at Zoe, who is blushing sheepishly. Thankfully for Zoe, her peers lose interest almost immediately.

"I asked because I was worried you'd be targeted." Tracy says quietly.

"Me? Why would someone want to attack me?" Zoe questions.

Tracy cringes at the naivety of her friend. Some people are just too pure for this world.

"Well, why would someone want to attack Derek?" Tracy retorts.

Zoe finally realizes Tracy's point. She thinks to herself, her nose scrunching up slightly as she considers Derek's personality. He can certainly get into trouble, and he does piss people off quite often.

"He is kind of a jerk, sometimes." Zoe offers.

"Okay, true, but not enough to make someone want to kill him." Tracy argues.

"Yeah..." Zoe trails off.

Tracy watches Zoe as the girl gets lost in thought. Oh what she would give just to know what Zoe is thinking. Every time that adorable little face makes a confused expression Tracy nearly squeals.

I've got it bad, huh?

Zoe finally stops her quiet contemplation. She turns to Zoe with an uncertain expression.

"I did feel like I was being watched this morning, and I never get that feeling." Zoe admits.

Goosebumps go up on Tracy's arms as she processes Zoe's words. Someone looking at her Zoe? With what happened to Derek, Tracy doesn't trust Witchburrow's security. She gently grabs Zoe's hand, holding it and making eye contact.

"Where were you walking? Was there anyone around?" Tracy asks, her voice low.

Zoe blinks, looking surprised by Tracy's reaction.

"I-I was just on my way to school. It was the normal route down Hart Street... I didn't see anybody suspicious, just a bunch of other high schoolers." Zoe replies.

Tracy pouts in frustration. She glances down at Zoe's hands before looking back up at her face. She squeezes Zoe's hand in an attempt to convey her support.

"I'll walk with you from now on." Tracy promises.

The bell rings. Zoe is still coming up with a reply when Tracy pulls away to grab her bag. Their classmates are out in a hurry. Zoe grabs her own bag, and follows Tracy out of the classroom. Tracy has this unfamiliar look of determination on her face.

"T-Tracy you don't have to. I'll be fine!" Zoe pleads.

"You? Fine? Bunny, you're as helpless as a rabbit." Tracy replies.

Zoe's cheeks burn scarlet as they walk through the corridor. It takes her a little while to come up with a good comeback. They're entering the cafeteria when Zoe finally has a reply in mind.

"What about you? You shouldn't be out alone either!" Zoe argues.

"Me? I work out, at least." Tracy replies with a shrug.

Tracy has a good point. The two girls approach the lunch line.

Reminded of Tracy's athleticism, Zoe takes the opportunity to let her eyes wander. The swell of Tracy's firm butt in her leggings is enough to bring a fresh blush to Zoe's face. The muscled shape of Tracy's legs also appeal to Zoe.

"Even at school?" Tracy taunts.

Zoe's face burns a little hotter as she's caught in the act. She whips her head around to look over her shoulder. Tracy laughs at Zoe's poor attempt to avoid blame.

"It's okay to stare, Bunny." Tracy assures.

"W-Whatever, I wasn't staring." Zoe replies.

Tracy shakes her head at Zoe's unconvincing denial. The two girls move with the lunch line, and get their helpings of school food. It's some kind of pasta. An unidentifiable pasta. Tracy is wishing she brought something from home.

Zoe leads the way to the usual lunch table. She can't help but frown at how empty it looks. Jamison is still living like a pompous rich asshole. Derek isn't at school due to his injury. The only boy at the table is Theo. He's deep in some sort of workbook, and doesn't have a lunch tray.

"Hey, Theo." Zoe greets.

Theo doesn't even look up as she speaks. Zoe takes her seat. Tracy sits beside her.

"What happened to that douche?" Theo suddenly asks.

Tracy and Zoe look at one another. Nobody told Theo about what happened yesterday. Zoe swallows a bite of pasta she just took, and speaks.

"Derek was attacked by someone last night, and got stabbed." Zoe explains.

"Really?" Theo asks again.

Zoe nods, having witnessed the bandaged wound.

"Yes, really. Someone with a knife just randomly tried to kill him!" Zoe exclaims.

"He probably deserved it." Theo mumbles.

Tracy and Zoe look at Theo in surprise. His uncharacteristically cruel statement hangs in the air for a while, and then Theo gets up without an explanation. The bespectacled boy leaves the lunch table even earlier than he did yesterday.

"What was that about?" Tracy questions.

"I don't know? I mean, they bickered, but nothing that serious..?" Zoe replies uncertainly.


Theo's mood has gone sour these past few days. He can't focus on anything lately, and it's just gotten worse with time. It all started when the group was kicked out of Jamison's house.

I shouldn't be so off my game.

The thought of Jamison worsens Theo's mood. He squeezes his binder a little tighter, and grits his teeth. He's normally so logical. Theo is supposed to be the smart one.

"She ignored me..." Someone mutters.

Theo glances at the speaker as they pass in the hall. It's an unfamiliar boy wearing dark clothing and combat boots. Theo isn't one to judge, but the way the boy is talking to himself paints a dark picture. Theo turns away from the odd boy.

