This S.O.B. System


The group of 5 left at first light. Still winter time the sun didn’t rise until 7am. Asher fucked his girlfriend, wife, and her pet all night. Tiffany was too exhausted to go on around 6am. Demanding both of him over and over he actually did enjoy himself using 2 on 1. Able to focus on the front or the back it wasn’t too hard to only look at the woman and ignore the Double, and the Double was able to ignore him. Though he controlled both bodies it was still surreal sometimes to control them. His control of the Doubles was getting better every day. 


Las Vegas was over a thousand miles away now that the Earth was bigger. Ash had given Arnold and Daphne Gliders so they had travel capabilities. Daphne’s had a windshield cover to keep her and Amelia from the wind. The small girl was strapped to her chest. Completely changing Asher’s view of the ex-pornstar. 


“First family trip?” Asher asked. 


“It is,” Daphne said without shame. Long dark hair, deep tan skin, she was still a heavy chested beauty that had the figure of a much younger woman. She resembled any other mother with a dress on and a baby strapped between her large chest. The way Asher heard it her daughter liked to yell and scream, but she was happily sitting in the carrier facing her mother. 


“Going to Vegas. Maybe you 2 should tie the knot,” Asher said with a wide smile. 


“I don’t care how strong you are, Asher. I’ll still kill you,” Daphne said. The stoic Arnold didn’t react to the words. Asher chuckled as Grace walked out of the guild hall. 


“Ready to go?” Asher asked. Wayne, Anita, Bishop and Alexandria followed behind her. 


“I think so,” Grace said nervously as she walked up. 


“Why do you need to go exactly?” Ria asked, coming closer. “I should be able to sense this Virtue too.” 


“Nora already gave you your mission,” Asher said. “You get to find the others. And I’m not about to go to Vegas for the first time with my mom. I’d much prefer a beautiful blonde.” Grace blushed deeply, unable to handle the compliment. Asher pulled out his large red Glider. “Call me on Comms if you need me. Hopefully this will be quick.” 


“Do you have another Glider?” Grace asked, hesitant. 


He did. “I do not. Jump on back.” 


“Why isn’t your wife seeing you off?” Anita asked. 


“She’s indisposed,” Asher said. “Bye, love you. I’ll bring back souvenirs if I remember.” Sitting on his Glider, Grace reluctantly got on back. Asher poured mana into it making it rise up, causing her to hold onto his back for dear life. Daphne and Arnorld were soon in the air as well. They got to their top speed at about 150 miles per hour and he matched it. He felt Grace holding onto him, burying her face in his jacket. 


Pushing a button he did something he hadn’t done in a while. The dome like windshield wrapped around them, cutting off the wind. “Thank you,” Grace whispered, releasing him a little. 


“No problem. It was a little nippy,” Asher said. He made sure that Arnold and Daphne were still beside them as they flew. His eyes scanning the horizon in search of monsters. There weren’t too many, but there were a few. 


“Tell me about yourself,” Asher said. 


“Not much to know,” she mumbled, her hands at his hips as she looked around. “Grew up in Oklahoma. Came here a few years back with my mom.” Her words were quiet as she said them. Not really opening up. He would have to work on her. 


“How old are you?” 


“20,” she said. 


“You know, you can ask questions too,” he said. 


“I-I know,” she whispered. “Sorry, just nervous. Not how I pictured traveling.” 

“Thought we would walk?” Asher asked. 


“Maybe. That’s how we’ve normally done it,” she said. “I’ve never flown before.” 


“Want to drive?” He asked. 


“No,” she said quickly. Then thinking about it she asked, “Can I?” 


“Sure,” Asher said. Pushing the button the cover retracted. “Arn, Daph!” He yelled. “I’m going to teach her how to fly. We will catch up. We can stop when the kids hungry and I’ll show you some cool stuff I learned.” 


“Deal,” Daphne said with a smile. “Be gentle. I bet it’s her first time.” Daphne winked and Asher slowed down. Dropping to the ground he could tell Daphne’s word had an effect on Grace. The girl blushed deeply as he got off the bike. 


“Alright. Can you control your mana?” Asher asked. She gave him a confused look. “Use mana without a skill?” She studied him, more confused. 


“Do you have Mana Sight?” Asher asked. She shook her head shyly. Asher pulled out the skill book. Mana Sight was in the System Store but cost a bunch. For some reason it was cheap on other planets so he bought a lot while on Elantontrin. Most of the souvenirs went to Charles as he worked on new gadgets, but a lot were nice to have for Asher’s collection. 


“This will teach you Mana Sight. It will allow you to see Mana. For now, you can get by easy enough. Try to use a skill in your hands. But don’t use the skill, try to keep the mana at the cusp before you use your skill.” 

She frowned. “What’s mana?” She asked. Asher blew a raspberry. He spent the next 10 minutes explaining mana. When she finally got it she was able to use mana in her palms without a skill. He sat behind her. His hands at her waist made her nervous, but she was also excited. Putting her hands on the handles of the Glider she slowly drew out the mana. They started shooting forward. Asher pushed her hands off the handles. 


