This S.O.B. System


Asher’s week had gone by too quickly. His school life was going much better. His popularity after his audition had soared. Everyone wanted to get to know him now. He rode the high for all it was worth because he knew it wouldn’t last long. 


Most of the time at school he had spent with Wendy and Mia. Mia had been cast as the Katerina part, the band lead singer he had an affair with. The German had quite the singing voice. She wanted to play Mozart's wife, but the director thought she was too strong for that. 


Unfortunately the auditions had run until 9 at night so he wasn’t able to keep his promise about taking Wendy on a date. They had made a date for Tuesday, but Mia was assigned to chaperone since her father found out about the date. It was simple food and ice cream. Mia had been way more handsy than his actual date. He got along with both of them and wanted to try to make it a weekly thing. 


Asher still hadn’t gotten lucky with anyone from school. Horny and unable to vent, he broke down and contacted Daphne. They met Friday night midway between Thousand Oaks and Vegas. Staying at a nice hotel they proceeded to fuck relentlessly. Asher hadn’t received so much experience in such a short amount of time since when they first met. It wasn’t until 2 pm Saturday that they were able to get off one another. They were threatened with being charged another night. They decided against it. Besides, they both had to get back to their respective homes. 


On another note Aunt Anita had finally come back from her cruise. Much tanner than before, she was excited to see him. He stopped by one day, but he couldn’t look at her the same way anymore since he knew she did porn. With her long blonde hair and giant knockers, he was too turned on by her. Though he wasn’t related to her, he still called her Aunt. With money in his pocket, and too attracted to the family friend than he would like, he had to quit. She was disappointed of course, but she understood. So he said his goodbyes and promised to get coffee as often as possible. 


Aunt Anita hadn’t said anything about the porn shoot, or condition of the coffee house. He assumed Terry hadn’t bothered her, or told Anita about Ash’s short career. All in all he wanted to leave it behind him. 


Now it was Sunday again. Asher went to church with his folks. Worked out again. This time he called Zora and talked to her about little stuff. She asked for a video of him playing the piano. He asked what her favorite song was. He’d try to remember it during his next roleplay. 


When it came time for the System Group meeting he confirmed that Doug didn’t want to go. His friend and Helen were going on an actual date so he declined. 


“Hey kid,” someone caught his attention. 


“Amanda, how are you? You’re not trying to solicit me again are you?” He asked. Her long dark curly hair was moved to her face to hide the blush. “Too soon?” He asked. She grunted a curse at him. “You know it was honestly my first time seeing a client and running away.” 


“Ha,” she said. “I still caught you,” she said. 


“You did. What level are you by the way? I thought I lost you way back there.” They had talked a few times about the videos over the week and Asher finally felt a little more comfortable around her. He flirted as much as possible. At first to hide his embarrassment on what she knew about him, now it was because she didn’t tell him to stop. He felt like she was giving him the Tsundere treatment.


“Enough with the bullshit. I wanted to let you know one of the videos had Aleksi’s boss killing someone. Shouldn’t be too long before we gettem all.”


“Good to hear. Any luck tracking the girls from the other videos?” There had been more than Ash originally assumed. He had confirmed the ones of the 3 other girls he and Zora got out. When they had evidence Asher promised to contact them in case they would testify. He wouldn’t hold his breath though. 


“Not yet. One may have been a Jane Doe found in the river. But nothing conclusive yet.”


“Too bad,” he said. They walked in together. “What about a rain check on our last date?” He asked. 


“You wish,” she said. A slight blush on her cheeks she left him there to go to the podium for the Administrator and assistants. 


Asher tried to look away from Tiffany as she sat up front of the room. For some reason his eyes couldn’t keep themselves off her. Her pink and blue hair was a beacon. Today she wore an almost wearable sailor moon outfit. Navy blue with a long skirt and red bow tie. If anyone else wore something like that out in public he would have thought they looked weird, but she pulled the look off. 


Her dad droned on about his job, new members, and quests. Asher was still always drawn back to the cosplay girl. A few times he thought he caught her looking at him, but he couldn’t be sure as she moved her eyes too quickly. 


With a sigh he waited for the meeting to end. When it did he was about to talk to the supposed Saiyan System girl when he was stopped by the nerdy girl that wielded a tall staff. “I heard you have an acting skill,” she said. 


“Yeah that’s my system. Actor System,” he lied. 


“That’s not your System,” she whispered. 


“What do you mean?” He asked nervously.  


“I can see your System name. It’s one of my skills,” she said. 


