This S.O.B. System


“You aren’t seeing,” Dea said. 

“I’m trying,” Asher said, gritting his teeth. 


“Try harder,” she said. “I warned you it was hard before level 100. You asked for this. I expect you to see it.” 


Asher mumbled under his breath, but before she could hit him again he closed his eyes. Using Mana Sense he felt the Sex mana all around him. He thought he felt some differences here and there, but not much. It all felt like Sex to him. The other girls sat beside him. All in a line they focused while on the cobblestones of one of the Roktai Palace Courtyards.


They had been at it for days. Even Tyranis was there with them. Since he was the only person not in their group that knew who Dea was, he had jumped at the opportunity to learn from her. He sat at the end of the line, shrouded in Gravity mana. 


“Again my little chicklings,” Dea said. “Every person’s mana is different. Fire mana from you, will not be exactly like Fire mana from someone else. This is because your mana is mixed with all of your affinities. You don’t need a stone to tell you what you are capable of. It is written in your mana signatures. Why do you think you can distinguish people with Mana Sense?” Asher hadn’t thought of that. 


“It is called a signature because it is unique. No System is exactly the same. Just like no person is exactly the same,” Dea said coldly. Holding a stick in her hand she smacked Asher on the head. 


“Zora, focus,” she said. Asher cursed. He was usually the one hit when the girls messed something up. Zora squeaked but nodded. 


“If you can identify the different manas mixed in with what you are trying to use, you will be able to isolate and bring it out. Awakening your mana affinities should take days, not months.” Dea walked along the line. Still in her constrictive sash for clothes he wondered if she ever changed it. Her pale skin glowed in the daylight as the sun was overhead.  


Asher felt the stick hit his head again. She was way on the other side of the line, but somehow he was struck. Grumbling he focused on the Sex Mana. The pink glow whirled around him as he continuously pulled it out. He had been focusing on it for days, and only recently had he been able to sharpen it. 


Like trying to hold a weight while your hand is fully extended, there will be some shaking. Mana was the same. Bringing it out would make it fluctuate. The fluctuation was minor, but Dea warned it added up. Better control of mana meant less MP wastage. Something they all needed to work on. Their skills weren’t a game where you click a button and it was 15 MP every time. They could customize every attack. Using as much or as little MP as they wanted. Controlling it to be constant would supposedly make it stronger and harder to counteract. 


“Better, Eliffy,” Dea said. “Your Fate Mana is very smooth.” Asher looked over to her. He noticed the difference between her and everyone else’s manas. Where there were sharp points as it left his, Eliffy’s mana was smooth. He wanted to call her a teacher’s pet, but Dea gave him a look. 


Eliffy hung on the Primevals every word. Fangirling hard for her she had a fanatic look in her eyes as she stared at the Queen of Death. He didn’t blame her. Dea really was way stronger than all of them. Way older too. He received another slap with the stick for that thought. 


“As you smooth it out you will feel the different mana’s mixed in more easily. Your mana will be less turbulent. Also known as laminar. That is why this control of mana is called Laminar. How many types of mana control are there…Tillie?” She asked. 


“5,” Tillie answered nervously. 


“And what are they?” Dea quizzed again. 


“Intent, which is using just the mana type you mean to. Laminar is focusing that mana. Haste is the speed at which you can call the mana. Fortitude is the defense of your mana, protecting it from breaking. Endeavor, is the last, which is what happens after using that mana,” Tillie answered. 


“Good,” Dea said, starting to walk again. “Right now your Intent is weak. Eliffy, you have started working on your Laminar without refining exactly what mana you are using. There are still at least 3 other mana types mixed in with your Fate. Find them, isolate them, and then expunge them from the mana you are trying to utilize. They cause impurities in your skill. Only 1 or 2 %, but still, it adds up. If you are using the excess manas and they are only 50% efficient. You are wasting MP.” She continued to walk in front, watching over them. 


Asher studied his mana. He could almost taste the impurities. But it was like trying to catch sight of a specific snowflake in a blizzard. By the time he noticed it, it was gone. 


