This S.O.B. System


“Sorry to ruin our date like this,” Asher said. 


“Were we on a date?” Nsabita asked. 


“I thought we were. You can go if you want,” he offered. 


“No! I was joking,” she said. Karhoribol surprised Asher by taking him up on the offer of helping right then. They were following her through the halls after getting off of a sector pod. Nsabita was more than excited to be going with him. Of course a sex mana professor needed his assistant. 


“I’m guessing I’m not the only teacher you have the hots for,” Asher said. He stared at the watery nereids ass as she walked in front of them. He wondered if having sex with her would be like with a real woman, or a water balloon. Nsabita blushed but didn’t deny it. 


“Here we are,” Karhoribol said as she stopped in front of a portal. They were in one of many portal sectors of League Prime. This was one of the higher end portal areas. Apparently Andromeda had been a part of the League for over 100,000 years. They were one of the most secretive and wealthiest members. And he had an invitation to go there. 


“Anything we need to know?” Asher asked. 


“I don’t believe so,” she said. Her mouth unmoving she acted like a shy woman as Asher and Nsabita stared at her. He guessed their gazes were filled with lust.. “I um, have never brought anyone before.”


“Then if we say anything we shouldn’t. Say the magic word,” Asher said.


“What’s that?” Karhoribol asked. 


“Spank me,” he said. Nsabita fought laughter. 


“What?!” Karhoribol said. 


“Just tell me to spank you and I’ll know to stop,” he said. 


“I’m not doing that,” she said quickly. 


“Then how will I know I’m doing something I shouldn’t?” He asked. Having way too much fun with this. Because everyone had slight changes in social norms there very well could be a people that spanking them meant something completely different than it meant for very sexually active people. 


“I will simply say your name,” she said. 


“I guess,” he said. “But if it’s really bad you’ll have to tell me to spank you.”


“I will not do that,” she whispered. Asher caught Nsabitas eye and gave her a wink. She blushed for him. “Please be on your best behavior.”


“Of course,” Asher said. Karhoribol took a deep breath then stepped through the portal. Nsabita got a little nervous but then she was stepping through. 


“Quick rundown. If I disappear,” Asher told the girls during their Primeval History class. “I’m fine. I’m simply going to Andromeda with Nsabita. I’ll be back soon I think.”


“What?” Tiffany asked. 


Asher walked through the portal and received the notification he expected. 



Your skill Stunt Double has been

prematurely ended due to distance

from your body double.



Asher sighed as he stepped out on the other side. He lost the connection to his Stunt Double immediately. He would have to explain to the others later. He knew they would agree that it was too good to pass up. Tiffany would be very upset at him though. 


“Everything alright?” Karhoribol asked. 


“Yeah,” Asher said. They stepped up to a few more nereid water men. They acted as customs agents. Asher showed them his professor ID card. It was like a Comm and had his name, planet origin, and more symbols he didn’t understand. The ID was pretty much a passport. Explaining everything about him.


They scanned it. Karhoribol signed some documents that she would be with him at all times. She was on orders from their king and queen, and had a badge that said pretty much that. After she showed it they rolled out the red carpet. 


Karhoribol had said that her homeworld was very restricted. If she wasn’t there he and Nsabita would have been kicked out quickly. Maybe thrown into prison too for using their portal without permission. He thought it was a little dumb to have agents on the side of the portal that the planet was. But he guessed there was a reason for it. If there were agents stationed at the portal then there would be a lot more people on Prime at all times. 


Soon they were outside the portal building and walking out onto the street of Andromeda. Another name for it was the Elemental Lands. Asher understood immediately why it was called that. There were Nereids, water men and women. Sylphs, wind men and women. Salmans, fire men and women. Raijons, lightning men and women. Most all wore clothes. Even Karhoribol put on a white flowing dress that complimented her skin tone. Some looked like normal people with skin. But they often had something that gave away their element. 


The raijons had yellow hair that extended from the tops of their heads to their back like some Super Saiyan 3. Their skin was yellow as well but not as bright as their hair. Salmans skin was a deep red that glowed. Sylphs floated a few feet off the ground with pale white skin. 


There were some other species as well of course. Some beastkin and pisces, but no humans. Asher was the only one. The place belonged in fantasy. Buildings everywhere. They weren’t very tall, but packed the place. Many were floating far above the ground level. He guessed Sylphs lived there. 


All the homes were the black elatium like the rest of the buildings he had seen. The streets were actually stone instead of some sort of polymer. No gliders flew in the air. People walked or flew. 


“Come this way,” Karhoribol said as she grabbed he and Nsabitas hands. The nereids hand was cool but firm. She didn’t feel wet at all. She walked them down to a subway station. Paying some of the local currency they stepped into a large floating train car and were moving quickly away. 


