This S.O.B. System


In all honesty he was not 100% confident in the plan, but it was the only chance they had. He would need to prove some theories during his next porn shoot on Saturday. Asher left her room soon after his confession. Once back home he barely slept that night. Waking up for school on Friday he ran and worked out in the morning. His new strength caused him to add more and more weights. Ash would have to buy more gear if he wanted a challenge. The fact that he hadn’t been paid yet was annoying, but Terry had said he would get paid soon. 


“You’re up early,” his mom said walking into the kitchen. 


“Couldn’t sleep,” he admitted as a yawn was stifled. 


“Been busy lately I see. A new girlfriend?” She asked.


His eyes rolling Asher said, “if there was, I would let you know. No, just finally recovering from the drama Ellie left me.” 


“Are you happy?” 


“I am,” he assured with a smile. 


His mother mirrored the smile. He looked into her eyes. Her name was Alexandria, but she went by Ria. In her early forties, his mother had always been his closest confidant. Always ready with advice and an ear, he did his best to let her know what was going on in his life. 


Tall with a curvaceous body, he was mature enough to admit that his attraction to women stemmed from her. Always a toned physique showing, she used to be a source of teasing from his friends. His mom was called the neighborhood MILF. Asher typically ignored the comments. Despite the anger they caused he did admit that they were probably true. He just couldn’t see her that way. 


“Don’t forget dinner tonight,” his mom reminded. 


“Oh yeah. Who’s stopping by this time? Some new local youth pastor?” No plans for once, Asher was usually required to entertain new people in the area. His father was a pastor, and his mother was the unofficial church director. Asher was volunteered for all kinds of work that they needed. Being a perfect host was one of them. 


“No, an old friend of mine. I kind of took her under my wing when she moved to the area back in the day. She moved to Las Vegas a while ago and came back to the area for some work. She tracked me down yesterday, so I offered to cook her dinner and show off the fam.” 


“Took under your wing huh?” Asher asked. Mostly the people he interacted with were his dad’s friends or churchgoers. It was rare to meet one of his mom’s friends. “So what you teach her? How to wrangle old ladies fighting for spots at a potluck?”


“Oh no. Quite the opposite. I showed her…” a blush coming to her face she hid it behind her mug of coffee as she took a swig. “Well you’ll have to ask her tonight.” His mom soon left the kitchen and he followed.


Once off to school he took a few tests and was assigned a few tasks. Most all he finished easily. He had to attribute the ease of classes to the stats. Unless they were some sort of placebo effect of course. His increased physique begged to disagree that this was all fake. 


A free day in gym class, Asher decided to lift weights again. The school’s inventory of training gear was much better than his own. Most everyone paired off or found some secluded corner to mess on their phones. 


He was one of only a few other guys working the machines. Some girls began doing yoga poses in the cleared area near the weights. This of course caused many of the guys to show off. 


“Hey Ash, mind spotting me?” Lyle asked. A friend from wrestling they were acquaintances at most, but safety was important when lifting. 


“Sure, if you do the same for me.” 


After Lyle did his set Asher decided to throw some more weight on. 200 lbs was typically the max weight he could do. Confident now, he threw on 250. Laying on the bench his hands caressed the familiar bar before he pushed up. 


The weight went up easily and came down easier. 250 lbs made him feel like he was pushing away 100 lbs before his stats. 10 reps completed without a sweat he sat up and took off the weight for Lyle. 


“Damn man, you made that look easy.” 


Asher grunted a response. Deep in thought he tried to do the math. If his strength was 12 before. And now 17. That was what? A 30% increase? If his max before was 200. 30% of that was about 260. If 250 was easy though then his strength stat was not proportional to weights. 


When it was his turn again Asher threw on 300 lbs. Lyle appeared hesitant yet chose not to say anything. Asher sat down, let out a calming breath and lifted the weight. This time he felt strain, but not near what he expected. Pushing through he was able to lift the weight 8 times. 


