This S.O.B. System


Asher woke up the following Saturday ready for the day. He hadn’t been able to talk to Tiffany since their hotel fun. She had refused to give him her number, despite his assurance they could get the New Person XP. How she acted during their fun Asher wasn’t too worried. He didn’t think she could stay away for long. He hoped she wouldn’t anyway. That night had been too much fun. Whenever he had spare time to think, he thought of her. 


He still talked to Zora about everyday items. Most everything was through texts. He was able to send her a video while he played the piano with Mia filming. He had been stupid about it though, and of course she went through his phone. She had trouble looking him in the eyes after that. His talks with Zora were innocent enough, but obvious flirting. 


His texts with Daphne were anything but vanilla. Since their sexcapades last Saturday she had been much more willing to sext and send pics. The only porn that allowed him to not feel guilty, he had jerked off more than once to them. She was disappointed he was busy that weekend, but he would make it up to her. 


After Mia had eventually given his phone back he had to have a conversation with Wendy and her. He wasn’t looking for anything serious. Asher liked to flirt and liked both of them, and if they didn’t want to take it further than that, he would understand. They had both cooled a little towards him after that. Wendy and he still hung out, but they didn’t go on anymore dates. Mia still flirted with him, but he could tell that she was disappointed. 


All in all he was happy. There weren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done, so he was busy. His XP was now about a third into level 7, so he hoped in a few weeks he would level up again. 


At the crack of dawn Asher grabbed his pack and headed out the door. He had told his parents he would be gone for the day, and most likely wouldn’t be back till later Sunday. They had asked questions of course, and thankfully he had lied well enough to get permission. Ash had told them he joined an adventuring club that liked to camp and hike. He was able to play on their sense of duty to let him do what he wanted. He would be 18 in a few weeks, and it was time to set some boundaries. 


They still hoped he would go to Seminary school, and become a pastor like his father. Asher  hadn’t applied to any colleges though. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Originally he was going to get a job in construction. Take a year off to recharge. With the System and group network set up around the country he began to lean more toward traveling. He could find other System groups. Maybe there were some out there who had people that were open about their sex Systems. Maybe if this dungeon thing panned out he would do more of them. 


Once he was able to push all other thoughts away he focused on the task at hand. Parking his car at the nature reserve he reviewed his status. 



Asher Whitmore





Quinten Hardly







STD Immunity










Genitalia Control





Prop Manifestation





Relationship Screen













Slovene Language






LVL 10


















LVL 10





















Custom Stats:


Dick Length

8.85 Inches


Dick Diameter

1.85 Inches









Everything appeared to be in order. Once that was done he emptied his spatial ring. A light shown on his passenger seat and then it all appeared. A tent, his sleeping bag, water bottles, some jerky and random dried food. His spectacular potion, that scroll he bought on a whim. It was all there. With a thought they turned bright and disappeared back into the gold spatial ring. Because of the light from the inventory items leaving/exiting he wasn’t able to use the ring much during school, but it was still cool to have. It would be hard to explain in class if suddenly a bright light appeared and his backpack dropped from the air.


Ready to go he locked his truck, stowed his keys in his ring and headed West. Once the trail was found he walked slowly in the fog. Still dark out he chided himself for not grabbing flashlights. 


“Are you sure?” a voice said in the gloom. 


“I’m sure,” a familiar voice said somewhere in front of him. 


“Ho there,” Asher said aloud. As he drew closer he was able to make out 4 dark silhouettes ahead. “Sorry, took longer to get here with the fog. 


“It’s ok, we were early,” Joan said. Once he was a few feet away he looked them up and down. They looked like LARPers. Live action roleplaying had been an activity Asher had considered, but never had the courage to try. Joan Davis was the nerdy girl that had invited him. She was about 5’-4” with shoulder length hair that was braided. She was very skinny normally, but that was hidden by the black robe she was wearing. Her tall staff stood out as she adjusted her glasses. It was perfect Hogwarts cosplay.