His nose catching a hint of bubblegum he was surprised to see Tiffany walking away from him. Did she hear that acting wasn’t his System? He cursed inwardly. Tiffany walked out the door without turning back. He doubted she had wanted to see him. 


“What do you want?” He asked the nerdy girl. “Is this blackmail?” He whispered harshly. 


“Oh no. I can see everyone’s Systems. I don’t go blabbing it. I just wanted to make sure you actually have a System skill for acting.” She was short. The top of her pointed witch hat was  level with his head. Her staff clutched in hand she almost appeared confident in front of him. Like it was no big deal he was so much bigger. 


“I do have an acting skill. High level too,” he said. He didn’t want to start blabbing about max level after what the others said. 


“Are you interested in doing a dungeon then?” She asked with a smile. 


“Is this-is this like a sex thing?” He asked. His hand on his chest scandalized. 


“No,” she said, finally losing a little of that confidence. Her face was soon beet red. 


“I was just kidding. Honestly I’m really interested.” He said truthfully. “Mind telling me some more details?” 


“Sure. It’s a level 5 dungeon. So most everything will range from level 1 to 10. It will be you, me and 3 others. We’ve been in there with our normal leader before, but we always got stuck at this one part. Our normal group lead is away at a local raid for the next week at least. So I was wondering if you could sub in and help us get passed. You could get some experience in dungeons.”


“What about equipment? Do I need to buy anything?”


“Have any training?”


“Not really,” he admitted. “Just RPGs.”


“That’s fine. That’s mostly what we have for experience. Physical fighter I assume?” He nodded. “Sword and shield or 2 handed?”


“I’d like a 2-hander. But I assume you need a tank. So probably sword and shield.” 


“Why do you say that?” She asked, testing him. 


“Group leads are usually the tank. If yours is away then…”


“Fair enough. This will be perfect. Most of what we will be facing is low level so you don’t need to worry. Mind giving me your number? We will plan to hit it on Saturday.”


“Sure. How long will it take?” 


“Usually a day,” she admitted. “Should be back midday Sunday.”


“It’s a date,” he said. From the way her face reddened again he laughed and walked away. 


“Finally,” the reporter girl said beside him. She stopped him as he tried to get away. 


“Oh yes. I was coming to find you.” That Raul guy was nowhere to be seen. Asher assumed it was fine to talk to her this time. “What questions did you have?” After he answered basic stuff like name, occupation, and System, she took his picture. She gave him an address for the site and said he should be up there later that night. 


Walking out the door Asher was surprised to be ambushed a 4th time that night. “I didn’t think you’d ever get out here,” Tiffany said. 


“You were waiting for me?” He asked as a genuine smile creeped up his lips. 


“I was,” she said. They stood staring at one another in the cold February evening. “Well fuck first or talk?” She asked bluntly. 


After some clarification he slowly answered. “Talk then fuck. I like a little foreplay.“



“Is this about that girl saying I didn’t have an acting System?” He asked as they waited for their food. 


“Partly. I just wanted to confirm some things first. You said you received experience from sex right? Does it matter what kind?” She asked. 


“Yes. I get more or less depending on the sex act,” Asher admitted. 


With a nod she let out a smile. “You don’t have an acting System at all then do you?” 


Sweating, he meekly said, “I kind of do.”


“I know you’re lying because…I have the same kind of System as you,” she said in a whisper. Her perfect doll face cracked in an awkward grimace with the admission. 


“You do?” He asked surprised. “So Assistant System?” 


“Is something I tell my dad. I don’t want him to know,” she said. Her large eyes staring at him he felt his face flush. There was something about this girl that he was drawn to. The fact that she had a sex System made him think that was the reason. 


“Where do we go from here?” He asked full of hope. 


“Like you I get experience with sex. I don’t dungeon dive, so this is how I level. Mostly I keep it simple but…I’m really fucking turned on by you. Which is super weird for me since I normally prefer women,” she said. The way her perfect doll face bit her lip as she bluntly said those words…it was so cute. 


“Really?!” He asked. A smile on his face he added, “I thought I was the only one. It’s like this..”


“Desire,” she finished. 


“I was going to say magnetism. Yours is better.”


“What I propose is we talk a little more, go do the sex, and high five our goodbyes,” she said. 


“Ok. I mean you mind telling me your System? It would really be nice to maximize XP for once. And I don't feel comfortable talking about it with other people. You care if we do a ‘you show me yours I show you mine’? Wait, can we share screens?”


“Not that I know of, but sure. I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” She stuck out her pinky. He took it with his own and the pinky promise was sealed. The food came and neither noticed they hadn’t let the other’s finger go after the promise. 


