This S.O.B. System


Tiffany woke up smothered in breasts. One of her favorite ways to wake up. Small ones were in her face this morning. Unconsciously she began nibbling on Zora’s nipple. Her shorter wife whimpered as she did. A blue arm draped around her Tiff threw it off. Not quiet with her departure she passed out kisses to the girls as she rolled over them. 


They let out groans as she moved, but none got up. Asher was missing for once, so she didn’t see any reason to stay. The bed was very large and people laid all around it. Cuddled up to one another there were obvious mini-couples in their group. Lyola and Tillie of course. Their bellies touched as they held one another. Genevieve and Nsabita too had a special connection. The green and red headed girls made a Christmas color couple that was extra cute. Joon had latched onto Eliffy pretty quickly, and of course Tiff considered Zora her wife. 


She really did love all of them in their own special way. They each had their quirks and Systems that made them special. Somehow Asher tied them all together. A focal point for their lust. He accepted all without question. 


Tiff whistled lowly, but Lulu didn’t pop out of the pile. With a frown she walked out to find the shoggoth in Asher’s lap. In her human form she sucked his dick expertly. Tiff walked over and sat next to him as Lulu mashed her face on his groin. 


“Morning,” Tiff said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He grabbed her head and began making out with her. Their tongues fighting he grabbed the shoggoth’s hair and forced her down as he came hard. His body shook as Lulu gulped everything up. “You sure you don’t want to bind her?” Tiff asked. 


Asher let out a sigh pulling Lulu off his long dick. “I would feel better if you did,” he said. “I don’t know if I have Soul Mana. But I have heard that Hunter Systems share their skills with monsters. It would be cool if you got something.” 


“Oh, like what?” Tiff asked. Her eyes sparkled as she kissed him. 


“Never mind. You don’t need any new skills, you’re perfect,” he said. Tiff grabbed his dick and began jerking him up and down but he stopped her. “Lulu already distracted me,” Asher said. “I’m trying to work on a new skill.”


Tiff would have been upset if she too wasn’t a little sore. They had gone hard the night before, and after the massages everyone took a nice long nap. “Whatcha working on?” She asked resting her head on his shoulder. 


“I’m working on my Coupling mana and Full Body Control. As you know Full Body Control lets me do exactly that, but it uses Sex Mana. I think there has to be a way to mix Physical in so I can make another body,” he said. “Also I have this skill called Revenge. It lets me accumulate damage, then use it on someone. It uses pure Physical. What do you think would happen if I used Sex Mana with it?” 


Tiff’s eyes widened. “Everytime you came, someone else would?” She asked. 


“That’s my thought,” Asher said. 


“I love it, but I want to name this one,” Tiff said with a smile. She began to think. “Revenge Porn? No, too dark. O for an O? Not quite right. I’m thinking Revengasm.” 


“I like it,” he said. Tiff took her congratulatory kiss. “What about you? Close on the Soul Bind? I’ve noticed you using Soul Mana.” 


“I have, or I think I am. I don’t know. Needed this weekend break. I think I’m ready to go back at it,” Tiff admitted. It had been hard to focus and try to learn a new mana, but a part of her liked trying new stuff. “I may have got distracted working with the Synergy Stone and Quanen. I really wanna mix Mind and Sex Mana. I think it will make something cool.” 


Mind and Sex were her highest affinities, and her favorite skills. Tiff loved just listening to people’s thoughts. Or using telekinesis to move stuff around. But at the same time she loved her Sex mana. All of the girls passed out inside their room had needed breaks, but Tiff could keep going. She loved being able to gain experience with her favorite past time. 


“You know it will be a problem since Mind and Sex are so far apart in the Spectrum,” Asher said.


“I know, I heard Quanen’s explanation on Styx. The mana wasn’t strong for attacking, but they were still able to bring the dead back to life. That’s what it was made to do. The mana wasn’t for attacking. If you use the mana how you’re supposed to, then it’s great for that application. If I can use Mind and Sex at the same time, it wouldn’t be for attacking, so who cares if its weak?” 


She turned back to him, he had a surprised look in his eyes. He smiled widely. “Damn you’re smart. This is why you’re in charge,” Asher said. “How’d I get so lucky to have you?” 


“First of all, my the smartest,” Tiff said. “Second of all, you got enough bad shit going on, I’m here to balance it out.” 

Asher came in for a hug. His large muscles bulged making her wet. “Then bring on more bad shit. Cus you make it all worth it.” 