“Asher, this is George Silas, our healer,” Joan said. He was a tall man with bright red hair that was almost orange. Freckles on his face, Asher mentally referred to him as the Weasley of the group. He wore some leather armor over jeans and a T-Shirt. His gear appeared patched together from spare pieces. 


“Timmy Rider,” she continued to the short man next to her. He was a little huskier with acne. Young too, Asher wondered if maybe he wasn’t the baby of the group. He had 2 long knives at his sides, and a hood on. “He is our Rogue.”


“Last but not least this is McKenzie Ellis. Our other mage,” Joan finished. She was tall, but husky. Asher guessed she was actually muscular, despite being called a mage. Her large breasts hidden behind her black robe. She had lighter colored hair, and gave him a sympathetic smile. 


“Well I am Asher Whitmore,” he said with a bow. “The great actor,” he said haughtily. Joan gave him a slight nod letting him know she hadn’t spilled the beans. “So if you don’t mind could you tell me what this is all about, and maybe your abilities? I play plenty of RPGs, so I’m sure it will be a very educational discussion. But my power just awoke a few weeks ago. It's all new to me.”


“Sure,” Joan said. A light appeared behind her and a chair followed. Soon enough a chair appeared by the other 3 in the group. Cursing, Asher hadn’t thought of a chair. When she saw his lack of somewhere to sit another light appeared revealing another chair. Joan indicated he could borrow it.


“I’m forever in your debt,” he said sitting down. 


“First off, our group name is Hawk. Our lead, Evan Miller, brought us together about 2 years ago. We have been able to find dungeons now and then, maybe one every 6 months. Most of the time we just trained our abilities. Besides our healer, most XP we can get is through quests and killing monsters.”


“Now when you say monsters you mean…” he asked hoping for clarification. 


“We mean monsters,” Timmy said. “We have fought against tiny drakes. Large lizards. We have heard of gnolls, goblins, giant birds. Pretty much anything fantasy related.” Asher got the impression that he was the super nerd of the group. He talked very matter of factly. 


“One of the profession System people in the group ran into this dungeon by accident. We paid them 40 Syscos, and since then it has been our dungeon. Weekly we go in, kill monsters, but we have a quest that requires the help of locals.”


“How did you get this quest?” Asher interrupted. 


“When you enter the dungeon it usually gives you one,” McKenzie the mage answered. 


“Sorry, go on.” 


“We made contact with the locals. Told them of our quest, and they refused to tell us where the quest wanted us to go,” Joan finished. 


“We tried 3 different times, but the leader refused to meet us again. Since then we have focused on the low level wildlife around the dungeon entrance.”


“Interesting, and you expect me to...” 


“Talk them into telling us where the quest wants us to go. They said we were too inexperienced, even if the quest is our level,” George said. 


“Sounds good. I think I have an idea of what may help. You just need someone experienced in your group, that shouldn’t be too hard.” By his calm reaction it appeared to make them relax as well. “With my plan though, I really need to know your skills. Not in depth. General idea is fine. I assume you use the same terms? DPS for damage dealers, heals, tank.” 


“Yep. So I’m the healer. I can do a long term buff, short term buff, and heals. I need to be within about 15 feet to be helpful, but the closer you are, the more mana efficient the heals are,” George said. 


“I can disappear in shadows. I use daggers so I need to be close. Most of my skills speed up my attacks and movement,” Timmy the rogue informed. 


“I control gravity specifically. They can slow our opponents, or immobilize them. If you get caught in the fields it will slow you down too,” McKenzie said. 


“So why are you considered a mage?” He asked. 


“Some mages, when their System awakens, are able to pick a field to focus on. I was given 2 choices and I picked gravity. I’ve heard of others who were automatically assigned it, so apparently I had an affinity to 2 types.”