“Damn this is hard,” Joon said. The mana stopped circulating around her as she breathed in and out. 


“It’s not supposed to be easy,” Dea said. 


“Are there any other ways to train this?” Joon asked. 


“Fighting isn’t an option for this type of focus,” Dea said. “You could train at the bottom of a waterfall, but you’ll gain as much as you do here.” I doubted that was a thing. Sometimes Dea said things that were reminiscent of things from Earth, but she hadn’t elaborated on if they were real. 


“This is a high level skill. I did not learn of the impurities in my mana until I was far into the 100s. It will become easier as you come closer to the threshold. For instance, Tyranis here is nearly perfect. His Intent only has 1 extra mana type leaking in. And only every few minutes. His mana control has almost reached the Laminar phase, and his Haste is strong,” Dea said. “This is all made easier by practice and stats. Fortitude and Endeavor are the goals, but these early steps add up to strengthen them.” 


“This is the basis for how you will be able to make your own skills,” Dea announced. “Right now you can imitate other System skills if you have the mana type. Your System will not recognize you actually learning the skill until you can remove the impurities. Skill gains at level ups are recipes. But to learn outside of those you have to show extreme understanding.” 


“What about skill books?” Nsabita asked. 


“Skill books get you close. The best of them have incantations that hide your mana impurities. But there is a reason that strong skill books are rare. Weak skills are easy to learn because there is so much leeway in the skill itself. Strong skills require much better control. The stronger the skill book the better it masks your faults for the System. Never use a strong skill from a skill book if you have not mastered your Intent and Laminar. You could waste much MP and cause the skill to not do as intended.” 

Asher eyed Lyola. She had learned the Meteor skill from an extinct skill book. She was sweating as she shared a look with him. “I have to go,” Lyola announced. Then water began leaking from under her dress. “It is time.” 


Asher’s eyes widened, curious if she had just peed herself. “Oh my God, it’s finally happening,” Tiffany said. He slowly understood what was going on as the girls stood up. They helped the 2 pregnant elves up to their feet. Asher was much slower as Joon made a portal appear. 


“In!” She yelled and the girls were walking Lyola into the portal. It shut immediately. Leaving Asher and Tyranis behind. 


“I believe your son is on his way,” Tyranis said. 

Asher’s heart was gripped with fear and excitement. “And your grandson.” 



It was Tyranis, Wylin, and Asher waiting outside of the royal bed chamber. Asher heard screaming now and then from Lyola. Every time he did he couldn’t do anything but pace back and forth. 

“Why can’t I go in there?” Asher asked. 

“There are enough people,” Tyranis said again. “And this is how it’s done here. The men wait. Our part was small in making the child. It is also small in the birthing.” He said the words like some profound proverb. Asher thought it was horseshit. He felt like some dad from the 60s waiting in the hospital for his wife to finish the hard part. 


Earth Mana escaped from the room again. The area began to shake. Then it was gone and cut off from the source. “Is that normal?” Asher asked again. 


“Yes,” Tyranis said. “There are charms set up to absorb it, but when you have a strong mother their mana fluctuates in their state of…turmoil. This is another type of battle.” Asher wasn’t looking forward to what would happen during Tillie’s birth. The Firemancer would probably set them all ablaze. 


The door cracked open. Asher heard Lyola scream again. He was tempted to run in, but it was Dea coming out. “How is she?” He asked. 


“Fine,” Dea said, resting her hand on his shoulder. “This is her first birth. She is scared. But everything is normal.” 


“That doesn’t exactly make it easier,” Asher said. “Is there anything I can do?” 

“Joon has already kidnapped everyone we need,” Dea said. “Zora is in there ready to heal at all times. But for now things need to be done naturally. There is no birthing mana. There will be blood, excrement, and many things that look bad, but it is part of the process.” 

Asher sweated heavily, but forced himself to calm down. “Was it like this for your kids?” 


Dea gave him a sad smile. “I am told that 3 healers and 2 midwives nearly died while I gave birth the first time,” she said. 


Asher chuckled. “Death mana would do that.” 