Tiff’s heart melted as he said it. She could feel the truth in his words. But of course she had to ruin it. “You’re so gay for me,” Tiff said. She regretted the words, but he chuckled. 


“The gayest,” he said. Tiff let herself relax. 


Tiffany wasn’t sure why she wasn’t the best at saying how she felt. Her body and actions were how Tiff expressed love, not words. A part of her wanted to blame a neglectful mother, but Tiff was coming to terms with maybe that was how she was.


“Now, Mrs. Whitmore,” Asher said. Her heart skipped at the reminder that they were married. “I think you’re right on the Mind and Sex Mana. Let’s just focus on one thing at a time though. You ready to focus on the Soul Link?” 


“Yes, Professor Whitmore,” Tiff said with a salute. They soon simply sat next to one another. Lulu relaxed on Tiff’s head. She brought out the Soul Bind Skill Book and began to read. Asher quietly meditated as Sex and Physical mana swirled around him. Tiff couldn’t help but feel like an old married couple. Both trying to enjoy some quiet on a Sunday morning before the kids woke up. 


Her back against his body Tiff rested her head and read through the book again. It wasn’t overly long. As she cycled mana through her body her Intelligence and Wisdom stats became useful. Reading word for word she went through it page by page. 


At the beginning the book was a synopsis of Soul Mana that basically said everything living has a soul. Almost like an unconscious mind that was left dormant until death. Only through training could you manipulate it with mana. 

After the explanation was the walkthrough on how to awaken Soul Mana. It dealt with a lot of meditating and using your own personal mana on the book. The Skill book could sense soul mana and acted as a guide to turn your current mana into Soul. She had tried Sex Mana at first of course, but it wasn’t working well. Luckily Mind and Soul were close on the spectrum. When she began to use that the skill book became a lot easier to understand. 

Using Soul mana on it the words became clearer as the book guided her to Soul. A very light purple color Tiff brought it out into the book and it skipped many pages ahead. There was a mantra of sorts inside that acted like a spell to awaken it. Now that she had finished most everything the book took her to the last section which was the skill itself. 


Soul Link allowed her to do just that, link with the soul of a monster. There were rare instances of people linking souls with other people, but that caused a lot of issues. When they were too similar if one person died then the other would soon after. Monsters had weaker souls, and worse comes to worse you can break the link. 


As Tiff read through this section again she channeled her Soul Mana. Not using any, just an aura that covered her and Lulu. Since her affinity with it wasn’t the best her MP did drop slightly. Focused on the words she thought a section was missing. There was so much give of your own soul to the monster, but nothing about taking any back from the monster. 


As if the thought was a sign the book turned to a page Tiff had missed. It talked about controlling a monster’s soul, and doing just that. Pulling it back into you. But not a simple string of soul mana. She had to be sure to braid it. Tiff twisted the Soul Mana in her hand into the braid and the book turned to yet another page. This one talked about severing the connection of a Soul Bind. 


Unbraiding it was possible soon after the link was made. But eventually they would become too intertwined. To really sever your connection you would have to cut the braid off. Hurting your soul and the monster’s soul in the process the Soul Link was a double edged sword. The soul of course could be fixed over time, but it left you despondent until fixed. Tiffany felt something click inside of her. 



On learning the skill Soul Link (LVL 1)



Tiffany Whitmore







STD Immunity

LVL 21




Fertility Control

LVL 25




Muscle Control

LVL 24




Body Control

LVL 25


Crusader (5)


Nerve Control

LVL 27




Lust Aura

LVL 24





LVL 25



LVL 18




Mana Sight

LVL 16





LVL 22



LVL 33




Wind Slash

LVL 26


Erogenous Zone

LVL 14



16+ 13+

Emotion Control

LVL 13





LVL 18





LVL 12




Sharing Is Caring

LVL 10



16+ 13+











Soul Link





Custom Stats:






Tiffany had quite a few changes over the last few months. All of her skills had raised in levels of course. She had an Ignorance skill from her System that actually made people ignore her. That came from her level up at 51. They hadn’t used it much, but she was getting more confident. The true goal was to of course have sex in a crowded place and no one notice. Her Caligula skill was level 8. That was how she got the +16 to Strength and Wisdom. The +13 came from Asher’s Empower skill. As long as they had sex all of his girls would get 2 stats buffed for 12 hours. She brought up her new skill. 