“Slow,” he said. “The mana is your will. First you need us to raise. Then you go forward.” She shook a little as he whispered in her ear, but nodded. Grace tried again. The flow of mana wasn’t constant into the bike, making it jerk and sputter, but slowly she got better control of the mana. 


Within an hour she was going a good 100 miles per hour. Asher’s hands wrapped around her waist. He could feel her excitement. Her eyes sparkling as she stared at everything she wasn’t much for straight lines. Going this way and that to see a rock or interesting tree. He was a little annoyed to be taking so long, but a part of him enjoyed her child-like wonder of flying. He hadn’t felt that in a while. It was always good to go back to his roots. 


She became mentally exhausted using her mana constantly. They soon had to switch spots. Grace was leaning back to back against him as she started reading through the Mana Sight skillbook. He sped up and found Arnold and Daphne soon enough. 


They had parked their Gliders next to a lake. Daphne feeding the baby as Arnold was standing guard. The statue of a man giving him a nod as they landed. 


“What’s this special training?” Daphne asked excitedly. A smile on her lips he enjoyed her hunger for strength. Asher cast ID on all of them. 


Arnold Yueller


Level 52


Daphne Krollic


Spirit System

Level 32


Grace Rossi


Kindness System

Level 25


“Dang Arn, doing well on levels,” Asher said. “Daph, I expected more.” 


“You try to level with a bun in the oven. Hell 3 of mine came from those bugs yesterday,” she spat. Her kid whimpered. She shushed the baby and she went back to suckling her very exposed tit. 


“Yeah yeah,” Asher said. “Hell you’re higher level than most of the people in the League. Okay, first we should work on Identifying your mana types. I had a lot of trouble with this, but after a little training I’ve been getting better. Every skill you use has a hint of all your manas. Why don’t you all bring mana out, and I’ll try to figure out what you have.” 


Asher pulled out a mana board. One of the larger ones. He started with Arnold. The man had pretty good mana control, mana sight, and mana sense. Mana sense was one of his System granted skills. The Predator System needed his own heat vision. 


Studying the man for a while Asher slowly caught the miniature leakings of different mana’s from his skill. He wrote them down and moved to Daphne and finally Grace. 


“Alrighty,” Asher said. “Arnold, I knew you had Physical and Illusion. But it looks like you also have Geo and Dragon.” Asher pulled out an Earth Bullet skillbook. He passed it over to the man. “I don’t have anything for Dragon. You’ll have to keep your eye out. But to help you awaken your Geo mana this should do.” Arnold nodded a thank you as he took the book. 


“Daphne, last time I tried I didn’t get anything from you. But now I understand mana a little better. Like your System says. You use Spirit Mana. Spirit mana is a Synergistic mana between Illusion and Arcane.” 


“I have an Arcane Blast skill,” she said happily. 


“Good,” Asher said, pulling out 2 books. “This one is Arcane Arrow. It’s not a bad idea to try it out. This one is Illusion Manifestation. It will allow you to generate physical illusions.” 


“So like something I want can appear?” She asked excitedly. 


“With time. And levels, yes,” he said. “But I also sensed Sex Mana and Mind Mana from you.” 


“Sex Mana?” She asked. “Like that sex beast?”


“Like me,” Asher said. “My primary mana is sex. You could learn this skill. Celibacy would awaken your Sex mana. It drops someone’s libido to 0. Or you could learn this Telekinesis skillbook.” 


“I want them all,” she said happily. 


“Stick to 1. When you finish them I’ll lend you another. Arnold could use the Illusion Manifestation as well,” Asher said. The big man nodded, but kept the Earth Bullet skillbook for now. 


“Fine,” Daphne said. She chose the Telekinesis skill to start with. Who didn’t want to learn to move stuff with their mind? 


“This is so far above my head,” Grace said. “How do you have so many skills to teach people?”

“I’ve spent a lot of time off planet,” Asher said. “Picked up as many books as I could. You have an interesting set of mana.” Eyeing her up and down she blushed under his gaze. “It appears your main one is Nature. You also have Soul and Mind. Would you mind telling me what you can do with your skills?”


“I give a lot,” she said. “Buffs, healing. Control emotions. Sense life around me.” 


“Interesting,” Asher said. “I have this Vine skillbook. It allows your mana to forcefully grow plantlife and control it. Also I have a Soulbind book. You could bind yourself to a monster. It has the potential to let you have a guardian. A companion to go with you if you dive into dungeons. Or you could learn this Telepathy skill. You can read minds and talk to people.” 


“What? I want that,” Daphne said, reaching for it. 

“I’m not giving this to you,” Asher said. “You’d torment too many people.” He looked to Arnold for support. The big man was smart enough to stay out of it. 


“That’s not fair,” Daphne said. “How come goody 2 shoes gets it?” 


“I doubt she would use it for evil. You’d probably just use it for gossip and to send people images of naked people.” Tiffany’s favorite pastime.