His breath coming in ragged, they switched. When it was his turn again Asher put on 350 lbs. By now most everyone had stopped their own workout to watch. The girls gave him the side eye as well, an act they tried to hide. 


Breath coming in slow and steady Asher was about to meet a personal goal. 350 lbs was almost twice his weight pre-System. A weight he had set as a goal after watching one of the seniors lift it his freshman year. 


With a sigh he pushed the weight up and brought it down. Face turning red from exertion he was able to lift it twice before he had to set it back on the side stands. “Damn man, where you hide all that muscle?” Lyle asked with a laugh. 


As he moved onto a different exercise Asher looked at his hands while he thought. 350 lb bench wasn’t all that rare in a school this size. But it was a weight that far exceeded his expectations. 6’-2” he was 180 lbs before his System and was mostly skinny to show off his muscles. Now he had filled out. Curious if the increased strength was also thanks to his agility and endurance he decided to test speed next. 


Stretching, he headed toward the indoor track. A few people walking it during the free time he started a timer on his phone and began to run. His gait easy, he began to extend his stride and pace step by step. 


Wind blowing in his ears he finished the first lap and had 7 more to go. Able to keep the long stride going he switched it up by running on the balls of his feet. Never having felt lighter, Asher increased his speed again. 


When one mile was finished he was starting to breath a little heavy from the exertion. His timer stopped, he recorded that the mile had taken 4:56. A time he never could have dreamed before. The implications of this made him go deep into thought as he walked the track. He was only level 6. And supposedly there were a lot more people out there with Systems. 


How strong were they? What was the max level? What if you could get to level 200? That’s 1,000 stats. That’s beyond superhuman if his minor testing was anything to go by. 


“Hey Asher,” Wendy said beside him. She was one of the girls walking the track. Apparently her friends had abandoned her, walking ahead. “Have a good run?” 


“Yep,” Asher said, putting his phone away. He pushed his thoughts away as they descended into silence. “Did you ever make plans this weekend?” He asked reminded of their conversation the other day. 


“No,” she said shyly. Her face blushing, she pushed her brown hair behind her ears. 


A giggle coming from the group of girls ahead of them Asher noticed then. Wendy’s attitude toward him finally clicked into place. With a facepalm he remembered all the hints she gave him over the last semester. 


Wendy had been sitting beside him in classes all year. She had always asked about his weekend. Had hinted about finding something to do. Last semester he had been dating Ellie, so he had thought she was being nice. 


She was a cute girl. Pale skin, long brown hair, and very skinny. Though he usually preferred more curves, she was still very pretty. Normally he would have leapt at the chance to date her. But now with his system he doubted if he had it in him to keep the side job hidden from someone. 


“Hey Wendy,” he said, stopping them. Her group of friends forced to walk ahead out of ear shot. “I’m sure you’ve heard the false rumors spread by my ex.” No denial from Wendy he continued. “Because of that I’m taking a step back from relationships for a little while.”


An awkward silence left and they began to walk again. “But you’re very cute, and I’d hate to pass up the opportunity to take you out,” he added. “I’d like to keep it a little more casual than I usually do” 


Her face now crimson, he did notice a smile splitting her face. “Casual?” 


“Yep, casual. Hang out now and then. See where stuff goes.” 


“I’d love that,” she said. A smile still splitting her face. 


It was sad that Asher didn’t know how stuff like this worked. He was basically assigned people to have sex with currently. But how did normal people do this? Now that he lost his virginity he knew that sex was going to have to be a part of any relationship he had from now on. Besides, he needed it for the XP. 


How did he know if someone was down to throw down without experience? So if he could have casual relationships. Learn a little better what he liked in women, and what it took to seduce them. Asher hoped to find an answer to maximize his experience gains without porn. Recent events had left a bad taste in his mouth with the industry. 


“So what do you do for fun?” He asked. 