“Ever been here before?” Asher asked Nsabita. 


“Never,” she said. “I’ve always dreamed of it.”


“Why’s that?” 


“The Elemental Lands are very well known,” Karhoribol said. “But few get to come. Gravity can act differently in places. There are levitating mountains. A waterfall that floats upward to a flying island then down the other side of the island. This planet used to be a tourist attraction prior to the current king.”


“Why’s that?” Asher asked. 


“King Tseidon is very old and strong. Some 50,000 years old. After a few too many disagreements and a few wars he closed the borders and never opened them back up,” Karhoribol said. “About 10,000 years ago I think. He has been in power for about 20,000 years.” 


“And how do you know him?” Asher asked. 


“I am his younger sister,” she admitted with a blush. 


“Much younger sister, I’m guessing,” Asher said. “You don’t look a day over 30.”


Her cheeks turned a darker blue as her black eyes turned away from him. They stood in silence for a time. The train came out from the underground and was spit out the side of a mountain. The sun was shining and Asher saw them. Floating mountains were the first thing he noticed. 


Large trees, on one side he distinctly saw mountain size rocks floating in the air far off. They went up to the clouds and disappeared. On the other side of the train car was a vast ocean. Asher and Nsabita stared at both in wonder as the miles flew by. 


It took about an hour for them to reach their destination. Getting off the subway it was underground again. This time there were gliders everywhere. Karhoribol got them a cab and they piled in. Asher and Nsabita stared at the elemental men and women in wonder as they flew over them. 


They eventually came to the palace. At least that’s what it looked like. Some ancient castle it reminded Asher of the Disney castle from the start of their movies. Only about 10 times bigger. 


Thick stone slabs acted as the steps. Towers a few hundred feet across surrounded the castle. Sentries and guards were stationed everywhere as they walked up the steps. Asher and Nsabita never stopped looking around. He even pulled out his Hawaiian shirt to really sell the tourist vibe he was feeling. 


His blue Hawaiian shirt with white flowers and coconuts on it set the tone for the experience. Karhoribol did all the talking. They were given escort after escort. Long stairs to go up. A few elevator platforms. The castle had either been pierced together over centuries. Or it was one of those anti-riot buildings. Where people couldn’t run in a straight line to get somewhere. They had to go up and down and all around. Losing momentum along the way. 


Eventually they came to 2 large doors Asher recognized as throne room doors. There were guards lining the sides of the carpet they were on. The Elemental Lands sigil was imprinted on the double doors. A sword and shield with representations of the 4 elements that the people were made of. 


Karhoribol walked in like she owned the place. The doors opened for her and the trio was met with more elemental people. The groups didn’t intermingle. Nereids stayed with their own. Salmans with theirs. Etc and so on. It was a little odd to Asher. He hadn’t really seen them intermingle at all. 


People moved out of their way as Karhoribol led. It was a long walk to the throne itself. Asher felt the stifling mana of someone well over level 100 as he got closer. There were many people over level 100 in fact. Nsabita began to tremble a little as she was hit by the mana. Asher grabbed her hand to help calm her. She smiled at him nervously. 


“Honored Karhoribol,” a sylph man said from the top of the dais. Behind him were who Asher guessed was the king and queen.


Karhoribol bowed deeply as the king and queen noticed her. Asher and Nsabita mirrored the bow, then they were standing erect again. The king was a large man. With their distance away from one another he guessed a good 7 feet tall. Deep blue skin, it resembled Bezel the limax more than Karhoribol. Asher guessed that was because of age. He had black eyes like Karhoribol. The man’s hair was long and matched his skin. 

The queen was surprisingly a Sylph. Pale white skin. Her hair was white as well, but cut short in a pixie style. She wore a blue diaphanous dress that didn’t leave much to the imagination of what was underneath. Where the king was large, she was small, maybe 5 feet tall. They looked down on Asher with the same bored stare. 


“Karhoribol Nephan,” the king’s voice boomed. “I had not expected you back so soon, sister.” 


“I did not expect to be back either, my king,” the professor said with a bow. 


“To what are we due the honor?” He asked. The sylph speaker didn’t appear to mind to be out of a job for the moment. 


“I have returned with regards to the last request you have assigned me,” she admitted. “May I present the Lawful Good, Asher Whitmore.” That quieted a few people around them. Many stopped what they were doing to turn and stare at him. Asher wasn’t sure what to do except waved a little. He felt stupid in his Hawaiian shirt now. The king radiated strength as he stared down at him. 


“A hero?” The king asked. “It has been some time since I met another. I believe I watched some of your trials.” The man said the words more to himself than anyone else. “And you believe he would be able to help?” 


