This S.O.B. System


Asher walked along the stream. It was the first time in a while that he was alone. No one around him. The girls were off to classes with his Stunt Double. Asher controlled the stunt double but he was mostly on auto pilot as the Physical Mana professor droned on about historic Physical Mana masters. Genevieve leaned on his shoulder as he held her hand. It was a rare moment where it was just the 2 of them. 


He brought up his status screen 



Asher Whitmore





Quinten Hardly







STD Immunity










Prop Manifestation



Lawful Good (10)


Relationship Screen

LVL 15





LVL 12





LVL 20



LVL 22



/180 (5)


LVL 22





LVL 22



LVL 26





LVL 28





LVL 22




Battle Instincts

LVL 24




Weapon Throw

LVL 21




Full Body Control





Mesmerizing Gaze

LVL 19




Healing Touch

LVL 26




Mana Sight

LVL 35





LVL 29


Role Immersion


Custom Stats:


Mana Sense

LVL 27

Dick Length

9 Inches


Share the Love

LVL 20

Dick Diameter

2 Inches



LVL 28




Dragon Palm

LVL 15




Sex Bomb

LVL 25




Coupling Mana

LVL 19




Orgy Control




LVL 14



LVL 17


Kama Sutra

LVL 13


Mana Manifestation

LVL 14





Stunt Double




LVL 13


Lust Frenzy




It had been 2 months since their successful Marvel/DC roleplay. Lyola, Tillie, Eliffy, and Azya had to leave League Prime. But they had been back every other weekend. They had tried to replicate the success of the first Roleplay, but it hadn’t worked since. There could be a cool down for receiving skills, or simply the Roleplay wasn’t strong enough. 


Not that he minded too much. He was still getting a lot of XP. His new technique was nice as well. Not only Rage, which gave him a buff to the physical stats the longer fights last. But also his new Lust Frenzy. 



Go into a state of pure lust. Be careful you don't hurt someone.


The skill put him into a phase much like what happened when Nsabita used her skill Need on him. His mind only caring about cumming and making his partners cum. It acted much like the Berserker Rage warrior skill. He had practiced it a little, but the only person he felt comfortable using it on was Tiff and Joon. So far anyway. Eliffy could probably handle it when he saw her next. 


Most all of his skills had raised as well. More than enough sex and 4 dungeons he had averaged almost 2 levels every 2 weeks, which wasn’t too bad at all. One of his earliest and favorite, Aheago, was now helping him make every girl cum over and over. 


Ahegao (Level 12)

Oftentimes they just need a little extra loving. This skill will ensure your partner is satisfied. And if they aren't it's your fault, not ours. Current pleasure increase - 1,000%


Along with fighting and sex he had been in touch with Wayne Tyler. There had been some drama with the Devlins at first, but things were settled down. Now they were more than helpful as they identified materials that could be used for this or that. They had production lines going for common items in the League. And all were a treasure trove of information.


Daphne and Ria’s kids were born. Asher was now an older brother. He saw the cute girl on Comm calls. He could admit now that it was hard to see her. Tiffany and Zora had said they would have daughters in the future. And all he wanted was to meet them. They were locked in some fate they didn’t know and it could be years yet before he could help welcome them to the world. 


That left the only person he really did see as someone he should protect. Deacia Tacitae. His sponsor was older than Asher could imagine, but somehow he still saw her as the small girl that needed help. Saving her copies life she had latched onto him and Tiffany. It had been a trial, he knew it was fake, but still he felt something for the woman. Not so romantic, but like a kindred spirit. 


Asher’s sons would be born soon. Lyola was due in about a month. Tillie in over 2. He had that much time to figure out what it really meant to be a father. Would it come easy to him? Would he have to work at it? What new quest could the System send him on taking him away from them?  


3 months now they had been on the current quest and nothing had come of it. Lots of sex. Lots of levels. But he still had a multitude of goals to complete. He worked on his Coupling mana with Quanen. The girls were working on Synergy as well, but were far off. It had taken Asher a year and a half of focus to figure it out, he hoped they could do it sooner. He still hadn’t bedded Siela. They had spoken now and again. Sneaking a kiss here and there. His possible relationship with her was slow burning. Asher didn’t mind too much. The others kept him more than busy. 