Soul Link (Level 1)

Some people like to bring their pets along for the ride. This skill allows you to do just that. Link you and your monster pal so that you can take cat selfies on other planets.


“What the fuck,” she said reading it. 


“What?” Asher asked. 


“I finally got the Soul Link skill,” she said. “But the description is shit. Doesn’t tell you any of the warnings on if you pick a weak pet or anything.” 


Asher rolled his eyes. “Son of a bitch System is always making things harder for everyone. But congrats babe. You gonna do it?” 

Tiffany picked up the ball of tentacles in her hand. She brought it down to eye level. “What do you say Lulu? Wanna link?” Tiff used Mind Mana to help convey her thoughts. Apparently the monster understood as it began wiggling more. Slowly it grew. Tiff let it go on her lap and she soon had a very short but buxom girl on her. 


Lulu nodded happily. Her mouth opened then shut. “She says yes,” Asher said. 


“How the hell do you understand her?” Tiff asked. “I literally heard nothing.” 


“Hero skill I’m sure,” he said. “Want to do this now or later? Or not at all?”


Tiff thought about it long and hard. Her hand on Lulu’s back she ran her fingers along the pale milky skin. She would be linked to her for life. Yes, she could remove the link right away if it got too hard, but like with marriage, she wanted her links to be for eternity.  


“What do you say?” Tiff asked. “Wanna be my partner?” Lulu nodded more fervently her large chest pushed into Tiff as she hugged her. It was hard to say no to that. Tiff pulled out the incense the wolfkin gave her at the Monster Pet Shop. “Now or never,” she said. 


Asher nodded and got up. “What do you need from me?” He asked. 

“I need you to wear this,” she said, pulling out one of her many maid uniforms. Asher’s eyes bulged. 


“Seriously?” Asher asked, he knew she was joking. 


“I don’t make the rules. It was in the book,” she said. Hiding her smile she let it loose as he took the uniform. 


“Only because you do it for me,” he said. “Should I wake the others?” 


“No, too much pressure,” she said. Asher put the maid uniform in his ring then willed the clothes on. The black uniform was tight on his top, but the frilly skirt bottom ended above his dickhead. She did not try to hold back her laughter. A great belly laugh filled the room. Asher blushed and the outfit was gone. 


“Awww,” she said, but didn’t fight it. She would share the image with the girls later through telepathy. Wiping a tear from her eye she was a little less scared. Pulling a lighter from her ring she lit the incense and set it on the table near her and Lulu. They sat down on their knees in front of it. “You shouldn't have to do anything Lulu. Just let it happen.” 


Tiff let the oaky scent of the incense fill her lungs. It surrounded them as it slowly filled the air. When she felt a little more confident Tiff used the skill. The recipe worked automatically now that she had learned it. She watched as Soul Mana exited her and entered Lulu. The shoggoth stared at Tiff expectantly. For a time nothing happened, then the Soul Mana pulled a slightly different colored mana from Lulu. They were both Soul mana, but she had read that monster and human souls were different.  


The Soul Mana twisted together, then pulled tight. And as one the 2 distinct manas disappeared. Tiff thought something had gone wrong, but then she got a notification. 



On successfully binding the Shoggoth 'Lulu'


Due to your compatibility with the Shoggoth the following Skills have been granted.


Skill Upgrade

The following skills have been combined and upgraded to Full Body Control (LVL 25)

New Skill:

Fertility Control

Muscle Control

Body Control


Elasticity Level Up

12 -----> 25


New Skill Acquired

Due to your Shoggoth's current skill you have learned it through your Soul Link.

New Skill:

Ecstasy (LVL 1)


Soul Link Level Up

1 -----> 2


“Fucking amazing,” Tiff said as she brought up her screen. 



Tiffany Tyler







STD Immunity

LVL 21




Full Body Control

LVL 25




Nerve Control

LVL 27




Lust Aura

LVL 24


Crusader (5)



LVL 25





LVL 18




Mana Sight

LVL 16





LVL 22



LVL 33




Wind Slash

LVL 26




Erogenous Zone

LVL 14


Emotion Control

LVL 13





LVL 18



LVL 25



16+ 13+

Sharing Is Caring

LVL 10














Soul Link




16+ 13+












Custom Stats:






Tiff noticed that she had a new familiar tab. Also Fertility was added to her Custom Stats like Asher’s. Her Full Body Control was at 25, so she should be able to do everything Asher could. Which supposedly was anything. Nerve Control was still separate so that meant he really couldn’t control nerves, or maybe he could, but couldn’t control other people’s nerves like Tiff. The very intriguing thing was this implied Lulu already had Full Body Control. So her tentacles were something she made with the skill. Tiffany brought up the skills. 



