This S.O.B. System


Asher woke up to Siela cuddling into him. Her head on his shoulder the buxom black haired girl had been extra heated the night before. Asher turned to stare at her. The brown eyes widened as she noticed he was awake.


“Sorry,” she whispered. 

“Don’t be,” he said. Kissing her on the lips she smiled as he pulled back and planted another and another. Her arms wrapped around him as he moved to kiss her cheeks and neck. He felt her shiver with the stimulation. 


“This is what I want,” she whispered. “To wake up like this every day.” 


“Then stay with us,” Asher said. The other girls were still passed out around him. “I want you.” His dick became erect and poked between her thighs. She shivered again as her fingernails lightly grazed the muscles on his back. 


“I want you,” she said. He felt the truth in her words. Grabbing her tight rear he pulled her into him. His dick stayed in her thigh gap. She panted as his shaft grazed her pussy lips. Her hand moved from his back to his hair. Twirling his black hair with her fingers she said, “My father is still pressuring me to marry.” 


Asher released her neck. Pulling back his head he asked, “And?”


“And, the list includes pretty much every high human man we go to school with,” she said. Her eyes moist he could tell she didn’t like it. 


“No women?” He asked. She gripped his hair as he laughed. “Sorry, sorry,” he said. She released his hair. Licking her thick lips she kissed him. “If you won’t leave with me. You’re going to have to wait until I’m strong enough to take you.” Her thighs tightened around him. 


“That could take a long time,” she said. “I doubt I can make him wait that long.” 


Asher let out a long sigh. Losing his boner he stared at Siela. “I want you, but I know I can’t have you. You live in a world I don’t understand. In mine you marry who you want. I know the universe doesn’t work that way, but that’s how I still see it. You only have 1 life to live. Spend it with those you want to. If it was as simple as go kill that monster for your dad’s approval, I would do it in a heartbeat. But I cannot change that I’m just a human.”


Siela nodded. Pulling him closer she asked, “Any news on your quest?” 


“You know as much as I do Siela. Nothing has happened. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do.” Rubbing her tan muscular back they stayed like that for a time. 


“I wish-I wish Prime really would be destroyed,” she said. Her head buried into his chest. “For so many years I’ve looked up at it. Trying to do my best to get here. And now all I want is for it to disappear. No more politics. No more fighting and scheming.”


“You’re not the first person to tell me that,” Asher said. “If you truly wanted it, I would let it burn.” 

“What about your quest?” She mumbled. 


“As I’ve said in the past. Fuck the quest. Fuck the System,” Asher said. She stiffened with his words. “I don’t care about either. What I care about is you all. I care about the people that are innocent. The ones that didn’t sign up for this shit. But if it would make you happy, I would let it fall. But I don’t want that. I don’t think you do either.” 


“I don’t,” she whispered. 

“And that’s how it should be,” Asher said. “No one should be okay with letting so many people die.” They were both quiet for a time. Eventually she looked up into his eyes. “If we can find a solution I will do everything in my power to help you be with us. But for now, let’s enjoy our time together.” He kissed her. It didn’t take them long to forget about their conversation. 


Moving to her back Asher kissed her cheek as his dick lined up with her pussy lips. Her legs tight together he still found the drenched hole and dove in. Siela gasped as he entered. Her tight ass quivered as she pushed back into him. Asher did all the work as he thrust in and out. 


“Gods,” she whispered as he pounded into her. “Fill me up.” She pleaded. Asher began casting Casanova on his dick as he went from tip to balls deep in a hard thrust. Her hands gripping the bed sheets she began to shake as her body rocked in an orgasm. Her hole getting wetter with every thrust it didn’t take long for the other girls to awaken. 


His Stunt Double now needed, Asher controlled the man as he started to pound into Zora. It quickly devolved into another long session. Unfortunately they had to take a break so Joon could take Siela back to her room. They had a busy day that day, but everyone was sure to get a few loads from him. They needed all the HP per hour and stats they could get. 



