This S.O.B. System


They got back to the guild quickly enough. Asher was lost in thought as they landed. Amanda was already gone from his Relationship Screen. She had finally made her choice. Stuck at Level 1 since they met he couldn’t help but feel that he failed her somehow. The once cop had always been in the background. 


A fun time now and then he never felt for her what he felt for the other girls. She had been hot and cold to their advances. After choosing to stay for the tutorial they didn’t try to rekindle anything, and she disappeared after her run in with Nora. Whatever Amanda saw he hoped she was alive and well. With a supposed other Hero System, maybe they had their own fate to follow. He didn’t like it though. 


As they walked inside the guild was quiet, but the meeting room was still filled with people. Now that they were inside Asher asked his father, “Can you heal her?” 


Bishop nodded. His holy mana moving into the blanketed girl she started flailing almost immediately. Asher cursed as he pulled the blanket off her head. “Abby, calm down!” He yelled. Holding her arms her head and body were uncovered. Still naked he hugged her so others couldn’t see. 


“Abby! Calm!” He yelled again. 


Her eyes finally refocused as she saw him. “Ash?” She asked. “What the hell?” 


“You might want to dress first,” Asher said. Her Timeless Band a growth accessory it had stayed on her finger for the transformations so she quickly dressed. Letting her go Asher took a step back before she could hit him. 


“What happened?” She asked. 


“You turned into an Ozaru when you saw the moon,” he said. “Turned into a giant ape.” 

“Really?” She asked, excitement clear in her voice. 


“Yep, it was pretty badass. We had to knock you out,” he said. Not everyone needed to know that blocking out the moon worked. She had a nice trump card. “We will have to train with it until you can control it.” 


“Did I kick your ass?” She asked. 


“No, you started crying when I stabbed you a few times,” Asher said. “Back to business.” Turning around he was soon at his seat. “Where were we?” 


“We were talking about the war,” Henry said. “We need to work on recruitment.” 


“Yeah,” Asher said. “I have a warship being made.” 


“We will gladly volunteer Lawful Good,” Lastoo announced. 


“Thanks, but I don’t think the System would like you guys leaving for that. Your people should stick around here until the Initialization is done. I think joining the Guild Trials will be good enough,” Asher said. “You think we will have trouble recruiting?” 


“No, probably not,” Wayne said. “But we do need to start training. Anyone ever been in a war?” 


“Let’s talk to Tosh and Joon,” Asher said. “If anyone has experience, it’s those 2. And maybe send someone to Old Glory? I’m betting some general there would love to be shipped off to space to see how they do it.”


“You’re probably not wrong,” Henry said. “We will have to work on pay and other details.” 


“10,000 soldiers. That’s going to be expensive,” Asher said. They talked logistics for a while. Settling on Asher putting money forward. They could also leverage use of portals and some other technology for recruits. Either way there had to be 10,000 people in the world that wanted to see the universe.


Atty and Tiffany left with Abby to catch her up. The group talked far into the night when Nora stopped them. “Enough about this. You can work on this later. For now we need to go back to the original issue. The Sins and Virtues.” 


“Right,” Asher said. “So should I just pop over and say hi?” 


“Do what you want,” Nora said. “Do you have any spy’s?” 


“A few contacts,” Wayne said. 


“We are from Vegas,” Daphne said, pointing to her and Henry. She, Anita, and Ria had put their kids to bed a while ago. “We might know some people willing to talk.” 


“Maybe you,” Henry said. “I’m sure all my contacts have dried up. Wasn’t very lucid the last few years.” 


“Fine, me and Arnold can go with,” Daphne said. The big man eyed her. 


“With Amelia?” He asked. This was the first time Arnold had talked during the meeting. Daphne frowned. 


“Might as well,” Asher said. “I don’t expect to go in there guns blazing. Nor do I want to hide our arrival.” 


“Alright,” Nora said. “I would like to work with other teams to find the rest of the Virtues and bring them here.” 


“Are you part of the guild now?” Asher asked. “You’re sure being nice with the recruitment.” 


“Might as well,” she said with a frown. “If you’re sticking around you need someone to help keep you busy. Or else you’ll get in trouble.” Asher rolled his eyes. He didn’t like that idea at all. 


“We have 12 days,” Wayne said. “12 days till the guild trial. A lot to get done in that time.” Asher brought up the quest screen. He hadn’t looked at it in a long time. 



The System's protection of your planet will end in:



A Dungeon Race has been selected for the first guild trial.


Every member of a guild over level 25 will have the option to join.

Those not in a guild over level 40 will be allowed to join for a nominal fee.


Dungeon Race Timer:











Asher found Tiffany, Atalanta, and Abby in the cafeteria. There were a few night owls hanging around as well. Sitting with them Tiffany leaned against him. 


“She’s really gone,” she said sadly. 

“Amanda? Yeah, it’s surprising,” he said. “And she went with some random guy?” 