“My System awoke when I lost my virginity to my long-time boyfriend about 3 years ago,” she said. A BLT in hand she munched on it happily. “This was the first time I had ever had sex mind you. Ever. And do you know what System I got? The Nymphomaniac System.” 


“Jeez. Rough,” he said. Asher felt sorry for her. He knew what it was like to be labeled something you really didn’t want to be. He nibbled his own sandwich as she continued. 


“So I get my System and I think, great. I got a boy I really really like. I can level this thing up. My dad had a System and he was pretty open about it so I knew what was up. Well turns out the son of a bitch was cheating on me. Wanna guess how I found out? I got an XP notification that said ‘Get Cucked’. Turns out he was banging my best friend behind my back. That’s when I jumped the fence and haven’t looked back.” 


“You still get experience being with women?” This felt more like 2 colleagues talking about work than what they were actually talking about.


“Yep. More toys are used, but it’s all the same. I stick to casual now though. So don’t expect any cuddles or encores. Alright? Your turn.” Finishing half her sandwich Asher noticed that she released his pinky to take his whole hand. He was starting to think they may have more in common than an attraction. 


“My system is the Porn Star System,” he admitted. She let out a bark of a laugh at that. Her hand let his go so she could try to stifle the involuntary response. But she didn't stop laughing, it only got worse. Taking in deep breath after breath she was soon laying on the bench laughing and kicking. 


When she eventually calmed down, wiping tears from her eyes she took his hand again. “That’s no fair. You have to tell me how you awakened it first.” 


So he did. He talked about how he walked in on the porno. How he had talked the director into giving him a part. Before he knew it he was telling her in detail his time with Daphne and Zora. The only part he really left out was the roleplay and prop manifestation. Over the story she laughed way more than he would have liked. But eventually he joined her in laughing. Some time away from the craziness gave him a better perspective on the whole thing. By the end he felt better about the entire ordeal. He especially felt better about the girl in front of him. There was a certain bubbly attitude that he didn’t get anywhere else. 


“How old are you again?” She asked when he was done. She had asked last week, but he didn’t care that she had forgotten. 


“17,” he told the truth. “I’ll be 18 next month.”  


“Jeez. I thought I had it hard with my methods. You’ve had it really hard haven’t you?” She asked. Asher was glad she didn’t comment on his age. 


“I feel like I shared more than enough. What kind of ways do you get experience?” He asked. 


“Well, new people give me double Xp.” 


“Dang, I only get 1.5.” 


“What about sex acts?” 


“I get stuff for anal, vaginal, cream pie, and money shot. Also if people watch me do it,” he admitted. 


“Dang I wish I had that last one. I have the others. With women as long as you cum on each other it’s considered creampie for some reason. My own little bug in the system. Any other cool multipliers.”


“If I do it on camera,” he admitted. 


“Not happening,” she rejected. “Any cool sex skills? I got a kegel one I’ve leveled up a little but don’t get much chance with girls. Oh and a longer tongue that I can manipulate with one of my skills.”


“Oh my god. I’ve gotta see. How long?” He asked. A little too excited. 


She smiled at him as she began sticking out her tongue. It just kept going and going down. When it was over an inch below her chin he gulped. “That’s pretty hot.”


Tiffany slurped her tongue back in. “Girls love it.”


“I bet they do,” he said, trying to banish the images from his mind. “I have an Ahegao skill.” From her confused look he clarified. “Increases pleasure for my partner.”


“That’s cheating,” she said with a gasp. “How much more?” 


“Right now? 20%”


“Now that’s hot,” she said. “I’ve never naturally done one of those.” 


Asher couldn’t help but picture her making that expression. A second later she did it for him. Her tongue out of her mouth hanging to the side she crossed her eyes. “I think I’m in love,” he said with a smile. She laughed and squeezed his hand. “Oh and I have a pheromone skill.”


“Oh ya? How high does it go?” 


“1 to 100,” he admitted. 


“What’s it at now?” 




“What’s 100 do?” 


“I’ve been too afraid to try it.”


“Well that’s what we are here for, stud. Try it,” she said. Her food gone, she bounced on the cushioned bench seat with excitement. Like he was about to show her a trick.  


Pushing back the hesitation he couldn’t think of a reason not to. Once it was set to 100 he left it there. Staring at her nothing happened. 30 seconds then a minute nothing happened. They simply stared at one another. 


“It’s not-“ she cut off as she shook a little. Her hands clenched his, squeezing it hard. “Drop-it-back-down,” she said through gritted teeth. Her eyes bloodshot for a moment, she closed them. Her body shook as she took calming breaths. 