Asher and Nsabita walked with the rest of the crowd into the stands. The coliseum was close to the Academy. The pit was full of sand like the dueling grounds, but the audience had a lot more space. The dueling tournament was basically the time for parents to see their kid’s growth. There was a stream of high humans everywhere. No one paid Asher any mind. 


Sitting in the stands with the rest of the non-high humans Asher and Nsabita were happy to see Karhoribol moving toward them. Standing up and making a big show of where they were sitting to make sure she could see him she blushed and sat next to him. 


“Oh good, you saw us,” Asher said.

“How could I miss you? You were jumping up and down,” Kar whispered. 


“I didn’t want you sneaking away again, like you tend to do in the mornings,” he said. 


“I have many things to do in the mornings,” Kar said. 


“Yes, your morning swim,” he said. “I hope the concert we have set up won’t interfere with that.” 


“It is rare, but it is not the first time an event has been thrown at the park,” Karhoribol said. “I will survive.” 

“Good,” Asher said. She joined them in their room sporadically since their trip to the Elemental Lands. The nereid was a fun addition, but he wasn’t about to push her for more. 


“How was your home, Nsabita?” Kar asked. 


“I don’t go till this weekend,” she said. “It has been a long time since I was back. My family is excited I’ll be seeing them and moving back next week.” 


“Moving back for good?” Asher asked. They had talked about it a little bit, but she was quiet about it. 


“How am I supposed to do that when you offered me a job?” She asked. 


“Think you’ll take it?” Asher asked. 


“I think it is a good idea. Even my father is interested,” she said. Asher had added clauses in their contract so she could talk to her parents about it. All 3 of them.


“Are you staying on as a professor?” Karhoribol asked.


“I haven’t been asked,” Asher said. “We are getting into the sex toy business.” There were people around them, but Asher wasn’t shy about it. 


“What kind of toys? Like the ones you discussed with…my brother?” The nereid asked. 


“The one and the same. Would you enjoy something that can replicate what I can do?” Asher asked. She blushed, but didn’t deny it. “Then again, you can have the real thing when you want.” She blushed more. 


“My gods kid,” Diatrix said. “Do you ever stop talking about sex?” She was sitting in front of him. The dueling teacher was one of Asher’s favorite professors. His common sparring partner, he had taught him a lot about focus and not being required to circulate mana to bring out one’s true strength. Asher still had to circulate a little, but he was much closer to bringing out his full power without it. 


“Don’t knock it till you try it,” Asher told the dark woman. Her head shaved and covered in scars Asher tried to get her to tell her story, but she never divulged. 


“I might just do that,” she said. “If you can beat me in a spar.” 

“What can I say? I fight better horizontal than I do vertical,” Asher said. She turned back to look at him. Barking a laugh they left it at that. 


“You’re relentless,” Nsabita said. 


“Insatiable is the correct term,” Asher said. “I’m glad you’ll be joining us. You get a budget to Lyola?” 


“I did,” Nsabita said. “She approved me for 10,000 Syscos to start.” 


“What will that get us?” Asher asked. 

“A testing lab. And let me poach some of the Academy’s best Enchanters,” she said. “Lots of materials.” 


“Sounds good to me,” Asher said. They chatted a little more and the duels started. Because mana was the great equalizer the tournament wasn’t split by the sexes. A woman could just as easily kick your ass as a man. The tournament was split by levels instead. The trick was it was split by levels from when you entered the Academy. So the people who dungeon dived would be much better equipped for the fights than those that didn’t. 


A large screen appeared above the sandpit. There were 500 students that signed up for the tournament. First up was the level 20 to 29 bracket. Asher recognized a few girls from classes, but not too many. They did well, but none made it as far as the quarterfinals. 


Next up was the level 30 to 34 group. About 100 of the students lined up around the coliseum. Asher waved and jumped to show Genevieve where they were sitting. She smiled shyly as she waved back. Her bright red hair was easy to spot. The Ghost Spider had joined the school at level 32, but was now level 45. 


