This S.O.B. System


Daphne got out of bed with a groan. She was ready to not be pregnant. The aches, pains, and bloated body were not for her. Arnold and the other higher ups for the Community guild were still off in Paris at the guild conference. They would be back later that day. 

Bathed in light she was clothed in one of her many maternity dresses. Her shoes put on for her, it was the little things like spatial rings that made her love the new world. Like every morning she brought up her status screen. 



Daphne Krollic





Donna LeRone


Spirit Absorption

LVL 12




Spirit Channeling

LVL 22




Spirit Summoning

LVL 15





LVL 16




Spirit Sense





Far Sight

LVL 10




Arcane Blast


Current Spirit:

Kishki Vulture


Mana Sight
























36 (11)












27 (-2)


Custom Stats:






She hadn’t leveled much since leaving the tutorial. Daphne found out she was pregnant soon afterward, and Arnold was pretty protective. Not that many monsters were out and about the once densely populated California area. There were only some low level monsters around the guild hall. Leveling for most was simply sporadic. Focusing on using her skills she had worked on them rather than experience while she had a bun in the oven. 


Forcing herself out the door she walked through the groups of people. Only a few were living in the guild hall at that point. Most had been shipped off to apartments as Community claimed more territory. The hall was typically left to those higher up in the guild as the communal quarters turned into private quarters. 


Getting some food she found Anita sitting with her son. The small kid was still rather breakable so the new mother didn’t often let him out of her sight. 


“How’s it going?” Daphne asked, sitting down. Anita had been chewing on her lip. Worrying about something as usual. “Thinking about that slimeball Terry?” 


Anita shook her head then regretted it and nodded. “Yeah. Maybe we should have him just disappear.” 


“Finally,” Daphne said, rolling her eyes. “Why the change of heart?”


“I don’t know.” Anita bit her lip more and looked down to her kid. “Our lives are pretty great now. The internet isn’t out there anymore. Our pasts could really stay there, but if anyone kept that stuff for the future, it was that asshole.” 


“That’s what I’ve been saying,” Daphne said. She didn’t want to sound like a broken record, but she was glad Anita was finally coming around. “Let me just call Arn-” She stopped as Anita put a scared look on her face. The blonde's eyes were focused behind Daphne. Daphne turned slowly to see Ria standing behind her. “Ria, darling I wa-” 


“Who are you looking to kill?” She asked. The slightly older woman had an angry stare for the both of them. Daphne blushed in shame. 



“Don’t lie,” Alexandria Whitmore warned. “I have a skill that tells me when you’re guilty.” 


Daphne looked down then shared a look with Anita. Neither of them had said anything to her about Terry. “Asher called yesterday,” Anita spoke up. “Our old friend Terry Nova is alive.” 

Ria frowned. “That asshole? What about him?”


“He’s part of the Seven Sins Guild,” Anita said. “We were thinking of maybe…threat-warning him. Make sure he doesn’t have any videos left from back in the day.” When Asher became famous a lot of Alexandria’s old work resurfaced. 


Ria studied them. She didn’t believe them for a second. “Let bygones be bygones,” she ordered. The girls exhaled slowly. Dejected with the finality of the words. All those years, and Ria was still the one in charge. “Come on, Daph. Help me with some of the refugees.” 


Daphne blew a raspberry. “How are these people refugees? They grew up here.” 


“You know what I mean,” Ria said. Grabbing her hand Daphne groaned and got up. “These people have had it hard. We need to help.” 


“We had it just as hard,” Daphne said. “Just cus they can’t hack it doesn’t mean we should devote all of our resources to them.” 


“We aren’t,” Ria said. “That’s just what we do as people, Daph. Help those that aren’t built for this kind of stuff.” They continued walking outside. 


“I don’t get it,” Daphne said. “You’re pretty strong. Why aren’t you out there Ria? Why not keep leveling? Getting stronger? From what I’ve heard, it’s pretty tough in the universe. Shouldn’t we be out there fighting monsters and all that?” 


Ria’s hand went to her own belly. It was almost as big as Daphne’s. They waddled together hand in hand outside the guild. “It’s all fighting out there,” she said. “And maybe we should be leveling. But for now, I would like to forget all that. Help those that need it. We need to make sure our house is in order before we look anywhere else.” Ria grabbed Daph’s hand to stop her from walking further. 