After she recovered from his admission of interest she said, “well I’m in theater and we are planning to do a musical this year.” 


“Oh yeah?” His Roleplay skill so OP, he couldn’t help but wonder if it worked in a non-sexual scenario. “Tell me more about it.” 



After school Asher went home for once. Disappointed that he wouldn’t have sex that day he had been spoiled the last few evenings. Drafted into helping his mother clean and cook for dinner the already clean home was soon spotless 


-Ring- the doorbell chimed. 


“Honey, can you get that?” His mom yelled from the kitchen. 


Locking eyes with his dad Asher yelled, “I’ll get it.” The old man nodded his thanks as he kept writing in his sermon journal. 


Opening the door with a flourish Asher said, “why hello…Donna?” Locking eyes with the woman he had lost his virginity to. The sexual partners stood there staring at one another. Both fighting for who had the most shocked face. 


A hand setting on his shoulder his mother drew his attention. “Just in time. Ash this is my friend Daphne. What are you doing? Let her in.” 


Stammering an apology the two looked awkwardly at one another. “Umm Daphne, is it? It’s nice to meet you.” 


“I know who you are,” Daphne said. His heart constricting, she added. “Your mom has told me so much about you.”


“Right,” he confirmed. Of course. They’re old friends. 


“Well time for dinner,” his mother said. “Asher help set the table.” The order knocked him out of his daze. He was happy for something to do. Their round table soon filled with plates and food Ash and Daphne awkwardly sat across from one another. 


She looked just as beautiful the other day. In a long black dress and mild amount of makeup he was disappointed that there was not much cleavage shown off. A part of him knew he shouldn’t ogle her in front of his mother. 


Asher sat quietly eating a salad and some pork tenderloin as his mother and Daphne discussed different matters. His dad was still engrossed in his journal and bible, it was understandable with his sermon in a couple of days. 


“So what have you been up to?” His mother asked. 


“Oh this and that. Still in Vegas. Dads doing better. I’m still managing his bar,” she said. Asher couldn’t help but try to catch her eye, but she dodged his line of sight expertly. 


“What brings you to town?” His dad asked, trying to contribute to the conversation. 


“Work mostly. I’m trying to find a better vendor. You know how it is,” she said. “What about you?”


His mother taking over the conversation she said, “church stuff mostly. We have a missionary trip planned in the spring. And after Asher graduates and goes off to college we are considering taking in a couple of refugees.” 


“Graduating from where? Which college?” Daphne asked. Finally locking eyes with him he was reminded of that mischievous look she gave him when he was balls deep in her. 


His mother laughed. “Oh no. I’m not that old. He’s graduating high school this year.” 


“Really?” Daphne asked. Her face turned a little pale. 


As she took a drink his mom had to add, “he turns 18 in March.” The poor woman began to choke and sputter at the news. After she recovered, Ash gave her an apologetic look. Part of him still feared she would out their relationship, but the fact that he wasn’t legal would surely make her hesitate. 


“When do you head back home?” His dad asked. 


“I fly out tomorrow.”


“You flew here? But it’s so close,” his mother asked. 


“I haven’t owned a car in years. Not worth it in Vegas. Besides, flights are cheap.”


“Then how did you get here?”


“An Uber,” she said. 


“Well Ash can drive you to your hotel,” his mom offered. 


“I was gonna go to Doug’s, but shouldn’t be a problem,” he said. Hiding his excitement. He was sure she wanted to talk too. But since they already did the deed, maybe he could talk her into going again. For the XP of course, no other reason, he thought with a smile. 


“If it’s not too much trouble,” she said wearily. 


The dinner quickly ended after that. Ash helped clean dishes as the two older women caught up. His eyes drawn to Daphne he wondered how she knew his mom. Did his mom know that she did porn? That idea doubtful, his heart began to pound in excitement at the thought of being alone with her. He had only had sex in a room full of people. Asher couldn’t help but wonder what it was like without the expectation to perform. 