One of the first to fight Asher watched as she used her spear expertly. They had put a temporary blunting charm on it. He was excited to watch her move. Her first duel was against a high human man. She threw her spear at him. Attaching one of her Created webs to it she was able to pull it back and throw it again. The Energy Manipulation skill she got from their Symbiote roleplay allowed her to charge the webs with energy as well. That energy she could control. The spear now acted as an extension of her body. 


The man fought the blades but continuously stepped back in the ring. When he was close enough she used her Ki Beam. The red ki shot from her hand caused him to stumble back and fall off. Gen won and set the tone for the rest of the fights. That was until she fought the tigerkin in the Finals. 


The tigerkin was the one from Asher’s class. Instead of wearing her elaborate jewelry she wore a set of armor that didn’t leave much to the imagination. Her chest and waist the only thing covered Asher was curious what her plan was. Then her body was covered in deep blue ice. She had been fighting nearly nude for the other fights, much to his delight. Now she was serious as she faced off against Genevieve. 


The fight was good. Gen knocked off chunks of the ice armor. Her tigerkin foe got in more than a few hits. Asher guessed they were close to one another in levels. It all came down to battle experience. At some point the tigerkin jumped out the back of her armor. Gen was hitting it and didn’t notice the woman run at her. With one good hit Genevieve was knocked out of the ring. 

People cheered and yelled. Both for and against Gen. Asher was the loudest of them all. In the end Gen took the loss well. Shaking hands with the tigerkin they parted on good terms. Then it was the largest groups turn. Level 35 to 42. Some 200 kids were in this group. Including Zora and Siela. 


Zora caught sight of him and he sent his love the best way he could. “Marry me Zora!” He yelled loudly as the announcer called for everyone to be quiet. Zora blushed deeply as she stood in the line. 


“Remind me never to sit next to you again,” Nsabita said as Asher sat down. Asher chuckled but threw his arm around her. They waited patiently as everyone drew lots. Zora was now level 49. He had all the confidence in the world in her. Unfortunately luck wasn’t with them. Her first fight was against Siela. 


“Not good,” Asher said. 


“Why’s that,” Karhoribol said. 


“Zora gets stronger when she’s protecting those she cares about,” Asher said. He didn’t elaborate. No one needed to know about their relationship with Siela. 

The fight wasn’t a big surprise to Asher. Zora fought well, but he could tell her heart wasn’t in it. She used her sword a lot. Her teleportation skill really only worked to intercept danger for others. She hadn’t mastered how to control it on her own. They had focused on her Holy, Light, and Blessing Mana, not her Space. Siela used her Aero skills to stay out of Zora’s reach. But eventually she gathered enough mana and blew her out of the ring. 


Asher was going to yell something encouraging to her but Nsabita dragged him back to sitting. Instead he blew up Zora’s Comm with texts. Siela accepted her victory but ended up losing to a Geomancer high human. Wind mana was the only thing she used, but she was young yet. He didn’t hold it against her. Since he couldn’t have her Comm number he sent her a thumbs up. Asher hoped that meant the same as it did on Earth. 


With those out of the way it was time for the finales. Level 43+. There were only about 60 high humans that were at that level during the start of the semester. Joon and Tiffany were in the group. Joon was now level 56 and Tiffany was level 59. Lulu was hidden somewhere on Tiffany, but no one else had pets. Asher doubted she would use the sex beast. The level 86 shoggoth could beat them all easily. 


Asher jumped and hollered for them. The same they would have done for him. Tiffany accepted it all, blowing him kisses unashamedly. After awakening Soul Mana she went back to trying to mix Mind and Sex Mana. A little bit of headway, it would take time. Joon had awakened her Rift Mana. Of course he had seen it now and then during their dungeon dives, but Asher was curious how she would use it in a duel. 


