This S.O.B. System


It was the day of Asher’s final class. There had been nothing really going on as classes ended. The tournament was fun, it had been on the Primes version of Friday. He and the girls spent that weekend in the dungeon with the Sex Mana Beasts. Of course they were unable to find a female sex mana beast. Asher stuck around the girls as they laid waste to the nesting ground of the male sex mana beasts.


Catching 1 for Daphne in his Monster Cube they killed the rest. Asher had been able to level to 69 just that morning because of it. Now he was at the perfect level to end his class. He brought up his status screen. 



Asher Whitmore





Quinten Hardly







STD Immunity










Prop Manifestation



Lawful Good (10)


Relationship Screen

LVL 15





LVL 12





LVL 20



LVL 22



/240 (5)


LVL 22





LVL 22



LVL 27





LVL 30





LVL 24




Battle Instincts

LVL 24




Weapon Throw

LVL 22




Full Body Control





Mesmerizing Gaze

LVL 20




Healing Touch

LVL 27




Mana Sight

LVL 36





LVL 30


Role Immersion


Custom Stats:


Mana Sense

LVL 29

Dick Length

9 Inches


Share the Love

LVL 21

Dick Diameter

2 Inches



LVL 29




Dragon Palm

LVL 15




Sex Bomb

LVL 27




Coupling Mana

LVL 20




Orgy Control




LVL 15



LVL 18


Kama Sutra

LVL 14


Mana Manifestation

LVL 15



LVL 10


Stunt Double




LVL 15


Lust Frenzy




Not much had changed with his skills. 1 or 2 levels here and there was all he had been able to manage since level 67. He was still hesitant to use Lust Frenzy, but he was getting more confident. All in all Prime had been a great trip. 


With access to perfect dungeons from around the planet of Central they were able to guarantee monsters that would raise their levels. Something Earth didn’t have. Asher was working on securing a worldwide portal monitoring tool, but that was one of many things they needed. 


Nothing had happened with his quest. With Lyola’s birth only about 10 days away he was ready for a break. Unsure when he would be back he wasn’t too worried about Prime being destroyed. There were plenty of days yet. Asher wished he could abandon it, but he had promised Nora. 


Getting up from the chair of his desk it was about time. The girls filled the seats. He smiled widely at them one by one. He knew most of their names. Those that had answered his questions at least. He had started class with 15, then 99 students, but now he only had 96. His hidden devlins were safe back on Earth. Bezel was the only one that stopped showing up. He caught sight of her now and then, but if she noticed him she ran off. Asher felt bad for how things were left. 


Nothing had come up with the Aartiliak yet. Tyranis was still working up the alliance. Lyola was negotiating for Asher. Their ships were already on their way to Tiint. Trying to get as much profit as possible so they could start commissioning more ships. War could be on the horizon or not. Either way he wanted to be ready. 


Nsabita gave him a signal that it was time. 


“Welcome everyone,” Asher said. “It’s been a fun few months. Thank you for joining us for it. I don’t expect to use the full time today. I know everyone is ready to be done with this class.” He doubted that the girls did want to be done, but he had hoped for some chuckles that didn’t come. 


“First, I want to thank everyone that volunteered to help with the party tomorrow. Please stand,” Asher said. Joon, Tiff, and Zora stood. As well as another 10 girls. A group of 3 high humans, and the rest were normal humans. Asher began clapping. Others joined. They took a bow and moved on. 


“The party will be held at the park. We have hired crews for set up and cleanup. There will be alcohol. A levitation machine…what else?”


Join announced, “there will be tons of food from all restaurants on Prime. We have a monster petting zoo thing. A tattoo artist. We were able to hire masseuses. Everyone in class will get a token for a free one. Also 4 Stylist Systems that can make your hair whatever you want. Or nails or whatever your style is. Some other surprises of course. You’ll have to go to find out.”


“Jeez,” Asher said. “Is there any money left?”


“15 Syscos. We already tipped everyone handsomely,” Joon said with a smile. Asher sighed but nodded. The band was the most expensive part anyway. 


“Alright, the party wouldn’t be happening without you lot. But that wasn’t the original goal of it. The original goal was to earn bragging rights. I know you’ve all waited patiently. The winning team will be announced….by Nsabita.”


Nsabita pulled out a piece of paper. The room was silent as they waited. “Joon team - 1,350 points. Tiffany team - 1,381 points. Zora team 1,4-“ the room burst into cheers from Zora’s section of the room. 


“Recount,” Tiffany called. Asher laughed happily by their reaction. Joon agreed. 