“It does,” she said. “At the time I thought I was going to die, but this is natural. People have been doing it for hundreds of thousands of years.” 

“I know,” Asher said. Rolling his eyes. “But I haven’t. I’m…” 


“Helpless?” She asked, he nodded. “You’re not. You have all the help you need. Trust in them, as they trust in you.” 

Asher gave her a look. “When did you turn into a fortune cookie?” 

“When you browbeat me into sticking around,” she said with a chuckle. He laughed with her. Letting out a long breath he decided to distract himself. 


“Do you know what a fortune cookie is?” He asked. 

“Not really,” she said. “Your mind is pretty open. I can get a sense of things. I know a little of what you know, it is a cookie with motivational sayings on them.” 

“Ah,” Asher said. “I thought you had that thing Yevus did. He said he had access to the System’s archives on pre-Initialized planets.” 

“Ah the Ledger,” she said. “He was always obsessed with humans and high humans.” 

“Why’s that?” Asher asked. They moved to sit beside Tyranis and Wylin. Wylin caught glances at Dea. Asher assumed it was more because of what she wore than who she was. No one had recognized Dea yet, and he doubted they would. 


“He was obsessed with how there could be humans and high humans. Were high humans an evolved form of humans? Were there high elves out there? He had this theory that we were all the same people once. Living on the same planet. Then some millions of years ago we traveled the stars and got separated.” 


“Is it true?” Asher asked, intrigued. Tyranis too was leaning in listening. He didn’t talk much around the Primeval, but Asher could tell the woman fascinated him. 


“The answer might surprise you,” Dea said. “Maybe.” She took a deep breath and zoned out as she looked at nothing. “I have no proof of course. But I’ve been to far more planets than you I’m sure. One of the first I went to had huge ships. Metal structures. Sunk in the ground. I didn’t know what they were. I thought they had grown out of the ground like trees. They were smooth metal. I didn’t know much back then. It was the dark time before…” She looked at Wylin. Dea didn’t want to announce who she was. Asher nodded.


“This was a long time ago. Long before I met up with the others. I know now that they were spaceships. Huge buildings. All abandoned. The place gave me the creeps and I didn’t spend much time there. I never found it again. But I always wondered. Knowing what I know now. Were there space faring cultures long before us?” 


Asher thought about it. He believed in God, Adam and Eve, all the good stuff. Things like that were irrelevant to him. Who knew how things were made or created? He wasn’t there. Not even Dea was there. Asher heard another scream from the room. 

“What do you think?” Asher asked, still trying to stay distracted. 


“I think it’s possible that we started on similar planets. Maybe we did become scattered. What I don’t like is that at some point something made the System. Where it came from, who or what made it, why it does what it does, no one knows.” She frowned after saying the words. Dea appeared to want to say something but stopped herself. 


“Either way,” Asher said after a long pause. “We will still keep fighting. Making kids, and training the next generation to figure it out.” He looked to the doors of the room and waited. More Geo mana leaked out. More screams. Asher’s leg jumped up and down as he waited. And eventually his prayers were answered when he heard the wail of a baby. 


It was loud and pitiful. He felt tears in his eyes as the wail continued. Then it quieted. He waited anxiously as he pictured what was going on in the room. It was a long time until someone came to get him. One of the servants waved him in. Asher gave Dea a side hug. She pushed him toward the door. 


Asher walked quickly into the Royal bedchamber. There was a lot more light than he expected. All the girls were there. Gathered around a small bed they didn’t face him, he guessed they were studying the newborn. His eyes went to Lyola. She was on one of the low Roktai elf beds. Only about 6 inches from the ground he ignored the blood at her feet. 


Shaking in fear he walked up to her. Bending down he kissed her forehead. The blonde elf smiled as she opened her eyes. 


“Husband,” she whispered weakly. 


“Wife. How are you?”


“Better. We did it,” she said weakly. 


“You did it,” he corrected. “You did amazing.” Kissing her forehead again he grabbed her hand. Sitting next to her they had a rare moment alone as he draped his arm around her. He didn’t know what to say. The whole act unseen he could only imagine how much pain she had gone through. 