“He was a friend of mine,” Atty said. “Back when we were kids he was always quiet. I was happy to see him again.” 


“Yeah, he wasn’t bad,” Abby said. “His System was interesting too.” 


“Right, what did you call it? Clover Star System?” Asher asked. “What did it do?”


“No idea,” Abby said. “He didn’t use magic, and had this black sword that destroyed it.” 


“A black sword?” Asher asked. “Mana disappeared?” 


“Kinda, yeah,” Atty said. “Why?” 


“Nothing, I think I know what his skill is. But that doesn’t make sense with all the manas we know of.” 


“What is it?” 


“There’s this anime. Black Clover. The main character used a black sword that destroyed magic. The main character couldn’t use magic either.” Asta was an annoying lead, but strong. 


“I never saw him use mana,” Atty said. “Guess it doesn’t matter now, since they’re gone.” 


“What are we doing now?” Tiffany asked with a yawn. 


“I am supposed to go to Vegas,” Asher said. “Find one of these Heavenly Virtues.” He caught them up on the conversation he had with the others. 


“Boring,” Tiffany said. “You go have fun.” 


“What? I thought you’d love to go to Vegas,” Asher said.

“Maybe when it calms down,” she said. “For now, I want to relax. You go do your thing.” 


“I have to go with her,” Asher said, pointing behind him. Grace was at futher table talking with another member of her guild. 


“Oh fun,” Tiffany said, eyeing the buxom blonde. 


“I’m going to bed,” Abby announced. “I know where this is going.” She got up with a groan. With a sigh she added, “Thanks for saving me Ash. And not cutting off my tail.” 


“Anytime. I’d shave if I were you though. Turning into an ape made a lot of hair stick around,” Asher said. Glancing at her crotch she blushed deeply. Her tail whipped around smacking his face. Asher cackled a laugh as she stomped away. 


“I can’t believe you said that,” Tiffany said, a huge smile on her face. “Anyway. You gonna move on our blonde?” 


“I’d like to,” Asher said. “But before that, I want to clear something up.” 


“Like what?” She asked, innocently. 


“Like am I going to have to continue to feel bad if I sleep with someone when you’re not there?” Asher asked bluntly. 


Tiffany put on a mischievous grin. “What are you talking about? I never make you feel bad.” 


“I’m talking about Karhoribol,” Asher said. “I felt bad about it. And I want to know if I should.” 


“No,” she said simply. “I think I’ve worked through some of my own issues. I know you aren’t going to up and leave me.” She showed her engagement ring. “And if you tried I’ll just kill you.” Asher nodded, that sounded like her. “But I also don’t want you sleeping with everyone you see. You can literally drop your Libido to 0. You only get horny when you want to be. So if I hear you have slept with 100 girls behind my back, and none of them knew you were married, I would not be a happy camper.” 


“Fair enough. So as long as I bring them into the fold, you don’t care?” Asher asked. 


“No, not really,” she said with a sigh. He leaned over kissing her cheek. She patted his head. “With your newest skill I’m pretty sure you could handle a lot.” 


“New skill?” Atalanta asked. 


“I’m sorry beautiful, skills. Plural,” Tiffany said. “You have to try them. Tonight.” 


“Please,” Atalanta said. “I’ve been stuck with that Saiyan prude for months.” 


“Hey, are you done wandering?” Asher asked. “You find who you wanted?” 


“I found Allen,” she said. “And I’m done for now. At least until the guild trial. Sounds like you’re leaving planet after that too, so I’d like to stick around.” 


“Perfect,” Tiffany said. “While Asher is infiltrating the Sins we can get Zora and Joon and Gen and the new twins all acquainted while he tries to seduce 1 girl.” 


“Twins?” Atalanta asked with a smile. 


“Nevermind,” Asher said. “I’m staying.” Who wouldn’t want a bunch of girls? He got blinded by new when he had more than enough at home. 


“Too bad.” Standing up she took Atty’s hand. “Go work out details with the blonde then come up to our room.” Atty happily followed behind Tiffany as they headed to their soundproof room. Asher grumbled as he walked over to Grace. 


“You still planning on coming with me to Vegas?” Asher asked. The blonde and her guild mate eyed him. 


“Yes,” Grace said. “Joshua had mentioned needing to bring the Virtues together. Despite his…faults. It seems he was right about that.”


“And are we good?” Asher asked. “You and I? It’s been a crazy few days. And my mom was held by your people. I may have acted a little hastily trying to get her back.”


“I don’t know why you think you and I have an issue,” she said. Asher was surprised by the truth in her words. So close to her he studied Grace. Thick lips, golden blonde hair, rosy cheeks, blue eyes. She was the perfect 10 blonde. Her large rack was hard not to glance at. She wore a white leather cuirass instead of the white robes he had seen her in before. 


“Well I assumed that Joshua guy was your boyfriend,” Asher said. 


“No,” she said simply. 