After a minute she said, “we need to go. Now.”


Asher was worried about what had happened to her. He left money on the table and they walked out hand in hand. Quiet for a time she said aloud, “your truck.” Her car next to his, he didn’t say anything as he got in the vehicle. 


“Go to the nearest fucking hotel,” she said as she tied her hair back in a ponytail. Without another word she unzipped his pants and put his dick in her mouth. 


Asher was quite shocked as she sucked on the head of his dick. When it was its full length he put it in drive trying to think where a hotel was. Tiffany calmly sucked the tip for a while. Her tongue licked it like a lollipop.The act wasn’t orgasm inducing. But it was still a nice feeling. He let out a few groans. Body twitched a few times. Mostly he focused on the road and rested a hand on her side. 


When they were parked in front of a high-tier hotel he let her finish whatever she had to. 5 minutes later she let his head go with a pop and sat back up. “I feel better now,” she said with a giggle. She had treated his precum like candy the entire time and he still wasn’t sure what had gotten into her. 


“What happened back there?” 


“You had that power on way too long. Before I knew it my pussy had leaked everywhere. My skirt is still drenched. I rubbed my legs together just barely and came,” she admitted. 


“Really?” He asked. Reaching over he felt the bottom of her skirt and it really was drenched. Without thinking he moved to her pussy. Too late he noticed she hadn’t been wearing underwear. His finger going up and down her slit he asked, “so you liked it?” 


She bit her lip and nodded. His face was only a couple of inches away. “Everyone else in the diner too. You didn’t see them staring at us?” She asked seductively. 


He shook his head. “I was too focused on you,” he admitted. And with that she attacked his face. Her lips tasted like sweet bubblegum as his own tried to devour her. Their tongues in one another’s mouths, they couldn’t care less what other people saw. 


“Get me a room and show me your skills,” she said when they came up for air. 


Asher got out of the car in a rush. He ran over to her side and princess carried her to the front desk. She laughed the whole time. When the receptionist asked for a card he moved Tiffany to over his shoulder and gave her a credit card he had gotten in Quinten’s name. 


“You might want to make sure no one is next to our room,” Tiff said, still on his shoulder. Asher slapped her bottom and dropped her for that. 


The receptionist girl blushed with that. He said, “newlyweds. Sorry.”  


“Oh is my little hubby shy?” Tiffany said. 


“Very, wifey,” he said with a wink. 


Soon they were running down the halls to their room. Their System enhanced bodies closed the distance quickly. When they were outside the door Tiffany extended her arms up toward him. He picked her up in another princess carry. 


“How high do you want the Pheromones?” He asked as he undid his pants. 


“50, any more than that and I might die from dehydration,” she said with a laugh as she slipped out of her sailor skirt. “I have a multiplier that comes into effect if I cum a certain amount of times before my partner does. If you can beat the high score I might consider an encore with you.”


“Oh. I’m honored. Don’t worry about it. I think I can get you the new person multiplier anyway,” he said. She apparently wasn’t paying attention to his words. Getting off the bed she moved to his tan body. Her fingers ran up and down his muscled chest. 


“Fuck me,” she whispered. He was about to say ok when she added, “I can make these bigger.” What size do you like?” She pointed to her breasts. Currently they were A or B-cup. 


“I’m a fan of Ds,” he admitted. Then her breasts began to balloon. The sailor top soon struggled to contain them. She slowly undid the bow at the front. Her eyes locked on his, his own were locked on her chest as she opened it to reveal two perfectly round breasts. “Those are the most perfect tits I’ve ever seen,” he marveled, and they were. They were high and perky without a bra. Rounded almost all the way. Her nipples were tiny and only a little darker than her normal skin. 


“I can make this bigger or smaller if you want,” he offered in a daze as he pointed to his crotch. Her tits were mesmerizing. 


“How big are you normally?”


“Almost 9 inches,” he said robotically. Still just watching her breasts raise and lower with her intake of breath. 


“Fuck that. Make it 6 for now. I’ll tell you when to grow it. Now remember the rules. Try to make me cum as much as possible.” 


“I can do that,” he growled. Then he lunged at her. 


“Safe word is System,” she said quickly. Asher stopped then nodded as he began his work. 


Relationship Screen (LVL 6)





Prefered Phallic Size

Erogenous Zone

Daphne Krollic

Level 2

Las Vegas, NV.