“So,” Daphne said unashamedly. 


Asher sighed. “Learn the other stuff first. We can talk about this later. Not like it’s super rare.” She bit her lip but nodded. Turning back to Grace she moved for the Telepathy book. Asher let her have it and was moving on. 


“Next, we need to get you more spirits,” Asher said to Daphne. 


Daphne looked to Arnold. “Talk to brickhouse over here. He refused to help with the 3 you gave me.” 


“Why?” Asher asked. 


“She didn’t hunt them,” Arnold said. “Doesn’t seem right.” 


“I understand you like hunting, and find it a good challenge,” Asher said. “But we have less than 2 weeks till the next trial. We need every advantage we can get. I swear, these are monsters Daphne can handle on her own. And if she can’t we will just recapture them so she can try again. But do you really think she will not just do it behind your back?” 

Arnold’s face was a statue as he studied Asher. “I assume you’ll be joining the trial?” Asher asked Daphne. 


“Of course,” she said. “And I do need practice with my spirits.” 


“You are too reckless,” Arnold said looking to both of them. “Fine. But no helping.” 


“Perfect,” Asher said. “Just need to trap them a little.” Looking around he picked a bare patch of thick grass. Manifesting Physical mana he began digging into the ground. Chunks of dirt began to fly as his invisible arms ate away making a large hole. 


“How the hell are you doing that?” Daphne asked. Her eyes alight with Mana Sight. 


“It’s called Mana Manifestation,” Asher said. “You can do it too if you have good control of your mana. This is Physical. If you could control your Spirit Mana better, I’m sure you could do cool stuff like this.” Daphne’s body became alight with the mix of Arcane and Illusion. The Spirit mana shroud around her body formed the guise of a bird around her. As he dug he watched her try to manipulate the mana. 


Slowly but surely the wing was extended and began to thin, stretching out. Then it was released, causing her to breathe in and out heavily. “Wow, that’s hard,” she said. 


“I’ve had practice,” Asher said. The hole in the ground was already 6 feet wide as he dug it deeper. It took a good hour to make a small well in the Earth. 15 feet deep and 15 wide, the well was good enough for what he wanted. 


“Box,” he said. Daphne pulled the Capture Cube from her storage. Without hesitation he pushed a button on the front and threw it in the pit. The box became alight and the ghost popped out. Disoriented it looked around. The ghost was only 5 feet tall. Pale skin it had the figure of a wolf. No fur, it was quadrupedal. Then with a roar it looked up and saw him. Howling it tried to jump. Asher slammed a lid of Physical Mana over the pit. The ghosthound hit the lid hard and yelped. 


“It can use some form of Energy mana to turn itself incorporeal. It can’t pass through other mana. And the dirt is too thick for it to sneak by.” The Ghosthound howled again and tried to hit the lid. 


“What do I do?” Daphne asked excitedly. 


Asher looked to Arnold. “Figure it out, like your hubby said.” 

Daphne grumbled. Thinking she shrouded herself in mana. The thick form of a turtle appeared around her. “Ready?” Asher asked. She bit her lip but nodded. “Okay, when he hits next, jump in. I will open it.” 


“How will you know if I’m in danger?” She asked nervously. 


“Stop using mana sight and you can see through this lid,” he said. 

“Oh right,” she said. She broke out into a sweat. “Fine. Ready.” 


Asher waited and after a few minutes the hound tried to hit the lid again. “Now,” he said. Daphne jumped in as he dropped the lid. Asher put it back on but monitored the inside. Daphne landed hard on the hound. The beast howling it was below her level, but he could tell she was rusty. The monster attacked, but her shroud protected her. She switched to a feline shroud and used mana claws to attack it. The hound dodged twice, but she got it on the 3rd. A deep gash in it’s leg it was a forgone conclusion after that. 


The beast howled, but she didn’t show any mercy. Her claws raked it’s throat, and it dropped dead. Asher watched the mana leaking from the ghosthound into Daphne. Then she was smiling big as she absorbed the Spirit. All the while Arnold held their daughter. The girl was quiet, unbothered by the noises of the beast. 


“Next!” Daphne yelled up. Asher looked to Arnold. The man nodded. 


“Ready when you are,” Asher said and Daphne pulled out another cube. This time it was the roadrunner. She had it in the clutches of her spirit mana shortly. Keeping it grounded as she clawed at it. 


“Honestly, I regret it now,” Asher admitted. Watching the defenseless monsters taken from their home to be killed. He felt bad for them. Disoriented as they popped out of the cube they were simply trying to survive. Arnold, Grace, and Amelia were quiet as she finished up the roadrunner. Absorbing it’s spirit she quickly brought out the Sex mana beast. It faired a little better, but not much. Her mana protecting her, the tentacled beast couldn’t touch her as she attacked it. 


A smile on her face all the while Asher knew it had to be done. Every advantage was needed in this world. If that meant killing troves of monsters, so be it. He would kill every man or monster in his way if it came to that. Asher only hoped it wouldn’t come to that. 


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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