“Good,” Asher said with a wide smile. She blushed deeply. “Let’s leave at first light. I want to get this mission over with.” Before she could say anything else he was up and out of there. 


Practically running to their room Asher pulled out his key and unlocked it. Atty was already split into her clones. One was eating Tiffany out. The other was being eaten out on Tiffany’s face. The 3 girls gasped and moaned as he watched. 


Enjoying the show of their body’s writhing he had missed Atty. His constant companion for months during the trial he wanted to fuck her. He was done waiting. Coming up from behind he made his clothes disappear and slammed into her drenched pussy. 


Her clone and her came instantly as he started pounding into her. Tiffany still eating her out must have been too much as she rolled off her head. The clone began to play with her small tits as she continued to cum. 


“Quick shot, eh? Been a while?” Asher smacked her ass causing her to groan still between Tiff's legs. 


“Give her the full treatment,” Tiffany ordered. Asher nodded. Coupling mana leaving his body another him formed. 


The clones eyes widened. Her main body turned back to look but was stopped as Tiff grabbed her hair and pulled her back in. 


“Fuck her,” Tiffany ordered. Asher moved to the clone as he fucked Atty’s main body. He was strong enough to tell which was real with his Mana Sight.


“Missed you,” he said leaning in. Kissing her deeply he felt her tremble as his dick parted her lips. 


“Missed you both,” she squeaked out as he slammed all the way in. The clones came together. Asher stopped her pleasure midway through by casting Tantric on both girls. 


They didn’t notice it. Pausing their orgasms he started humping them in unison. They gasped as her hands dug into his arms. The other one began eating Tiffany out more furiously. But 2 dicks in a linked body the Tantric filled up quickly. It was about to burst in them both. 


Releasing it he began to cum into them. The girls screamed. Their legs falling out from one and the other pair shaking uncontrollably. He filled them with cum. Groaning in their ears as the orgasm kept going for them. 


He watched their eyes cross and tongues fall out of their mouth as it finished. Both passing out at the same time he lifted one and set her on the twin. 


“You ruined my moment,” Tiffany said. 


“You told us to,” he said. 


“I know. But you need to make it up to me,” she said. She put her finger to her lip cutely. Looking to both of his bodies. The Asher’s shared a look. They knew what she wanted. 


“Fine. Just for you though,” he said. She clapped happily. “How do you want it?”


“Standing,” she said. Standing up her tits and ass ballooned out. Lulu moved out of the way laying down on Atty. 


Asher moved to her pussy as his Double moved to her ass. Not looking at the other man Asher grabbed her tits while Double grabbed her ass cheeks. Tiffany shivered in excitement as they lifted as one. 


“You’ll have to tell me which feels better. Alternating or the same,” he said. His dick shoved all the way into her pussy in one thrust. She moaned, locking eyes with him as his hands held her up by her massive tits. 


Holding it there for a second he pulled out as he shoved it into her ass all the way. Tiffany gasped. Looking up to the ceiling. Kissing her neck he began alternating. Pussy then ass. Never in the holes at the same time as he went all the way out and in. Speeding up slowly. 


She came after a few thrusts. Squirting on him. But he never stopped alternating. Almost methodical as he mashed her tits and ass while his thrusts caused her to shake and orgasm. When he was thrusting into her every split second he groaned and slammed into her at the same time. Both dicks filling her holes as far as he could. Her arms wrapped around him. 


“I’ve never loved you more in my life,” she squealed and was cumming herself. Her eyes rolling back in her head she bit her lip trying to stifle a scream as he filled both holes. 


“I’m going to make you pregnant tonight,” he said. 


“Please,” she squeaked through a whisper. The Ashers pulled out and slammed back in at the same time. His large dicks causing her holes to tighten further somehow as he filled her. 


She came again as he synched his thrust into her. Kissing her she was lost as her tongue hung out and eyes rolled to the back of her head. Squeezing her perfect tits and ass he fucked her harder than ever. 


Screaming loudly as his hips smacked into hers. Her arms and legs became boneless as he did all the work. “You’re only good for this. Taking my seed.”


She nodded. Cumming again as he jackhammered into her. “You’re my wife. No one can ever take my dicks as well as you can.” She was already lost but she still nodded. Asher kept pounding into her. Selfishly using her like a cum dump as he came into her again and again. 


When he was down with her he dropped her to the bed. She spasmed in aftershocks in her cumatose state. Lulu was soon taking her place. He chuckled. Switching her around he took the shoggoth’s ass as the other him took her pussy. Pulling her hair as he slapped her ass she broke her silence and screamed as he pounded into her. 


“Love,” she gasped. 


“I know,” he said. “Love you too. Now make yourself smaller and tighter.” She nodded. Shrinking down, her pussy and ass tightened as he kissed her. The shoggoths tongues twirled around his as he came into her over and over. 


Then it was Atty’s turn. He wasn’t minding the position as much as he thought he would. He gave it to her too. But she only lasted one of his orgasms before she passed out again. 

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