This S.O.B. System


“Cut,” Terry ordered. “That's a wrap.”


Roleplay Skill Deactivating



The word like a trigger, Asher’s memories came back to him in a rush. Blinking his confusion away he looked to Zora. She gave him a little smile before she scooted off the bed. One of the assistants handed her a towel as she cleaned the white goo off of her cheeks. One of the cameras right in his face, Asher wasn’t quite sure how he hadn’t noticed it during the roleplay. Max level was really OP. 


System notifications minimized, he got up from the bed to get back into his clothes. 


“It's getting too dark for your scene with Ashley,” Terry said aloud. The light dim outside the thought of another scene made him sick. His feelings for Zora were lingering, that sense of love had been strong. He may have gotten too far into the Roleplay. The thought of having sex with Ashley did not sound appealing. 


“Damn,” the dark haired girl said from the door. She gave him a wink then walked out of the room.


“Zora, you'll have to shoot your step-dad scene. He gets off work. Comes into your room and pretends to be Quinten,” Terry said reading from a notecard. 


Asher’s anger flared at the thought of his girlfriend sleeping with someone else. Especially someone twice her age. His face turning red he took a step toward the director but stopped himself.


She’s not my girlfriend, the thought hit him like a lighting bolt. This was the job. To sleep around, and pretend to be someone you’re not. 


Terry gave him a confused look and said, “You’re done for the day kid. We’ve used this house too much in this movie. Let’s shoot the you and Ashley scene at the coffeeshop. She works there or something. How about Sunday since it’s supposed to rain? Saturday I have another scene for you for a different movie if you’re interested.”


Asher slowly calmed himself as his tumult of emotions threatened to make him do something stupid. With a nod toward Terry, Asher began to leave. Zora catching his eye she had wiped off some of her makeup with his semen. The assistant was helping reapply it, but her blackeye was much more visible now. Biting back his anger he left, not seeing the small wave Zora sent his way. 



Back at home he was still in a rotten mood. No longer hungry he distracted himself with his notifications. A couple of surprising ones popped up. 



On reaching level 6


Experience Method Added


Someone got off on you getting off. Guess those muscles are for more than beating monsters up. This act has been deemed to be worthy of experience. 


That must have been Ashley in the scene.  Another great way to gain experience, he wondered if it worked for people watching his pornos. If so he would eventually be swimming in the XP points. A bad taste in his mouth with the thought of random people watching his smut, he opened the menu and looked over his experience methods. 


Experience Methods













Take Virginity


New Person






On Film






There was one more screen to go over. Apparently his Roleplay had allowed him to start learning a language. Despite it being a fantasy all in his mind, the System recognized it. 


Slovene Language (Level 2)

You tried to learn a language for a girl. Don't worry, you're not the only one.


Another reminder of his fake girlfriend, he looked over his stats, assigning the 5 points from the level up. With a choke he put his dick size back up to where it was supposed to be. He had forgotten he had done it to make it less painful for Zora. Luckily no one had noticed. 



Asher Whitmore





Quinten Hardly







STD Immunity










Genitalia Control





Prop Manifestation





Relationship Screen













Slovene Language

































Custom Stats:


Dick Length

8.85 Inches


Dick Diameter

1.85 Inches






Trying his best to get out of his bad mood, Asher text Doug. 


- Hey u up?-


Doug was a notorious slow texter. Asher left the house, telling his folks he would be at Doug’s. They didn’t question him. 


“Hey tomorrow we are having dinner with an old friend of mine,” his mom yelled as he slammed the door.


 As he was about to cross the street Doug replied. 


-Working sry :( - 


With a curse Asher got into his car to get out of the wind. Starting the vehicle up he wanted to think about things. Go over what had happened that day. None of it was normal. Especially that guy that had hit Zora. He was basically bullying her to sleep with Ash. Something his mother had warned him of, but over the last few days he had started to hope it was a lie. 


The fact that Terry had accepted the bruise without question also worried him. Was it so common for women to come in with a black eye that he just ignored it? The director had treated Asher okay so far, but something was off. 


He really needed to see Zora, hethought with a sigh. Wonder where she is, he questioned. Probably home, he admitted. A home that for some reason was across town. As he thought of her home Asher realized that it was the opposite direction than they had filmed earlier today. In fact he could almost picture it. She stayed in a hotel. Unsure if this was because he had convinced himself that she was his girlfriend or not, he didn’t know what to do with this information. A skill he hadn’t used popping in his head, he pulled the screen up.

