This S.O.B. System


“Oh and I got a new experience method,” Tiff said with a smile. “Familiar Fun. Everytime Lulu has sex with someone I get 10 XP.” She was in her same chipper attitude as she explained all the changes she went through when binding the shoggoth. Lulu now sat on her shoulder. Tiff played with the tentacles as they lazily moved around. 


“What the hell. I want one too,” Eliffy said. She pouted. “Asher, buy me one.” 


He chuckled. “Only if you take care of it, and make sure to make it cum every day,” he said. She nodded excitedly. “Honestly, I want a few like her. She’s high level. I haven’t seen Lulu fight, but I bet her stats are high.” 


“She is level 86,” Tiff said. The tentacle monster moved to her head and relaxed. “I can ID her now, and I understand her emotions a lot more.” 


“What happened to you though?” Zora asked, a little worried. 


“No idea,” Tiff said. “I heard Asher’s voice and lost it. I think it’s what Lulu feels when she’s near him. You’ve noticed how she hungers for him now and then. I’m betting it has something to do with his System.” 


“I can understand her,” Asher said. “I guess porn stars have that innate skill to understand fellow sex beasts.” 


“Well I had a blast,” Joon said. “When can we do it again?”

“Don’t,” Tiff said. “My ass and pussy still hurt. And holy hell was I dehydrated.” They had all slept for well over an hour and were now hanging out in the common area of their floor. Asher had grabbed food from the restaurant and made some calls. They happily ate the food and all drank a lot of water. 


“That was…an experience,” Lyola said. “I see now what Tiffany means about you not using all your strength. That sex bomb was..” 


“Orgasmic,” Zora said with a smile. A few laughs went around the group. 


“Yeah, I never cast one that strong before,” Asher said. “Too much?” 


“Often I think it is too much in the moment,” Lyola said. “But somehow I survive. Let’s hold off on another for now.” Zora sat on his lap, her head on his shoulder as more idle chatter went between them. 


“I made some calls,” Asher said. “I am allowed 3 of the 10 day passes a month. If you want I can get them now and you 3 could stay for the next week.” Eliffy, Lyola, and Tillie looked up expectantly. 


“Awesome,” Eliffy said. “Yes, please.” 


Tillie shared a look with Lyola and they too nodded. “I have set things up so that I can leave for longer if needed. I will call my father’s Comm and let him know not to expect us.” 

“Can we do one of Central’s dungeons?” Eliffy asked. 


“No,” Asher said. “I already asked. They only let students go. I cancelled the one we signed up for. So we will skip next weekends and start back up the following one.” Eliffy frowned. “We have a lot of levels to catch up to you my beautiful dion.”


“Works for me,” Tiff said. “I think we should plan a big roleplay for next weekend.” 


“A roleplay? Do we need money?” Asher asked. “I’d prefer not to do our medal trick so soon.” 


“Oh no,” Tiff said. “Tell me my pretty pretty husband, why are we here in the first place?” 

“A quest.” 


“What kind of quest?” She asked. 


“A red one,” Asher said. “Why?”


“What happened after our first Roleplay during a red quest?” She asked, her eyes practically dancing in glee. Asher slowly remembered. 


“Ohhhh,” he said with a wide smile. “So you want to do a little mind control play again?” Asher asked. 


“What? What are you talking about?” Zora asked slapping his shoulder. 


“Sorry my love,” Asher said. “I guess all of you should know as well. I have this skill called Roleplay. It is something my System is especially good at. After the Roleplay, if it is strong enough you can learn skills. They are random, and I think linked to your affinity somehow, but they are System granted skills. Back before our Initialization we did a Roleplay for a Red Quest and everyone involved was able to choose between 3 different skills.” 


“You’re joking,” Nsabita said. Asher shook his head. 


“I don’t know if we can trigger the Red Quest part again. I think that only happened because we needed it for the quest. Either way I have a Role Immersion skill now that lets everyone learn something. Last time I awoke a Dragon mana skill.” 


“We all learned skills,” Tillie said. “I learned Burning Palm.” She opened her hand to show Fire Mana surrounding it. “No one had ever heard of the skill before, but because we pretended to have it, and had sex, we got it.” 


