This S.O.B. System


Asher woke up to a morning blowjob. Eliffy was nice enough to provide it to him. Her face mashed into his groin as she came from her throat. The dion loved every second of it. Going slow she raised up. Licked and kissed along his shaft. Sucked one ball then the other. Then was back to filling her throat as the pleasurable nerves were stimulated enough to cause her to orgasm again. 


The day before, after the Aartiliak was left in a stupor, she wandered home in a daze. They hadn’t been able to get much from her about her family, but it had been fun. Asher planned to make time for the shy girl on the weekends. Seeing her too often could raise suspicions. 


Eliffy began going from base to tip as her eyes locked with his. She sucked and twirled her tongue around his shaft. His dick twitching in her mouth she knew he was close and sped up. Then with the first spurt she slammed her face down. Cumming with him her body shuddered as her hands held onto his hips to keep herself down as he thrust up. When she was full the dion moved up his body and impaled herself. 


“Gods I missed this,” she said with a wide smile. 


“Didn’t find any fun women on your travels?” Asher asked. She shook her head, her tits swung with the motion. 


“No one worth the time. Have to pretty much beat away any guy that comes close. They still see us dions as sluts,” she said. 


“I’m sorry babe,” he said, kissing her. 


“All worth it,” she said, kissing him back. Speeding up on his dick Eliffy began to gasp as his dick grew inside her. “So worth it,” she added as her body shook. Asher sucked on one of her nipples as it got too close to his face. 


The other girls around them were still asleep, but it wouldn’t be long till they woke up. Of course he had worn them out only an hour ago. Eliffy was the highest level of them all so she needed far less sleep. They had a good half hour to themselves as they humped into one another. After he came into her two more times she simply laid on his chest while he was still inside her. 


“I love you,” she said. Her body shivering as he lightly moved his fingertips across her skin. “I didn’t think I would ever feel this happy.” 


“I’m glad. I love you too,” he said. 


“Why’s that?” She asked playfully. 

Asher thought about it for a little bit. “Have you ever randomly met someone, and before you know it you’re telling them all your secrets? Like when you talk you feel this connection to them. There is some unseen appeal to being near them. Your life was great before, but for some reason they make your life better. You find yourself smiling a different way when you see them. Your thoughts share a wavelength that others can’t understand. You can look at them and know exactly what they’re thinking.” He chewed on his lip, thinking more as he spoke. 


“When they’re away you miss them, but you’re never scared they’ll disappear forever. They feel the same way about you that you feel about them. No fear about what they are doing or who they are with, because you have full trust in them and their actions. Distance and time away are simply that. It is only a matter of opportunity before you’re back together. Whole again. Happy. Complete. Content.” Asher moved his hand to lift her chin. He noticed she had some tears in her eyes. 


“I feel that about all of you,” Asher admitted. “When I saw you that first time my heart skipped a beat. I wanted to get to know you, and since then you’ve only made me want you more.” He kissed her. She giggled as he did. 


“But,” Asher added. “Everyone here has a special part of my heart. Zora over there taught me love,” Asher said looking her way. “Tiffany made this all possible, and I know I wouldn’t be the man I am today without her. Lyola and Tillie were there for my first adventure. They stoked the fire in me to get stronger so I could see them again one day. Joon made me see the bigger picture, and despite knowing I would stumble she trusted my decisions wholeheartedly. I met Genevieve and knew I could trust her with my secrets. She has that same passion and sense of adventure we crave. And Nsabita, despite her being a sexy siren, and her refusal to accept how much she enjoys the sex. I find her a part of our lives more and more everyday.”  


“Damn you’re so gay,” Tiff said rolling over. Asher laughed, he knew they were all awake. 

“I thought that was sweet,” Zora said. “You taught me love too.” Leaning over, she kissed him. 


“I admit that the sex is good, you happy?” Nsabita said as she blushed. 


“We love you too, husband,” Lyola said, wiping a few tears. Tillie did the same. Asher’s dick bulged as he noticed their bellies. 


“Happy?” Asher asked up to Eliffy. She nodded. “Good, now it’s your turn to answer why you love me.” 

“How about we show you how much we do?” Tiff asked. Her breasts enlarged. Opening her mouth her tongue lengthened and split into 3. Asher nodded quickly. They started another orgy in the early morning. Eliffy gave up her seat as Lyola and Tillie took their turns. Zora was on his face as Gen and Nsabita had a go. Tiff warmed herself up with Lulu’s help. By the end of it they were almost late for their classes. 

Lyola and Tillie hung around their rooms. The elves' endurance was lower in their pregnant state. Lyola was due in less than 3 months and Tillie was due in less than 5. They contently sat around enjoying no stress for a little bit. Of course Lyola was reading her Fireball Skill Book to try to awaken it and Tillie was working on the Sonicboom skill to awaken her Sound affinity. 


Eliffy decided to go to classes with them, so she was their special guest star. She got more than a few stares as they walked down the hall, but no one stopped or questioned her. The Sex Mana classroom was full of chatter as they stepped into the room. Asher noticed Bezel and gave her a wink. She blushed but wore a small smirk. 