The memory of Zoe's surprised face resurfaces. Theo knows he went overboard with his response, but Derek has just been acting like nothing is wrong. He keeps up that confident attitude even though their childhood friend is treating them like they don't exist!

It's just so infuriating!

Theo finally loses his temper and nearly throws his binder to the ground. He stops himself, and takes a few deep breathes.

I just need to calm down.

The memories of the past few days flow through Theo like water. He gradually lets go of the emotions that had been building up in him, and wipes away a few tears. Theo goes to wipe off his glasses, but stops midway.

Wait. What was that guy holding?

Theo's encounter with the strange boy replays in his head. That wasn't a pen or pencil in that boy's hand. He was holding a knife. The blade was reflecting the light, and he was flipping the blade in and out of the handle.



The boy finally mustered the courage to talk to his beloved, yet she ignored him. His words might have been a little bit quiet. He may have hid behind someone.

If she really loved me, she would have heard me anyways!

Cold steel swings out of the knife's handle. The boy flicks the blade casually in and out. The swish of the metal cutting through the air is overpowered by the thump of the boy's combat boots. He stops.

There she is.

The boy squints his empty black eyes at the girl in question. She's sitting at a lunch table in the cafeteria, and talking to some background character. The boy clicks his tongue.

Too bad she doesn't love me.

His beloved may be beautiful and pure, but she isn't free of blame. The boy flicks his knife out, and enters the lunchroom. The boy steps through the cafeteria slowly. His path brings him closer to his failed lover, yet nobody notices his intention.

The knife at his side goes unnoticed by the teenagers eating and chatting. Nobody pays attention to someone like the boy. Not even his beloved.

You truly were so pretty, my lover.

The boy is just a few steps away now. He steps up right behind her without her taking any notice. Someone sitting beside the girl does notice him, but she is slow to react.

Cold steel flashes as the boy swings his knife in a quick subtle motion.

Goodbye, Zoe.


Zoe feels goosebumps raising on the back of her neck. Before she can turn around, she hears a loud howl of pain.


The lunchroom erupts with confusion as Zoe turns to face the source of the shout. There's a boy wearing dark clothes, collapsed on the floor. He's holding a knife in one hand. He's grimacing as if in immense pain.

"He's got a knife!" Someone shouts.

Zoe feels Tracy pull her up and out of her chair. Zoe's eyes are wide as she watches several of the guys grab and restrain the strange boy. Tracy is still moving, carrying Zoe out of the cafeteria. Zoe turns to look at Tracy.

"Are you ok?" Zoe asks.

Tracy looks downright terrified. The girl's complexion is snow white, and she's got a death grip on Zoe. Tracy glances up at Zoe as if barely having heard her.

"W-What? Am I ok?" Tracy questions.

"Yeah, you look... awful." Zoe mumbles.

Zoe watches Tracy finally smile. She takes a deep breath, and sets Zoe back down on the ground.

"I'm just shaken up is all... You... He almost stabbed you." Tracy explains weakly.

Realization dawns on Zoe. She was almost stabbed just then. She could have died!

"I-I didn't even notice..." Zoe whispers.

Tracy nods at Zoe's words. They're both quiet for a moment. Zoe breaks the moment by reaching out and embracing Tracy. The two girls cry in each other's shoulders, albeit Tracy is the one sobbing her heart out.

Eventually they separate.

"I'll walk with you everywhere." Tracy reaffirms her earlier promise.

"Y-Yeah, no objections." Zoe replies softly.

The two girls are approached by a teacher not long after that.


"My name is Officer O'Brian, what's yours?" Officer O'Brian greets.

Tracy reminds herself he's here to help, and replies.

"My name is Tracy." Tracy introduces herself.

Officer O'Brian writes something down in his little notepad.

"Alright, Tracy. You were present during today's incident, correct?" Officer O'Brian clarifies.

"Yes, I was. I saw him try to stab Z- Kim. In the back." Tracy replies.

If he notices anything, he doesn't say it. Officer O'Brian is quick to continue the questioning.

"And did you see Mr. Daniels attack Mr. Kim?" Officer O'Brian asks.

Tracy cringes at the unintentional misgendering, but nods her confirmation.

"I need verbal confirmation, please." Officer O'Brian insist.

"Yes, I saw him attack Kim." Tracy states.

Officer O'Brian writes down some more in his notepad.

"And, where did he try to stab Mr. Kim, exactly?" Officer O'Brian asks.

Tracy furrows her brow, and answers after thinking  back to the incident.

"He was going for Kim's neck..." Tracy says.

Officer O'Brian starts writing more down, and Tracy's patience finally gives out. She lets out a dramatic sigh. Her arms cross over her chest.

"Officer, why do you need to ask me? We have security cameras." Tracy points out.

This brings a frown to the officer's face, but he doesn't seem displeased with Tracy. Rather he just seems irritated by some other inconvenience.

"That's the thing, the cameras are fried." Officer O'Brian admits.

Tracy blinks in surprise. She didn't pin that creep as the careful type, but he prepared this extensively? Weird how he did all that work only to try and stab someone in front of a crowd of teenagers. Why go through all that work?

Unless it wasn't him?

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