Relationship Screen






"Donna LeRone"

Level 1



Level 2



Somehow he was already level 2 with Zora. Was that because of his own fixation on her, or was that her reaction to him? Donna’s name in quotes he guessed that was from the fact that her name was an alias. Staring at Zora’s name he thought on it hard before the screen was dismissed. 


“I’ll just go check how she’s doing,” he said aloud as he drove away. The streets were full. Asher was soon near the hotel area of town. His sense of Zora led him to the local Hilton. His car slowly driving by the lobby Asher scanned the interior. The guy that had hit Zora was sitting inside facing the door. Asher sped off. 


After calming himself down he parked the car. He could almost feel where she was. Somewhere on the 3rd floor. Asher chewed on his lip as he cursed himself. Getting out of the car he headed to the exterior stairs. The stairs were locked, they required a key card to enter. He could wait for someone to exit or…


Looking up, there was a large gap at the first floor stair landing. The stairs open to the air, maybe he could make the 12’ jump. No cars driving his way he ran and leapt. 


His hands grasping the rail of the stairs Asher pulled himself up easily. With a tumble onto the stairs he announced, “I’m a ninja.” Slinking up the stairs to the 3rd floor someone had cracked the door open. Most likely to have a smoke, he guessed.


His gut telling him her general area, Asher nervously walked until he was in front of her door. What the fuck am I doing, he thought as the door opened.

“Ha!” Zorra gasped as she saw him. Her face mirrored the one when he had scared her in their scene. Not wasting a moment she grabbed his shirt and pulled him inside her room. “What are you doing here?” She hissed, peeking her head out of the door. “You’re lucky Aleksi did not see you.” 


“That the guy that did this to you?” He asked, reaching for the side of her face. As she flinched away and nodded he added, “He’s in the lobby.”


“That still does not answer me. What are you doing here?!” She asked angrily. Her small stature attempted to radiate menace, but he could only see her as cute. 


Those aren’t real feelings, he chided himself. You barely know her. After gathering his thoughts he admitted, “I really don’t know. I just felt something when we were together earlier. I felt a deep connection with you. And I felt bad not stepping in when that jackass hit you. I feel like I have to try to help you.” 


Ashamed of his racing heart, Asher finally got the nerve to look at her. She had a doubtful expression on her face. “And the fact that I fucked 2 other men than you today?” 


That terrible feeling of being cucked squeezed his gut at the admission. Closing his eyes he said, “That doesn’t matter. You don’t owe me anything. I just feel like I need to help you. And from what I saw, it doesn’t feel like your situation is totally consensual.”


Her hardened eyes slowly softened. “You are not the first person to try to help us,” she said sitting on the bed.


Taking a slow breath he sat in a chair opposite her. “No, but trust me, I think I have the power to at least try.” 


Looking him over, her eyes were drawn to his muscles and eventually his face. A face that he tried to convey a reassuring smile. Maybe that charm stat really did help as she began to speak. “I am from Slovenia, it’s a small country in Europe. I was sent here 3 years ago to live with my aunt and uncle in Illinois. When I arrived, my passport and all my belongings were seized. Some backdoor deal with a customs agent. Aleksi took my things and blackmailed me to do what he asked. Since I could speak English very well I was desirable.” 


Her words slow, as she paused Asher asked, “How old were you?”


“16, I was very naive then. Aleksi tricked me into some debts, and things snowballed until here I am. We are only in this hotel for a few more days while they prepare a new ‘home’.”


“There are others?”


“3 others. Like me. We have to star in these videos, or work as escorts to pay back our debt.”


“So why stay?” Asher asked. After an angry look from her he clarified, “I mean, he just has your passports right? Can’t you get another?”


“Very simple on paper. My first month in this country I tried to run to consulate of my country. No ID, meant I couldn’t prove I was a citizen. And I go to police, they deport me, but would most likely just sell me back to Aleksi like what happened my first escape.”


“So if you had your passport you could escape?” Asher asked. 


“Not without the other girl’s, no,” she said. Despite her small size he couldn’t help but notice those mature eyes that glowed to him. 


“Any idea where he keeps these things?” Asher asked, a plan forming. 


“A safe. I’ve heard it mentioned. Everything important to him is in his safe,” Zora said. 


“I might have a way to get everything from the safe, but I will need your help,” he said. One of his max level skills popping out to him. “You and I have another scene Saturday, I’ll let you know then.” With his words a new quest popped up.


Quest Generated

Help Zora with her escape


Time Limit: 4 days


Quest Rewards:

System Coins

Skill Upgrade




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