“You’re fucking joking,” Nsabita said. Her eyes wide she looked around. “How are you not joking? That’s not how skills work.” 

“It is with Asher,” Tiff said. “Stick around, you’ll see some crazy stuff. I think we should plan a big production. Maybe see if they have an Immersion here on Prime.”


“This does sound fun,” Lyola said. “What will we do during the week?” 


“Our mornings are filled with classes, but afternoons are free,” Asher said. “You can come to our sex mana class. Or I could try to bribe the professors to let you sit in on classes if you want.” 


“Tempting, but I think I will stick around here,” Lyola said. “There is one important item we need to discuss, husband.” Lyola brought out a small mana board. Asher took it. The board was like an iPad as it kept scrolling down. “That is the report on Tiint,” she said. “In basic terms it’s a gold mine.” Asher wasn’t sure if she meant a gold mine or his translation skill made her say that. 


“Really?” Asher asked excitedly. 


“I haven’t told my father yet, but I assume we can trust everyone here,” Lyola said. 


“Of course,” Tiff said. “Having orgies together is how we build trust.” Asher looked around, Nsabita and Gen blushed. Tiff was probably right. He nodded to Lyola. 


“Good,” Lyola said. “The Mana Corruption was fixed. There are a total of 5 continents. It is currently at mid-Tier II. They don’t know what caused it, but now that the Mana Leylines and Branches are a few miles below the surface everything has stabilized. Where the Branches used to be, large deposits of elemental ore were found. They have only completed preliminary digging, but they estimate the deposits go all the way down to the Branches. We are talking dozens of miles worth. These are only estimates, mind you, but the planet could be worth 200,000,000 Syscos.” Asher choked as he heard the number. 


“That is not a cash it in tomorrow amount. That is a milk it for all it is worth amount, which I know you don’t want to do?” 


“How much is a planet usually worth?” Asher asked. 


“My family holds 2 planets in reserve for resources if we ever need them. Combined they are worth 50,000,000 Syscos,” Lyola said. She was very monotone as she explained it. 


“I’m guessing this isn’t good news,” Asher said. 


“If your planet had been Initialized a thousand years I would be jumping in joy. Right now we don’t have the resources to protect Tiint,” she said bluntly. “It is only about a week and a half of travel from your home planet, very close, but that brings us to our next problem. The Aartiliak Empire wants it. That planet is between you and them.” 


“What have they offered?” Asher asked. 


“They want mining rights. The ability to do whatever they want to the planet. And they will pay us 10,000,000 Syscos. We get the planet when everything is said and done.” 


“I assume they haven’t seen this report?” 


“No, but when our team arrived on Tiint they noticed that people had been there already. Not you, but a space ship. The Aartiliak may have already done their own survey,” Lyola said. 


Asher sat back and thought on it. 200,000,000 Syscos was a lot. 10,000,000 was a lot as well. Maybe it was worth it to cut and run. Try for some other planet. The report could be wrong. It could be worth half of that. Or it could be even more wrong and worth double. He wasn’t about to let the rich get richer. Earth needed that planet just in case.


“I vote we sit on it for now,” Asher said. “We will get a portal to Tiint, and start sending farmers there or something. And maybe we need to focus on getting a war ship to allow scouts to the Mana Stream.”


“I agree,” Joon said. “Last time no one really wanted our planet. But we did the same thing anyway.” 

Asher looked around and most everyone voted to keep it. They finished at Lyola. “Good,” she said. “I will have the Majoris Guild speed up on our Terraforming ship, and put a deposit down for a war ship. With the sale of the Ice Age book we are sitting at about 250,000 Syscos. This is more than enough for a war ship and at least 10 scout ships.” 


“What will we do with the Aartiliak?” Asher asked. 


“I will inform them that we are still considering our options,” Lyola said. 


“Should we be worried?”

“I looked into their past actions,” Tillie said. She was their unofficial war leader. “They have usually offered to buy a planet and if someone says no then they declare war immediately. They have won 4 of the last 5 wars.” 


“How do they win?” 


“They don’t mind spending money. The Aartiliak have a large fleet, and don’t shy away from mercenaries.” 