“I know you like leveling, and I will admit a part of me likes it too,” Ria said. “But we have a responsibility to these kids.” She rested her hands on their bellies. “We need this place to be safe, so that when we have to go back out there, we will know they’ll be safe.” 


Daphne bit her lip. “So you aren’t giving up?” 

Ria shook her head. “I’m taking a break. Another person tried to kill Asher the other day. Tried to shoot him in the head. Right out in the open. Now he’s going to another conference, probably to make more enemies. He needs his father and I, now more than ever. But this kid needs me too. So I will recharge, help those I can, then go back out there. Until then, let’s try not to make any more enemies, ok?” 


Daphne frowned but nodded. The girls smiled and put their arms over one another. They started helping those they could. Most were emotional wrecks from the tutorial. Many were orphans. Forced on the Easy Tutorial when their parents were spit back out to Earth they were quickly killed by a level 15 wolf or some such. Many of the children had seen bad things in the past few months. It was slow and thankless work, but it needed to be done. 


As they stopped for lunch a girl came flying over to their group of helpers. She was McKenzie Ellis. A Gravmancer, she had lighter colored hair and a huge rack. At least that’s what Daphne noticed. She had seen her around, the large chest was more than eye catching. 


“Hey, I found that group,” McKenzie said walking up to Bishop Whitmore. 


“Which?” He asked. Standing up he dusted off the breadcrumbs from his lap. 


“That religious group,” McKenzie said. “They are way bigger than the last time they showed up. Closer too.” 


“Crap,” Bishop said with a sigh. “Alright.” Looking to Ria he asked, “Should we say hello?” 


Ria stood up and nodded. “I want to go,” Daphne said, shooting to her feet. “What is it?” 


Ria looked around. Their group helping the damaged people was pretty big. “You should stay,” the older ex-pornstar said. 


“Oh come on. I’m bored,” Daph said. “Without Arnold here I’m all alone too.” She pouted perfectly.

Ria rolled her eyes and nodded. A white light appeared beside her and the Glider materialized. Daphne smiled, pulling out her own. It wasn’t as big and fancy as Ria’s, but it was good enough. She had browbeat and begged Asher for one. Sometimes it paid to pop the strongest guy in the world’s cherry. 


They were soon channeling mana through the Gliders and raising in the air. McKenzie floated with them. Daphne could see the blue hue with mana sight, but was unable to distinguish what type. She guessed it was gravity mana. They started heading to the Southwest, toward the ocean. 


“What religious group?” Daphne asked when they got to speed. They had to go a little slower so McKenzie could keep up. The Gravmancer only recently got the Flight skill. 


“We’ve heard whispers of the second coming of Christ for a few months now,” McKenzie yelled over the wind. “There was this religious group that made a guild called Rapture after the tutorial was over. They went South preaching their gospel or whatever, and are coming back North for some reason.” 


“Oh, yeah, I heard about those idiots,” Daphne said. “Why are you 2 involved?” She asked Bishop and Ria. 


“Just worried,” Bishop said. “People are looking for answers. I really don’t want some guy with a System that gives him powers like Jesus to take advantage.” 


“Powers like Jesus?” Daphne asked. 


Bishop nodded from behind Ria on their Glider. “That’s what I hear. He can make food and water, walks on water, heals. People say he has the Jesus System.” 


“Oh wow,” Daphne said. She had remembered them talking about a religious group a while ago. But when it came to religion Daph usually turned her ears off. She got enough of that crap from Ria. “What do you want to do?” 


“Check it out,” Bishop said. “We have a little more experience and levels than most. I’m hoping we can identify him. See if he really has a Jesus System.” 


“And if he does?” Daph asked. 


“We will see,” Ria said. They sped up a little and were on their way. 


When they found the guild the group was massive. Thousands upon thousands of people in white robes near the ocean. Way up in the air Daphne looked down upon the group. Though they were far away she could still see what they were staring at. A man standing on the water. He glowed with mana, making him a beacon for all those around. He spoke loudly. Even at the far distance Daphne could hear the echo of his voice. 


“Woah,” she said, a little impressed. Ria and Bishop shared a look. Daphne guessed they weren’t so awestruck. 


They headed closer but a man in a suit of armor waved them down. The group descended to him. “Hello there. Have you come to see the Father?” 


“Yes,” Bishop said. Putting on his own preacher mode he had his best smile showing. “We are from the Community Guild. Simply wanted to say hello.” 