Everyone quieted as they descended the stairs. Gen, Tiff, Joon, Zora, and Nsabita took their spots. Eliffy sat at his desk. Siela Fulbright put on her stoic stare as he locked eyes with her, but he could see the passion in her gaze. He wondered how they would be able to get some alone time. She had warned some in the class may be plants from her father to watch her and probably him too.  


“You all have a good weekend?” Asher asked. More than a few answered lazily. He didn’t expect much from a Monday morning class, or whatever the hell day it was. 


One girl raised her hand. “Yes, Presta?” He asked. 


“I heard that you bought a Sex Mana statue from the Prime Auction,” she said. 


“We did,” Asher said. He looked at Tiffany, she rolled her eyes but stepped up. Setting the statue next to him. There were a few gasps as it appeared. The Statue of Nyron was just as beautiful as when they put her away. They had talked about setting it up in their room, but with the price they didn’t trust it sitting around for now. 


“Who can feel the Sex Mana coming from it?” Asher asked. A few raised their hands. “Any other mana?” He had hoped maybe someone could feel something else, but no one offered anything up. “My wife and I primarily use Sex Mana. We felt a connection to this statue. Since not much research is done on Sex Mana, maybe this statue holds secrets we don’t know about.” Asher put it back into his ring. 


“First things first,” he said. “I want to congratulate Tiffany’s team. They had the first volunteer to try challenging Lulu.” The small tentacle monster came out of Tiffany’s cleavage with the mention of her name. “Go wander,” he asked her. She dipped and began wandering around the room. “They did not pass the challenge, but I still think it’s great that they tried.” There were many whispers around the room. Asher made sure to not look in Bezel’s direction. 


“On that the challenger mentioned that some people wanted to book a band for the end of year party. At the end of class we will hold a vote on what people want to do. Joon mentioned renting out an amusement park. I’m not sure if there are other ideas. If something like a band is chosen then the winning team gets bragging rights.” There were more excited whispers. 


“Next I would like to introduce you to my fiance, Eliffy,” Asher said. The dion perked up. “She has agreed to answer any questions you might have on dions.” 


“I didn’t think you were serious,” she hissed. 


“You don’t have to,” Asher said. “Just thought it would be good to help dispel rumors.” 


She bit her lip thinking on it. Slowly she nodded and walked up to the podium. No one said anything. “Any questions?” She whispered. He could tell she wasn’t much for public speaking. No one asked any. 

“How about an explanation on dions?” Asher asked. “Why you have so many sex Systems.” 


“Ok,” she said. Taking in a breath she forced herself to relax. “I am a dion. We are the only one’s of our kind found so far in the league. We worship the goddess Seffoni and a few others, but mainly Seffoni. On our world she is the goddess of love and sex.”


“On my world,” Asher cut in as she paused. “We have a history of worshiping a god of love and sex called Aphrodite.” 


“Really?” She asked, a little amazed. Asher nodded. “Cool. Good to know we aren’t the only ones.” Eliffy became a little more confident. “On my world Seffoni was more than that. She is also the goddess of fate and chance. It is said that one god made man but men had no drive to do anything besides fight. Then Seffoni stepped in and made women. Allowing the men to do something other than fighting.”


“Fucking?” Tiff asked. The whole class laughed. Eliffy too joined in, feeling a little better. 


“Sex of course,” Eliffy said. “But also to help complete the men. After women were made the men found someone they didn’t want to fight. Every one of them was able to find their soulmate, completing them. Which is the fate and chance that Seffoni brings to us. The men stopped fighting and started building to put a roof over the woman’s head. They made homes and started families. They did fight, but this time to protect others instead of for their own enjoyment. Because of that we worshiped Seffoni for making all of us. The men would have died off a long time ago without women.” 


“I can attest to that,” Asher said. The room chuckled but became quiet as Eliffy wasn’t sure where to go from there. 


“I’ve heard that dions are very…promiscuous,” one of the high humans boldly said. 


“That is a stereotype that I do not like,” Eliffy said. Asher could feel the anger coming from her. He put his hand on her shoulder. “Back when we joined the League my people wandered the galaxy. Our women are drawn to strong men. Unfortunately a few were drawn to men that weren’t strong enough. They couldn’t keep up with our higher sex drives. Because of that we received a bad name for it. Which is one of the reasons why in recent millennia we have centralized on our planet. Our own men can keep up, but it is rare to find an outsider that can.” 


“I’ve heard that beastkin require tons of food to appease their hunger,” Asher said looking at the few in his room. “Dions simply require a lot of sex. Because of that they were lucky enough to have many Sex Systems on their planet. Which of course I too have one, and am very proud of it. Its what brought me here to this class. I’m not sure about other human planets, or the history of most any of yours. But sex is in your history, or else none of you would be here. Whether your people worshiped some god of sex or fertility. I’m confident you’ll find it somewhere.” 