“What are you doing here?” Nsabita asked. 


“Thinking,” Asher said. “You should try it.”


“Up yours,” she said.


“How dare you speak to your boyfriend that way,” Asher said, pretending to cry. 


“Up yours, boyfriend,” Nsabita said cutely. 


“Much better,” he said, giving her a kiss. Moving next to him at the stream Asher instinctively grabbed her hand. He noticed a small smile on her blue lips. 


“I thought you were in class.”


“I am,” Asher said. “Or at least my Stunt Double is.” Asher had given his Stunt Double 20 points in each stat. It appeared to be enough as he sat through class at the moment. 


“Ah, of course,” she said. Asher pulled her in closer. “I have things to do, you know.”


“Like what?” 


“So many things,” she said. 


“Like wait for us to get out of class?” Asher asked. 


“I have to type up the complaints I get from your class,” she said. 


“What? Am I not making you all cum enough?” Asher asked. 


“They have been getting resistant to it,” she said. 


“I agree. I’ll have to take it up a notch.” He had started using 70% pheromones on them. Lulu too had been using her ecstasy skill during class. The girls didn’t cum from the shoggoth but they gained experience with what sex mana felt like. They were quiet for a time. She didn’t appear to be in a hurry to go anywhere, neither was he. 


“Do you like us?” Asher asked. Nsabita looked at him confused. “We have sex and it’s great. But I worry it’s not enough. I want to know if you’re happy.”


Nsabita bit her lip. Asher pulled her along with him as he started walking next to the stream. The goldeels followed along with them as they walked. He let her think on it. His hand on hers it was hard to admit this was their first chance to be alone together in a long time. 


“I’ve never felt this way,” she finally admitted. “I romanticized this place a little before coming. I pictured finding my best friend. My future husband here. People knew I had a Sex System, but it wasn’t such a stigma on my planet.” 


Nsabita was relaxed as she explained. Her hand tightened around his as she took her time. “The first semester I understood the reality that I was the only pisces. There have been a few since, but not many. I was grouped up with the Sex Mana Professor pretty early. And they were usually my only friend. They told me Sex Mana was a black mark on my record, and most people would stay at arm’s length. I know all the human assistants, but I wouldn’t consider any my friends.”


“Then I got the education I wanted and saw the bill. There was no way to pay it back. My only option was to be a slave here. I skipped meals. Didn’t leave my room. Did everything I could to not spend money. I made every Prime Standard stretch so I could put my Syscos toward my debt.” It sounded like the American Education System to Asher. 


“I met you and it’s been a whirlwind of activity. I’m never bored. I really do feel like you all are my best friends. Especially Genevieve,” she admitted. “You all don’t care I’m a different species. You included me in your plans right away and make me feel loved. It’s sad how much I missed it.”


Asher pulled her close and kissed the top of her green head. Her sharp fin ear poked his chin but he ignored it. 


“And you,” she said. “I’m still not sure about.”


“Well I’m your boyfriend. Now is the time to find out,” he said. 


“I don’t know,” she said. “You have so much going on. So many dreams and drives. I’ve um I’ve never met anyone like you.”


“A human?” 


“A hero,” she said. 


“I’m just like everybody else,” Asher said. 


“He’s like everybody else,” Nsabita said. She pointed at a human man. He was cutting the immaculate lawn with some floating lawn mower. “Level 8,” she said. “A human that has a job and works at it everyday. No elfen brides. No plans of world domination. He will find a girl. Marry her. Have a couple of kids. And die at 200.”


“Sounds fun,” Asher said with all the seriousness he could muster. “Is that what you and I should do? Marry? Pop out a couple of sirens. I’ll stay as the mana professor. We can live our days on Prime. Or we could live on your planet. I could work at your dad’s factory.”


“Stop stop stop,” she said laughing. “That’s not what I meant. I know it doesn’t sound glamorous, but that’s exactly who I saw myself with.”


“It’s not too late, Nsabita. You could still dump me.” Asher sent over the 2,500 Syscos he owed her. “Take it and disappear. Go to your home. I have a handle on class now. We will survive without you.”


“Why would you offer this?” She asked, staring at the invisible screen. 