“If anyone can, I believe he could,” Karhoribol said with a lot more confidence than Asher expected. He wished he had asked questions instead of saw the sights as they drove there. 


“Very well,” the king said. He looked to the queen next to him, she nodded. “Your right to an audience will be granted.” He turned to the Sylph announcer. 


“It has become late,” the sylph man announced. “All further requests will be held off until tomorrow. The hall will now be closing.” No one appeared too put off with the fact. A few words were said between people and they began heading out the throne room doors. 


“What the hell did we agree too?” Asher asked Karhoribol and Nsabita. Nsabita’s eyes were wide as she watched people leave. 


“This way,” Karhoribol said, walking toward a side door. There was a guard stationed at the door. He turned and began escorting them down a side hall. Art pieces and paintings lining the walls Asher realized there was probably a lot of art that was destroyed during the Initialization of his planet. He would have to start recovering what was left for his own place someday. He didn’t want to host people and they think he wasn’t a man of culture because there was no art in his home. 


They were led to a large room. Opulent furniture, thick carpets, and paintings littered the walls. Some art pieces on pedestals it reminded Asher of the rooms of the Roktai palace. He wondered if they had the same interior decorator. The art very different from that on Elantontrin, it was obvious to see there was a theme related to one of the elements for each piece. 


Before Asher could ask the question that he wanted a set of large double doors were burst open. The king himself walked through. His massive amounts of mana now hidden, the large man walked up to the group. Then he was grabbing Karhoribol in a big bear hug. Laughing loudly he acted like any older brother would as he jostled her around. 


“Sister,” he said in a much calmer tone than in the throne room. “I thought it would be months till you came back.” 


The nereid patted his back and was set back down. As she caught her breath she said, “I was struck with inspiration today, and thought it best to try.” 


The queen stepped up, the nereid and sylph bowed to one another slightly. “Oh yes?” The king asked turning to Asher. Asher felt the mana then. It was massive, much more than he felt from Tiberion. Like a tidal wave it fell out of the man into Asher. Used to the Avatar it wasn’t as stifling, but it still made Asher sweat. “You have quite the Aura, boy. For such a low level anyway,” the king said. “And a hero too. It’s been some time since I met one of my own.” The mana disappeared instantly. 


“You’re a hero?” Asher asked, more than a little caught off guard.


“That I am,” the king said. “At least my System is.” 


“I’ve never met one,” Asher said. “It’s a freakin honor then. I would love to hear if all Hero Systems are like mine.” 


The king appeared to think about it for a moment. Then a wide smile split his face as he came to a conclusion. “Ask away,” he said. Pointing to some large chairs Asher got the hint and they were soon sitting at them. Asher faced the king, unable to comprehend that he was in front of another hero. “I don’t have all day, boy.” 


Asher realized he had been staring. “Sorry, just a shock,” he admitted. “I don’t know where to start. I mean, an actual Hero System. Do you get quests all the time too?” 


“I used to,” King Tseidon admitted. “But there is always another. One of the many reasons I stopped leaving my planet. There is always some new quest. Some new grocery list of those the System doesn’t like.” 


“What about the Avatar of the System?” Asher asked. “Does he come to you as well?”


The question caught the king off guard a little. He hesitated to answer. “I have met the Avatar once,” the king said. “I will not speak on it. I have met a few other Hero Systems, and asked the same question, which is the only reason I answer. Often we do not discuss him. He always comes with ill tidings and doom.” 


Asher had to agree. “Sorry,” he said. “I’m still new to this.” 


“I imagine. I was there for your trial on Prime. Many have trouble looking at the Avatar. You did well to ask him your question. I too asked him much the same. His answer led me to stop caring so much about quests. What about you? Are you still playing his games?” 


“Of course,” Asher said, rolling his eyes. “My current one I have to save League Prime from being destroyed.” The room quieted. Asher froze. He wasn’t sure why he said that. There was no mana leaking around anyone. He didn’t feel like he was tricked into it. Was it because he was around someone like himself? Or maybe his fate mana was controlling him again. Asher didn’t know, but the cat was out of the bag. 


“What?!” Karhoribol yelled. Her black eyes bore holes into him. 


“I shouldn’t have said that,” Asher said. Sheepishly he looked to Nsabita. Her eyes were wide as well. 


“So you’re not on a quest to save Prime?” The king asked. 


Asher didn’t see any reason to keep up the lie. He had to do damage control. “No, I am. But I haven’t been telling people. I’m not sure why I told you.” The king and queen stared at Asher for a time. He broke out into a cold sweat. “I told the Yevus guy, and a couple of others. But not too many people know about it.” 


“And the System assigned it to you?” The king asked. 


“For some odd reason, yes,” Asher admitted. “I still have about 100 days to figure out why it wanted me.”