Ready to see his son he felt like he had to make sure Lyola was fine as the others took care of him. His girls huddled around a tall small bed. Lyola’s mothers were the closest to it. All whispering excitedly. 


“I love you,” he said. Lyola hummed happily as they waited. He wanted to keep asking her questions. Like why this was done in the royal bed chambers. Was there not a hospital or something? But right then he let his future wife rest. Stroking her hair she continued to hum as the girls whispered around the baby. 


Eventually a small woman picked him up and brought him over. The girls split to let her through. Asher grew excited as he watched in rapt attention. Each step brought his son closer and closer. Wrapped in an ornate green blanket Asher guessed it was some ceremonial blanket. Green leaves etched into it. The elves were big about their traditions. 


The elf nurse brought him to them and handed the boy to Lyola. Asher studied him as he laid in the crook of her arm. His face scrunched together he was pale, but had a full head of black hair like Asher’s. “Hello my little potato,” Asher said as he stroked the side of his son’s face. 


“Don’t call him that,” Lyola chided, but she was all smiles as she stared at the boy. 


“Then what do we call him?” 


“Tiber, Tiber Whitmore Lofgren,” she said. Asher remembered she had wanted to name their son after her grandfather. Tiber was better than Tiberion. And the last name was a little expected since they weren’t technically married. He hadn’t asked how names worked on Elantontrin. This wasn’t the time to ask for clarification. 


“Hello my little tiger,” Asher said. The kid was asleep as they stared at him. 


“I am afraid there is a minor issue,” the nurse said. Asher looked up to her. She bit her lip but slowly continued, “He was not reacting to movement. He may be blind.” His wife stiffened.  


“Is that a thing to worry about?” Asher asked. “I assume that’s something that can be fixed later.” 


“Most likely,” the nurse said. “I thought it best to warn you though.” 


Asher didn’t really care. There was Daredevil and Zatoichi. Plenty of cool people were blind. He would just have to be extra careful, maybe learn braille to teach him. Asher didn’t have a worry in the world. His son would have all the resources he needed. 


“I think it’s best if we let the new mother rest,” Millfadona said. She stared daggers at the nurse, obviously upset she had said something. “Let’s not worry about such things for now.” 


“I agree,” Asher said. Lyola hesitantly passed him the baby. Asher took him gingerly. He was so light. He was afraid to break him. Careful as can be he got up and moved him through the crowd of women. The boy opened his eyes, but his eyes stared straight ahead. Unblinking as people smiled down at him. Only reacting when they touched his cheek or head. He still looked like a potato to Asher, but he guessed that would fade. So many feelings going through him he walked Tiber around in a daze. 


Tiffany and Zora openly cried as they stared at the boy. Eliffy spoke about wanting one now. Azya said the same. The pink elf was practically bouncing off the walls as she studied the boy. Joon was a little standoffish, but as he moved the kid to her she gave the boy a loving look. Tyranis had come inside at some point. Standing at the back the man smiled wide at the baby. 


“Strong,” Tyranis noted. “And he has Lyola’s ears.” Asher noticed the way they were slightly pointed to the side. Asher knew then that Earth wasn’t the place for his son. He would be made fun of at school for those ears. 


At last Dea was the only one that hadn’t seen him. Asher presented Tiber to her. “I made this,” he said. 


“You barely helped,” she said with a small smile. 


“Just the fun part,” he said. He moved the boy closer to her. The woman’s pale hand reached out and touched Tiber. A frown creeped up on her face. 


“He’s not blind,” she said. That caught everyone’s attention. Soon they were gathered around him again. 


“What do you mean?” Tyranis asked excitedly. 


A white light appeared in Dea’s hand, a familiar necklace with an X on it materialized. “He has a Status Screen,” she noted. Setting the necklace on the baby boy he blinked, then his eyes moved around for the first time. “He has a title.” 


“What?!” The older elves exclaimed. “How can you tell?” Millfadona asked excitedly. 