“Because you aren’t beholden to me, Nsabita. You’re my girlfriend. If I hadn’t seen my family in years I would be desperate to. You’ve worked so hard. You deserve this. Take it.”


“This is a test,” she said. 


“This is your pay,” he said. “I thought I was supposed to be your boyfriend. Let me do this for you.”


“What if I don’t want it?” She asked. “What if I want to stay?” There were a few tears in her large eyes as she asked. 


“Then stay. But take this money, pay your debt, and go see your family this weekend. Come back to us if that’s what you want,” he said. “Nsabita, I really like you. You have a special place in all of our hearts. And I hope that place will continue to grow. I’m serious about starting our sex toy business. I’m serious about everything we talk about. There is no reason for us to live like that guy. Let’s make all the Syscos possible, and make every day fun and exciting.”


She chewed on her lip still staring at the screen. Her finger hovered over a button he couldn’t see. Asher grabbed her hand and pushed it forward. 2,500 Syscos was taken from his account. 


“I can’t believe you hate us,” he cried. “Why do you want to leave us so bad?” He asked. Her eyes bulged staring at him. 


“You-you-“ she tried to say. Asher burst out laughing. “You asshole,” she spat, slapping his chest. Asher continued to laugh. She continued to hit. He grabbed her hands mid-slap. 


Staring into her eyes he enjoyed the fiery look there. Asher kissed her deeply. She tried to fight him but was then joining him in the kiss. His hands on her ass he pulled her up and she wrapped her legs around him. They were lost in the feel of one another for a time. Simply grunting as their tongues explored one another’s mouths and they dry humped into the other as they groped and tugged at the others body. 


“I like you too,” she said, pulling away. Asher chuckled. 


“Good, so you better come back to me,” he said. She nodded as they continued to make out. She eventually pulled back and stared at him. He could feel the love from her gaze as she caught her breath. 


“You know my debt is like 2,500 now. Since you gave me money I’ve been able to put all my pay to debt,” she said. 


“Good,” Asher said. “You deserve it.” She gave him another peck on the lips. The lovers stayed like that for a bit. Both wanting to say something but enjoying their alone time. 


Asher sensed some mana that was out of place. Looking over they were at the large pond of the park. Asher found the mana anomaly quickly. The black eyes of the nereid blinked as he noticed them. The professor blushed and dove back in the water. 


Nsabita followed his eyes. She looked at him confused for a moment until the nude body of Professor Karhoribol began walking out of the pond. Water blue skin, large hips and bust, her clear blue hair was a lighter color than her body. She wore no clothes. Her hard nipples pointed at them. Asher wasn’t shy about glancing at her pussy lips either. 


“Professor Whitmore,” she said. The words sounded from her general area, not her mouth. “I hope I am not interrupting.” Asher looked to Nsabita as she blushed, staring at the nereid professor. He remembered wanting to seduce her for Nsabita when they met at the professor dinner. 


“Professor Karhoribol,” Asher said. “You aren’t interrupting anything. I’m simply disciplining my naughty assistant. Are we interrupting a morning swim?”


“I was finishing anyway,” Karhoribol said. If he had known she used the pond to swim he might have accidentally watched a few times. Every part of her jiggled with each step. She stopped walking toward them about 10 feet away. Asher slowly set Nsabita down. Karhoribol’s body was so alluring he couldn’t help but study the elemental woman. 


“Can we help you with something?” Asher asked. 


“I um,” she said, actually nervous. She had always been calm and collected during their few interactions. “I had a request for help from my home world. And I was hoping you could assist me with it,”


“Really?” Asher asked. “Do tell.”


“I have a relationship with the current king and queen of Andromeda, which is my home world,” she said. 


“What kind of relationship?” He asked. Worried she was taken. 


“Advisory,” she said. “They have requested help with an issue. And I think of anyone you would be able to help me most.”


“I’m guessing you need either a hero or sex mana expert,” Asher asked. “Would you mind telling me what capacity you would need me in?”


“Can I ask why?” She asked. 


“I am already on Prime for a quest. I don’t want to get pulled away on another quest for a Hero System reason,” he said truthfully. 


She nodded. “I believe you could help in your professor role more than your hero role.” 


“Then yes, I am at your disposal,” he said. His eyes never leaving her perfectly swaying breasts. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.