This S.O.B. System


Asher sat up as the yells became louder. Other people hearing them now they stopped talking. Standing up, Asher was quickly out the door. He was about knocked over by a large group as they ran down the hall of the guild. Grabbing a young kid’s shoulder he pulled him against the wall so he wouldn’t be stampeded over. 


“What’s happening?” Asher asked. 


“Monsters. A swarm of them,” the kid said. Asher released him and was out the door. 


He dodged from more people trying to get in. His eyes didn’t see the monsters right away, but as he used Mana Sight it was a huge wave of them coming from the West. Moving ever closer the full moon was blotted out as the beetles came at them. They were about 2 feet long. Black and brown husks. They resembled giant flying cockroaches. He used ID.


Earth Beetle

Level 38


Asher cursed. That was just a random one. There were likely higher levels in the group. Studying the wave of them bearing down on him he felt their mana. It was one he hadn’t seen before. But Quanen had told him about it. Plague Mana. A mix between Death and Physical. 


“Fuck,” he said as the door behind him opened. The other people from the small conference were there. “Back inside. We need to gather everyone.” 


“What do you mean?” Ria asked as he pushed through them. 


“This is too good of an opportunity. There are literally millions of bugs out there. We are never going to get a better time for people to level,” Asher said. 

Wayne’s eyes widened as he nodded. He ran to the reception desk. The PA system activated as he announced, “All people interested in leveling up quickly. Meet at the cafeteria.” He turned it off flipping another switch. “All those outside. We will begin attacking within 10 minutes. To gain experience, please be sure to assist.” People started making calls as the wave of bugs hit the outside of the guild hall. 


10 minutes later Asher led the way into the mass of Plague beetles. The mana they let off caused him to cough. Sickening him. Batman released his Shadow of Death. The beetles tried to fly away from the darkness but black tendrils of death wrapped around them, killing them instantly. A path now clear they began their work. 


Fire, Ice, Arcane, Geo, Lighting, and all the elements were thrown out into the mass of beetles. There weren’t as many as before, but the sky was still blotted out. Asher guessed there were millions of them. The last thing he wanted was to let any escape. Casting Sex Bomb his Physical heavy mana caused the beetles to be hurt and focus on him. 


The mass of beetles heading his way were quickly mowed down and levels rolled in for those around him. Devlins, star elves, and humans finally got a bunch of experience all at once. Asher kept up with the Sex Bombs. Trying for Domination the Sex mana was as powerful as Sex Bomb, and the Physical mana made them run away, he would have to practice with it more. 


When all the beetles on the ground were dead or dying he jumped on the Glider and flew up into the mass still in the air. Flying directly into them he covered his body in Holy mana to keep him alight and protect from the plague mana. His HP still went down, but not near as quickly. He was even gaining experience from a few he sliced with Slayer. 


Going in a wide arc he brought the horde of beetles back down. His group members killed them easily. AOE attacks tearing into them as over 100 people in 2 different raid parties attacked. Asher went into the mass of beetles another 2 times before it began to disperse. 


Letting out a sigh as only random stragglers were left. People were excited as they moved their stats around or got new skills. 


“Why can’t leveling always be like this?” Joan asked. The nerdy Gamer girl smiling for once. 


“Enjoy it while you can. It’s a freaking pain in the rear for me,” Asher said. He stared West as a few more bugs flew overhead from there. 


Tiffany landed on her Glider next to him. “I missed all the fun,” she said. Asher had called her on the Comm to make sure she was okay. 


“Eh, doubt you would have got much XP,” Asher said, still staring to the West. 


“What?” Ria asked. 


“Something that way spooked these beetles,” Asher said. “I think we need to find out what it was.” 


“Then what are we waiting for?” Tiffany asked, jumping on her Glider. Asher nodded and did the same. It wasn’t long until a few more followed. Bishop and Ria. Batman and Aneela among them. Asher hadn’t seen much of Batman since he got back, but the man appeared pretty happy. A smile on his face his pumakin wife was on his back though she had her own fancy Glider. 