Soon enough they said their goodbyes and Asher walked to his crappy old Camry. When they were in the car she ordered, “drive.” She gave him directions and that was it. They were soon in front of the local Motel 8. As she stepped out she broke the silence, “come.” More than happy to know where this was leading he followed. Soon they were in her room. The roar of airplanes landing muffled by the door. 


As she took off her jacket she finally yelled, “what the fuck! You’re 17? How the absolute fuck did you star in a porno the other day?”


Surprised by her attitude Ash chose to come clean, so he walked her through stumbling on the shoot at the coffee shop to what he had done to get a job. 


“Well this is not good kid,” she said. Pacing the small room as he sat on the one bed. 


“What do you mean?” He asked not sure what part she meant. 


“You’re the goddamn son of one of my best friends is what. Not to mention under the legal age. The legal age, very strictly enforced, by the way. How the hell did you get cleared anyway?”


“I have a pretty convincing fake ID,” he admitted. 


“Fuck kid. You’ve really messed up.” 


“What the hell are you so freaked out about?” He asked. It was just sex. Something he was very much enjoying. 


“Kid, this is not a good industry. You think actresses and actors have it bad in real showbiz, try the adult video business.”


“Mind explaining?” He asked seriously after a pause. 


She stared at him and let out a long sigh. “Alright I started doing this after getting into debt. Stripping wasn’t cutting it and I had to make some real money. But once this job gets ahold of you, it doesn’t let go without a fight. I’ve been bullied, threatened, isolated, and ostracized on more occasions than I can count. And I was able to get out by 25. Hell 10 years later and I’m still getting taken advantage of.” For some reason Asher thought she might be lying about the years to cover her actual age up, but he let it slide. 


“How so?” He asked. The illusion of control that he currently had was hastily disappearing. 


“That fucker Terry, that’s so. He’s one of the worst. I got a call last week from him offering me another role. But I told him no. My life is good. I make a living at my dads bar, and it’s been years since someone had recognized me from my former occupation. Well apparently he needed someone with experience. I had to talk to a few of his regular girls, tell them how the business works, then do a few scenes for him. I said no, so he threatened to make me start trending.” By the confused look he gave her she continued. “On porn sites. He said he would make my old videos resurface. Load them up on free sites and make my life a living hell as every dad and son suddenly recognizes me.”


“Wow,” was all he could say. Ash did see how that could affect her. Honestly getting recognized was something he hadn’t thought of. It was a part of his worry that he buried with the thought of his family finding out. 


“Yeah wow indeed. The business can be good for you if you’re at the top. But if you aren’t willing to commit everything, it will chew you up and send nudes to all your friends.” They sat in silence for a time. When she recovered from her rant she asked as if just thinking about it, “wait so you work at Anita’s shop? How the hell do you meet Terry and star in a porno the very next day?”


“I don’t know, lucky I guess,” he said. 


“No Ash, you don’t understand. There is a process to these things. You have to get tested for diseases. Do a physical. Sign up for insurance. All that stuff. Did you do any of that?” Scratching his head awkwardly she knew the answer. “That slimeball, making me fuck a kid who could have an STD?!”


“Well I mean, I don’t,” he said. 


“And how the hell do you know? That’s why weekly tests are a requirement kid. They aren’t something you can see.”


“There’s no way I could have one.” System aside. “I was a virgin,” he admitted. 


That made her anger dissipate immediately. “Like virgin virgin?” She asked. After his nod she said, “no way. How?”


“You know my parents. The holy rollers. It’s been pounded into my head to save it for marriage since I was 10,” he said. Now getting angry. 


“I mean I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I am just surprised. I mean, you did really well for a first timer,” she said, causing him to smile. 


“I have pretty good control,” he said. 


“I noticed.” Her smile growing wider he was finally brought back to the problem at hand. 