Your Fertility Control, Muscle Control, and Body Control have evolved into Full Body Control.


Ecstasy (LVL 1)

Charge your body with Sex Mana. Allowing all you touch to feel ecstasy.


She wasn’t too surprised at the lack of information from Full Body Control. Ecstasy sounded a lot like how she used Nerve Control. Tiffany would have to test it to find out. 


“What did you get?” Asher asked. Tiff felt a rising in her chest with his voice. Her body quivered as she turned over to him. He was naked, her eyes went to his dick. Before she could stop herself she dove at him. 




Asher watched as Tiffany and Lulu dove at his dick. Tiffany got their first and sucked him down expertly as Lulu began to whine. His dick hardening instantly it hit Tiff in her favorite spot. She moved her head back and forth swallowing him all easily. It only took her a few short thrusts for her to cum from hitting her Ero Zone. Saliva poured out of her as she locked eyes with him. Lulu whined louder. 


Tiff let herself off so the shoggoth could have a turn. Asher gasped as her many tongues twirled around him. “What’s happening?” He groaned. 


The girls increased their fervor to get at his dick. Tiff pulled Lulu back by the hair. Just enough so she could move her head to his base. Her long tongue licked his balls. They were in some sort of a frenzy. Asher let it happen as the 2 mouths hungrily ate at him. His head rocking back he closed his eyes as the tongues and lips covered every inch of him. He began to cum hard. 


Holding both of their heads down onto his crotch his balls pulled up into him as Tiff sucked and licked both. Lulu never moved her head as her tongues did all the work. Asher came harder as he felt the best blowjob yet. The girls sucked wherever they could reach. When Asher filled up Lulu she let out a sigh but Tiff was on him again. 


Opening her mouth he noticed her tongue was coated in mana, then it split into 2 smaller pink tongues. “What the hell,” he tried to say, but she was slamming herself down. She never took his dick down so smoothly. Her lips on his base he felt the 2 tongues begin to run along the base of his dick from side to side. He groaned as Lulu whined again. 


Asher picked her up and began fingering her. His fingers casting Casanova she began to scream as Tiff continued her blowjob. Every few thrusts she would cum, but never stopped. Only coming up for air she mainly hit her Ero Zone. Asher groaned as Lulu began to shake in her own orgasm. 


“What’s happening?” Zora asked stepping out of the room. 


“Don’t-know,” Asher said. “Tiff-Soul-Bound-Her.” He struggled to get the words out. Tiff never stopped sucking him. Asher began to cum again. They were both using sex mana all over their bodies. Tiffany sucked him hard as his cum hitting her throat caused another orgasm in her body. She shook and her eyes crossed. Asher groaned trying to not get turned on by the view. When he finished cumming Tiff came up for air. Lulu pulled his arms away and began sucking him off again. 


“They just attacked me after,” Asher got out quick as Lulu’s tongues did wonders. Zora’s eyes widened and she went back into the room. She soon came out with Joon. Sleepily wiping her eyes she woke up quickly as she stared. 


“Shit, I know what this is,” Joon said. She went back in the room. It took a while but eventually all the girls came out. Asher was fingering Tiff to keep her from attacking Lulu. She kissed his neck and chest as he held her up and made her cum over and over. 


“Is this…” Eliffy asked. 


“I think so,” Joon said. “They have Soul Symmetry.” 


Asher tore his lips from Tiffany’s. Desperate he was about to cast Tantric, but she started cumming again. “What’s that?” He asked. Lulu redoubled her efforts on his dick. Now going all the way up she slammed down hard and fast. Her tongues swirled around the shaft expertly as she took it all. Asher began cumming again. Lulu never stopped going from tip to base. 


“Sometimes when a monster and human’s souls are similar, or their mana affinities are, which I assume is the case here, there is Symmetry,” Joon said. “If they had been Fire affinities they could have lost control of their mana and burned the place down. I guess we are lucky it is sex.” 


Tiffany pushed off of him. Asher pulled out of Lulu and Tiff took her place again. Now there were 3 tiny tongues in his wife’s mouth. “Will they snap out of it?” Asher asked, scared and mildly turned on that she could be this way forever. 