Asher got up to a high speed. Unable to talk to them there were beetles flying their way. Leading them onward they came to the ocean. Asher hadn’t been to the new continent, but supposedly there was one about 100 miles out. After everyone agreed they kept flying. Calling Wayne to let them know where they went he asked them to keep him informed. 

“So romantic,” Tiffany said, jumping off her Glider onto his. She put her’s away and snuggled up to his back. 


Asher looked down to the ocean. The full moon showing the ocean as waves crashed he had to agree. “It’s like sitting on our balcony during our cruise,” he said. She nodded, yawning into him as she leaned into him. 


“How are the twins?” He asked. 


“Asleep still,” Tiffany said. “You really rocked their world.” 


“It was fun,” he said. “Think they’ll become regulars?” 


“For sure,” Tiffany said. She quieted down. Asher slowed down a little and the others followed. He wanted to catch up with Batman. 


“You guys expecting any kids yet?” He yelled. 

“Not yet,” Batman said. “We are leveling for now. Got stuck here for a while to watch the Ethership when you ran off. After the red eyes got here we started working with one in dungeons.” 


“Cool,” Asher said. He knew everyone didn’t want to say devlin. He hoped that the other species didn’t know what they were. “How are you liking Earth, Aneela?” 


“It is nice,” she said. The dark skinned pumakin tucked her ears to the front to keep wind from getting into them. Her long black tail wrapped around Batman. “Quiet without you here.” 


“Yeah, that’s what I hear,” Asher said. 


“You sure about starting a war?” Ria asked. She had passed her daughter off to Anita at some point. 


“No,” Asher said. “But we have an ally. And it’s not like us humans haven’t fought our own for worse reasons.” 


“You’re right,” Ria said. “This time they would be fighting for your resources.” 

Asher nodded. “I know. But I prefer to think of them as ours. You know I’m not about to horde this stuff. Tiint is Community’s just as much as it is mine. We need that planet.” 


“Why?” Bishop asked. 


“Trust me,” Asher said. “Our planet could be hit by an asteroid, or plague, or any number of things. We need somewhere to fall back to, just in case.” Bishop and Ria nodded. He knew they were testing him. Trying to make sure he wasn’t some greedy person they didn’t recognize. He felt bad killing those people. Something Nora had said stuck with him. 


There was a possibility to save this timeline. He wanted that. Joon always talked about the future being bad. He was actively trying to lessen that. And if that meant not killing people, he was going to have to do his best to calm down. 


The conversation quieted and after a while they saw the coastline of the other continent. Covered in trees Asher hadn’t seen too many beetles. But it didn’t take him long to find what they were running from. 


Trees crashed and were destroyed. The Earth shook as the monster stomped. Mana swirled around the beast that was 200 feet tall. Blue Ki was shot out of it’s mouth into the sky. Asher knew immediately what it was, and boy was he excited. 


“It’s Abby!” He yelled, laughing loudly as he studied the Ozaru. Brown fur covering everything but the face, hands, and feet. A long tail knocked a line of trees over. Red eyes glowing in the full moon. The Ozaru was pissed at something. Asher flew closer to get a better look. He used ID. 


Abby Fitzgerald


*****Level 64*****


“Holy shit,” he whispered, seeing the 5 Risks. Abby must have noticed them because a blue beam of Ki was shot at his group. 


“Asher!” He heard a yell. Looking over Atalanta was a half mile away where Abby had been attacking. Pouring mana into his Glider he was soon to her. She practically bowled them over flying at them and hugging them. “I missed you both so much,” Atty cried. 


“What happened?” Tiffany asked as she coated the other girl in Mind mana. Atty nodded and let it happen as Asher dodged another Ki beam. 


“Holy fuck,” Tiffany said. 


“What?” Asher asked.


“Lot happened. Basically they were in a dungeon. They left. Were attacked by the plague beetles. Abby leveled. Got a new skill. Saw the moon and turned into this. Scaring all the beetles to us.” 


“Perfect,” Asher said. 


“There’s a lot more than that,” Atty said. 