“Ugh,” Eliffy said. “I hate mercs.” 

“Are mercs not jobless adventurers?” Zora asked. 


“Some maybe,” she said. “But mercs look at it as a pass to do whatever they want. Then they blame it on who hired them.”


“Yes,” Tillie said. “Since the Aartilliak are in this sector they often use the Seinsterf Pirates as mercenaries.” 


“I hate those guys,” Asher said. “They’re slavers and rapists.” 


“But we don’t have to worry about them coming to Earth right?” Genevieve asked. 


“Its a gray area,” Tillie said. “Typically people fear the System’s Divine Retribution for using the Mana Streams to an Uninitialized planet. The Seinsterf don’t have a planet. But they are cautious of what could happen. With enough time they could fly from the closest Stream they can get away with and simply fly straight to your planet.” 


“That would take a long time though,” Asher said. 


“2 years minimum,” Lyola said. 


“So if the Aartiliak have been planning this since we got Tiint, we may only have a year,” Asher said. 


“It is possible,” Lyola said. 


“We have a lot of work ahead of us,” Asher said. 


“200,000,000 Syscos?” Nsabita finally said. She had her mouth open resembling a fish out of water. “And you own a planet like that?” Asher chuckled. 


“Yep, and we are making a pretty vacation home on it,” Tiff said. “It will overlook the ocean. And there’s a hot spring, and we will need a masseuse on staff, and enough rooms for everyone. But our room will be gigantic. With a huge bed, and all the sex toys possible.”


“Speaking of,” Asher said. “Any luck on the sex toy business?” Asher asked. “Nsabita, focus.” 


“What? Huh?” She asked. 


“Sex toys, any luck?” 


“I started looking into it,” she said. “A lot are made from far away planets, but there is one close to my home sector. I could get in touch with them if you’re serious about it.”


“I don’t see why not,” Asher said. “I’ll pay your debt when schools over. Get in touch with them and make a formal budget for me. How much you need to work with them. Don’t give them our ideas. We just want to source toys from them. I want them to work on some that can draw mana from ambient air to help charge the enchants.” 

“I can do that,” Nsabita said. “My dad runs a factory back home. It shouldn’t be a problem.”


“Any other business ideas we have?” Asher asked. “I know Tiint is a great opportunity, but I won’t be risking anything. You all are more important to me than a planet. If we have to cut our losses we will. That’s why I’d rather have other avenues of revenue just in case.” 

Tiff picked up her Comm as it rang. “Oh hey,” she said. “No, you can head over, we are ready whenever.”  She hung up. “That was our local Limax, remember she wanted to try the shoggoth challenge.” 


“Oh right,” Asher said. “We need to find out if she is an Aartiliak.”


“A Limax? They usually are,” Lyola said. “And if she’s here, she must be rich. Nsabita, do you have information on the students?” 


“I do,” she said. Pulling out a Mana board she pulled up the information on her. “Bezel Arcturus, joined last semester. Taking Energy and Illusion Mana. History classes. Some Spectrum Classes. Doesn’t say where she comes from though. Not uncommon. Some parents fear assassination.” 


“Damn,” Asher said. 


“I think you need to seduce her,” Tiff said.

“What? But she’s a student,” he said. 

“Oh, she wants it,” Tiff said. “And you know the high humans only care if you touch their own.” 


Asher chewed his lip. He saw her point there. “Fine, if she’s Aartiliak, maybe I should.” He looked to Lyola who nodded. Nsabita and Genevieve rolled their eyes. Heading off to a shared corner they began reading their new skill books. Zora joined them. The others split off as well. 


“Hey,” Asher said grabbing his pregnant wives. “I spoke to your father. He said he would consider moving up our marriage since all the Troops are gone. For a war-time alliance.” 

“Really?” Lyola asked. Her smile widened. “That would be wonderful.” 


“I agree,” Asher said. “Feel like we are married anyway. Then we can move up our wedding Tillie.” 


She blushed deeply as he stared at her. “You still want to marry?” She asked meekly. 