“I can see it,” Dea said. “He has the Elvarian title.” She looked up to Asher. A look of sorrow in her eyes as she suspected the kid wasn’t his. 


“That’s impossible!” Lyola yelled. Still on the bed the group of girls had parted. Lyola was trying to sit up. Fear in her eyes as she stared at him. “Husband, I swear, you are the only-” 


“It’s not impossible,” Asher said. “I had the Elvarian title. I won it from Fetince Burill.” The group looked to Azya. The older elves shared a look. 


“That’s not possible. You’re human,” Tyranis said. 


“I know,” Asher said. “Tosh said the same thing, which is why I didn’t tell any of you. I received the stats and title when I won our duel. I don’t have it anymore. I gave it to Azya.”


“How did you manage that?” Tyranis asked, still unbelieving. 


“I challenged her to a duel with the title on the line, then forfeited. She had more right to the title than I did,” Asher said. Azya stared at him, fear in her eyes.

“Is the title hereditary?” Azya asked. 


“It is,” Millfadona said. Disbelief and awe in her voice. “But it is still imp-” The room became quiet. Everyone froze as the surroundings darkened. Asher turned to see the mana leaking out of Dea Tacitae. She had an angry and sad look on her face. 


Her eyes were moist with tears as she looked at him. “Are you a prime?” She asked. Her voice cracking. Asher looked around. “The System and no one else can hear us. I have stopped the Time in this area, and we are shrouded from the Avatar.” 

Asher let out a sigh. “I am a prime,” Asher said. “How did you know?” 

“It’s the only thing that makes sense. Primes are beyond the System. I thought it odd that even I couldn’t identify your race,” she whispered. “Who among these people know?” Asher looked around. 


“Tiffany of course, Zora, Joon, Lyola,” Asher said. “We were careful about it. I made a mistake and said it out loud back before our initialization. I talked about my Max Level Skills. Joon stopped me after that. She said I couldn’t tell people when I receive levels or about Max skills.” 

“Good,” Dea said. A few tears escaped her eyes. “I can’t believe this. Another Sex System Prime.” She whispered the last words. 

“What the hell?” Joon asked as she began moving again. Tiffany, Zora, and Lyola did the same. 


“What’s happening?” Lyola asked, fear in her voice. 


“I stopped anything from hearing us, including those in this room,” Dea said. “They will start moving when they need to. Your son has received a title he shouldn’t have because Asher is a prime.”


“Ooooh,” Tiffany said walking up. “That makes sense now.” 


“You are taking this far too lightly,” Dea said. “Your husband will be a target of the System if this ever gets out.” 


“Are you sure?” Joon asked. “I mean it has been plenty blind to the fact so far.”


“If you talk about it openly, it will find out,” Dea promised. 


“Has there ever been a hero prime?” Zora asked. 


“Not that I’m aware of,” Dea said. “Heroes are typically the arms of the System, but I don’t doubt the System would kill you, hero or not.” TIber began crying. Asher moved him through the others back to Lyola. The elf grabbed him happily and the boy quieted immediately. 


“Should we tell the others?” Asher asked. 


“I would not risk it,” Dea said. “One slip up could mean your death.” 

“Tillie needs to know,” Asher said. “I had the title back when our kid was made. I’m assuming he will have the title as well.” Tillie was knocked out of the time freeze. 


“What is going on?” Tillie asked. The pregnant elf grabbed her belly as she stared at them. It didn’t take long for them to catch her up. 


“Yes, I believe I am a pure blooded elf as well, but I don’t have the blood of Aiysoyim,” Tillie said. 


“Neither do I,” Lyola said. 


“That is concerning,” Dea said. “The Elvarian title and trial is a rite of passage. Only those with the blood of Aiysoyim have the drive to reach it, but it was always speculated that any pure blooded elf might have the capability to get the title. It is more concerning though that there will be 2 half blood elves with the title.” 

“What do we need to do?” Asher asked. 2 small bracelets appeared in Dea’s hand. 


“They will have to wear these,” she said. “They will block their status screen and prevent people from IDing them. These accessories have a Growth enchant as well. When do you awaken your System?” She asked the 2 elves. 