Younger Guys



Zora Mlakar

Level 6

Atlantic, IA




Tiffany Tyler

Level 1

Thousand Oaks, CA






With a quick look at his relationship screen he made a plan for their acts. First he raised his pheromones to 50. Then he threw her on the bed. Jumping on top of her he held her hands down. “You cum only when I say you can,” he ordered. She nodded her head quickly. Arching her back to touch his chest she breathed heavily. He lined up his dick with her pussy already feeling an orgasm building in himself. 


“If I don’t tell you to cum. You ask permission.” She moaned a reply. With that he drew his dick away. Causing her to bite her lip. Still holding her hands Asher moved down her chest. Licking every inch of her perfect breasts he would get his fill of playing with them later. 


When his lips made it to her pussy she squeaked, “sir?” 


“You can cum,” he said confidently as he began to lick her sopping wet pussy. She began to scream as her pussy juices shot all over his mouth. The taste was like stale bubblegum. Sweet and perfect he continued to lick and tongue everywhere. Nothing else existed to him for now. His Ahegao skill was in full form as she squeaked and writhed. She didn’t squirt every time, but he enjoyed the taste when she did. When she had convulsed and begged 5 more times he dropped his pheromones down to 40. He was afraid she really would become dehydrated. 


“Beg me for it,” he ordered her. 


“Stick your giant dick in my pussy please.” She said. Her voice was so timid he didn’t know she had a side like this. This was his first submission play. Asher had watched a few videos and thought it was awkward. There was something natural about doing this sort of thing with Tiffany, he could feel it. 


“Please what?” He asked in her ear. His chest on hers she shuddered under his strength. 


“Please sir. Ah.” She yelped as he entered. Her pussy like a water slide he went in smoothly. Afraid he might be too small he was caught off guard when he stopped moving half way in. 


He pushed hard into her but he could barely move further. Asher looked into her eyes. She had a mischievous glare. He now knew this was just her own kegel strength. “You need to be punished,” he said. She nodded frantically. And with that he thrust in with all his weight and strength. When he filled her up she shook in another orgasm. 


He began fucking her relentlessly. He wasn’t sure how many times he stopped himself from cumming. His only concern was making her cum as many times as possible. It was at this time she started the dirty talk. 


Her voice squeaked and cracked as she begged him. “Oh bigger. Please sir. I need it. All the way. I can’t believe it. Bigger. More. Yes. Perfect. It’s all the way. Please make me cum. I need it. I’m cuummming.”  She had forgotten about asking permission a while ago. 


“Why-are-you-still-fucking-me,” she said each word between a thrust as she came. “Ah I’m cummming again. Give me a sec I gotta-gotta drop Nerve Control. Please sit-slow down. Ah please please please more. Right there. Oh fuck. I’m gonna squirt again,” her voice cracked as she screamed into his ear. Her whole body shook. She wrapped her legs around him. And for once he lost the battle. Despite the ability to, he didn’t have the will to stop from cumming inside her. His massive dick hilting inside of her his groan of pleasure caused hers to extend. Her squirt became a waterfall as it splashed on his abs. At this point her tongue hung out of her mouth. If her eyes weren’t closed shut he was sure they would have been crossed. 



Soon after their first session they ordered room service and lots of bottles of water. When they showered they did anal for the first time. She had done it with toys before but never the real thing. He of course made himself much smaller.


After that she made her breasts DD. Making his dick massive it was like some fantasy scene as Tiffany squeezed her breasts together and licked the head of his dick. Then he began to fuck her tits and mouth until he came on her face. Her breasts were a major erogenous zone for her, but he wasn’t able to make her cum from the fucking. At that point he remembered their bet. She refused to tell him if he got the high score on making her cum. In retaliation he raised his pheromones to 100 and held her arms down with his hands and her legs down with his feet. 


She was able to hold out for 5 minutes before she began to squirm and beg him to let her cum. When she still refused to answer he dangled his dick right above her vagina. She held out for another 30 seconds like that until she admitted she had never cum so much or so hard. When he plunged his dick back inside her her arms and legs shook until she somehow squirted harder than before. 


Her body was shaking like a vibrator. He was afraid she was having a seizure. Then she passed out. Checking her pulse he slowly exited her. Looking around the room he felt a little bad. Somehow Tiffany had squirted on the TV even though it was 3’ from the bed. 


“I swear to only use this power for good,” he said aloud as he dropped pheromones back down to 40. Looking at Tiffany’s naked body her eyes fluttered. With a smile he plunged back inside her. Humping her to wakefulness. When she opened her eyes fully she began to kiss him fully. This was a great way to grind XP. 


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