“Oh perfect,” the armored man said. “I will escort you to meet the Father.” His helmet turned white and disappeared revealing a young handsome man. Exactly the kind of man Daphne liked. She pinched herself. Sometimes the old Daphne leaked out. She had a guy. And though he was often quiet, she still had a lot of feelings for him. Feelings she was coming to terms with. 


The guard was quickly escorting them through the other lines of guards. The armored men and women lined the perimeter of the group of worshippers. Protecting them from monsters. Cracked sidewalk gave way to a parking lot, which gave way to a sandy beach. Once upon a time Daphne probably went to this very beach to work on her tan. 


As they walked closer to the shoreline the crowd became thicker. All in white robes they stared at the man on the water. His voice projected everywhere as if he was right next to them. 


“Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil. We have all been in that valley. Fighting for our lives as we were whisked away in the middle of the night. Taken from our families as we ate dinner or drove our cars. He took all of us. Testing us so that we could prove worthy to continue on in this newly born world he has given us.” The man’s voice was loud and articulate as he enunciated each word. 


“First Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 17 says: those who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds. We were all taken, but we must still fight and prove ourselves to join God in heaven.” 


Bishop frowned deeply. Daphne noticed it. He and Ria were obviously having a mental conversation. Daphne knew they did that alot with one of Ria’s powers. She could see mana being shared between their minds. The guy called the Father droned on and on. Hardly stopping for a breath as they were escorted toward the water. As they came to the edge of the sand he finally finished his sermon. 


“Though Christ is our advocate for the Father. The gospel is the messenger that prepares the way before the Lord. I know we all have questions. But read your scripture and the answer will come to you. The men in women with black wings and red eyes are coming, and they will destroy all of us. Remember this above all else.” He took a long pause and finished with a bow, “Thank you all for joining.” 


People practically shook themselves awake as he finished. Daphne noticed a haze of mana leaving the area. It had been subtle, something she hadn’t registered until it was retreating. Now that it was gone she wondered what it had been doing. The mana went forward and entered back into the man standing on the water. 


The crowd started to speak around them. Some crying, others whispering. All had acted like they were under some sort of spell that was now released. A shiver ran up Daphne’s spine. She guessed she wasn’t too far off. 


“Sister Grace,” their escort yelled. A young woman in long white robes turned to face them. She had bright gold blonde hair. A wide and happy smile split her face as she turned to them. There was almost a glow of gold around her as her eyes landed on Daphne. Daph couldn’t help but stare down though. Daphne had thought McKenzie had a nice rack. Sister Grace or whoever she was had a bigger rack and wider set of hips too. The robes struggled to hold in the curves. 


Daphne wasn’t much for lesbian action, but this Grace girl had way too many hot features to completely give up on the idea. Arnold wouldn’t have liked that though. He was a one woman kind of guy. A part of her probably liked him for that or whatever, but sometimes she liked to daydream too. 


“Hello,” Grace said with a sweet voice walking up to them. Her eyes were only for Ria as she walked up. “I have been waiting for you.” She was then hugging the older woman like they were old pals. Giggling and laughing as she did. Daphne noticed a confused look on Ria’s face. 


“Uhh you’ve been expecting us?” Ria asked nervously. 


“Oh no, just you,” Grace said, pulling back. She still had a wide smile on her face. “I can feel it. You and I were meant to find one another. You feel it too, I’m sure.” 


Ria studied the woman still holding her. A weird look went over her face and mana was shared between them. Ria let out a slight gasp and hugged the girl as well. “Wow, I do,” she said happily as the mana between them kept increasing. It peaked then began to pulse as they embraced. Daphne looked to Bishop who had a very worried look on his face. 


“I have the Kindness System,” Grace said. 


“Chastity,” Ria said without hesitation. The girls practically hummed in happiness. Daphne moved closer. She wasn’t about to let some hot blonde steal her best friend. 


“What’s happening dear?” Bishop asked slowly. 


“I don’t exactly know,” she said, pulling away again. Releasing the hand of Grace she stepped back to grab his. “I um feel something.” 


“It is the Virtues,” a man’s voice said. The group practically jolted with the power of his voice. Daphne turned to see the man they called the Father. He was walking on water, but Daphne noticed the mana on his feet. Then he was on sand and the mana released. 


He was an average height man. Tan skin, long gray hair, thick white beard. He looked like an old Jesus. He wore sandals. His white robes were etched in gold at the seams. 