“I am a Gamer,” Joan said after a long silence. “So far my System is the most common. There are 2 other Gamers in our System Group that Wayne runs. This is most likely because people enjoy games so much. My system is the only one that can make groups. So every group has a gamer no matter what. I also have my own inventory. I am able to control mana better than most, allowing me to customize it if I want. I consider myself more of an arcane mage. I can make items out of mana, and attacks. I do a mana arrow and mana shackle technique.” 


“Those are all pretty damn awesome,” Asher admitted. “I’m fucking jealous,” he said. The 4 others were surprised by his words. Stammers of thanks and compliments followed, but he had to admit he envied their luck. “I am an Actor. I have an ability to make up a role and play it. The problem is I get very very immersed in the role. And from the way it sounds, you need someone with more experience than you all? Ok then. I know this is going to be a little weird at first, but trust me, it's for the best.” 



Quinten stepped up to the black portal. If he hadn’t done this so many times he would have thought it was a black hole in the rock. “Let’s do this people,” he ordered as he stepped through confidently. 


Once he was on the other side, he was met with a bright blue sky. The air was almost hot in the noon day sun. Grassland surrounded him on all sides. Nothing in sight but green grass and hills he tensed up ready for anything. Soon his 4 partners came through behind him. 


“Timmy, I want you scouting ahead. Keep about 20 feet between us and you. Then I’ll follow. George directly behind me, McKenzie on one side, and Joan on his other. Healer is the lifeblood of this group. Timmy keep us apprised of anything out of the norm. We do this smart, quick and clean. No breaks until we are out of the tall grass.” He barked the orders as he checked his gear. Making sure the borrowed leather was strapped on tight, he pulled out the one-handed sword and shield from his sides. 


When no one moved he looked the 4 of them over. “Move it people,” he barked. With that they jumped into action. He stepped forward confidently setting the pace. With long strides the others soon had to run to catch up. Timmy’s silhouette darkened in the bright light and disappeared ahead. They had been doing this a long time, they knew their jobs. 


“He wasn’t joking,” McKenzie said behind him.


“Right?” George said. 

Quinten looked back to them confused, but turned back around when he heard Timmy. “A few rabbits ahead.”


“Perfect. I get their attention. Timmy you attack from the back when they are good and aggroed. Girls attack with what you can. Kenzie CC any that break from formation,” He ordered. They were soon cresting the hill and looking down on the group of 3 horned rabbits. They were as big as a dog with a small 3 inch long horn on top. With gray fur and bushy tail they looked cute. 


Quinten did his Grug roar to get their attention. The 3 bunnies hopped at him. His shield up, he blocked them one by one. Pushing them back he hacked and slashed. When the center one was about to pounce Timmy appeared behind it stabbing it in the spine. The rabbit on the right floated up in the air a foot. Unable to move, it was pierced by 3 bright blue arrows. Quin killed the last with a stab downward. 


They were only level 4, but it still felt exhilarating. Ignoring the experience notifications he scanned for more enemies. Joan walked up to the dead rabbits. Once she touched them they turned into a bright light then disappeared. “Inventory,” she said with a smile. 


Their leader nodded as he announced, “No damage? Good, let's keep going.” 


They ran into 3 more groups of bunnies. They ranged from groups of 2-4. They all disappeared into Joan’s inventory once dead. Whatever her abilities were, he wished he had them. His own ring couldn’t hold near as much. They would be able to sell the carcasses back in group to profession classes for a few Syscos. 


When they stepped out of the grasslands they were met with a large forest. The trees were a couple of hundred feet tall. Like white oaks on steroids they towered over them. “Ok, same formation. Timmy keep only 10 paces in front of us max. I can’t remember, what kind of monsters will be found here?” 


“Umm, couple of goblins and some wolves. We heard a bear once, but didn’t see it,” Joan said. 


“Right, well is everyone good or do you need a break?” After no answer he said, “Break it is. 10 minutes, then we are out of here.” 


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