Asher realized he hadn’t officially proposed. Pulling out a Timeless Band from his ring he presented it to her. “If you want us, I’d love to,” he said. She blushed harder as she stared in his eyes. Lyola kissed her cheek. Slowly she took the ring. Her hands shaking she put it on with a wide smile. “Is that a yes?” Asher asked. “I mean you’re already having our baby.” 


Tillie nodded and kissed him. His shy elf shed a few tears as she did. Asher reciprocated the passion as the kiss got heated. When they pulled away she stared him in the eyes. He could feel her love. “I love you too,” he said in her tall ear. 


“I love you,” Lyola said to Tillie in her other ear. The 2 pregnant girls began to sob. Asher felt a little like the 3rd wheel, but kept hugging them. “Damn these hormones,” Lyola said as she pulled away. Wiping her eyes the 2 elves quickly ran into the bedroom. 

“Lyola we need you for the-” Tiff tried to say, but the door was shut. “Could that not have waited?” She asked. 

“Sorry,” Asher said. “I realized I never asked Tillie.”

“She has been thinking about it for a while now,” Tiff said. 


“Babe, you need to tell me these things,” Asher said.

“Oh, and I should tell everyone your inner thoughts?” Tiff asked. Asher hesitated. “What about that weird one where you tie us all up and use that-” Asher covered her mouth. 

“What? Use what?” Eliffy asked.


“Don’t ask,” Asher said. 


“You’d like it, Eliffy,” Tiff said. The elevator chimed and the door opened. The Limax appeared. Dark purple skin, she wore a yellow dress. Asher thought maybe she was wearing makeup. Joon, Tiff, and Eliffy eyed her up and down. The others were busy doing something else. The girl blushed. 


“Is it a bad time?” She asked meekly. 

“No,” Tiff said. “Come in. Would you like something to drink?” 


“No, thank you,” Bezel said walking up. Her eyes darted up to him but then back down to the floor. Her dark cheeks became darker. The hair tendrils began to quiver. 


“You are very beautiful,” Asher said. Putting on his best smile he walked forward. “Is that dress from Prime?” She nodded. Closer now, Asher studied her. Dark purple skin, her lips were red. The 10 tentacle extensions for her hair started near the top of her forehead and extended about 12 inches past her skull. 


He had killed a few limax in his trial. They were mostly male and much older. This girl was only about 5 feet 7 inches tall. Her skin reminded him of the alien opera singer from the 5th Element. But darker and not as fake. Now all he wanted to do was touch her and know what she felt like. 


“Sit,” Asher said. “Please. Let’s try to get more comfortable.” He directed her to a sofa. He sat at one with the other girls. He felt like they were the older couple trying to talk the babysitter into joining them in bed. Tiff barked a laugh from the thought. 


“Bezel right?” Tiff asked. “Where are you from?” 


“Cronus, the home planet of the Aartiliak Empire,” she said, happy to talk about something. 

“Wow,” Tiff said. “We come from the same sector. Did you know we were only a few weeks travel from your home planet?” 


“I did know that,” she said with a smile. “My mother is one of the higher ups on our homeworld. She noted how interesting it was to have humans in our sector. Especially a Lawful Good.” She looked at him with the words, then looked away. “I’ve been here almost a year, and haven’t been home since.” 


“Really?” Tiff asked. Asher was really starting to agree that they should seduce her. “Would you mind telling me about your homeworld? I’ve never met a limax before.” 


“Oh, of course not,” Bezel said. “We joined the League about 45,000 years ago. There were only us on the planet. And we were pretty united before, but it took us about 500 years to end the wars between our people.” 


“Is there a reason you came to Prime for your schooling?” Asher asked. 


“It’s supposed to be the best school. And the connections of course,” she said hesitantly.


“Are the high humans giving you any trouble?” Asher asked. 


“Not so much, they mostly ignore us non-high humans,” she said. “I have enjoyed your class though.” She kept eye contact that time. 

“Good,” Asher said. “Do you have any Sex Mana? Or just after the experience and resistances?” 

“I have a little,” she admitted. 

“Good for you,” Asher said. “Anything you say here, we will not repeat outside these walls, ok?” She nodded a little appreciative. Asher asked the real question he was wondering, “Bezel I thought limax’s lived a long time. I’m surprised you’re old enough to go here.” 