“No recount needed,” Asher said. “Her team had the most winners in the tournament. Also 4 of the 8 sex reports were submitted by her side of the room. Congratulations to Zora’s team for winning. It was a hard fight. Thank you all for participating. The band will be doing a call out to you girls.” The cheers died down eventually. 


“We’ve talked a lot about sex,” Asher said, getting their attention. “I know it’s a Sex Mana Class. But before there was Fire Mana there was fire. I feel that mana embodies what we perceive around us before we were able to make it with mana. Sex was around long before us. None of you would be here without it. And your future children will most likely be made during it.” There were still blushes, but not as many as at the start of the semester. 


“I want to leave off with a conclusion from one of the submitted reports. I know no one was comfortable with me telling names. So the person who wrote this, you know who you are.”


Asher pulled out the paper. Flipping to the last page he began to read. “In conclusion, the longer a group has been in the System. The less they believe in their old gods. The less their manas align with older Systems. And the more they align with the classic elements. Fire, Earth, Water, Air, and Lightning.” 


“I found that interesting,” Asher said. “The title of this report is called ‘The Fall of the Old Gods’. I believe the student that wrote this was researching it long before my class. They had information data of 8 planets. Those that took polls on Systems. They were able to find Sex Systems in the roots of all of their Initializations. But they slowly died out. Whether it was pressure from other league members. Or maybe less belief in their old gods. Or because they were fighting for survival and Sex Systems weren’t the best at fighting. I don’t know. I simply thought it was sad to think that as old gods are replaced with new. You have less variety in the mana types of your Systems.”


Asher let them think on that, as he had been doing for the last few days. It felt so long ago since he had gone to church every Sunday. But then his System Group had been on Sunday’s and he changed his priority. The group had even been held in a church. 


Asher received quests from the System. Thanked it for good things and cursed it for bad. It was a scary thought to think that it had taken the place of his God. Ever since reading the report he wanted to get back home and find his faith again. He didn’t think he ever gave up believing in God, but he had been distracted, that was for sure. 


“That’s all I have,” Asher said. “See you tomorrow at the party. If not, I hope you have a good break.” Asher began moving back to his desk. He stopped as there was a lot of mumbling around the room. “Oh right. The orgasms.”


“Hmm,” Asher said. “We have been going on with 2 of my skills because I can do them without touching you. I have been working on making one of my skills work without touch as well. Would you all like to try it?”


Asher looked around the room. No one said no. “I warn you. If I do it. You will most likely pass out. I will need a few volunteers to not be affected. Just to confirm I don’t do anything untoward as your teacher. Although after this class I guess I’m a student again so my promise not to touch anyone is lifted.” No one offered themselves up. A few were looking very excited. “How about Tiffany, Genevieve, Joon, Zora, Nsabita, and…Siela Fulbright. Would you all mind not being affected?”


“I would mind,” Tiffany said. 


“What? But I was hoping to enlist your help, my wife. There’s a lot of women in class. I would appreciate if you made it extra special.”


“Fine,” Tiffany said. His 3 wives moved up next to him. 


“Ms. Fulbright. You’ll have to be up here,” Asher said. She blushed and moved out of her chair. Moving to beside Nsabita she put back her placid gaze. 


“Ok, if you’re not comfortable please step out of the room,” Asher said. No one took him up on the offer. He began pulling mana out of his body. Focusing, he sent it into girl after girl. They soon all became aglow with light pink mana. 


“This will be a little different. You won’t cum right away. This will be a delayed reaction,” Asher said. It had taken time to learn to use Tantric without touching. It was well prepped, all for this class. 


Asher poured mana into his lungs. Pushing it out the Sex bomb made the girls shiver, but they didn’t cum. Asher felt the pulse of the Tantric mana in each of them with the skill. He cast it again, like a heartbeat the mana grew bit by bit. 


He started rolling Pheromones into all of them. Quickly moving 80% from face to face for a few seconds. Once he did one round Tiffany started using Lust Aura on the girls. It didn’t take long for the balloon of mana to become full. 


Asher released it and the girls screamed and came as one. Asher watched as legs kicked. Hands grasped the tabletops. Faces contorted. Mouths took on O shapes. Eyes rolled to the back of heads. Girls grabbed their tits or abs or ran along their thighs. Hair was jostled. Shirts expanded out as the girls struggled for breath. 


It lasted for a good 45 seconds. And at the end every girl passed out in their spot. Asher waited to see if any had survived, but no one did. 


“I think they’ll remember that one,” Asher said with a smile. He moved to sit on one of the counters. “Think any of the girls will come to see us for fun?” 


“The humans, definitely,” Tiffany said. “I hope the tigerkin does. She was sexy.”


“I agree,” Joon said with a smile. “So sexy what you do to them.” Moving next to him she gave him a kiss. 