“Doesn’t matter right now,” Tiffany said, grabbing her. Asher rose in the Glider dodging as Abby jumped at them. Her big meaty paw just barely missing them. 


“How are we going to snap her out?” Atalanta asked. Asher thought the orange haired girl was extra cute when flustered. 


“Easy. Get Batman to hide the moon with his Darkness mana. I’ll deal with her,” Asher said. His body alight he jumped off the Glider. Tiffany grabbed the controls and flew off with Atty. 


Armored in his Champion gear Asher’s stats raised. Some of the stats for the gear had raised with his level, making him stronger. He would need all of them to deal with a 5 Risk. Slayer in his hand he coated it in Physical Mana as he landed on the Earth. Jumping high his sword hit Abby’s fur. It was too squishy though. His sword bounced off. 


Grunting, he grabbed onto her fur. He began to rip it off, stopping her from attacking someone else. His strong hands pulling the fur made her roar loudly. A meaty hand coming down Asher pointed his sword at it. Abby stabbed herself this time. Slayer digging into the unfurry skin he guessed that’s where he needed to attack. 


The Ozaru pulling the hand back Asher lashed himself to it with Physical Mana. Air roaring in his ears as she pulled him up she noticed him. Her hand in front of her face she let him dangle while she stared at him. 


“Hey Abby!” Asher yelled, nervous as she breathed heavily at him. “That time of the month?” Mana was condensed in her throat and shot out at him. Asher held onto his blade still in her hand. Coating himself in Physical mana it protected from a lot of damage but not all.

His HP dropping by 20 the blast ended. “Guess so,” he whispered. Pulling he and his blade out he needed to distract, not kill her. Cutting her tail off wasn’t really on his radar. This skill was far too powerful to let it end with that. Using condensed mana like tentacles he was running up her arm. Abby started flailing her arm to throw him off, but he was latched on pretty well. 


When he got to her shoulder and back he hoped to dig in and distract her while she tried to reach him. He forgot she had Mana Sense and a tail though. Once on her back he was latched onto the fur when her thick tail hit him hard. Dropping his HP another 10 points she hit him again and again. 

Asher cursed and was dropping down to the Earth. Grabbing onto her tail he noticed the environment getting darker. Looking over black darkness mana was starting to cover the moon from the angle they were at. Holding onto the base of the tail Abby tried to grab him, but he was latched on pretty well. Since she couldn’t whip him off she just dropped to the ground. 


The Earth shaking with her full weight Asher was jarred off. This monkey was a pain in the ass, and he was about to get serious as the moon finally disappeared. Abby didn’t notice. She stood up and began punching Asher. Or at least where he had been. He dodged the freight train hits as the ground rumbled with each punch. 


His mana pulling him this way and that his mind counted the seconds. At 120 seconds she suddenly stopped. With a great bellow to the heavens she finally began to calm down. Her fur shrinking she began to descend quickly. Asher got a pretty good view of her tits as she turned from a monkey back into a person and shrank at the same time. 


Way hairier down South than he was used to he averted his eyes when she was about 50 feet tall. Running over to her he caught her as she became normal size again. Completely nude he willed out a blanket and wrapped her in it. Throwing her over his shoulder he waited for the others. 


“Perfect,” Asher said. The area alight as Batman stopped covering the moon. 


“What the hell was that?” Tiffany asked. 


“It’s her blood,” Asher said. “Her species turns into giant monkeys during the full moon.” He forgot not everyone knew this. 


“And we are hearing about this now because…” Ria asked. 


“Because no Saiyin is this high level,” Asher said. “She is probably the first Ozaru, ever. With training she should be able to control it. Either way, it’s pretty badass, right?” 


“I guess,” Tiffany said. 

“I have heard of other beastkins going through similar transformations,” Aneela said. The pumakin quiet as she stared at Abby wrapped up in the blanket. “But they are few and far between.” 


“Saiyans are kind of like a fighter’s wet dream,” Asher said. “I think I’ve met a few others. So we will need to pass this news around. Either way, let’s get her home and back to business. Tell me about what you’ve been up to while we fly.” Atty nodded and they were soon on their way. 

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