“I saw it in a vision,” the man said. The people around them stepped back from him without a word. They made a large circle around the man and Daphne’s group. “We will be drawing all of the 7 Heavenly Virtues,” he said with a smile. He leaked mana around them, Daphne didn’t like it. 


“The what?” She asked, rather lost. 


He looked to her now, his ice blue eyes focused on her face. “The 7 heavenly virtues. The counterparts to the 7 deadly sins. As the sins were drawn to one another, so will the virtues be. Both groups empowered when they are together. It is our holy charge to make sure the sins do not stay in power.” 


“And which virtue are you?” Bishop asked, stepping forward.


The man smiled at him, he moved closer as well. Both men stopped only a pace away as they sized one another up. “None,” the Father said. “I am merely a guide.”


Bishop wasn’t impressed with the answer. Daphne could tell he was not comfortable under the man’s gaze. “Quite the sermon,” he said. “Once upon a time I was a preacher myself?” 


“And who might you be?” The man asked. Regal and confident in the big group. 


“Please, call me Bishop. And you are the man they call Joshua?” 

“Or Father,” Joshua added. 


“Joshua, can I ask what brought you here?” Bishop asked. 


“Of course. I am simply seeking the lost and chosen,” he said smoothly. His voice carried as no one else made a sound. His followers hung on every word. 


“And how did you come upon such a calling?” Bishop asked. “I apologize, but you have many people here. These are trying times. You wouldn’t be the first to take advantage of a group of lost individuals with the word of God.” The guard near Daphne became tense. His hand went to his sword. Joshua raised his hand, stopping the man and other guards like him from moving. 


“A fair question,” Joshua said. “We walk by faith, not by sight. I was called to this.” 


“Funny you should mention Faith,” Bishop said. “That is my System. Would you mind telling me yours?” 


“Not at all. I have been granted the Jesus System,” he said. 


“Jesus? Not Heyzus?” Bishop asked slowly. “Quite convenient. I know a man with the Batman System. Though he dresses up like Batman. That doesn’t make him Batman. Are you the same?”


Joshua’s smile actually cracked with that question. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” 


“I could quote scripture all day as well,” Bishop said. “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.” 


“When there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, will reveal myself to them in visions,” Joshua said. 


“So you’re having visions then?” Bishop asked. “Do these visions happen to be powered by mana, or are they divinely received?” 


“What does it matter?” Joshua asked in a whisper. His smile had disappeared. “Enough with the games. What are you here for?” 

Bishop wasn’t bothered by the angry glares from those around them. “We are from the Community guild. Simply here to say hello. You are rather close to our headquarters. Can I ask if you will be staying here long?” 


“We had not planned on it,” Joshua said. “But who can tell?”


“I thought you just said you received visions from God,” Bishop said. “Has he not told you?” 


“Who am I to question the ways of the lord?” Joshua said with a laugh. “My most recent vision has told me of invaders coming to our lands. Men and women with black wings and red eyes. I have never seen such a thing in my life, but still I believe and will prepare for their arrival.” 


“And what are your plans with them?” 

“Divine justice as God has instructed me,” he said. “And as he will continue to instruct me.” He looked around to the people watching them. “It was good to meet you Bishop Whitmore. I hope we can work with Community in the future. We are Rapture. We will be here to stay.” Setting his hand on Bishop’s shoulder he walked away. 


The people around them became less tense. Sister Grace beside them looked between Ria and Josh, but chased after the older man. Ria, Daphne, and McKenzie walked over to Bishop as he stood staring straight ahead. 


“What was that, hun?” Ria asked. 


“I don’t know. That guy gives me a bad feeling,” he whispered. “He is no Jesus System, that is for sure. Did you try to ID him? It’s all garbled. But I don’t think he is a very high level.” 


“Yeah, he didn’t feel too strong. But his mana was,” Ria said looking back. “What do you think about what he said? The virtues and sins and all that?”


“No idea, but whatever he said, I am inclined to believe the opposite. That guy had con artist written all over him,” Bishop said, turning around. “We need to warn Wayne and have these people watched. The last thing we need is a bunch of fanatics on our doorstep.” 


They talked a little more but as the crowd left they got back on their Gliders and flew away. Daphne hated this kind of thing. She didn’t like all these questions or weird people. Despite her name being Daphne, she wasn’t up for mysteries or tearing masks off people. 

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