Up first was Joon. She extended her mana out to random spots and waited for her opponent to move. Asher watched in Mana Sight how her traps moved around. Her opponent made a wrong step then spent the next 60 seconds jumping from one Portal Trap to another. Eventually Joon was nice enough to move one to outside the ring. She let him go and he puked his guts out after losing. 


Tiffany was just as ruthless. Fighting a woman with a sword, Tiffany used her whip. Charging it with Sex Mana she hit the woman more than once. The distinct pleasure and pain was easily heard in the crowd. The woman blushed and faltered. Tiffany grabbed her with Telekinesis, said a few words to her opponent, and the girl gave up. Asher guessed he threatened her with Sex Mana. 


Her next opponent was a man. She didn’t use Sex Mana, but wasn’t shy with Telekinesis and Pyrokinesis. The referee had to call it when Tiffany would light the guy on fire as soon as he put himself out. They had bad luck again when Tiff and Joon had to fight mid-way through. Asher wondered how animes did it. Somehow the friends fighting was always saved for the semi-finals. They weren’t so lucky. 


Asher noticed Tiffany and Joon were serious about the fight too. Tiffany made her bust much smaller this time to make her less of a target. She took out her pink whip and was ready for Joony. Joon was only 3 levels below Tiff, and they had the same amount of titles. It was going to be a close fight. 


It started as one would expect. With a kiss. That turned into a makeout session. They got a little handsy at the end and the referee had to separate them. The girls laughed and started fighting. Tiffany flew in the air. Joon made portals in her way that had to be dodged. Tiff tried Pyrokinesis but it wouldn’t stick. She moved to Telekinesis. Joon used mana sight to watch it all and was quickly running around on the dueling grounds. 


Then Tiffany disappeared completely. The crowd yelled as they tried to find her. Joon began flying with her new skill and threw Rift Slashes out. Large black cuts in the air appeared. Asher grew worried but then one grazed Tiffany and she was knocked out of her Ignorance skill. Joon grabbed her then. 


This was a mistake as Tiffany’s glowed with Nerve Control. Instead of increasing pleasure she increased pain. Her simple grip caused Joon to scream and yell. Then a portal appeared behind them. They were spat out of a portal causing Tiffany to touch the ground first. Joon on top of her won with the simple move. Tiffany rolled her eyes and accepted the loss. Then the 2 girls began kissing again. 


“This will be a while,” Asher noted. He was right. They started the next fight while the 2 girls made up. When the fight finished Joon and Tiffany let go. Joon waited for her next fight, blushing but ready to go. 


Joon made it to the finals against their favorite high human, Mael Whitegrace. Mael was angry of course, but he felt sorry for the guy. Joon would show no mercy. She hated high humans with a passion. 


Mael coated himself in fancier gear than Asher had seen him in last time. This set was called the Arcane Armor. It absorbed his mana and glowed light blue. His sword did the same, like some sort of lightsaber. Joon yawned and began her attack. Plenty of Portal Traps set around she attacked him with her own sword. 


Asher had commissioned the blade when they first arrived on Prime, but she didn’t have a need for it back then. Now it glowed with Space mana as she ran at Mael. The man slashed down. She slashed up. A good foot away from her the Space Mana distorted causing him to fly back with the blade. He then landed on one of her Portal Traps and was thrown around the arena. 


“Holy shit, she won,” Nsabita noted. Asher agreed. 

“Can’t believe it,” Diatrix said from in front of them. “He overestimated himself again.” Her head was in her hands as Mael was thrown out of the ring. He got his helmet off fast enough to throw up. 


“I think he just underestimated Joony,” Asher said. “Go Joony!” He yelled. There were quite a few shocked looks around that a human beat the high human. Asher didn’t much care. The winners of each division were brought out and given a golden necklace. The accessory was a simple ID Guard, but their names would be entered in the Academy Records. Genevieve accepted hers with a smile. Joon acted like it was any other necklace and put it in her ring. 


People cheered and yelled. Asher was the loudest of them. He would have to give them all extra special sex that night. Proud of all of them they had done well. 

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