The Wizard’s Fairy Tale

Chapter 43 Ambush

It was dark.

In a dark corner outside the entrance of Nisai Village, hundreds of people are hiding in darkness.

Most of them are skinny and smelly. They are thinner than the villagers of Nisai Village. Many of them are in scanty clothes. They only have a pair of eyes shining with longing light.

Standing at the front of this group of people were two relatively stronger men.

One was wearing clothes made of unknown animal skins, and there were several deep claw marks on his face.

The other was naked from the upper body, with various patterns painted on his dark skin.

The two of them were talking in low voices.

Bartley, are you sure your news is correct? There is really a lot of food in this village? The man in animal skin clothes with claw marks on his face asked seriously.

Of course! This is the news I have worked so hard to get! The man with the upper body naked looked at the man in the animal clothes with contempt, I heard that a new lord has come to this village! This new lord does not want his subjects All the food that he had worked so hard to grow throughout the year was given to Viscount Grian in exchange for funds to enter the city in winter, so the villagers were not allowed to pay the city fee to Viscount Grian, and instead had to build their own walls to resist the monsters that came out of the forest in winter .”

Building a wall? What a whimsical lord! The animal skin man laughed mockingly.

It's also fortunate that he is a whimsical lord, so most of the grain this year is still in the village and has not been harvested by the people of Patras! So... Bartley sneered.

So this is our chance. If everything goes well, our two villages will be able to live a winter without hunger this year! When he said this, the topless man licked Tim's lips, his eyes widening. Light.

Bartley was also very excited when he heard that, his chest heaved up and down.

Then what are you waiting for? Dunn! Act now.

Damn it, why can't these guys go to sleep like pigs? The man named Tang stuck his head out again, looked at the bonfire that had been burning at the entrance of the village, and cursed in a low voice.

By the campfire, there were three guards standing or sitting.

Hey, I said Dunn, we can't wait for long! Maybe there's a group of guys coming after us, and we'll have nothing if it's too late! Bartley urged impatiently, It's just a few vigils Are you a guy? We now have a total of 150 soldiers in the two villages. If we rush over, these guys will probably be scared to pee! By then, everything will be ours!

Shut up! Bartley! I know what to do! You don't need to teach me! Tang En glared at Bartley, and then looked at the entrance of the village.

Bartley was stared at by Tang En, and the anger in his heart was about to rise, and his face became ugly.

He, Bartley, was not Dun En's subordinate, the two were on equal footing, and they were also the boss of a wild village in the Cordillera Mountains.

Just when Bartley was about to get mad, he suddenly heard Tang En's slightly excited low growl, Look! Someone is coming! Is it time to switch? This is a good opportunity! Hey, why did the flame go out? Oh, it's daytime, So you don't need to watch the night?

Hearing what Tang En said, Bartley poked his head out curiously, looking in the direction of the small village of Nisai.

The bonfire there has been extinguished, only a few orange-red sparks are still burning, but fleeting, like life.

The three watchmen were no longer visible.

The entire Nisai village was pitch black, with no sound at all.

Bartley looked up at the sky, and the sky was dimly lit, which was a sign that the sun was about to come out.

It's dawn, so there's no need to watch the night! Bartley thought the same way. At this time, Tang En also turned his head and looked at him, his eyes shining brightly, Bartley, our opportunity has come!

Yes, rush in! Snatch all the food! Bartley gasped excitedly,

The tone of voice changed into authentic.

That's right! Rush in! Anyone who blocks us will be killed! All the food will be taken away! Tang En said to the wild people behind him, Whoever fights the bravest will get the most food! The woman of my life, give it to him too!

The eyes of these savages were all red, and the food and women completely inspired their fighting spirit and animal nature!

Facing this scene, Tang En was very satisfied. He and Bartley looked at each other, raised their hands at the same time, waved them, and roared in a low voice, Come on!


More than a hundred wild men held all kinds of things in their hands, some were holding forks, sticks, and some were almost holding a tree stick, and they walked past Bartley and Tang En in a mighty way, rushing Go out of this corner and approach the small village of Nisai.

Tang En and Bartley each carried a rusty weapon and followed behind.

At first, the savages were able to suppress their own voices, but slowly, some noisy voices inevitably rang out.

The noisy sound is getting louder and louder, like someone is beating with gongs and drums nearby.

When Tang En was worried about waking up the people in the small village of Nisai, more than a hundred people broke through the wooden fence and rushed into the small village of Nisai.

At this moment, Nisai Xiaocun was like a young woman in a deep sleep, without any reaction at all.

Tang En suddenly felt uneasy for no reason, but he immediately put it behind him, and rushed into the village. Even if Nisai Village had any schemes, it would be powerless to turn back!

Bartley roared, his voice overshadowed the voices of other wild folk, resounding through the crowd, Rush! Rush in! Anyone who comes out will be killed!