“Oh, I got my System at 22,” she said. “Like most limax’s.” Asher sighed. He would have felt bad if she was younger than him. 


“I have to say Bezel, I’m really proud of you,” Tiff said. “You’re the first person that has come to us. It takes a lot of courage to try something new. And you’re helping our team get closer to throwing the party.” 


“Actually I wanted to talk about that too,” Bezel said. “I um, heard some girls talking about a famous band. And that they would like to book them.” 


“That’s not a bad idea,” Tiff said. “Maybe we should hold a vote in class tomorrow. If everyone wants it, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get them set up for a specific date.” 


“I agree,” Asher said. “It would be hard to have a winner and not be able to throw a party for a while. Especially if people leave as soon as the semester is over.” Bezel appeared to have calmed down a little. Asher looked to Tiff, she read his mind. 

“Joon, Eliffy, why don’t you give us some privacy?” Tiff asked. “I think it would help Bezel relax.” 


“Ugh, fine,” Joon said. “But no extra points. She gets the first offer. If you want to do extra points for her team you have to announce them in class.” 


“Fine, fine,” Asher said. “We shouldn’t be long.” Eliffy kissed his cheek, the 2 girls headed to the mini bar and started making themselves drinks as they talked. “Sorry about that. Our wives do everything with us.” 


“You are married to a dion too?” Bezel asked. 


“Not yet, but eventually,” Asher said. “Sex Systems can be a blessing and a curse. We get experience through sex so we tend to have a lot of it. Unfortunately we catch feelings easily.” He was trying to show benefits for sleeping with them. “But fun things happen as well. For instance, today Tiffany used Soul Bind on Lulu. And because of it they required us to have sex with them as the Sex mana went a little crazy.” 


“Is that a thing?” She asked. 


“It is,” Tiff confirmed. “But it’s under control now. Since it’s just us now, we were curious what you wanted.” Tiff got up, and gave him the signal to follow. They were moved next to the limax on either side of her. She squeaked as they sat very close to her. Tiff wasn’t shy as she ran her fingers over Bezel’s head. “I love your…hair?” She asked twirling one of the small tentacles around. 

“Yes, we call it hair or tendrils,” she whispered. She practically shook in either excitement or fear, he wasn’t sure. 


“It looks great on you. Either way, I wanted you to know that I use Mind Mana. Many of the students have guards against such things, but not you. I’ll be sitting in class, and often I’ll get an image of my husband bending you over the desk and taking you from behind.” The limax shook harder. “Not only that, but you’ll be eating me out as he does it.” She whispered the last words in her small ears. “I enjoy those images,” Tiff promised. “They are the highlight to his class, besides the orgasms he gives us all anyway.” 


Bezel let out a long breath, calming herself down. She didn’t dare look at either of them. Tiff put her hand on Bezel’s knee and began to move it up her thigh slowly. “So tell me Bezel. Do you want to challenge Lulu? Or make that daydream a reality?” 


“I’ve never done anything like that,” Bezel admitted. Asher draped his arm over her shoulder and began to play with her tendrils. She shivered as he did. 


“Do you want to?” Tiff asked. “We could go slow, but you couldn’t tell anyone. It would have to be our secret.” Tiff said. “Unless you just want me. We could have all the fun you want while Asher watched. If you want him to join...”


“Can we,” she squeaked. “Go somewhere private?” 


Tiff put on a wide smile as she helped her up. They moved to one of the spare rooms. “There’s no pressure here,” Tiff said. “You can leave at any time. Remember I’m a student too. In all honesty you’re older than the both of us.”


“Really?” She asked. 


“I wouldn’t lie to you. Now, do you want to get started? But we have to hear you say what you want,” Tiff said. 


“How would you normally do this?”


“It depends on the person,” Asher said. “One person wanted to watch us and joined when they felt comfortable. You could explore us. Or we could explore you. But I would really like to know why you want this? Us? Why not one of your own?”


Her eyes went up to him as she made sense of the questions. “I can’t tell you,” she said. “But there aren’t many eligible men on my planet. I haven’t been able to be around them much. And to be honest I watched your trials like most of the girls. I mean who didn’t? It was more than eye opening. You 2 are like celebrities.”