The room was quiet for a long time. “And I thought my quests had been tough,” the king said with a laugh. “Lord, you do have it rough, Lawful Good. Let’s start over. I am King Tseidon Nephan.” He leaned over and extended his hand. Asher took it shyly. The man’s grip was strong of course, he was nice enough to not crush Asher’s bones. 


“Asher Whitmore. This is my assistant Nsabita Dresca. Professor Karhoribol said that there was something you needed help with?” Asher asked, trying to change the subject. 


“If it’s the same request I am thinking of, then yes. But it seems paltry in comparison to saving Prime,” the king said. 


“In all honesty, I appreciate the distraction,” Asher said. “And it is a real treat to meet a fellow Hero System. I was starting to think I was the only one.” 


“We are a dying breed,” the king said. “Before we start, I will not proceed without a contract.” One appeared in the man’s hand. “Whatever is said in this room is not to be repeated outside of it.” 


“That would be more than agreeable,” Asher said. “I would prefer to add a clause in there about what I said as well. For at least the next 100 days.” 


“That can be added,” the king said writing it. Asher wondered why some assistant wasn’t doing this. In fact it was odd that there were no guards in the room either. Not that the king needed one. Asher guessed he was at least level 150.


Soon Asher was reading over the contract. It was short and to the point. Asher and Nsabita would reveal no secrets to anyone concerning the king and queen. With that no one would reveal the contents of Asher’s quest for the next 100 days. Asher signed it, then the king. No one had an issue except Karhoribol. 


“Shouldn’t you request more assistance for your quest?” She asked. 


“You can help,” Asher said. “But no one else. I do not trust the high humans. For all I know, one of them wants to destroy Prime. They backstab so much I wouldn’t put it past them.” 


“A good attitude to have,” the king admitted. Karhoribol grumbled but signed. The contract disappeared into the man’s storage ring and he studied Asher. “I see that you use Sex Mana. I have never heard of a Hero that uses it. Which leads me to believe you can help. Hero Systems have unnaturally strong skills.” Asher wanted to ask for examples, but held off. The guy was a king and he didn’t want to waste his time. 


“What do you know of Andromeda and the Elemental Lands?” The queen asked. Her voice was soft. Her mouth didn’t move, Asher noticed that the king’s had when he talked. Karhoribol and the queen’s mouth did not. Was it a level or gender thing?


“Not much,” Asher admitted. “Karhoribol told me that your borders are mostly closed.” 


“That they are,” the king said. 


“The Elemental Lands have been led by a royal family since my husband took power,” the queen admitted. “We elementals live for a long time. On our planet it is common to have 3 children. One at the start of a marriage. Another when the first one has reached maturity. Then a last one as you reach the end of your fertile years. We call that child the miracle child. We elementals can sense when we are near the end of our fertile years. The king and I are reaching that point.” 


The king didn’t appear to like how blunt she was being, but didn’t interrupt. Asher could understand where he was coming from. No man liked to admit he couldn’t have kids anymore. 


“My husband and I have been trying for some time for our miracle child,” the sylph said. “If we do not have one it will be seen as a bad omen for us elementals. The first true king and queen unable to provide a miracle? I fear it may cause much dissent among our people.” 


“And it’s always like that?” Asher asked. “3 children?” He had never heard of such a thing. Karhoribol said that the king was 50,000 years old. Asher wanted kids, but he wasn’t sure he wanted some when he was that old. Now that he was closer to the king he noticed there were wrinkles on his face, but he still appeared very young. 


“Yes,” the queen admitted. 


“Have you met with Fate Mana experts?” Asher asked. 


“Yes,” the king said. “Why do you ask?” 


“My first wive’s and I were trying to get pregnant as well,” Asher admitted. “We were all more than fertile. But someone with a Time System said that our Fate Mana was interfering.” 

“Ah,” the king said. “No, fate doesn’t impede me much anymore. That is common in heroes when you are younger.” Asher felt a little better that this was actually common knowledge for someone like the king. Maybe Nora had been telling the truth. 


Asher studied the king and queen. “So, how can I help?” He asked. 


“Sex Mana is non-existent on our planet,” the queen admitted. “We have no idea.” 


Asher looked to Karhoribol. “One of your students actually came to me about writing a paper on your discussions yesterday. You had discussed how Sex Mana was the basis of Creation and Life Mana. I had never thought about it before. I thought maybe you would have a solution to the issue at hand.” 


Asher bit his lip. “I do have 1 thing that might be able to help,” Asher admitted. “But it’s one of my skills. The way I understand it, the skill makes people extremely fertile.”


“Really?” The queen asked a little excited. 


“But there’s a catch,” Asher said with a frown. “I-I will have to be present during the…deposit.” The king didn’t appear to like that idea. Asher didn’t blame him. 

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