Those wild folk who had no clue after coming in suddenly had a goal and rushed into the village in a mess.

There are thatched huts where the villagers live, and there are warehouses for the villagers.

Just after running a few steps, there was a strong swish swish sound in the air.


Who hit me?

it hurts!


The team that had been advancing suddenly came to a standstill, and there were wailing sounds one after another among the wild people, and the already chaotic team became even more disorderly.

What's going on? Tang En noticed something was wrong from behind and shouted loudly, but his voice was drowned out by the noise of wild people in an instant.

Bartley also shouted, using his ability as the master of the village, his voice suppressed the voices of the other wild people, Don't panic! Don't be chaotic! All rush forward! If you rush over, they will Can't beat us!

As soon as the words fell, torches lit up around the group of wild people.

Firelight lit up the night sky.

Only then did this group of wild people realize that they had been surrounded by villagers who were staring at them.

These villagers were all holding red bricks in their hands, and they were hit by these bricks just now.

Originally thought it was a sneak attack on Nisai Village, and they were able to catch them. Unexpectedly, Nisai Village had taken precautions and ambushed them instead. For a while, this contrast caused the wild people to panic.

What are you panicking! Bartley also felt uneasy in his heart, but he roared, Rush over! Kill! Victory will belong to us!

Before they could finish speaking, the wild folk saw a team wearing uniforms and holding weapons approaching neatly a dozen meters in front of them.

In the first row were six young teenagers, each holding a long sword in their hands.

And behind the six teenagers, there are three rows of players holding spears.

All I could hear was the unbelievably strong young man in the middle shouting, Kill!

Holding the sword in both hands, the young man took the lead and rushed towards the wild people.

The other five teenagers, with their spearmen, also rushed up.

The distance of more than ten meters is in the blink of an eye.

The guards collided with the wildlings.

Jacques Porter raised his long sword high and slashed at a wild man. The tip of the sword cut from the left neck of the wild man to his chest. Blood gushed out, and the wild man fell down on the spot.

Without hesitation, Jacques Potter continued to dig into the center of the wild people with his long sword.

Beside him and behind him, the other five guard captains led the newly promoted members of the guard, closely following Jacques Porter's footsteps, and pierced through the middle of the wild people.

The long sword swung, the spear stabbed, blood splashed, and the wailing continued.

When Jacques Porter and the guards penetrated to the center of the wild people, the whole wild people completely collapsed.

Originally they were a mob, and they were ambushed by Jacques Potter and the others, so they were in a very tense state.

I don't know which wilderer shouted, Run!

The whole group of wild people spread it uncontrollably.

The savages no longer had the intention to resist, and all wanted to escape!

Some scattered in all directions, trying to escape into the villagers.

One by one, the villagers raised the bricks in their hands and smashed them without hesitation.

For a time, the sky was full of brick rain.

These wild people scattered in all directions were smashed to pieces and were not allowed to enter.

Derek John, who was in the middle of the crowd, saw this scene and quickly shouted, Surrender without killing! Get down!

Surrender without killing! Get down!

Surrender without killing! Get down!

Surrender without killing! Get down!


Derek John's teammates heard it and yelled, and the villagers yelled too.

The sound was deafening, scaring some wild folk out of their wits!

Their minds were stunned, their bodies dropped their weapons unconsciously, and then they lay on the ground.

When the other wild folk saw it, they didn't have time to think, so they threw away their weapons, lying on the ground with their faces down, trembling all over, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

There are also some wild people who are not so honest.

They ran towards the entrance of the village, trying to get out of Nisai Village!

Some people were caught within a few steps, but dozens of people still ran out of the village.

Dunn and Barrett are two of them.

Wearing leather armor and holding a long crossed sword with the tip facing down, William walked out slowly, blocking the front of Tang En and Barrett's group.

Tang En and Barrett's hearts trembled, and they immediately found that William was alone, with hope shining on his face.

Barrett raised his arms and shouted, There's only one of him! Let's kill him together and we can escape!

As soon as the words fell, William's cold eyes shot over, meeting Barrett's eyes.

Barrett's heart tensed up inexplicably, and then William disappeared from sight.

I saw a black shadow appearing in front of his eyes, and then his whole body seemed to be hit by a giant beast, and the sound of wailing could be heard from all the bones in his body, and he flew upside down, fell to the ground, opened his mouth, and said nothing. Say it, and fainted.

William calmly stood in Barrett's original position.

Tang En didn't dare to run away anymore. He stared at William dumbfounded, and said two words bitterly, Knight...

Then his knees softened, and he knelt down with a snap, My lord, I surrender!

The other wild people who escaped also knelt down and begged for mercy.

When Jacques Porter came in with some guards, he saw William standing alone, and a group of wild people bowed to him.

The sun had just risen at this time, and the sun shone on William.

He seemed like a ball of light!

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