The Wizard’s Fairy Tale

Chapter 42

Cement is the best adhesive. It is easy to obtain materials and easy to make, except for one process requirement.

It is required that the calcination temperature should reach 1500 degrees, which can melt iron into molten iron.

It was also a temperature that William couldn't even rack his brains to reach.

He doesn't have a flame witch to help him raise the temperature.

William can only settle for the next best thing!

In William's previous life, ancient Rome used volcanic ash to make the first cement, which has good adhesion.

However, there are no volcanoes in Dicasterland, at least William has not found any volcanoes so far.

Then this method is also futile.

In ancient China, the adhesive was made of triadic clay and glutinous rice juice. The adhesive produced in this way has an amazing effect, which is not inferior to modern cement.

William didn't have glutinous rice juice, not to mention that he had never seen it in this world, but even if there was such a thing as glutinous rice, William probably couldn't afford it.

He is now a little noble with only more than 800 Pisi gold coins.

However, the three-component clay inspired William. Modern cement cannot be made, but lime mortar is not a big problem.

Lime mortar is made by mixing lime paste and sand, and its strength is mainly obtained by the air hardening of lime.

Lime paste is slaked lime, which is calcined at high temperature into quicklime from limestone, and the quicklime will become slaked lime with excess water.

Although calcining limestone requires high temperature, the temperature is not as high as calcining cement. A sealed kiln made of bricks is sufficient to meet this demand.

However, the bricks are still being fired, and the lime brick kiln is still waiting for a while.

However, the crushing of limestone can be carried out first, and the crushed limestone will be more fully calcined. William sent dozens of villagers to do this work.

Of course, this is all for money.

Of course, every job needs a leader.

Old John was exhausted managing the porters and brickmakers all by himself, even with Eddie helping him.

Charles was too busy making spears with Merton and had no time.

So the person in charge of this stone breaking work was handed over to the old Gretel who had recently taken refuge in him.

Old Gretel, rejuvenated like an old tree in blossom, was very active in his work.

As for William, after straightening out these things, he devoted all his energy to military training.

He summoned the remaining six guards and directly passed on Dikas Knight's breathing method to them.

This is a reward for their loyalty.

But the reward is not so easy to swallow.

Swordsmanship combined with knight breathing is even more difficult to practice.

They fell into more cruel devil training.

Even with the indirect guidance of the magic mirror, it took a week for all the members of the guards to engrave this knight training method into their bones, and it became an instinct.

And this is based on the almost non-stop practice of the six guards.

The results of the complete knight workout are gratifying.

After seven days, Jacques Porter's physical fitness has improved significantly. His physical fitness has increased by 0.1, reaching 1.5, which has reached the minimum standard for implanting life energy seeds.

William was not stingy either, he split part of the life energy hovering in the heart on the spot, turned it into the form of life energy seeds, and injected it into Jacques Potter's body.

It will warm Jacques Potter's body little by little.

At the same time, it will also allow Jacques Porter to get familiar with this power step by step, and stimulate his own potential, so that one day he can completely stimulate his own life energy and become a real knight.

After getting the seed of life energy implanted by William, Jacques Potter knelt down to William on the spot, swearing allegiance, with hot emotions in his eyes.

Jacques Porter knew what William had given him!

It is the key to class leap!

William accepted the allegiance of Jacques Porter with peace of mind,

Sincere allegiance!

The physical fitness of the other five guards has also improved to a certain extent, but they cannot be compared with Jacques Potter who is born with supernatural power, so they can only look enviously at Jacques Potter who has become a reserve knight, and at the same time feel He became ruthless and devoted himself to training even harder.

Just a six-member escort cannot meet the needs of the upcoming war.

William needs more warriors, Nisai village needs more strength.

As a result, a new recruiting notice was posted.

This time, William relaxed the recruitment conditions, both in terms of age and physical fitness.

In a few days, another thirty people were recruited in the village.

These thirty people were divided into six teams, each team had five members, and the six guards were the captains, each with a spear. The six guards were responsible for training, and William was only responsible for the overall assessment.

Every new team member was taught knight swordsmanship, using a spear as a sword for training.

But this time they were not so lucky, they could get the guidance of William and the magic mirror, they were only taught by their own captains.

Some team leaders teach well, while others teach mediocrely.

Some new team members learn well, and some new team members learn quickly.

After a period of time, William was surprised to find that Jacques Porter, the strongest captain, taught the weakest team members, and Mark, who was originally the weakest in physical fitness, taught players better than other players!

This made Jacques Porter very dissatisfied in his heart, and he increased the intensity of training, making his new players cry tiredly.