“Were you really trying to sleep with everyone in class?” Siela asked. She looked very offended. 


“Not everyone,” Asher said. “Mainly the non-high humans. We need alliances. These girls all come from influential families.” That answer did not please her. 


“Then what about me? Am I just another alliance?”


“Because we gain so much from you?” Asher asked. She became angrier, she wasn’t the only one. “We all went into this knowing your people wouldn’t accept us. We really like you, Siela. I really like you. You said it yourself. Your father would never accept me. Why do you think I asked you over and over to run away with me? Even though it would piss off your father and every high human in the League. I’m willing to take the risk of never coming back here again despite being on a quest to save it, just so we could be together.” 


“I thought about those consequences and still asked. Did you think about them at all? Or was my offer never really on your radar?” 


Asher became angrier as he said the words. He tried to be as truthful as possible with the girls. But he didn’t like the fact that he could be using them. He planned on loving every single girl that joined them, but he was trying to save his people. If there really was no future with Siela he’d rather get it over with now, before he fell too hard for her. 


A few tears were shed by the high human woman. Then she put back up her stony gaze and walked out. Asher bit his lip, but didn’t watch her leave. 


“A little harsh dear,” Zora said. Walking up to him she fell into his chest. Asher wrapped his arms around her. 


“I know, but it was the truth,” Asher said. “I’m worried about her. I can’t blame her for not taking our offer. I just find myself liking her too much. I want to do whatever I can to help her. Which is a problem. We could have a war coming up. Our kids are on the way. We just have so much going on. This stupid quest still hasn’t shown up and we are on track to miss the first Guild Trial in a few weeks. Nothing is going the way we expect it to.”


“Hey, we are a team,” Tiffany said. Joon rested her head on his shoulder as Tiff did the same to the other. He tightened his arms around Zora. “We will get through this.”


“We are a team,” Asher agreed. “You too our sexy siren and friendly neighborhood spider girl.” Gen and Nsabita awkwardly came over. Asher wrapped his arms around all of them. Kissing them on the head one by one. “I was wrong. I’m at my limit for girls I can handle.”


“Too bad,” Tiffany said. “How about you have your Stunt Double go to the rest of the classes and we go have some fun?” 


“Like what?” Asher asked. 


“I’m thinking a nice relaxing roleplay.”


“Which one?”


“You pick.”


“Sorority house,” Asher said. “You all do a pillow fight. I stumble in and-“


“Hello?” Someone asked from the room entrance. Asher turned to see Zaddon at the door. He had only seen the Dean a few times. The girls quickly stepped away as the man looked around the room. “Professor Whitmore.”


“Yes, Dean Zaddon?” 


“What happened here?” The man couldn’t help but question why so many girls were passed out. 


“The girls wanted to show us everything they learned in class,” Asher said. “They should be up soon. How can I help you?”


“Um I was hoping to discuss some items with you,” Zaddon said, still looking around. 


“Um sure,” Asher said. “Do I have an office or something?”


“Right there,” Nsabita said, pointing to a door in the corner. 


“I always wondered what was in there,” Asher said. He and Zaddon headed into the office. Nsabita must have cleaned it up because the small office was immaculate. A large desk in the center Asher sat at the chair behind it. “How can I help you?”


“I was simply wondering what your plans were going forward?” Zaddon asked. “I assume your…quest hasn’t finished.”


“I’m afraid not,” Asher said. “There is still about 60 days on it. I was probably going to talk to Alconsus. See if I could get a longer pass.”


“I understand,” Zaddon said. “I was hoping I could talk you into staying to teach for another semester.”


“Really?” Asher asked. He hadn’t expected the offer. “Are you sure?”


“To be honest we actually check attendance sheets that assistants fill out. Your class has had the highest attendance record this semester. And despite your unconventional methods it does appear to be working. I’ve held off hiring anyone else before talking to you.”


“What about my wives? I know the rule was changed so that uninitialized planets can’t join the Academy.”


“An addendum was added where people can receive special permission. If they wanted to they could come back for the semester,” Zaddon said. 


Asher thought about it. He would have access to dungeons his level, guaranteed. He had gained 10 levels in a semester. Could he get to level 100 in a couple of years? He would at least be close to level 80 if he stayed the semester. And he could spend weekends with his children. No more worries about Earth. Zora was with them now. Everyone he loved and considered his wife was there. Atalanta, Chartalla, and Amanda were still on Earth. But did he love them enough to want to go back?


“I would like to think on it,” Asher said. “Can you give me a few days.”


“Of course. Let me know by the end of the week,” Zaddon said. Asher shook his hand and the man left. He had some serious thinking to do. 

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