“Age 100,” they said in unison. 


“16,” Asher said. 


“So your sons should awaken Systems before they are 40 years old, but they already have status screens, so they can begin to level now. This may be an issue, or a blessing. I do not know,” Dea said. “Either way, no one else can know that you are a Prime. I will need to manipulate everyone’s memory here. They cannot know about your son’s title.” 


Asher looked to Lyola and Tillie. They both nodded. “Anything else we need to watch out for?” 

Dea bit her lip as Mind Mana moved from her to those still stuck in her Time Mana. “There is another problem,” she said. “There is a legend in the Elfen Holy Lands. A half-blood elf would one day come and bring the end to the holy lands.” 


“What?!” More than one person exclaimed. 


“What exactly are the Holy lands?” Asher asked.


“Do you know about Divinity Mana?” Dea asked. 


“A little,” Asher admitted. 


“Divinity Mana is one of the rarest,” Dea said. “It appears now and then in people. It is as rare as primes are. If you awaken it you are allowed into the Celestial Dimension. The Celestial keys open the gate to allow non-Divine Systems to enter and try to reach the Celestial Lands. Elves are special in this regard. Only those with the Elvarian title have the capability for Divine Mana. The Elfen Holy Lands is it’s own part of the Celestial Dimension.”


She gave them all a hard look. Her eyes moved to Lyola and Tiber. “Raijit, the Lightning Primeval resides over it. He was the first of us to awaken Divinity Mana. An elf, I have not seen him in hundreds of thousands of years. Celestials stick with their own. I only know of the legend from Aiysoyim. It was foretold a long time ago. Celestials can affect this plane of existence, and Raijit is one of the most ruthless. He would not risk half-elves destroying his domain.” 


“Fuck,” Tiffany said. “Our kids are going to be so famous.” Asher gave her a look. She shrugged. “What? We all know the crap that happens around you isn’t normal. Why fight it? I expect our kid to be super famous one day too. Might as well accept it for all of them.”

Asher couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’re right. Why fight it?” He asked. “I already knew they were special. Cus they’re ours.” He leaned over and kissed Lyola’s forehead. Moving to Tillie he kissed hers as well. “Thank you Dea,” Asher said. “Not sure what would have happened if you weren’t here to explain it. I’m glad you’re here.” 

Dea looked at him sadly. “You are taking this far too lightly. You are a prime. Maybe not today, but someday the System will find out what you are, and kill you.” 


Asher chuckled. “You already said it wanted me dead. How is it different now?” 

“But now it will really want you dead,” Dea said angrily. 


“Double dead,” Asher said. 


“The worst kind of dead,” Zora said. 


“A worry for another time,” Tiffany added. “We already accepted what he is. That’s why our man is so strong. And why we are here to help him not do anything dumb. Cus if the System tries to kill you, we will just kill it back.” 

“That’s right,” Asher said, giving her a kiss. “You smart.” 


“My the smartest,” Tiffany said. “Now we needs to get to the baby making. Or whatever we have to do to let our mana stop screwing with our baby making.” 


“I agree,” Zora said. “Uhh can we get out of this time freeze thing?” They looked around. Everyone in the room was still frozen. 


Dea bit her lip as she studied them. She let out a long sigh. “You need to take this more seriously.”


“We hear you Deacia,” Tiffany said. Walking up to her she set her hands on the Primevals shoulders. “That’s why we appreciate your help and discretion. Trust us. We take this super seriously. But right now we need to enjoy our time with our kid. As well as our time with each other. Worrying about something that may happen in the future will only stress us out. Living in the moment is what we are good at.” 

Dea tried to say something more but Tiffany drew her in for a hug. “Thank you for worrying. But we trust you. I would appreciate it if you trusted us.” Dea deflated and for once accepted the hug. The 2 women whispered to one another and the Time mana stopped affecting the others. They looked around oddly at everyone for a moment, but Tiffany brought the attention back to the baby and everyone was lost in their desire to hold him. 

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