The other five squad leaders watched it, and naturally they would not be indifferent. Each squad leader wanted to show William a performance, and needless to say, they tacitly increased the intensity of training for their own team members. Therefore, all the new team members They all lived a miserable life.

In any case, the thirty-six guards wearing uniforms, and the deafening sound of daily training, still increased the sense of security in the hearts of the villagers in Nisai Village.

Time passed bit by bit, and after more than ten days, the first batch of bricks came out, and about 70% of the bricks were usable.

With this batch of bricks, William can build an earthen kiln with high heat resistance and airtightness, and start firing quicklime.

Of course, the firing of bricks cannot be stopped.

With quicklime, add water to become lime paste, and mix it with sand to make lime mortar.

With lime mortar and bricks, the wall project of Nisai Village can officially start.

However, imagination is beautiful, and life is cruel.

The production of lime kiln is not complicated, just pay attention to the tightness!

Just when William rolled up his sleeves and was about to do a big job, Old John told him that no matter whether it was a brick kiln or a lime kiln, they had to stop working.

William asked him why?

Because there is no more firewood! Old John replied helplessly.

The straw in the fields had been burned, and the felling of trees was too slow to keep up with the burning of the kilns.

William had to find time to solve this energy problem.

Coal or oil is a perfect solution, but coal has never been found by villagers, let alone oil.

William didn't dare to let the magic mirror scan it, for fear that the magic mirror would accidentally consume too much energy and fall into a deep sleep. He would have no place to cry!

Then the target still falls on the trees in the forest.

Just need to improve the cutting speed of trees.

There are only three axes in the whole village, which is why the cutting speed has not been able to increase.

This is not the same as transporting soil. Without baskets, other things can be used instead. There are still ways to transport soil, but without an ax, the villagers cannot cut trees by hand.

After all, not everyone is the little Goku in Dragon Ball who can chop wood with his hands!

Need to add tools for chopping wood! William came to this conclusion in his mind.

Are you going to buy it in Patras? William thought, shaking his head immediately.

Although an ax can be bought in Patras City, the efficiency of the ax to chop down trees is really not high, and as a weapon, the price is still expensive.

William needed a more efficient tree felling tool.

He immediately thought of a saw.

A chainsaw can't do it, but a wood saw can give it a try.

William found Eddie, the blacksmith, and told him the structure of the saw.

Eddie thought for a moment and said he could make the saw, but he needed an iron stove.

The iron furnace is simple.

The bricks are ready-made, and although there is no lime mortar, the river mud from the Kadim River, together with plant ash, has good adhesion.

So in two days, a simple and ugly iron stove was made, with firewood stuffed into it, and after it was lit, Eddie put the iron rod that William first obtained from the killer of the Scarlet Hand into it for calcination.

When it was almost burned, he swung the hammer he brought from the city of Sale and began to forge.

The iron rod is beaten into thin slices, and the two sides are sharpened with a file. After cooling, one end of the thin slice is fitted with a wooden handle, and a brand new wood saw is released.

Wood saws are much more efficient at sawing trees than axes. It used to take half a day to cut a tree, but now it takes only one candle to burn.

Moreover, the effort consumed is much smaller than using an axe.

In the past, the villagers used an ax to chop a tree, and they were busy for a long time, and they were half dead from exhaustion.

Now sawing with a saw is much easier, not only fast, but also has spare power!

The saw was well received by tree fellers.

Eddie, who was praised, was very excited. He forged the saw while the iron was hot.

For a while, the villagers passed by Eddie's blacksmith shop, and all they heard were cheerful dang dang dang sounds.

A handful of wood saws were produced by Eddie, and the efficiency of tree felling in Nisai Village also increased at a straight-line rate.

Villagers in this era have no awareness of environmental protection and do not know how to protect the environment.

William needs a lot of firewood, and the villagers naturally follow the principle of proximity.

As a result, in the forest around the small village of Nisai, low wooden piles appeared one after another.

These are trees felled by the villagers.

Walking out of the small village of Nisai, the view of the villagers is much wider. Looking around, it is no longer a forest full of oppression and unknown fear.

With enough firewood, the firing in the brick and lime kilns continued steadfastly.

New bricks are constantly being generated.

New quicklime is also calcined out.

The guards are training hard, the villagers are working hard, and the small village of Nisai is full of vitality, just like the train is on the right track, moving slowly but firmly towards the goal...

Everything seems so beautiful.

However, twenty days after Knight West left, before the sun came out, the magic mirror vibrated violently.

Master, master, a group of unknown people are approaching.

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