Eliffy gave him a kiss on the cheek and moved to step down. “What about Professor Whitmore?” Siela asked. Eliffy stopped. “Can he keep up with your sex drive?” 


Asher frowned, but before he could stop her Eliffy answered excitedly. “Fuck yes. Hell I can’t keep up with him. I watched him screw about 25 women once. And by the end we were all passed out and he was still going. That was levels ago. He has this new skill that-”


Asher put his hand over her mouth. “Thank you Eliffy. Everyone please give her a round of applause,” Asher said. The room gave her applause and then some. More than a few yelled questions that weren’t very appropriate. 


“Calm it down,” Asher eventually said. There were some groans but the ladies did eventually. “Lulu,” he said. The small tentacle monster stretched up from Siela’s head. Happy and content as she played around on the girls. “I would like you to start coating yourself in sex mana tomorrow. Because someone took the challenge I would like everyone to start getting used to it. She will not make you orgasm, but it will feel good wherever she touches. Again if you’re not comfortable with her near you, simply do not extend your hand.” People nodded around the room. “Next week I would like her to start walking around in her human form and-” Asher stopped as a loud blaring noise sounded in the room. 


The girls got up as one. Fear in their eyes they started heading out the door without warning. “What’s happening?” Asher asked Nsabita. 

“There’s a terrorist threat,” she said, her eyes wide. 


“What does that mean?” Asher asked. He was supposed to be there to stop something like this from happening. 


“There are bomb shelter rooms. Everyone has to go to them for this sort of thing,” Nsabita said. Asher frowned. He had thought his quest would lead him to whatever risks Prime had. 


“What should we do?” Tiffany asked. Lulu scampered on the floor and ran up her body, hiding in her cleavage. The class was emptying quickly as the students knew just where to go. 


“I don’t know,” Asher said. “I thought we would get led to the quest. Maybe this isn’t it?” 


“Let it blow up,” Joon said in full seriousness. “If a bomb does go off I can teleport us home.”  


Eliffy stared at her, her eyes wide. “Holy fuck, I think I’m in love again.” Joon blushed but pulled her closer. They had been getting rather chummy lately. 


“We are not doing that,” Asher said. “There are too many innocents. You all go. I’ll hang around here, maybe something will come up.” 


“I am not leaving you out here,” Tiff said. The others nodded. Nsabita bit her lip, but eventually she nodded as well. 


“Fine,” Asher said. “Let’s hang out here then.” 


The sirens overhead still continued to blare. The girls set the silencing charms to help dampen the noise. “Soooo sex?” Eliffy asked. Asher chuckled. 


“I wouldn’t recommend. There could be patrols,” Nsabita said. 


“Cards it is,” Asher said. 


“Ok, but let’s make it strip poker,” Eliffy said. “It’s so much better with stakes.” 

“Yes, please,” Tiffany said. They pulled up floating chairs and surrounded his desk. Asher only lost his shirt by the time their door burst open. 2 of the human girls from his class rushed in. Out of breath and frantic they ran down the stairs to the half naked group playing cards. They didn’t seem to mind the state of undress everyone was in. 


“What’s up?” Asher asked. “Merriem, Sapphan, what do you need?” 


“Lawful Good, we need your protection,” Merriem said. She was an average looking woman with brown hair. Sapphan too was rather plain with blonde hair. 


“From what?” Asher asked. 


“The high humans,” Sapphan said. 


Asher was starting to get a little worried. “What did you do?” He asked. 


“We umm we are the terrorists they are looking for,” Merriem said. Sapphan hit her. 

“Fuck,” Asher said. 


“Someone’s coming. I can feel their mind,” she said. 


“Jump in,” Joon said. Opening a portal that led into black nothingness she warned, “It’s my pocket space. Wear this if you don’t have a breathing accessory.” She pulled out 2 Pristine Necklaces but neither took one. 


Both girls nodded and jumped in. The door to the room burst open to show a trio of high human guards. They wore heavy armor. Weapons were leveled at them. Asher stepped forward out of the sound dampening charms. “What’s the problem?” He yelled over the sirens.


“Why are you not in the bomb shelters?” The man at front said. 


“I have no idea where they are,” Asher said. “I’m just a dumb human.” 


The guards walked closer. “It’s the Lawful Good,” one said. “I doubt he is involved.”


“Check him,” another man said. The first withdrew a large metal plate from his side. “Place your spatial ring on the plate.”


“Can I ask why?” Asher asked. 


“A Mana Bomb was sensed on this level,” he said. Asher immediately took off his ring and did so. The plate turned green. “Check the others.” The girls did the same. The plate stayed green for all of them. 


“This one’s a Portalmancer.” They pulled out a metal wand. Pointing it at her it turned green and she let out a sigh of relief. “Please make your way to the nearest bomb shelter,” the trio said. One split off and escorted them. There was a side door that Asher hadn’t noticed before. It had a handle on it like a vault. It was opened and they were let inside to a large group cowering in the room. 


“Gotta say, I’m glad I went to your class today,” Eliffy said. “Always fun when you’re around.” 


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