“Of course, but it will take a lot,” Joon said. “We are all going to have to work together.” 


“Fuck,” Asher said. “Would Tantric work?” 


“Maybe,” Joon said. “But they could just wake up and be just as hungry. Let’s just get it over with.” Still naked Joon stretched her arms like she was heading into a fight. She grabbed Lulu by the air and looked down on her. The shoggoth stared in her eyes and slowly a smile split her lips. A tentacle formed and began to move up her arm then Joon’s leg. It entered Joon slowly and his fiance gasped. The shoggoth stood up forming more tentacles. More girls stepped up for the challenge. 


Asher focused on Tiff. Grabbing her hair he pulled her up. “Is this what you want?” He asked. She breathed in and out trying to catch her breath. Her mouth opened as she nodded. Asher began to form another dick. Turning her around she squealed in glee as he lined up his dicks to her holes. He slammed in hard and Tiffany came. His dick coated in Casanova he brought out his A-game. His Pheromones raised to 100%. The women gasped around him. 


Tiffany squirted but only groaned more happily as he used her like an onahole. His body growing bigger he cycled mana in his dick to make it vibrate. Tiff yelled as she came over and over. Her voice cracked with the strength of the screams. 


His hands going to her tits they ballooned out for him. They had never grown that quickly before. Massive and perfect pillows he was rough as he used her tits like handles. Jerking her body back and forth on his now large dicks her body shook in each orgasm. 


At some point he looked over to see Lulu happily using her tentacles on all the girls. Like some orgy carousel they surrounded the shoggoth as sex mana coated everything around her. Asher turned Tiff to watch. Pulling her to him her back was coated in sweat as he fucked her. 

“You did this,” Asher said. “Look what your pets doing to our women.” She nodded cumming again. Tiffany was proud of what she had done. He could feel it from her. She screamed in ecstasy as he came into her. 


“More,” she got out. “Fucking use me. I need all of it,” she managed to get out. Asher growled a loud sex bomb. The girls groaned as they shook and came hard. “More,” she said. “I want to keep cumming. I need to.” Asher felt the lust inside her growing. 


“Alright girls,” Asher said. “If you can’t handle it, our safe word today is…Eldritch.” He didn’t wait to see if they heard him. Asher moved closer and focused his 100% Pheromones on Lulu and Tiff. His cocks and hands were coated in Casanova as his dicks vibrated. Asher breathed in and out. Bringing mana to his lungs he kept increasing the strength. Using all of his willpower he made it 90% Sex Mana and 10% Physical. 


What started as a lower rumble sent shivers through their bodies. At only 10% they began to cum. Asher kept pulling mana out as his Sex Bomb filled the room. His voice growing louder their screams redoubled. Their orgasms only intensified as more mana filled the room. The tentacles stopped moving as Lulu shook in pleasure. Tits swung, bodies shook, hair jostled, and the floor became coated in their ejaculate as he only finished half of the skill. 


As he continued Lyola and Tillie fell first. They caught themselves and moved to their backs as the orgasm continued to grow. Their eyes moving to the back of their heads their bodies shuddered. Gen and Nsabita fell next. Then Zora and Joon. At last it was only Eliffy standing as she grabbed her tits and smiled widely. Her eyes closed, she felt the orgasm from her toes to her head. As Asher’s roar reached it’s peak her legs gave out. 


Lulu and Tiff were soon the only ones conscious. As his roar faded they continued to shake and moan. Tiff’s head hung low but he could tell she was awake as her pussy gripped him hard. When Asher caught his own breath he noticed Lulu start to shrink. Arms disappearing into her back she stayed in her human form as she walked between the bodies. Moving to the windows she curled up and took a nap in the fake sun. 


Hoping slightly, Asher asked, “You good now?” 


“I think so,” Tiff said. Asher began to pull her off of him. She gasped as his massive dicks exited. Cum poured out of her in a waterfall. Shrinking his body back down he set her on the floor. Tiff shook her head and pointed to the couch. Asher moved her over to the sofa and set her down. 


“Better now. Night night time,” she said and was soon asleep. Asher chuckled. Looking around, the room was a mess from the hour-long sexxion. Picking the girls up one by one he put them in their bed. Tiffany, he left on the couch and got her a blanket. “Love you hubby.”


“Love you wifey,” he said giving her a kiss. Sitting down in one of the chairs he began to meditate again. He really needed to make that second body. 

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