He wasn’t sure about eligible men in the Aartiliak empire. Maybe there was something that people didn’t know. But he did believe the celebrity part.  


“Good enough for me. Drop the dress we will be exploring you,” Tiff ordered as she grabbed her arm. Pulling her to the bed she added, “if you ever want to stop you say…. Beetlejuice.”


Tiff moved in for a kiss. The limax gasped but got into the kiss. Asher moved to stand behind her. His hands moved aside the dress straps. She shivered as he kissed her shoulders. Her hands had felt rubbery but her skin felt like normal humanoid skin. 


Letting the straps move to her shoulders he let them go as they fell over her arms. Tiff pulled back from kissing her. Staring the limax in the eyes Tiff smiled as she grabbed the dress straps and pulled them down her arms. The dress fell with them revealing her firm butt. 


“You are very beautiful,” Tiff assured her. “Relax. Let us do what we are good at.” Tiff pushed her into the bed. Asher stepped out of the way and watched. They kissed, white on dark purple. The human and limax hungrily made out. Bezel was quickly getting into it. Tiff pulled her head back and began working her way down. 


Down her nape to each breast. They were B cups. The nipples were red like her lips as Tiff licked one then the other. Bezel shook as she sucked on them hard. She released them then continued downward. 


Licking along her navel she spread the long legs. “What a perfect pussy you have,” Tiff said. Asher looked over her shoulder to see. Hairless like the rest of her body the pink lips dripped. 


“It is very sexy,” Asher agreed. Moving around he leaned over Bezels body. She bit her lip staring up at him. She breathed in and out hotly. Slowly he descended and began kissing her. Moaning in his mouth she shook once more. Then Tiff began licking inside her with her long tongue. 


The girl screamed in his mouth but he sealed it as his tongue swirled around hers. She panted as her hands moved to his body. Nails digging into him he groaned as they made out. Tiff really started trying then. Her tongue going deeper the limax shook and came hard. Her scream muffled by his mouth.  


Her body shook in aftershocks for a long time as they continued to kiss. When Tiff pulled away, so did he. Bezel shook as they released her. 


Asher kissed Tiff and tasted almost a honey flavor. “I love you more everyday,” he said. 


“Good. Now fuck this girl or I’ll release my Lulu on her.” Lulu popped out of Tiffs cleavage in her tentacle form. 


“I don’t know, your team doesn’t get points if Lulu isn’t the one to take her.”


Tiff frowned. “Please professor?”


“Sorry, can’t bend the rules,” he said. 


“Fine, Bezel. Asher or the shoggoth. Which do you want?”


Bezel looked up at them. “The professor,” she said. “If you wouldn’t mind.” 


“Oh no, we prefer it,” Tiff said. “But we will have to match your fantasy.”


Asher disrobed and leaned over Bezel’s body. “Remember the safe word. And we stop at any point.” She nodded. Asher began kissing her again. Her legs lifted up trying to guide him into her. Asher pushed her waist back down. He sat up showing his large erection between her legs. 


Her wide eyes stared up at it. Asher lined him up with her pussy. Parting her lips he went as slow as possible to let her stop him. She only stared him in the eyes as he slowly entered. 


There was no maidenhead this time. He wasn’t sure if her species had one. Her wet insides tightened around him. She began to pant as he kept going until finally he was nestled fully within her. She gasped as her hands went to her breasts. 


“Oh god,” she said. Asher cast just a little Casanova and she began to cum hard. Screaming her whole body shook as her chest rocked back and forth. As he started humping into her she screamed louder. But never said the word. 


Asher was amazed by her tightness as he pounded into her harder. Then Tiff was over her face sealing her lips. The limax grabbed Tiff’s legs and began licking everywhere. Asher made out with his wife as he fucked the student for all she was worth. When he came into her hard she screamed from between Tiff’s legs. 


Tiff got off and noticed the faroff look in her eyes. “Gonna have to wait a bit to get our answers,” Tiff whispered. 


“Oh right. I forgot about that part,” Asher said. They were supposed to be doing this for answers on the Aartiliak. “I think she will be pretty truthful.”


“We will make sure of it,” Tiff agreed. 

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