“How do you know my mother?” He asked. The smile was eliminated from her lips. 


“Damn, I was hoping you wouldn’t ask that,” she said under his breath. “I’m assuming you’re good at keeping secrets, kid. Whatever you do you can’t tell your mom I told you.” The room was heavy with the request, he extended his hand and pinky. The older woman let out a laugh as her pinky grasped his. 


“I moved to the area not knowing anyone. The company I contracted with had a few apartments for rent for cheap. That’s where I met your mom,” she said. Asher’s face began to get paler and paler as the realization hit him. How was he so blind before? All the signs were there. “She was in the business longer than me and showed me the ropes.”


“No, no, no,” he begged. 


“She left the industry soon after,” Daphne admitted. 


“So you’re saying…” he said, unable to speak more. 


“Your mom was a pornstar. Not terribly long, but enough to get a name for herself. The way I hear it she left. Met your father. And soon they were married and you were born.” 


It all made sense. The reason they knew each other. His mom’s constant disgust with the adult film industry. The fact that his mom even refused to have her picture posted on their church website. Heck now that he thought about it, Terry had said Anita was in porn once upon a time. His boss at the coffee shop was in porn, his mom’s friend from the past was in porn, of course his mother would be. 


“What about aunt Anita?” He asked 


“Her too, the three of us hung out all the time. I was pretty disappointed I wouldn’t see her this trip. Honestly, I’m surprised she let Terry use her coffee shop. But with how he got me, I’m sure he is blackmailing her too. That guy knows how to squeeze people dry.” After a quiet pause she exclaimed, “that’s it! You know Anita. He’s going to use you to get her. Or maybe even your mom.” 


“What do you mean?” He asked. 


“You’re Anita’s friend. If he has shots of you he could see how much she is willing to give to keep your videos from exploding. Or if he knows who your mom is he might blackmail her. Blackmail is like darts kid. You throw stuff until something sticks.”


“Well shit,” he said. Now worried what the guy could do to his mom and dad if this whole thing came out. 


“It’s perfect though. You actually have all the power. It’s a big no-no to get someone underaged on video. Despite gender. You could get him to do whatever you want.” 


“I can’t,” he said. A worried gaze in her eyes be clarified, “yet. A friend of mine is stuck in the business. I need to get her out.” 


“It’s not worth it Ash. It’s everyone for themselves. Trust me, I found that out the hard way.” 


“You don’t understand.” Thus he explained his conversation with Zora. And mild strokes of his plan to get her out. 


“Damn. I mean it’s not all that uncommon. Maybe not in the name brand porn, but in the B grade that Terry does it’s not unheard of. But still. Those sound like the girls Terry made me explain the industry to. Ugh, just the thought of it makes my skin crawl.”


“Give me a few days. I have one more scene tomorrow. Then I’ll enact my plan and get them out. Then you can use the fact that I was underage against Terry if he ever tries this shit again.”


“What will you do after that?” she asked. 


“I’m gonna have to leave the industry. It’s only been a few days, but I’ve already seen the underbelly of this son of a bitch business.” The motel silent, the only sounds were the jet engines above. 


“Well I mean, it hasn’t been all bad,” she said. “I mean you met me and lost your V-card.”


With a laugh, “that’s true and I’ve gotten a lot of…experience.” He almost said levels. “So how was I for a first timer?” He asked. The room grew hot with the question. 


“Not bad,” she said. “But it’s been a while since someone cleaned the old pipes. I may have been a little backed up.” 


“Really?” He asked, growing bolder. He recognized those eyes. “How are they now?” 


“They could be better,” she said. They stared at one another for a long time until they both stood facing each other. Before he knew it Asher had her on top of the chest of drawers. The bottom of her dress pulled up to her waist, his crotch thrust into hers as they began to make out. 


Soon the room echoed with their moans as their hands searched one another’s bodies. The smell of sex filled the room as she began to get wetter. His hands grasped both sides of her hips and pulled them up to his full height. 


Daphne let out a yelp as her hands held her upper body up and his hand’s held her lower half up to his mouth. Her body high in the air he began to suck on her pantiless pussy. Still hairless, he was surprised by the different taste than Zora’s pussy. While Zora’s was almost a tasteless juice, Daphne was sweet and sour. His Ahegao skill apparently doing its job she was soon grinding her pussy into his face and trembling. Caught up in the moment he focused on her pussy. Licking and searching for what made her groan and pant. When she let out an extra loud groan and shook a little harder he knew she had cum a little. 


Setting her lower body down her red face was flushed from the sensation and blood rushing to her head from their position. 


“Think you can still hold back from cumming?” She asked as she caught her breath. 


“I can literally cum on demand,” he said as he chuckled. 


“Bullshit,” she said. More in a playful than accusatory manner. “Prove it.” 


Taking his clothes off. He asked, “what do I get out of it? And where do you want it?”  His cocky smile seemed to throw her off. 


“The best blowjob of your life,” she offered. After his nod of agreement she said, “my hand.” She bent down next to his crotch. Her hand in front of his penis head. “Ready?”


“Whenever,” he said with a grin. 


She began to blow air across his penis making it jump. “Now,” she ordered. 


And with that Asher forced himself to cum. With a simple mental command he thrust once and came into her hand. Not near his largest load it was still a good amount. Once his dick stopped twitching she pulled her hand back amazed that there was actually white semen covering it. 


“Wow, maybe you do belong in this business, kid. I’ve never seen that before. Well except with premeys,” she said. “A bets a bet.” With that she licked the semen off her hand. Positioning her face in front of his dick she opened her mouth to show him the load. With a gulp she made a big deal out of swallowing it like it was a sweet nectar. 


“Gotta admit. That’s doing it for me,” he said. He could tell that she knew it. 


Then her thick lips took his head into her mouth. Sucking out the semen that was left. His refractory period caused a moan to escape. As she focused on the head her tongue swirled around it expertly. Slow and thorough her strong tongue followed a path to cover every bit of area of the mushroom head. 


“I only do this for special people,” she said as she stuck her tongue out licking the bottom of his dick and then slowly descended to the base. No gag reflex this time she made it to his crotch with ease and was still able to tongue his ball sack. 


“Holy fuck,” he gasped out as she drew herself back to the top. She didn’t give any leeway as she descended again somehow slower. Like she didn’t have to breathe she descended and raised her head. Her tongue caressing the bottom of his throbbing cock all the way down then up. 


Then she began to speed the process up. Which caused him to exhale in awe at the feeling. “Come for me,” she said, drawing him from his euphoria. Then with one last plunge she went all the way down. The tip of his dick in her throat she grabbed the bulge of it from the outside of her windpipe. He didn’t need to call on the ability to cum. He locked eyes with her as her tongue expertly played with his balls, and hand squeezed his dick bulge. 


“God-fuck,” he let out as he came directly in her throat. Her eyes locked on his the entire time. Daphne took every drop with a hum of pleasure. When he was done she slowly ascended up. At some point he had fallen onto the bed and he struggled with the sensation of her smooth lips leaving his skin. 


“Damn, that was by far better than anything I could have imagined,” he said. 


“I know,” she said, giggling like a schoolgirl. Letting him rest for a second she laid next to him on the bed. Her naked tan breasts resting on him made his dick grow hard again. “Ready for round 2?” 


“Of course,” he said with a smile. “Now I’ve got to show you how long I can hold off from cumming.” 


With a happy squeal she laughed as he began to caress her breasts and kiss her neck. 


The answer was an hour. Then 2 hours the time after that. By the end she was a sweat covered mess. He had been able to make her cum so many times that his Ahegao skill increased to level 2. His relationship with her also increased to level 2. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.